# # Copyright 2005-2013 the Boeing Company. # See the LICENSE file included in this distribution. # # # Widgets are defined in this array. # widget array: name, {config, init, periodic, move} # array set widgets { "Throughput" { widget_thru_config widget_thru_init widget_thru_periodic widget_thru_move } "Adjacency" { widget_adjacency_config widget_adjacency_init widget_adjacency_periodic widget_adjacency_move } } # TODO: fix CPU Widget; it is disabled because Linux network namespaces and # FreeBSD jails do not have a CPU usage reporting mechanism right now # "CPU" # { widget_cpu_config widget_cpu_init widget_cpu_periodic widget_cpu_move } # Common Observer Widget definitions set widgets_obs_quagga { 5 {{OSPFv2 neighbors} {vtysh -c {show ip ospf neighbor}}} 6 {{OSPFv3 neighbors} {vtysh -c {show ipv6 ospf6 neighbor}}} 13 {{OSPFv3 MDR level} {vtysh -c {show ipv6 ospf6 mdrlevel}}} 14 {{PIM neighbors} {vtysh -c {show ip pim neighbor}}} } # Observer Widget definitions for FreeBSD array set widgets_obs_bsd $widgets_obs_quagga array set widgets_obs_bsd { 1 { "processes" "ps ax" } 2 { "ifconfig" "ifconfig" } 3 { "IPv4 routes" "netstat -f inet -rn" } 4 { "IPv6 routes" "netstat -f inet6 -rn" } 7 { "IPv4 listening sockets" "sockstat -4l" } 8 { "IPv6 listening sockets" "sockstat -6l" } 9 { "IPv4 MFC entries" "ifmcstat -f inet" } 10 { "IPv6 MFC entries" "ifmcstat -f inet6" } 11 { "firewall rules" "ipfw -a list" } 12 { "IPsec policies" "setkey -DP" } } # Observer Widget definitions for Linux array set widgets_obs_linux $widgets_obs_quagga array set widgets_obs_linux { 1 { "processes" "ps -e" } 2 { "ifconfig" "/sbin/ifconfig" } 3 { "IPv4 routes" "/sbin/ip -4 ro" } 4 { "IPv6 routes" "/sbin/ip -6 ro" } 7 { "Listening sockets" "netstat -tuwnl" } 8 { "IPv4 MFC entries" "/sbin/ip -4 mroute show" } 9 { "IPv6 MFC entries" "/sbin/ip -6 mroute show" } 10 { "firewall rules" "/sbin/iptables -L" } 11 { "IPSec policies" "setkey -DP" } 12 { "docker logs" "bash -c 'docker logs $(docker ps -q) | tail -20'"} } set widget_loop_ID -1 # # Set default Observer Widget array, used when widgets.conf is unvailable. # proc init_default_widgets_obs {} { global systype widgets widgets_obs widget_obs last_widgetObserveNode global widgets_obs_bsd widgets_obs_linux setSystype array unset widgets_obs if { [lindex $systype 0] == "Linux" } { set arrayname widgets_obs_linux # this works, but we will instead reset all indices: #array set widgets_obs [array get widgets_obs_linux] } else { set arrayname widgets_obs_bsd } # this resets the array indices to be 1, 2, 3, etc. set i 1 foreach {idx value} [array get $arrayname] { set name [lindex $value 0] set cmd [lindex $value 1] array set widgets_obs [list $i [list $name $cmd]] incr i } } # # Dynamically loads the widget menu from the widget array # proc init_widget_menu {} { global widgets last_widgetObserveNode menu .menubar.widgets -tearoff 1 menu .menubar.widgets.obs -tearoff 1 .menubar.widgets add cascade -label "Observer Widgets" \ -menu .menubar.widgets.obs # standard widgets foreach w [array names widgets] { global enable_$w set enable_$w 0 # note that a more modular way to break out submenus would be nice here if { $w == "Adjacency" } { widget_adjacency_init_submenu .menubar.widgets continue } # .menubar.widgets add checkbutton -label "$w" -variable enable_$w \ -command "[lindex $widgets($w) 1] menu" } # observer widgets init_widget_obs_menu # configure each widget .menubar.widgets add separator foreach w [array names widgets] { .menubar.widgets add command -label "Configure $w..." \ -command [lindex $widgets($w) 0] } } proc init_widget_obs_menu {} { global widgets_obs widget_obs last_widgetObserveNode # clear the existing menu .menubar.widgets.obs delete 0 end # observer widgets set widget_obs 0 set last_widgetObserveNode [clock clicks -milliseconds] .menubar.widgets.obs add radiobutton -label "None" -variable widget_obs \ -value 0 -command "obsBtn default" set obs [array names widgets_obs] foreach w [lsort -integer $obs] { set capt [lindex $widgets_obs($w) 0] .menubar.widgets.obs add radiobutton -label "$capt" \ -variable widget_obs -value $w -command "obsBtn gray" } .menubar.widgets.obs add command -label "Edit..." \ -command configObsWidgets } # # Calls the periodic proc for each enabled widget # # this loop fires periodically, started from exec.tcl/setOperMode(exec) proc widget_loop { } { global oper_mode widget_loop_ID set c .c set now [clock clicks -milliseconds] set refresh_ms 1000 # terminates this event loop if { $oper_mode != "exec" } { # cleanup here widgets_stop return } # call periodic function for each widget global widgets foreach w [array names widgets] { global enable_$w if { [set enable_$w] } { if {$widget_loop_ID == -1} { ;# first time: call initialize func [lindex $widgets($w) 1] start } [lindex $widgets($w) 2] $now } } update ;# let the GUI process things # account for time elapsed doing periodic functions set now2 [clock clicks -milliseconds] set refresh_ms [expr {$refresh_ms - ($now2-$now)}] if { $refresh_ms <= 0 } { # puts "warning: widget periodic functions are unable to keep up ($refresh_ms ms lost)" set refresh_ms 100 } set widget_loop_ID [after $refresh_ms { widget_loop }] } # # De-initialize widgets # proc widgets_stop { } { # call periodic function for each widget global widgets widget_loop_ID after cancel $widget_loop_ID ;# prevent the widget loop from executing set widget_loop_ID -1 foreach w [array names widgets] { global enable_$w if { [set enable_$w] } { [lindex $widgets($w) 1] "stop" } } } # # Calls the node movement handler each enabled widget # # called from editor.tcl, button1-motion proc widgets_move_node { c node done } { global oper_mode if { $oper_mode != "exec" } { return } # call node move function for each widget global widgets foreach w [array names widgets] { global enable_$w if { [set enable_$w] } { [lindex $widgets($w) 3] $c $node $done } } } # popup the widget menu from a button proc popupObserverWidgets {} { global activetool set activetool select set x [expr [winfo rootx .left.observe] + 10] set y [expr [winfo rooty .left.observe] + 10] .menubar.widgets.obs post $x $y } # change the color of the observer widget toolbar button proc obsBtn { color } { # default color is efebe7, but theme dependent? if { $color == "default" } { set color [.left.select cget -bg] floatingInfo .c "" "" } catch { .left.observe configure -bg $color } } # dummy functions for widgets that don't define proc widget_config_none {} { return } proc widget_init_none {command} { return } proc widget_periodic_none {now} { return } proc widget_move_none {c node done} { return } # observer widget support proc widgetObserveNode {c node} { global oper_mode eid widget_obs widgets_obs # not running, no observer selected if { $oper_mode != "exec" } { return } if { ![info exists widgets_obs($widget_obs)] } { return } global last_widgetObserveNode if { [winfo pointerxy .] == $last_widgetObserveNode} { return; # cursor has not really moved -- avoid callback loop } # delete popup if { $node == "" } { floatingInfo $c "" "" return } # observe layer3 NETWORK nodes only if { [[typemodel $node].layer] == "LINK" && \ [getNodeModel $node] != "remote" } { return } set last_widgetObserveNode [winfo pointerxy .] set obsinfo $widgets_obs($widget_obs) set sock [lindex [getEmulPlugin $node] 2] set exec_num [newExecCallbackRequest observer] set cmd [lindex $obsinfo 1] set cmd [string map { \{ ' \} ' } $cmd] ;# replace brackets with quotes sendExecMessage $sock $node $cmd $exec_num 0x30 } # popup a dialog box for editing the Observer Widget list # results are stored in widgets.conf file and widget_obs array proc configObsWidgets {} { global widgets_obs last_obswidget_selected CORE_DATA_DIR set wi .obsWidgetsConfig catch {destroy $wi} toplevel $wi wm transient $wi . wm resizable $wi 0 0 wm title $wi "Observer Widgets" set last_obswidget_selected -1 # turn on/off remote execution frame $wi.t -borderwidth 4 set img [image create photo -file "$CORE_DATA_DIR/icons/tiny/observe.gif"] radiobutton $wi.t.img -indicatoron 0 -activebackground gray \ -selectcolor [.left cget -bg] -image $img label $wi.t.help -wraplength 350 -text "Observer Widgets are commands run on a node upon mouse-over with their result displayed in a popup box. Their associated commands should exit quickly in order to avoid display delay." pack $wi.t.img $wi.t.help -side left pack $wi.t -fill x -side top # controls for editing entries labelframe $wi.c -text "Widget settings" frame $wi.c.c -borderwidth 4 label $wi.c.c.namelab -text "Name " entry $wi.c.c.name -bg white -width 30 bind $wi.c.c.name "$wi.c.c3.add configure -state normal" pack $wi.c.c.namelab $wi.c.c.name -side left pack $wi.c.c -fill x -side top frame $wi.c.c2 -borderwidth 4 label $wi.c.c2.cmdlab -text "Command" entry $wi.c.c2.cmd -bg white -width 40 pack $wi.c.c2.cmdlab $wi.c.c2.cmd -side left pack $wi.c.c2 -fill x -side top frame $wi.c.c3 -borderwidth 4 button $wi.c.c3.add -text "new" \ -command "configObsWidgetsHelper $wi 1" button $wi.c.c3.mod -text "modify" \ -command "configObsWidgetsHelper $wi 2" button $wi.c.c3.del -text "delete" \ -command "configObsWidgetsHelper $wi 3" pack $wi.c.c3.del $wi.c.c3.mod $wi.c.c3.add -side right pack $wi.c.c3 -fill x -side top pack $wi.c -fill x -side top # list of widgets frame $wi.s -borderwidth 4 listbox $wi.s.servers -selectmode single -width 50 \ -yscrollcommand "$wi.s.servers_scroll set" -exportselection 0 scrollbar $wi.s.servers_scroll -command "$wi.s.servers yview" pack $wi.s.servers $wi.s.servers_scroll -fill y -side left pack $wi.s -fill x -side top bind $wi.s.servers <> "selectObsWidgetConf $wi" # up/down buttons frame $wi.buttons2 foreach b {up down} { set fn "$CORE_DATA_DIR/icons/tiny/arrow.${b}.gif" set img$b [image create photo -file $fn] if { $b=="up" } { set cmd 4 } else { set cmd 5 } button $wi.buttons2.$b -image [set img${b}] \ -command "configObsWidgetsHelper $wi $cmd" } pack $wi.buttons2.up $wi.buttons2.down -side left -expand 1 pack $wi.buttons2 -side top -fill x -pady 2 # populate the list foreach w [lsort -integer [array names widgets_obs]] { set name [lindex $widgets_obs($w) 0] $wi.s.servers insert end $name } # apply/cancel buttons frame $wi.b -borderwidth 4 button $wi.b.apply -text "Apply" -command \ "writeWidgetsConf; destroy $wi; init_widget_obs_menu" button $wi.b.reset -text "Reset All" -command "resetObsWidgets" button $wi.b.cancel -text "Cancel" -command "loadWidgetsConf; destroy $wi" pack $wi.b.cancel $wi.b.reset $wi.b.apply -side right pack $wi.b -side bottom focus $wi.b.apply after 100 { catch { set wi .obsWidgetsConfig; grab $wi; \ $wi.s.servers selection set 0; \ selectObsWidgetConf $wi } } } # # Load the widgets.conf file into the widgets_obs array. # proc loadWidgetsConf { } { global CONFDIR widgets_obs set confname "$CONFDIR/widgets.conf" if { [catch { set f [open "$confname" r] } ] } { init_default_widgets_obs if { [catch { set f [open "$confname" w+] } ] } { puts "***Warning: could not create a default $confname file." return } foreach w [lsort -integer [array names widgets_obs]] { set name [lindex $widgets_obs($w) 0] set cmd [lindex $widgets_obs($w) 1] puts $f "$w {{$name} {$cmd}}" } close $f if { [catch { set f [open "$confname" r] } ] } { return } } array unset widgets_obs while { [ gets $f line ] >= 0 } { if { [string range $line 0 0] == "#" } { continue } ;# skip comments array set widgets_obs $line } close $f } # # Write the widgets.conf file from the widgets_obs array. # proc writeWidgetsConf { } { global CONFDIR widgets_obs set confname "$CONFDIR/widgets.conf" if { [catch { set f [open "$confname" w] } ] } { puts "***Warning: could not write widgets file: $confname" return } set header "# widgets.conf: CORE Observer Widgets customization file." puts $f $header foreach w [lsort -integer [array names widgets_obs]] { puts $f "$w { [string trim $widgets_obs($w)] }" } close $f } # add/modify/remove server in list proc configObsWidgetsHelper { wi action } { global widgets_obs last_obswidget_selected set index end set arrindex [expr {[array size widgets_obs] + 1}] ;# index for new items # delete from list, array if { $action > 1 } { ;# delete/modify if { $last_obswidget_selected < 0 } { return } if { $action > 3 } { ;# move up/down if { $action == 4 && $last_obswidget_selected == 0 } { return } if { $action == 5 && $last_obswidget_selected > \ [expr {[array size widgets_obs] - 2}] } { return } } set server [$wi.s.servers get $last_obswidget_selected] $wi.s.servers delete $last_obswidget_selected # listbox index 0 item is array item 1 set index $last_obswidget_selected set arrindex [expr { $last_obswidget_selected + 1 }] array unset widgets_obs $arrindex set oldarrindex $arrindex if { $action == 3 } { ;# delete $wi.c.c3.add configure -state normal return } elseif { $action == 4 } { ;# move up incr index -1 incr arrindex -1 } elseif { $action == 5 } { ;# move down incr index incr arrindex } } # new widget item set newwidget [$wi.c.c.name get] $wi.s.servers insert $index $newwidget # update the array set cmd [$wi.c.c2.cmd get] if { $action > 3 } { # move widgets_obs(arrindex) to widgets_obs(oldarrindex) set tmp $widgets_obs($arrindex) array set widgets_obs [list $oldarrindex $tmp] } array set widgets_obs [list $arrindex [list $newwidget $cmd]] # update the list $wi.s.servers selection set $index set last_obswidget_selected $index $wi.c.c3.add configure -state disabled } # connects the widgets listbox with entry elements proc selectObsWidgetConf { wi } { global widgets_obs last_obswidget_selected set selected [$wi.s.servers curselection] # clear entries $wi.c.c.name delete 0 end $wi.c.c2.cmd delete 0 end set w [$wi.s.servers get $selected] set si -1 foreach i [array names widgets_obs] { if { [lindex $widgets_obs($i) 0] == $w } { set si $i; break } } if { $si < 0 } { return } $wi.c.c3.add configure -state disabled set last_obswidget_selected $selected # insert entries from array $wi.c.c.name insert 0 [lindex $widgets_obs($si) 0] $wi.c.c2.cmd insert 0 [lindex $widgets_obs($si) 1] } proc resetObsWidgets {} { set m "Reset to the default list of Observer Widgets?" set m "$m\nYou will lose any custom widgets." set choice [tk_messageBox -type yesno -default no -icon warning -message $m] if { $choice == "no" } { return } init_default_widgets_obs init_widget_obs_menu configObsWidgets } proc exec_observer_callback { node execnum cmd result status } { set c .c if { $result == "" } { return } floatingInfo $c $node $result } ################################################################################ ##### ##### ##### Throughput Widget ##### ##### ##### ################################################################################ array set thruConfig { show 1 avg 1 thresh 250.0 width 10 color #FF0000 } # netgraph names of pipe nodes array set throughput_cache { } # # Throughput widget config