""" vnodeclient.py: implementation of the VnodeClient class for issuing commands over a control channel to the vnoded process running in a network namespace. The control channel can be accessed via calls to the vcmd Python module or by invoking the vcmd shell command. """ import os import stat import subprocess from core import constants from core.misc import log logger = log.get_logger(__name__) USE_VCMD_MODULE = True if USE_VCMD_MODULE: import vcmd VCMD = os.path.join(constants.CORE_SBIN_DIR, "vcmd") class VnodeClient(object): """ Provides client functionality for interacting with a virtual node. """ def __init__(self, name, ctrlchnlname): """ Create a VnodeClient instance. :param str name: name for client :param str ctrlchnlname: control channel name """ self.name = name self.ctrlchnlname = ctrlchnlname if USE_VCMD_MODULE: self.cmdchnl = vcmd.VCmd(self.ctrlchnlname) else: self.cmdchnl = None self._addr = {} def connected(self): """ Check if node is connected or not. :return: True if connected, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ if USE_VCMD_MODULE: return self.cmdchnl.connected() else: return True def close(self): """ Close the client connection. :return: nothing """ if USE_VCMD_MODULE: self.cmdchnl.close() def cmd(self, args, wait=True): """ Execute a command on a node and return the status (return code). :param list args: command arguments :param bool wait: wait for command to end or not :return: command status :rtype: int """ if USE_VCMD_MODULE: if not self.cmdchnl.connected(): raise ValueError("self.cmdchnl not connected") tmp = self.cmdchnl.qcmd(args) if not wait: return tmp tmp = tmp.wait() else: if wait: mode = os.P_WAIT else: mode = os.P_NOWAIT tmp = os.spawnlp(mode, VCMD, VCMD, "-c", self.ctrlchnlname, "-q", "--", *args) if not wait: return tmp if tmp: logger.warn("cmd exited with status %s: %s" % (tmp, str(args))) return tmp def cmdresult(self, args): """ Execute a command on a node and return a tuple containing the exit status and result string. stderr output is folded into the stdout result string. :param list args: command arguments :return: command status and combined stdout and stderr output :rtype: tuple[int, str] """ cmdid, cmdin, cmdout, cmderr = self.popen(args) result = cmdout.read() result += cmderr.read() cmdin.close() cmdout.close() cmderr.close() status = cmdid.wait() return status, result def popen(self, args): """ Execute a popen command against the node. :param list args: command arguments :return: popen object, stdin, stdout, and stderr :rtype: tuple """ if USE_VCMD_MODULE: if not self.cmdchnl.connected(): raise ValueError("self.cmdchnl not connected") return self.cmdchnl.popen(args) else: cmd = [VCMD, "-c", self.ctrlchnlname, "--"] cmd.extend(args) tmp = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) return tmp, tmp.stdin, tmp.stdout, tmp.stderr def icmd(self, args): """ Execute an icmd against a node. :param list args: command arguments :return: command result :rtype: int """ return os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, VCMD, VCMD, "-c", self.ctrlchnlname, "--", *args) def redircmd(self, infd, outfd, errfd, args, wait=True): """ Execute a command on a node with standard input, output, and error redirected according to the given file descriptors. :param infd: stdin file descriptor :param outfd: stdout file descriptor :param errfd: stderr file descriptor :param list args: command arguments :param bool wait: wait flag :return: command status :rtype: int """ if not USE_VCMD_MODULE: raise NotImplementedError if not self.cmdchnl.connected(): raise ValueError("self.cmdchnl not connected") tmp = self.cmdchnl.redircmd(infd, outfd, errfd, args) if not wait: return tmp tmp = tmp.wait() if tmp: logger.warn("cmd exited with status %s: %s" % (tmp, str(args))) return tmp def term(self, sh="/bin/sh"): """ Open a terminal on a node. :param str sh: shell to open terminal with :return: terminal command result :rtype: int """ cmd = ("xterm", "-ut", "-title", self.name, "-e", VCMD, "-c", self.ctrlchnlname, "--", sh) if "SUDO_USER" in