# # CORE # Copyright (c)2010-2014 the Boeing Company. # See the LICENSE file included in this distribution. # # author: Jeff Ahrenholz # ''' emane.py: definition of an Emane class for implementing configuration control of an EMANE emulation. ''' import sys, os, threading, subprocess, time, string from xml.dom.minidom import parseString, Document from core.constants import * from core.api import coreapi from core.misc.ipaddr import MacAddr from core.misc.utils import maketuplefromstr, cmdresult from core.misc.xmlutils import addtextelementsfromtuples, addparamlisttoparent from core.conf import ConfigurableManager, Configurable from core.mobility import WirelessModel from core.emane.nodes import EmaneNode # EMANE 0.7.4/0.8.1 try: import emaneeventservice import emaneeventlocation except Exception, e: pass # EMANE 0.9.1+ try: from emanesh.events import EventService from emanesh.events import LocationEvent except Exception, e: pass class Emane(ConfigurableManager): ''' EMANE controller object. Lives in a Session instance and is used for building EMANE config files from all of the EmaneNode objects in this emulation, and for controlling the EMANE daemons. ''' _name = "emane" _type = coreapi.CORE_TLV_REG_EMULSRV _hwaddr_prefix = "02:02" (SUCCESS, NOT_NEEDED, NOT_READY) = (0, 1, 2) EVENTCFGVAR = 'LIBEMANEEVENTSERVICECONFIG' # possible self.version values (EMANEUNK, EMANE074, EMANE081, EMANE091, EMANE092) = (0, 7, 8, 91, 92) def __init__(self, session): ConfigurableManager.__init__(self, session) self.verbose = self.session.getcfgitembool('verbose', False) self._objs = {} self._objslock = threading.Lock() self._ifccounts = {} self._ifccountslock = threading.Lock() self._modelclsmap = {} # Port numbers are allocated from these counters self.platformport = self.session.getcfgitemint('emane_platform_port', 8100) self.transformport = self.session.getcfgitemint('emane_transform_port', 8200) self.doeventloop = False self.eventmonthread = None self.detectversion() # model for global EMANE configuration options self.emane_config = EmaneGlobalModel(session, None, self.verbose) session.broker.handlers += (self.handledistributed, ) self.loadmodels() self.initeventservice() def detectversion(self): ''' Detects the installed EMANE version and sets self.version. ''' self.version, self.versionstr = self.detectversionfromcmd() if self.verbose: self.info("detected EMANE version: %s" % self.versionstr) def detectversionfromcmd(self): ''' Runs 'emane --version' locally to determine version number. ''' # for further study: different EMANE versions on distributed machines try: status, result = cmdresult(['emane', '--version']) except OSError: status = -1 result = "" v = self.EMANEUNK if status == 0: if result[:5] == "0.7.4": v = self.EMANE074 elif result[:5] == "0.8.1": v = self.EMANE081 elif result[:5] == "0.9.1": v = self.EMANE091 elif result[:5] == "0.9.2": v = self.EMANE092 return v, result.strip() def initeventservice(self, filename=None): ''' (Re-)initialize the EMANE Event service. The multicast group and/or port may be configured, and can be changed via XML config file and an environment variable pointing to that file. ''' if hasattr(self, 'service'): del self.service self.service = None # EMANE 0.9.1+ does not require event service XML config if self.version >= self.EMANE091: values = self.getconfig(None, "emane", self.emane_config.getdefaultvalues())[1] group, port = self.emane_config.valueof('eventservicegroup', values).split(':') dev = self.emane_config.valueof('eventservicedevice', values) otachannel = None ota_enable = self.emane_config.valueof('otamanagerchannelenable', values) if self.emane_config.offontobool(ota_enable): ogroup, oport = self.emane_config.valueof('otamanagergroup', values).split(':') odev = self.emane_config.valueof('otamanagerdevice', values) otachannel = (ogroup, int(oport), odev) self.service = EventService(eventchannel=(group, int(port), dev), otachannel=otachannel) return True if filename is not None: tmp = os.getenv(self.EVENTCFGVAR) os.environ.update( {self.EVENTCFGVAR: filename} ) rc = True try: self.service = emaneeventservice.EventService() except: self.service = None rc = False if filename is not None: os.environ.pop(self.EVENTCFGVAR) if tmp is not None: os.environ.update( {self.EVENTCFGVAR: tmp} ) return rc def loadmodels(self): ''' dynamically load EMANE models that were specified in the config file ''' self._modelclsmap.clear() self._modelclsmap[self.emane_config._name] = self.emane_config emane_models = self.session.getcfgitem('emane_models') if emane_models is None: return emane_models = emane_models.split(',') for model in emane_models: model = model.strip() try: modelfile = "%s" % model.lower() clsname = "Emane%sModel" % model importcmd = "from %s import %s" % (modelfile, clsname) exec(importcmd) except Exception, e: warntxt = "unable to load the EMANE model '%s'" % modelfile warntxt += " specified in the config file (%s)" % e self.session.exception(coreapi.CORE_EXCP_LEVEL_WARNING, "emane", None, warntxt) self.warn(warntxt) continue # record the model name to class name mapping # this should match