dialog # proc widget_thru_config {} { set wi .thru_config catch {destroy $wi} toplevel $wi wm transient $wi . wm resizable $wi 0 0 wm title $wi "Throughput config" global thruConfig # Show throughput frame $wi.tlab -borderwidth 4 checkbutton $wi.tlab.show_thru \ -text "Show throughput label on every link" -variable thruConfig(show) checkbutton $wi.tlab.avg \ -text "Use exponentially weighted moving average" \ -variable thruConfig(avg) pack $wi.tlab.show_thru $wi.tlab.avg -side top -anchor w -padx 4 pack $wi.tlab -side top frame $wi.msg -borderwidth 4 global systype if { [lindex $systype 0] == "FreeBSD" } { set lab1txt "Note: links with no impairments (bw, delay,\netc) " set lab1txt "${lab1txt}will display 0.0 throughput" } else { set lab1txt "" } label $wi.msg.lab1 -text $lab1txt pack $wi.msg.lab1 -side top -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $wi.msg -side top labelframe $wi.hi -padx 4 -pady 4 -text "Link highlighting" # Threshold (set to zero to disable) label $wi.hi.lab1 -text \ "Highlight link if throuhgput exceeds this " pack $wi.hi.lab1 -side top -anchor w frame $wi.hi.t label $wi.hi.t.lab1 -text "threshold (0 for disabled):" entry $wi.hi.t.thresh -bg white -width 8 -textvariable thruConfig(thresh) label $wi.hi.t.lab2 -text "kbps" pack $wi.hi.t.lab2 $wi.hi.t.thresh $wi.hi.t.lab1 -side right -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $wi.hi.lab1 $wi.hi.t -side top scale $wi.hi.threshscale -from 0.0 -to 1000.0 -orient horizontal \ -showvalue false -sliderrelief raised -variable thruConfig(thresh) pack $wi.hi.threshscale -side top -fill x frame $wi.hi.w label $wi.hi.w.lab3 -text "Highlight link width:" spinbox $wi.hi.w.width -bg white -width 8 -textvariable thruConfig(width) \ -from 0 -to 40 pack $wi.hi.w.width $wi.hi.w.lab3 -side right -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $wi.hi.w -side top frame $wi.hi.co -borderwidth 4 label $wi.hi.co.lab1 -text "Highlight color:" set color $thruConfig(color) label $wi.hi.co.color -fg black -bg $color -text $color button $wi.hi.co.colbtn -text "Color..." -command \ "popupColor bg $wi.hi.co.color true" pack $wi.hi.co.colbtn $wi.hi.co.color $wi.hi.co.lab1 \ -side right -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $wi.hi.co -side top pack $wi.hi -side top # OK button at bottom frame $wi.butt -borderwidth 6 button $wi.butt.apply -text "OK" -command "widget_thru_config_apply $wi" pack $wi.butt.apply -side right pack $wi.butt -side bottom bind $wi "destroy $wi" bind $wi "destroy $wi" after 100 { catch { grab .thru_config } } } proc widget_thru_config_apply { wi } { # this is needed because label textvariable won't update global thruConfig set thruConfig(color) [$wi.hi.co.color cget -bg] destroy $wi } # # Throughput widget de/initialization # proc widget_thru_init {command} { global showLinkLabels enable_Throughput g_execRequests global link_thru_stats link_thru_avg_stats link_thru_last_time array set g_execRequests { thru "" } if {[array exists link_thru_stats]} { array unset link_thru_stats } array set link_thru_stats {} if {[array exists link_thru_avg_stats]} { array unset link_thru_avg_stats } array set link_thru_avg_stats {} set link_thru_last_time [clock clicks -milliseconds] # Initialize if { $enable_Throughput } { set showLinkLabels 1 foreach object [.c find withtag linklabel] { .c itemconfigure $object -state normal } if { $command != "stop" } { widget_thru_init_cache } } # De-initialize if { !$enable_Throughput || $command == "stop" } { global link_list foreach link $link_list { set lnode1 [lindex [linkPeers $link] 0] set lnode2 [lindex [linkPeers $link] 1] updateLinkLabel $link set width [getLinkWidth $link] .c itemconfigure "link && $link" -width $width if { [nodeType $lnode1] == "wlan" } { .c delete -withtag "$lnode2 && rangecircles" } } } } # build an array of netgraph IDs of pipe nodes, using node/interface # names as the key proc widget_thru_init_cache { } { global throughput_cache systype if { [lindex $systype 0] == "Linux" } { return } array unset throughput_cache * set ngctlout [nexec localnode sudo ngctl l] foreach ngctlline [split $ngctlout "\n"] { set ngtype [lindex $ngctlline 3] if { $ngtype != "pipe" } { continue } set ngname [lindex $ngctlline 1] if { $ngname == "" } { continue } set ngpipeout [split [nexec localnode sudo ngctl show $ngname:] "\n"] set if1 [ngctl_output_to_ifname [lindex $ngpipeout 3]] set if2 [ngctl_output_to_ifname [lindex $ngpipeout 4]] array set throughput_cache [list $if1 $ngname] array set throughput_cache [list $if2 $ngname] } } # helper to convert a line from 'ngctl show' output into an interface name proc ngctl_output_to_ifname { line } { set ngname [lindex $line 1] # chop off "_148" portion of "n2_0_148" set i [string last "_" $ngname] if { $i < 0 } { return $ngname } incr i -1 set name [string range $ngname 0 $i] return $name } # # Throughput widget periodic procedure # proc widget_thru_periodic { now } { global systype eid link_list global link_thru_stats link_thru_avg_stats link_thru_last_time thruConfig global throughput_cache set alpha 0.4 # get the number of seconds elapsed since we were last here if {![info exists link_thru_last_time]} { return } set dt [expr { ($now - $link_thru_last_time)/1000.0 }] set link_thru_last_time $now if { $dt <= 0.0 } { return } # keep wireless stats in an array array set wireless_stats {} # TODO: use CORE API so we don't need to read the local filesystem to # retrieve the interface statistics; also a publish/subscribe model # may be better than this periodic polling if { [lindex $systype 0] == "Linux" } { # read /proc/net/dev if { [catch {set f [open "/proc/net/dev" r]} e] } { puts "error opening /proc/net/dev: $e" return } set stats [read $f] close $f set stats [split $stats "\n"] } foreach link $link_list { set lnode1 [lindex [linkPeers $link] 0] set lnode2 [lindex [linkPeers $link] 1] set if1n [string range [ifcByPeer $lnode1 $lnode2] 3 end] set if2n [string range [ifcByPeer $lnode2 $lnode1] 3 end] set key "${lnode1}_${if1n}-${lnode2}_${if2n}" # get stats from /proc/dev/net that we already read if { [lindex $systype 0] == "Linux" } { set ifname [getstats_link_ifname $link] set bytes [getstats_bytes_proc $stats $ifname] # read stats per link from Netgraph pipes } else { set cache_key "${lnode1}_${if1n}" if { ![info exists throughput_cache($cache_key)] } { puts "throughput: skipping link $link ($cache_key)"; continue; } set ngname $throughput_cache($cache_key) set stats [nexec $lnode1 sudo ngctl msg $ngname: getstats] set bytes [getstats_bytes_netgraph $stats] } # init new stats bucket if { ![info exists link_thru_stats($key)] } { set link_thru_stats($key) $bytes continue } set bytes2 $link_thru_stats($key) set link_thru_stats($key) $bytes # convert to kilobits per second set div [expr { (1000.0 / 8.0) * $dt }] set kbps_down [expr { ([lindex $bytes 0]-[lindex $bytes2 0]) / $div }] set kbps_up [expr { ([lindex $bytes 1]-[lindex $bytes2 1]) / $div }] set kbps [expr {$kbps_down + $kbps_up}] if { $thruConfig(avg) } { if { ![info exists link_thru_avg_stats($key)] } { set link_thru_avg_stats($key) $kbps } else { set s2 $link_thru_avg_stats($key) set s [expr {($alpha*$kbps) + (1.0-$alpha)*$s2}] set link_thru_avg_stats($key) $s set kbps $s } } set kbps_str [format "%.3f" $kbps] # wireless link - keep total of wireless throughput for this node # (supports membership to multiple wlans) if { [nodeType $lnode1] == "wlan" } { if {![info