os.environ: cmd = ("su", "-s", "/bin/sh", "-c", "exec " + " ".join(map(lambda x: "'%s'" % x, cmd)), os.environ["SUDO_USER"]) return os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT, cmd[0], cmd) def termcmdstring(self, sh="/bin/sh"): """ Create a terminal command string. :param str sh: shell to execute command in :return: str """ return "%s -c %s -- %s" % (VCMD, self.ctrlchnlname, sh) def shcmd(self, cmdstr, sh="/bin/sh"): """ Execute a shell command. :param str cmdstr: command string :param str sh: shell to run command in :return: command result :rtype: int """ return self.cmd([sh, "-c", cmdstr]) def getaddr(self, ifname, rescan=False): """ Get address for interface on node. :param str ifname: interface name to get address for :param bool rescan: rescan flag :return: interface information :rtype: dict """ if ifname in self._addr and not rescan: return self._addr[ifname] tmp = {"ether": [], "inet": [], "inet6": [], "inet6link": []} cmd = [constants.IP_BIN, "addr", "show", "dev", ifname] cmdid, cmdin, cmdout, cmderr = self.popen(cmd) cmdin.close() for line in cmdout: line = line.strip().split() if line[0] == "link/ether": tmp["ether"].append(line[1]) elif line[0] == "inet": tmp["inet"].append(line[1]) elif line[0] == "inet6": if line[3] == "global": tmp["inet6"].append(line[1]) elif line[3] == "link": tmp["inet6link"].append(line[1]) else: logger.warn("unknown scope: %s" % line[3]) err = cmderr.read() cmdout.close() cmderr.close() status = cmdid.wait() if status: logger.warn("nonzero exist status (%s) for cmd: %s" % (status, cmd)) if err: logger.warn("error output: %s" % err) self._addr[ifname] = tmp return tmp def netifstats(self, ifname=None): """ Retrieve network interface state. :param str ifname: name of interface to get state for :return: interface state information :rtype: dict """ stats = {} cmd = ["cat", "/proc/net/dev"] cmdid, cmdin, cmdout, cmderr = self.popen(cmd) cmdin.close() # ignore first line cmdout.readline() # second line has count names tmp = cmdout.readline().strip().split("|") rxkeys = tmp[1].split() txkeys = tmp[2].split() for line in cmdout: line = line.strip().split() devname, tmp = line[0].split(":") if tmp: line.insert(1, tmp) stats[devname] = {"rx": {}, "tx": {}} field = 1 for count in rxkeys: stats[devname]["rx"][count] = int(line[field]) field += 1 for count in txkeys: stats[devname]["tx"][count] = int(line[field]) field += 1 err = cmderr.read() cmdout.close() cmderr.close() status = cmdid.wait() if status: logger.warn("nonzero exist status (%s) for cmd: %s" % (status, cmd)) if err: logger.warn("error output: %s" % err) if ifname is not None: return stats[ifname] else: return stats def createclients(sessiondir, clientcls=VnodeClient, cmdchnlfilterfunc=None): """ Create clients :param str sessiondir: session directory to create clients :param class clientcls: class to create clients from :param func cmdchnlfilterfunc: command channel filter function :return: list of created clients :rtype: list """ direntries = map(lambda x: os.path.join(sessiondir, x), os.listdir(sessiondir)) cmdchnls = filter(lambda x: stat.S_ISSOCK(os.stat(x).st_mode), direntries) if cmdchnlfilterfunc: cmdchnls = filter(cmdchnlfilterfunc, cmdchnls) cmdchnls.sort() return map(lambda x: clientcls(os.path.basename(x), x), cmdchnls) def createremoteclients(sessiondir, clientcls=VnodeClient, filterfunc=None): """ Creates remote VnodeClients, for nodes emulated on other machines. The session.Broker writes a n1.conf/server file having the server's info. :param str sessiondir: session directory to create clients :param class clientcls: class to create clients from :param func filterfunc: filter function :return: list of remove clients :rtype: list """ direntries = map(lambda x: os.path.join(sessiondir, x), os.listdir(sessiondir)) nodedirs = filter(lambda x: stat.S_ISDIR(os.stat(x).st_mode), direntries) nodedirs = filter(lambda x: os.path.exists(os.path.join(x, "server")), nodedirs) if filterfunc: nodedirs = filter(filterfunc, nodedirs) nodedirs.sort() return map(lambda x: clientcls(x), nodedirs)