""" EMANE Bypass model for CORE """ from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Set from core.config import ConfigBool, Configuration from core.emane import emanemodel class EmaneBypassModel(emanemodel.EmaneModel): name: str = "emane_bypass" # values to ignore, when writing xml files config_ignore: Set[str] = {"none"} # mac definitions mac_library: str = "bypassmaclayer" mac_config: List[Configuration] = [ ConfigBool( id="none", default="0", label="There are no parameters for the bypass model.", ) ] # phy definitions phy_library: str = "bypassphylayer" phy_config: List[Configuration] = [] @classmethod def load(cls, emane_prefix: Path) -> None: cls._load_platform_config(emane_prefix)