exists wireless_stats($lnode2)]} { set wireless_stats($lnode2) 0 } set wireless_stats($lnode2) [expr {$kbps+$wireless_stats($lnode2)}] # normal wired links } else { if { $thruConfig(thresh) > 0.0 && \ $kbps_str > $thruConfig(thresh) } { set width $thruConfig(width) set color $thruConfig(color) } else { set width [getLinkWidth $link] set color [getLinkColor $link] } if { $thruConfig(show) } { .c itemconfigure "linklabel && $link" -text "$kbps_str kbps" } .c itemconfigure "link && $link" -width $width -fill $color } thruPlotUpdate .c $link $kbps }; # end foreach link # after summing all wireless link bandwidths, go back and perform # highlighting and label updating foreach node [array names wireless_stats] { set kbps_str [format "%.3f" $wireless_stats($node)] # erase any existing circles (otherwise we get duplicates) .c delete -withtag "$node && rangecircles" # wireless circle if exceeding threshold if { $thruConfig(thresh) > 0.0 && $kbps_str > $thruConfig(thresh) } { global zoom #set radius [expr {$zoom * [getNodeRange $lnode1]/2}] set radius [expr {$zoom * 45.0}] set coords [getNodeCoords $node] set x [expr {[lindex $coords 0] * $zoom}] set y [expr {[lindex $coords 1] * $zoom}] set x1 [expr $x - $radius] set y1 [expr $y - $radius] set x2 [expr $x + $radius] set y2 [expr $y + $radius] set newcircle [.c create oval $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 \ -width 4 -outline $thruConfig(color) -dash {10 4} \ -tags "$node circle rangecircles"] } # wireless kbps label if { $thruConfig(show) } { global zoom set coords [getNodeCoords $node] set x [expr {([lindex $coords 0] + 55) * $zoom}] set y [expr {([lindex $coords 1] + 10) * $zoom}] set newtext [.c create text $x $y -justify center -fill black \ -text "$kbps_str kbps" -tags "$node rangecircles"] } }; # end foreach wireless node } # helper to convert ng_pipe stats into upstream/downstream bytes proc getstats_bytes_netgraph { raw_input } { # Rec'd response "getstats" (1) from "e0_n0-n1:": # Args: { downstream={ FwdOctets=416 FwdFrames=6 } # upstream={ FwdOctets=416 FwdFrames=6 } } set tmp [split $raw_input ":"] if { [llength $tmp] != 4 } { return [list 0 0] } set statline [lindex [lindex $tmp 3] 0] set down [lindex $statline 1] set up [lindex $statline 5] # downstream FwdOctets set down_bytes [lindex [split $down "="] 1] # upstream FwdOctets set up_bytes [lindex [split $up "="] 1] if { $down_bytes == "" } { set down_bytes 0 } if { $up_bytes == "" } { set up_bytes 0 } return [list $down_bytes $up_bytes] } proc getstats_link_ifname { link } { set lnode1 [lindex [linkPeers $link] 0] set lnode2 [lindex [linkPeers $link] 1] # choose the interface name set node_num -1 if { [[typemodel $lnode1].layer] == "NETWORK" } { set node_num [string range $lnode1 1 end] set ifname [ifcByPeer $lnode1 $lnode2] } elseif { [[typemodel $lnode2].layer] == "NETWORK" } { set node_num [string range $lnode2 1 end] set ifname [ifcByPeer $lnode2 $lnode1] } if { $node_num < 0 } { return "" } # TODO: need to determine session number used by daemon # instead this uses a '*' character for a regexp match against # the interfaces in /proc/net/dev set ifname "veth$node_num\\.[string range $ifname 3 end]\\.*" return $ifname } # helper to convert /proc/net/dev stats into upstream/downstream bytes proc getstats_bytes_proc { raw_input ifname } { set ifname_len [string length $ifname] foreach statline $raw_input { # when ifname ends with '*' treat it as a regular expression if { [string index $ifname end] == "*" } { set statifname [lindex [split $statline ":"] 0] if { [regexp $ifname $statifname] } { break } # match the ifname exactly } elseif { [string range $statline 0 $ifname_len] == "$ifname:" } { break } set statline "" } # statline looks like: "veth1004.1:134998400 101150 0 ..." # store the numbers into stats set statline [split $statline ":"] set stats [lindex $statline 1] set down_bytes [lindex $stats 0] set up_bytes [lindex $stats 8] if { $down_bytes == "" } { set down_bytes 0 } if { $up_bytes == "" } { set up_bytes 0 } return [list $down_bytes $up_bytes] } # Node movement for throughput widget proc widget_thru_move { c node done } { #$c delete -withtag "$node && rangecircles" } # Create a new throughput plot. proc thruPlot { c link x y height width isresize} { global widgets enable_Throughput thruPlotColor curPlotBgColor global plot_list # if thruplot is called from resize, $link will hold full name if { $isresize == true } { set g $link # extract linkname from full path regexp {l(.*)thruplot} $g match sub1 set link "l$sub1" } else { # if new thruplot is created create full name set g "$c.${link}thruplot" } # update plot_list # Plot info to be stored : # - canvas coords # - size (height, width) # - color scheme # - linkname # global plot variable that stores all plot info global ${link}thruplot # reset global variable if {[info exists ${link}thruplot]} { unset ${link}thruplot} set ${link}thruplot {} lappend ${link}thruplot "name $g" lappend ${link}thruplot "height $height" lappend ${link}thruplot "width $width" lappend ${link}thruplot "x $x" lappend ${link}thruplot "y $y" # if not in color dict, add and set to default (blue) if {[dict exists $thruPlotColor $g] == 0} { dict set thruPlotColor $g blue set curPlotBgColor "#EEEEFF" lappend ${link}thruplot "color blue" } else { set scheme [dict get $thruPlotColor $g] thruPlotSetScheme $scheme lappend ${link}thruplot "color $scheme" } # add plot to global plot_list if {[lsearch $plot_list ${link}thruplot] eq -1} { lappend plot_list ${link}thruplot } # set global global $g # if resize, we need to delete old instances of thruplot in canvas if { ([winfo exists $g] && $isresize == false) || $isresize == true} { $c delete $g destroy $g # TODO: support multiple plots for the same link } canvas $g -height $height -width $width -bg $curPlotBgColor $c create window $x $y -window $g -tags "thruplot $g" # set link interface title set lnode1 [lindex [linkPeers $link] 0] set lnode2 [lindex [linkPeers $link] 1] set if1 [ifcByPeer $lnode1 $lnode2] set if2 [ifcByPeer $lnode2 $lnode1] # if too narrow, bring title down if {$width < 220} { $g create text $width 20 -anchor ne -text "$if1@$lnode1 - $if2@$lnode2" } else { $g create text $width 0 -anchor ne -text "$if1@$lnode1 - $if2@$lnode2" } # bind items bind $g <1> "thruPlotClick $c $g %x %y none" bind $g "thruPlotHandleB1Motion $c $g %x %y start" bind $g <3> "thruPlotPopup $g %x %y" #DYL trying to update cursor look bind $g "selectmarkEnter $g %x %y" bind $g "selectmarkLeave $c %x %y" bind $g "thruPlotHandleRelease $c $g %x %y done" #TODO when we are inside the thruplot, the graph hides the cursor thruPlotDrawScale $g 10.0 set w "Throughput" if { ![set enable_$w] } { set enable_$w 1 ;# turn on the Throughput Widget [lindex $widgets($w) 1] menu } } # Right click menu from thruplot proc thruPlotPopup {g xclick yclick } { # find coord of top left corner of thruplot global .button3menu global plot_list .button3menu delete 0 end .button3menu.color delete 0 end .button3menu add cascade -label "Set Color" -menu .button3menu.color # color red .button3menu.color add command -label "Red" -command "setThruPlotColor $g red" # color blue .button3menu.color add command -label "Green" -command "setThruPlotColor $g green" # color green .button3menu.color add command -label "Blue" -command "setThruPlotColor $g blue" # delete .button3menu add command -label "Delete" -command "deletePlot $g" set x [winfo pointerx .] set y [winfo pointery .] tk_popup .button3menu $x $y } # remove thruplot proc deletePlot { g } { global plot_list regexp {.c.(.*thruplot)} $g match plotname set idx [lsearch $plot_list $plotname] .c delete $g destroy $g set plot_list [lreplace $plot_list $idx $idx] } # Mouse click on a throughput plot. # check to see if resize proc thruPlotClick { c g x y modifier } { global thruplotResize cursorToResizemode resizemode resizeobj thruPlotDragStart thruPlotCur set cursorMode [$c cget -cursor] # check if resizeMode if {$cursorMode != "left_ptr" && $cursorMode != "crosshair"} { global oldX1 oldY1 oldX2 oldY2 # save old top left and bottom right points set bbox [$c bbox $g] set oldX1 [lindex $bbox 0] set oldY1 [lindex $bbox 1] set oldX2 [lindex $bbox 2] set oldY2 [lindex $bbox 3] # set resizeobj and resize mode set resizeobj $g set resizemode [dict get $cursorToResizemode $cursorMode] set thruplotResize true } else { # update cursor to drag (crosshair) $c configure -cursor crosshair set thruPlotDragStart true set thruPlotCur $g } } # Must handle either a resize or a drag # The plot canvas gets the B1-Motion event, not the parent canvas proc thruPlotHandleB1Motion {c g x y what} { global thruplotResize resizemode resizeobj set cursorMode [$c cget -cursor] # check if drag (center is clicked) if {($cursorMode == "left_ptr" || $cursorMode == "crosshair") && $thruplotResize == false} { thruPlotDrag $c $g $x $y $what false } else { # resize was clicked } } proc thruPlotHandleRelease { c g x y what} { global thruplotResize thruPlotDragStart # Only drag if not in resize mode if {$thruplotResize == false} { set thruPlotDragStart false thruPlotDrag $c $g $x $y $what false } else { thruPlotRescale $c $g $x $y } } # redraw thruplot # x y show coords relative to top left corner of thruplot proc thruPlotRescale { c g x y } { global thruplotResize resizemode oldX1 oldY1 oldX2 oldY2 # resize based on resize mode switch $resizemode { ld { # if the left bot corner is clicked just look at new x set new height lassign [calcDimensions [expr {$oldX1 + $x}] $oldY1 $oldX2 [expr {$oldY1 + $y}]] cx cy h w thruPlot $c $g $cx $cy $h $w true } ru { # if the right top corner is clicked just look at new x set new heigth lassign [calcDimensions $oldX1 [expr {$oldY1 + $y}] [expr {$oldX1 + $x}] $oldY2] cx cy h w thruPlot $c $g $cx $cy $h $w true } rd { # if the right bottom corner clicked lassign [calcDimensions $oldX1 $oldY1 [expr {$oldX1 + $x}] [expr {$oldY1 + $y}]] cx cy h w thruPlot $c $g $cx $cy $h $w true } lu { # if the left bottom corner clicked lassign [calcDimensions [expr {$oldX1 + $x}] [expr {$oldY1 + $y}] $oldX2 $oldY2] cx cy h w thruPlot $c $g $cx $cy $h $w true } r { # if the right side clicked lassign [calcDimensions $oldX1 $oldY1 [expr {$oldX1 + $x}] $oldY2] cx cy h w thruPlot $c $g $cx $cy $h $w true } l { # if the left side is clicked just look at new x lassign [calcDimensions [expr {$oldX1 + $x}] $oldY1 $oldX2 $oldY2] cx cy h w thruPlot $c $g $cx $cy $h $w true } u { # if the top side is click just look at new y lassign [calcDimensions $oldX1 [expr {$oldY1 + $y}] $oldX2 $oldY2] cx cy h w thruPlot $c $g $cx $cy $h $w true } d { # if the top side is click just look at new y lassign [calcDimensions $oldX1 $oldY1 $oldX2 [expr {$oldY1 + $y}]] cx cy h w thruPlot $c $g $cx $cy $h $w true } default { puts "ERROR: should not come here. resize mode is invalid." } } # rescale is done reset rescale global variables set cursor left_ptr set thruplotResize false set resizemode false } # Calculate center, height, width based on top left and bot right corners proc calcDimensions { x1 y1 x2 y2 } { set h [expr {$y2 - $y1}] set w [expr {$x2 - $x1}] # enforce min size if {$h < 100} { set h 100 } if {$w < 100} { set w 100 } list [expr {$x1 + ($w/2)}] [expr {$y1 + ($h/2)}] $h $w } # Mouse drag a throughput plot. proc thruPlotDrag { c g x y what fromCanvas} { global thruPlotDragStart thruPlotCur global plot_list set pad 60 set maxjump 500 # this fixes a bug when thruplot is off screen if {$fromCanvas == true} { #puts "handling from canvas" $c coords $thruPlotCur [expr {$x - $pad}] [expr {$y- $pad}] return } if {$thruPlotDragStart == false} { if { [expr abs($x)] > $maxjump || [expr abs($y)] > $maxjump} { puts "ERROR can not drag too far at one time" return } } else { set curx [lindex [$c coords $g] 0] set cury [lindex [$c coords $g] 1] # perform the actual drag set newx [expr {$x - $pad + $curx}] set newy [expr {$y- $pad + $cury}] $c coords $thruPlotCur $newx $newy # save new coords DYL regexp {.c.(l.*thruplot)} $g match name # global ${name} # find and replace x coord updatePlotAttr ${name} "x" $newx updatePlotAttr ${name} "y" $newy set thruPlotDragStart dragging } } proc redrawAllThruplots {} { global plot_list foreach tp $plot_list { # extract the following properties from the thruplot : # full path # height, width # x,y coords, # color scheme set fp [getPlotAttr $tp name] set height [getPlotAttr $tp height] set width [getPlotAttr $tp width] set x [getPlotAttr $tp x] set y [getPlotAttr $tp y] set color [getPlotAttr $tp color] thruPlot .c $fp $x $y $height $width true setThruPlotColor $fp $color } } # this will update an attribute of the global thruplot variable proc updatePlotAttr { plot attr val } { # puts "updating $attr of ${plot} to $val" global ${plot} # find and replace attribute set i [lsearch [set ${plot}] "$attr *"] # puts " found at $i" if { $i >= 0 } { set ${plot} [lreplace [set ${plot}] $i $i "$attr $val"] } else { set ${plot} [linsert [set ${plot}] end "$attr $val"] } } # this will return an attribute from the plotlist proc getPlotAttr {plot attr} { global ${plot} return [lindex [lsearch -inline [set $plot] "$attr *"] 1] } # plot TODO: # pause plot # scroll back plot history # save/log plot data to file # up/down throughput # Change thruplot color proc setThruPlotColor { g color} { global curPlotLineColor curPlotFillColor curPlotBgColor thruPlotColor # update dictionary update global var dict set thruPlotColor $g $color regexp {.c.(.*thruplot)} $g match plotname updatePlotAttr $plotname color $color # set global variables that determine color scheme thruPlotSetScheme $color # update old data $g itemconfigure "filler" -fill $curPlotFillColor $g itemconfigure "line" -fill $curPlotLineColor $g configure -bg $curPlotBgColor } # Set global vars colorscheme for thruplot proc thruPlotSetScheme { color } { global curPlotLineColor curPlotFillColor curPlotBgColor switch $color { blue { set curPlotLineColor blue set curPlotFillColor "#7f9eee" set curPlotBgColor "#EEEEFF" } red { set curPlotLineColor red set curPlotFillColor "#ee7e9e" set curPlotBgColor "#ffeeee" } green { set curPlotLineColor green set curPlotFillColor "#9eee7e" set curPlotBgColor "#eeffee" } default { puts "ERROR: invalid plot color '$color'" } } } # update a throughput plot with a new data point proc thruPlotUpdate { c link kbps } { set g "$c.${link}thruplot" global $g curPlotLineColor curPlotFillColor curPlotBgColor thruPlotColor thruPlotMaxKBPS # Check if window exists if { ![winfo exists $g] } { return } # lookup scheme for thruplot and set scheme set scheme [dict get $thruPlotColor $g] thruPlotSetScheme $scheme # set bg to scheme $g configure -bg $curPlotBgColor set maxx [$g cget -width] set maxy [$g cget -height] set yscale [thruPlotAutoScale $g $kbps] # shift graph to the left by dt pixels set dt 5.0 $g move "data" -$dt 0.0 thruPlotDeleteOldData $g $dt set last [$g find withtag "data && last"] set x1 [expr {$maxx - $dt}] set x2 $maxx ;# right side if { $last == "" } { set y1 $maxy } else { set y1 [lindex [$g coords $last] end] $g dtag $last "last" } set y2 [thruValtoY $kbps $yscale $maxy] $g create polygon $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 $x2 $maxy $x1 $maxy \ -tags "data filler" -fill $curPlotFillColor -width 2 $g create line $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 -tags "data last line" -fill $curPlotLineColor } # return the existing y-value scale; if the given value is off the scale, # increase the scale and auto-adjust all data items proc thruPlotAutoScale { g val } { set yscale [lindex [$g itemcget "ticks && scalemax" -text] 0] global thruPlotMaxKBPS # update global max if { $val > $thruPlotMaxKBPS} { set thruPlotMaxKBPS $val } else { set val $thruPlotMaxKBPS } # default if { $yscale == "" || $yscale < 1.0 } { set yscale 10.0 } if { $val < $yscale } { return $yscale ;# value within bounds of existing scale } set maxy [$g cget -height] set newyscale [expr {ceil($val) + 5.0}] thruPlotDrawScale $g $newyscale # adjust all data items foreach item [$g find withtag "data"] { set coords [$g coords $item] # only change lines (2 x,y pairs) and polygons (4 x,y pairs) if {[llength $coords] != 4 && [llength $coords] != 8} { continue } # adjust all y coordinates to the new scale for { set i 1 } { $i < [llength $coords] } { incr i 2 } { set val [thruYtoVal [lindex $coords $i] $yscale $maxy] set coords [lreplace $coords $i $i \ [thruValtoY $val $newyscale $maxy]] } $g coords $item $coords } return $newyscale } # this is experimental -- support for plot zooming in/out proc testscale {scale} { set maxy [.c.l1thruplot cget -height]; set yscale [lindex [.c.l1thruplot itemcget "ticks && scalemax" -text] 0]; set newyscale $scale; foreach item [.c.l1thruplot find withtag "data"] { set coords [.c.l1thruplot coords $item]; # only change lines (2 x,y pairs) and polygons (4 x,y pairs) if {[llength $coords] != 4 && [llength $coords] != 8} { continue; } # adjust all y coordinates to the new scale for { set i 1 } { $i < [llength $coords] } { incr i 2 } { set val [thruYtoVal [lindex $coords $i] $yscale $maxy]; set coords [lreplace $coords $i $i \ [thruValtoY $val $newyscale $maxy]]; } .c.l1thruplot coords $item $coords; } } # convert a value to Y value given the scale and max Y proc thruValtoY { val yscale maxy } { #return [expr {$maxy - (($val * $yscale)/$maxy)}] return [expr {$maxy - ($val * ($maxy / $yscale))}] } # convert a Y value to value given the scale and max Y proc thruYtoVal { y yscale maxy } { #return [expr {$maxy + ($val / $yscale)}] return [expr {($maxy - $y) / ($maxy / $yscale)}] } # draw graph tick marks and max y value to show the graph scale proc thruPlotDrawScale { g max } { set color #aaaaaa ;# gray set ticks 3 set maxx [$g cget -width] set maxy [$g cget -height] set dy [expr {[$g cget -height] / $ticks}] $g delete withtag "ticks" for {set i 0} {$i < $ticks} {incr i} { set y [expr {1 + ($i * $dy)}] $g create line 0 $y 5 $y -width 1 -fill $color -tags "ticks" $g create line [expr {$maxx-5}] $y $maxx $y -width 1 \ -fill $color -tags "ticks" } $g create text 35 10 -text "$max kbps" -fill $color -tags "ticks scalemax" } # delete data items that have scrolled off the canvas # is there a better way to do this? proc thruPlotDeleteOldData { g dt } { foreach i [$g find withtag "data"] { if { [lindex [$g coords $i] 0] < [expr { -2.0 * $dt }] } { $g delete $i } } } ################################################################################ ##### ##### ##### CPU Widget ##### ##### ##### ################################################################################ array set cpuConfig { show 1 loc lr thresh 75.0 radius 30 color #FFFF00 } # # CPU widget config dialog # proc widget_cpu_config {} { set wi .cpu_config catch {destroy $wi} toplevel $wi wm transient $wi . wm resizable $wi 0 0 wm title $wi "CPU config" global cpuConfig # Show CPU labelframe $wi.disp -text "CPU Display Options" frame $wi.disp.tlab -borderwidth 4 checkbutton $wi.disp.tlab.show_cpu \ -text "Show CPU usage label on every node" -variable cpuConfig(show) pack $wi.disp.tlab.show_cpu -side right -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $wi.disp.tlab -side top frame $wi.disp.loc -borderwidth 4 label $wi.disp.loc.lab -text "Location of CPU label:" radiobutton $wi.disp.loc.a -text "upper-left" -variable cpuConfig(loc) \ -value ul radiobutton $wi.disp.loc.b -text "upper-right" -variable cpuConfig(loc) \ -value ur radiobutton $wi.disp.loc.c -text "lower-left" -variable cpuConfig(loc) \ -value ll radiobutton $wi.disp.loc.d -text "lower-right" -variable cpuConfig(loc) \ -value lr pack $wi.disp.loc.lab -side top pack $wi.disp.loc.a $wi.disp.loc.b -side left -anchor n pack $wi.disp.loc.c $wi.disp.loc.d -side left -anchor s pack $wi.disp.loc -side top pack $wi.disp -side top -fill x labelframe $wi.hi -padx 4 -pady 4 -text "Node highlighting" # Threshold (set to zero to disable) label $wi.hi.lab1 -text "Highlight node if CPU usage exceeds this " pack $wi.hi.lab1 -side top -anchor w frame $wi.hi.t label $wi.hi.t.lab1 -text "threshold (0 for disabled):" entry $wi.hi.t.thresh -bg white -width 8 -textvariable cpuConfig(thresh) label $wi.hi.t.lab2 -text "% CPU" pack $wi.hi.t.lab2 $wi.hi.t.thresh $wi.hi.t.lab1 -side right -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $wi.hi.lab1 $wi.hi.t -side top # Highlight color/width frame $wi.hi.w label $wi.hi.w.lab3 -text "radius:" spinbox $wi.hi.w.width -bg white -width 8 -textvariable cpuConfig(radius) \ -from 1 -to 150 -increment 5 pack $wi.hi.w.width $wi.hi.w.lab3 -side right -padx 4 -pady 4 label $wi.hi.w.lab1 -text "Highlight color:" set color $cpuConfig(color) label $wi.hi.w.color -fg black -bg $color -text $color button $wi.hi.w.colbtn -text "Color..." -command \ "popupColor bg $wi.hi.w.color true" pack $wi.hi.w.colbtn $wi.hi.w.color $wi.hi.w.lab1 \ -side right -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $wi.hi.w -side top pack $wi.hi -side top -fill x # OK button at bottom frame $wi.butt -borderwidth 6 button $wi.butt.apply -text "OK" -command "widget_cpu_config_apply $wi" pack $wi.butt.apply -side right pack $wi.butt -side bottom bind $wi "destroy $wi" bind $wi "destroy $wi" after 100 { catch { grab .cpu_config } } } proc widget_cpu_config_apply { wi } { # this is needed because label textvariable won't update global cpuConfig set cpuConfig(color) [$wi.hi.w.color cget -bg] destroy $wi } # # CPU widget de/initialization # proc widget_cpu_init {command} { global enable_CPU systype g_execRequests array set g_execRequests { cpu "" } # Initialize if { $enable_CPU } { } # De-initialize if { !$enable_CPU || $command == "stop" } { .c delete -withtag "cpulabel || cpuhi" } } # # CPU widget periodic procedure # proc widget_cpu_periodic { now } { global systype if { [lindex $systype 0] == "FreeBSD" } { widget_cpu_periodic_vimage $now } else { puts "warning: the CPU widget is not functional for this platform yet" return } } proc widget_cpu_periodic_vimage { now } { global eid node_list cpuConfig zoom # TODO: collect from all exec hosts set vimageout [nexec localnode vimage -l] array set cpustats [getstats_cpu_vimage $vimageout] foreach node $node_list { # this skips all nodes that are not vimages if { ![info exists cpustats($eid\_$node)] } { continue } set newtext [format "%.2f %%" $cpustats($eid\_$node)] set coords [getCPUcoords $node] set x [lindex $coords 0] set y [lindex $coords 1] set basex [lindex $coords 2] set basey [lindex $coords 3] set existing [.c find withtag "cpulabel && $node"] if { [llength $existing] == 0 } { ;# create new label set cpulabel [.c create text $x $y -text $newtext \ -tags "cpulabel && $node"] } else { ;# use existing label set cpulabel [lindex $existing 0] .c itemconfigure $cpulabel -text $newtext } .c raise $cpulabel # perform highlighting set existing [.c find withtag "cpuhi && $node"] if { $cpustats($eid\_$node) >= $cpuConfig(thresh) } { if { [llength $existing] == 0 } { set color $cpuConfig(color) set rad $cpuConfig(radius) set cpuhi [.c create oval [expr {$basex - $rad}] \ [expr {$basey - $rad}] [expr {$basex + $rad}] \ [expr {$basey + $rad}] -fill $color -outline $color \ -tag "cpuhi $node" ] .c raise $cpulabel #.c raise "link && $node" .c raise "node && $node" } } elseif { [llength $existing] > 0 } { .c delete $existing } .c raise floatinfo;# fix observer widget raise order } } # helper to return x,y of CPU label based on config proc getCPUcoords { node } { global cpuConfig zoom set coords [getNodeCoords $node] set basex [lindex $coords 0] set basey [lindex $coords 1] switch -exact $cpuConfig(loc) { ul { set xoff -25; set yoff -25 } ur { set xoff 25; set yoff -25 } ll { set xoff -25; set yoff 25 } lr { set xoff 25; set yoff 25 } } set x [expr { ([lindex $coords 0] + $xoff) * $zoom }] set y [expr { ([lindex $coords 1] + $yoff) * $zoom }] return [list $x $y $basex $basey] } # helper to convert `vimage -l` output to node_name/cpu list proc getstats_cpu_vimage { raw_input} { set tmp [split $raw_input "\n"] set numlines [llength $tmp] if { $numlines <= 4 } { return [list 0 0] } # add node_name/cpu to a list set ret {} set i 0 set node_name "" while { $numlines > 0 } { set line [lindex $tmp $i] incr i if { $node_name == "" } { if { [string range $line 0 3] != " " } { set node_name [lindex [split $line \"] 1] lappend ret $node_name } } elseif { [string range $line 0 6] == " CPU" } { set cpu [lindex [split $line :] 1] set cpu [string trim $cpu " %"] lappend ret $cpu set node_name "" } incr numlines -1 } return $ret } # helper to convert /proc/vz/vestat output to node_name/cpu list proc getstats_cpu_vestat { } { global cpu_vestat_history; # remember previous jiffies set Hertz 100.0; # from , varies per architecture # read /proc/vz/vestat if { [catch {set f [open "/proc/vz/vestat" r]} e] } { puts "error opening /proc/vz/vestat: $e" return } set vestat [read $f] close $f set lines [split $vestat "\n"] if { [llength $lines] <= 2 } { return [list 0 0] } # read /proc/uptime if { [catch {set f [open "/proc/uptime" r]} e] } { puts "error opening /proc/uptime: $e" return } set uptime [read $f] close $f set uptime_now [lindex $uptime 1] if { ![info exists cpu_vestat_history(uptime)] } { set uptime_old $uptime_now } else { set uptime_old $cpu_vestat_history(uptime) } array set cpu_vestat_history [list uptime $uptime_now] set elapsed [expr {$uptime_now - $uptime_old}] if { $elapsed == 0.0 } { set elapsed 1.0 }; # don't divide by zero # add node_name/cpu to a list set ret {} for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $lines] } { incr i } { set line [lindex $lines $i] set node_num [lindex $line 0] # skip text lines if { $node_num == "" } { continue } if { ![string is integer $node_num] } { continue } set user [lindex $line 1] set nice [lindex $line 2] set system [lindex $line 3] set jiffies_now [expr {$user+$nice+$system}] if { ![info exists cpu_vestat_history($node_num)] } { set jiffies_old $jiffies_now } else { set jiffies_old $cpu_vestat_history($node_num) } array set cpu_vestat_history [list $node_num $jiffies_now] # s = j / hz set cpu [expr { ($jiffies_now - $jiffies_old) / ($Hertz * $elapsed) }] #puts "num=$node_num user=$user nice=$nice sys=$system cpu=$cpu" lappend ret $node_num lappend ret $cpu } return $ret } # Node movement for CPU widget proc widget_cpu_move { c node done } { $c delete -withtag "cpulabel && $node" $c delete -withtag "cpuhi && $node" } ################################################################################ ##### ##### ##### Adjaceny Widget ##### ##### ##### ################################################################################ array set adjacency_config { proto "ipv6 ospf6" offset 1 colors \ { Down black Init yellow Twoway green \ ExChan red Loadin orange Full blue \ default gray } } array set adjacency_cache { } # # Adjacency widget config dialog # proc widget_adjacency_config {} { set wi .adj_config catch {destroy $wi} toplevel $wi wm transient $wi . wm resizable $wi 0 0 wm title $wi "Adjacency config" global adjacency_config labelframe $wi.po -text "Protocol options" frame $wi.po.p -borderwidth 4 label $wi.po.p.help -text "Show adjacencies for:" radiobutton $wi.po.p.pr -text "OSPFv2" -variable adjacency_config(proto) \ -value "ip ospf" -command ".c delete -withtags adjline" radiobutton $wi.po.p.pr2 -text "OSPFv3" -variable adjacency_config(proto) \ -value "ipv6 ospf6" -command ".c delete -withtags adjline" pack $wi.po.p.help -side top pack $wi.po.p.pr $wi.po.p.pr2 -side left -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $wi.po.p $wi.po -side top -fill x labelframe $wi.do -text "Display options" frame $wi.do.d checkbutton $wi.do.d.offset -text "slightly offset adjaency lines" \ -variable adjacency_config(offset) \ -command ".c delete -withtags adjline" pack $wi.do.d.offset -side left pack $wi.do.d -side top -fill x # configurable state colors frame $wi.do.c array set colors $adjacency_config(colors) foreach adj [lsort -dictionary [array names colors]] { frame $wi.do.c.c$adj label $wi.do.c.c$adj.lab -text "$adj" set color $colors($adj) label $wi.do.c.c$adj.col -fg black -bg $color -text $color pack $wi.do.c.c$adj.lab $wi.do.c.c$adj.col -side left -fill x pack $wi.do.c.c$adj -side top -anchor w bind $wi.do.c.c$adj.col \ "popupColor bg $wi.do.c.c$adj.col true" } pack $wi.do.c -side top pack $wi.do -side top -fill x # OK button at bottom frame $wi.butt -borderwidth 6 button $wi.butt.apply -text "OK" \ -command "widget_adjacency_config_apply $wi" pack $wi.butt.apply -side right pack $wi.butt -side bottom bind $wi "destroy $wi" bind $wi "destroy $wi" after 100 { catch { grab .cpu_config } } } proc widget_adjacency_config_apply { wi } { global adjacency_config set changed 0 array set colors $adjacency_config(colors) foreach adj [array names colors] { set color $colors($adj) set newcolor [$wi.do.c.c$adj.col cget -text] if { $color != $newcolor } { array set colors [list $adj $newcolor] set changed 1 } } if { $changed } { set adjacency_config(colors) [array get colors] .c delete -withtags "adjline" } destroy $wi } proc get_router_id {node} { global oper_mode # search custom-config if { [getCustomEnabled $node] == true } { set rid_string [regexp -inline \ {router-id [0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+} \ [getCustomConfig $node]] if {[string range $rid_string 1 9] == "router-id" } { return [string range $rid_string 11 end-1] } } # search network config # search OSPFv3 config for router ID foreach line [netconfFetchSection $node "router ospf6"] { if {[string range $line 0 9] == " router-id"} { return [string range $line 11 end] } } # search OSPFv2 config for router ID foreach line [netconfFetchSection $node "router ospf"] { if {[string range $line 0 9] == " router-id"} { return [string range $line 11 end] } } if { $oper_mode != "exec" } { return } # use exec message here for retrieving router ID set sock [lindex [getEmulPlugin $node] 2] set exec_num [newExecCallbackRequest adjacencyrouterid] set cmd "vtysh -c 'show ipv6 ospf6'" sendExecMessage $sock $node $cmd $exec_num 0x30 set exec_num [newExecCallbackRequest adjacencyrouterid] set cmd "vtysh -c 'show ip ospf'" sendExecMessage $sock $node $cmd $exec_num 0x30 return "" } # # Adjacency widget de/initialization # proc widget_adjacency_init {command} { global enable_Adjacency enable_Adjacency_v2 enable_Adjacency_v3 global node_list adjacency_cache adjacency_config adjacency_lock global g_execRequests set c .c set adjacency_lock 0 array set g_execRequests [list adjacency ""] # Menu item selected on/off if { $command == "menu2" || $command == "menu3" } { # set global enable flag for v2/v3 adjacency display set enable_Adjacency \ [expr {$enable_Adjacency_v2 | $enable_Adjacency_v3}] # toggle other OSPFv2/v3 menu items off if { $command == "menu2" && $enable_Adjacency_v2 } { set enable_Adjacency_v3 0 set adjacency_config(proto) "ip ospf" } elseif { $command == "menu3" && $enable_Adjacency_v3 } { set enable_Adjacency_v2 0 set adjacency_config(proto) "ipv6 ospf6" } } # Initialize if { $enable_Adjacency && $command != "stop" } { array unset adjacency_cache * foreach node $node_list { ;# save router-id node pairs for later lookup if { [nodeType $node] != "router" } { continue } if {[lsearch [getNodeServices $node true] "zebra"] < 0} { continue } set rtrid [get_router_id $node] if {$rtrid != ""} { array set adjacency_cache [list $rtrid $node] } } ;# end foreach node } # De-initialize if { !$enable_Adjacency || $command == "stop" } { set enable_Adjacency 0 set enable_Adjacency_v2 0 set enable_Adjacency_v3 0 $c delete -withtags "adjline" after 200 { .c delete -withtags "adjline" } } } # # Adjacency widget periodic procedure # proc widget_adjacency_periodic { now } { global node_list adjacency_config adjacency_cache adjacency_lock global enable_Adjacency curcanvas set changed 0 set proto $adjacency_config(proto) foreach node $node_list { if { [nodeType $node] != "router" } { continue } if { [getNodeCanvas $node] != $curcanvas } { continue } if {[lsearch [getNodeServices $node true] "zebra"] < 0} { continue } if { $adjacency_lock == $node } { continue } # when using daemon, send Execute Message and draw line using # widget_adjacency_callback after the response has been received set sock [lindex [getEmulPlugin $node] 2] set exec_num [newExecCallbackRequest adjacency] set cmd "vtysh -c 'show $proto neighbor'" sendExecMessage $sock $node $cmd $exec_num 0x30 } } # Execute Message callback proc exec_adjacency_callback { node execnum cmd result status } { global eid node_list adjacency_config adjacency_cache adjacency_lock global enable_Adjacency global g_api_exec_num set changed 0 set c .c set proto $adjacency_config(proto) array set colors $adjacency_config(colors) if { $adjacency_config(offset) } { set o 5 } else { set o 0 } $c addtag adjdelete withtag "adjline && $node" ;# flag del all adjlines set adjs [getadj_from_neighbors $result $proto] foreach adj $adjs { set peer [lindex $adj 0] set line [$c find withtag "adjline && $node && $peer"] if { ![info exists adjacency_cache($peer)] } { puts "adjacency: node $node skipping $peer"; continue; } # change color of the line based on adjacency state set adjstate [lindex $adj 1] if { ![info exists colors($adjstate)] } { set color $colors(default) } else { set color $colors($adjstate) } if { $line == "" } {; # draw a half line if none set coords [getNodeCoords $node] set node2 $adjacency_cache($peer) if { $adjacency_lock == $node2 } { continue } set coords2 [getNodeCoords $node2] set x [lindex $coords 0]; set y [lindex $coords 1] set x2 [lindex $coords2 0]; set y2 [lindex $coords2 1] # these tags are later used in widget_adjacency_move() set a [$c create line $x $y [expr {$o + $x + (($x2 - $x)/2) }] \ [expr {$o + $y + (($y2 - $y)/2) }] \ -fill $color -width 3 \ -tags "adjline $node $peer peer_$node2"] $c lower $a "node && $node" } else {; # update existing half line $c itemconfigure $line -fill $color ;# update the color $c dtag $line "adjdelete" ;# don't delete this adjline $c lower $line "node && $node" } } $c delete -withtags "adjdelete && $node" ;# delete stale adjlines } # Execute Message callback for getting the router ID proc exec_adjacencyrouterid_callback { node execnum cmd result status } { global adjacency_cache # match both OSPFv2 and OSPFv3 responses set rid [regexp -inline {Router[- ]ID[:]? [0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+} \ $result] if {$rid != ""} { set rtrid [eval lindex $rid end] array set adjacency_cache [list $rtrid $node] } } # helper to convert neighbor list into adjacencies list proc getadj_from_neighbors { raw_input proto } { set ret { } #Neighbor ID Pri DeadTime State/IfState Duration I/F[State] # 1 00:00:06 Init/PointToPoint 00:00:00 eth0[PointToP # 1 00:00:06 Twoway/PointToPoint 00:00:00 eth0[PointToP # 1 00:00:06 Full/PointToPoint 00:00:38 eth0[PointToP # 1 Full/Backup 37.240s eth0: foreach line [split $raw_input "\n"] { set rtrid [string trim [string range $line 0 14]] if { $rtrid == "Neighbor ID" } { continue } set parts [split $rtrid .] if {[llength $parts] != 4} { continue }; # not in A.B.C.D format! if { $proto == "ipv6 ospf6" } { ;# string offsets depend on protocol set state [string trim [string range $line 32 37 ]] } else { ;# ipv4 set state [string trim [string range $line 19 23 ]] # convert some OSPFv2 states to OSPFv3 to simplify coloring switch -exact -- "$state" { "Dele" { set state "Down" } "Atte" { set state "Init" } "2-Wa" { set state "Twoway" } "ExSt" { set state "ExChan" } "Exch" { set state "ExChan" } "Load" { set state "Loadin" } } } lappend ret [list $rtrid $state] } return $ret } # Node movement for adjacency widget proc widget_adjacency_move { c node done } { global adjacency_lock adjacency_config adjacency_cache set c .c if { $adjacency_config(offset) } { set o 5 } else { set o 0 } set adjacency_lock $node foreach line [$c find withtag "adjline && $node"] { set n1 [lindex [$c gettags $line] 1] set peer [lindex [$c gettags $line] 2] if { ![info exists adjacency_cache($peer)] } { continue } set n2 $adjacency_cache($peer) ;# convert peer router ID to node set coords [getNodeCoords $n1] set coords2 [getNodeCoords $n2] set x [lindex $coords 0]; set y [lindex $coords 1] set x2 [lindex $coords2 0]; set y2 [lindex $coords2 1] $c coords $line $x $y [expr {$o + $x + (($x2 - $x)/2) }] \ [expr {$o + $y + (($y2 - $y)/2) }] $c lower $line "node && $n1" # move any half line coming from peer to this moved node foreach peerline [$c find withtag "adjline && $n2 && peer_$n1"] { set peer2 [lindex [$c gettags $peerline] 1] $c coords $peerline $x2 $y2 \ [expr {$o + $x2 + (($x - $x2)/2) }] \ [expr {$o + $y2 + (($y - $y2)/2) }] $c lower $peerline "node && $n2" } } ;# end foreach line if { $done } { set adjacency_lock 0 } } # # Build Adjacency Widget menu items # proc widget_adjacency_init_submenu { m } { global widgets menu $m.adj -tearoff 1 $m add cascade -label "Adjacency" -menu $m.adj set w "Adjacency" foreach v [list 2 3] { global enable_${w}_v${v} set enable_${w}_v${v} 0 $m.adj add checkbutton -label "OSPFv$v" -variable enable_${w}_v${v} \ -command "[lindex $widgets($w) 1] menu$v" } } # load the widgets.conf file when this file is loaded loadWidgetsConf