clsname._name confname = "emane_%s" % model.lower() self._modelclsmap[confname] = eval(clsname) # each EmaneModel must have ModelName.configure() defined confmethod = eval("%s.configure_emane" % clsname) self.session.addconfobj(confname, coreapi.CORE_TLV_REG_WIRELESS, confmethod) def addobj(self, obj): ''' add a new EmaneNode object to this Emane controller object ''' self._objslock.acquire() if obj.objid in self._objs: self._objslock.release() raise KeyError, "non-unique EMANE object id %s for %s" % \ (obj.objid, obj) self._objs[obj.objid] = obj self._objslock.release() def getmodels(self, n): ''' Used with XML export; see ConfigurableManager.getmodels() ''' r = ConfigurableManager.getmodels(self, n) # EMANE global params are stored with first EMANE node (if non-default # values are configured) sorted_ids = sorted(self.configs.keys()) if None in self.configs and len(sorted_ids) > 1 and \ n.objid == sorted_ids[1]: v = self.configs[None] for model in v: cls = self._modelclsmap[model[0]] vals = model[1] r.append((cls, vals)) return r def getifcconfig(self, nodenum, conftype, defaultvalues, ifc): # use the network-wide config values or interface(NEM)-specific values? if ifc is None: return self.getconfig(nodenum, conftype, defaultvalues)[1] else: # don't use default values when interface config is the same as net # note here that using ifc.node.objid as key allows for only one type # of each model per node; TODO: use both node and interface as key return self.getconfig(ifc.node.objid, conftype, None)[1] def setup(self): ''' Populate self._objs with EmaneNodes; perform distributed setup; associate models with EmaneNodes from self.config. Returns Emane.(SUCCESS, NOT_NEEDED, NOT_READY) in order to delay session instantiation. ''' with self.session._objslock: for obj in self.session.objs(): if isinstance(obj, EmaneNode): self.addobj(obj) if len(self._objs) == 0: return Emane.NOT_NEEDED if self.checkdistributed(): # we are slave, but haven't received a platformid yet cfgval = self.getconfig(None, self.emane_config._name, self.emane_config.getdefaultvalues())[1] i = self.emane_config.getnames().index('platform_id_start') if cfgval[i] == self.emane_config.getdefaultvalues()[i]: return Emane.NOT_READY self.setnodemodels() return Emane.SUCCESS def startup(self): ''' After all the EmaneNode objects have been added, build XML files and start the daemons. Returns Emane.(SUCCESS, NOT_NEEDED, or NOT_READY) which is used to delay session instantiation. ''' self.reset() r = self.setup() if r != Emane.SUCCESS: return r # NOT_NEEDED or NOT_READY with self._objslock: self.buildxml() self.starteventmonitor() if self.numnems() > 0: # TODO: check and return failure for these methods self.startdaemons() self.installnetifs() return Emane.SUCCESS def poststartup(self): ''' Retransmit location events now that all NEMs are active. ''' if self.doeventmonitor(): return with self._objslock: for n in sorted(self._objs.keys()): e = self._objs[n] for netif in e.netifs(): (x, y, z) = netif.node.position.get() e.setnemposition(netif, x, y, z) def reset(self): ''' remove all EmaneNode objects from the dictionary, reset port numbers and nem id counters ''' with self._objslock: self._objs.clear() # don't clear self._ifccounts here; NEM counts are needed for buildxml self.platformport = self.session.getcfgitemint('emane_platform_port', 8100) self.transformport = self.session.getcfgitemint('emane_transform_port', 8200) def shutdown(self): ''' stop all EMANE daemons ''' self._ifccountslock.acquire() self._ifccounts.clear() self._ifccountslock.release() self._objslock.acquire() if len(self._objs) == 0: self._objslock.release() return self.info("Stopping EMANE daemons.") self.deinstallnetifs() self.stopdaemons() self.stopeventmonitor() self._objslock.release() def handledistributed(self, msg): ''' Broker handler for processing CORE API messages as they are received. This is used to snoop the Link add messages to get NEM counts of NEMs that exist on other servers. ''' if msg.msgtype == coreapi.CORE_API_LINK_MSG and \ msg.flags & coreapi.CORE_API_ADD_FLAG: nn = msg.nodenumbers() # first node is always link layer node in Link add message if nn[0] in self.session.broker.nets: serverlist = self.session.broker.getserversbynode(nn[1]) for server in serverlist: self._ifccountslock.acquire() if server not in self._ifccounts: self._ifccounts[server] = 1 else: self._ifccounts[server] += 1 self._ifccountslock.release() def checkdistributed(self): ''' Check for EMANE nodes that exist on multiple emulation servers and coordinate the NEM id and port number space. If we are the master EMANE node, return False so initialization will proceed as normal; otherwise slaves return True here and initialization is deferred. ''' # check with the session if we are the "master" Emane object? master = False self._objslock.acquire() if len(self._objs) > 0: master = self.session.master self.info("Setup EMANE with master=%s." % master) self._objslock.release() # we are not the master Emane object, wait for nem id and ports if not master: return True cfgval = self.getconfig(None, self.emane_config._name, self.emane_config.getdefaultvalues())[1] values = list(cfgval) nemcount = 0 self._objslock.acquire() for n in self._objs: emanenode = self._objs[n] nemcount += emanenode.numnetif() nemid = int(self.emane_config.valueof("nem_id_start", values)) nemid += nemcount platformid = int(self.emane_config.valueof("platform_id_start", values)) names = list(self.emane_config.getnames()) # build an ordered list of servers so platform ID is deterministic servers = [] for n in sorted(self._objs): for s in self.session.broker.getserversbynode(n): if s not in servers: servers.append(s) self._objslock.release() for server in servers: if server == "localhost": continue (host, port, sock) = self.session.broker.getserver(server) if sock is None: continue platformid += 1 typeflags = coreapi.CONF_TYPE_FLAGS_UPDATE values[names.index("platform_id_start")] = str(platformid) values[names.index("nem_id_start")] = str(nemid) msg = EmaneGlobalModel.toconfmsg(flags=0, nodenum=None, typeflags=typeflags, values=values) sock.send(msg) # increment nemid for next server by number of interfaces self._ifccountslock.acquire() if server in self._ifccounts: nemid += self._ifccounts[server] self._ifccountslock.release() return False def buildxml(self): ''' Build all of the XML files required to run EMANE. ''' # assume self._objslock is already held here if self.verbose: self.info("Emane.buildxml()") self.buildplatformxml() self.buildnemxml() self.buildtransportxml() self.buildeventservicexml() def xmldoc(self, doctype): ''' Returns an XML xml.minidom.Document with a DOCTYPE tag set to the provided doctype string, and an initial element having the same name. ''' # we hack in the DOCTYPE using the parser docstr = """ <%s/>""" % (doctype, doctype, doctype) # normally this would be: doc = Document() return parseString(docstr) def xmlparam(self, doc, name, value): ''' Convenience function for building a parameter tag of the format: ''' p = doc.createElement("param") p.setAttribute("name", name) p.setAttribute("value", value) return p def xmlshimdefinition(self, doc, name): ''' Convenience function for building a definition tag of the format: ''' p = doc.createElement("shim") p.setAttribute("definition", name) return p def xmlwrite(self, doc, filename): ''' Write the given XML document to the specified filename. ''' #self.info("%s" % doc.toprettyxml(indent=" ")) pathname = os.path.join(self.session.sessiondir, filename) f = open(pathname, "w") doc.writexml(writer=f, indent="", addindent=" ", newl="\n", \ encoding="UTF-8") f.close() def setnodemodels(self): ''' Associate EmaneModel classes with EmaneNode nodes. The model configurations are stored in self.configs. ''' for n in self._objs: self.setnodemodel(n) def setnodemodel(self, n): emanenode = self._objs[n] if n not in self.configs: return False for (t, v) in self.configs[n]: if t is None: continue if t == self.emane_config._name: continue # only use the first valid EmaneModel # convert model name to class (e.g. emane_rfpipe -> EmaneRfPipe) cls = self._modelclsmap[t] emanenode.setmodel(cls, v) return True # no model has been configured for this EmaneNode return False def nemlookup(self, nemid): ''' Look for the given numerical NEM ID and return the first matching EmaneNode and NEM interface. ''' emanenode = None netif = None for n in self._objs: emanenode = self._objs[n] netif = emanenode.getnemnetif(nemid) if netif is not None: break else: emanenode = None return (emanenode, netif) def numnems(self): ''' Return the number of NEMs emulated locally. ''' count = 0 for o in self._objs.values(): count += len(o.netifs()) return count def buildplatformxml(self): ''' Build a platform.xml file now that all nodes are configured. ''' values = self.getconfig(None, "emane", self.emane_config.getdefaultvalues())[1] doc = self.xmldoc("platform") plat = doc.getElementsByTagName("platform").pop() platformid = self.emane_config.valueof("platform_id_start", values) if self.version < self.EMANE091: plat.setAttribute("name", "Platform %s" % platformid) plat.setAttribute("id", platformid) names = list(self.emane_config.getnames()) platform_names = names[:len(self.emane_config._confmatrix_platform)] platform_names.remove('platform_id_start') # append all platform options (except starting id) to doc map( lambda n: plat.appendChild(self.xmlparam(doc, n, \ self.emane_config.valueof(n, values))), platform_names) nemid = int(self.emane_config.valueof("nem_id_start", values)) # assume self._objslock is already held here for n in sorted(self._objs.keys()): emanenode = self._objs[n] nems = emanenode.buildplatformxmlentry(doc) for netif in sorted(nems, key=lambda n: n.node.objid): # set ID, endpoints here nementry = nems[netif] nementry.setAttribute("id", "%d" % nemid) if self.version < self.EMANE092: # insert nem options (except nem id) to doc trans_addr = self.emane_config.valueof("transportendpoint", \ values) nementry.insertBefore(self.xmlparam(doc, "transportendpoint", \ "%s:%d" % (trans_addr, self.transformport)), nementry.firstChild) platform_addr = self.emane_config.valueof("platformendpoint", \ values) nementry.insertBefore(self.xmlparam(doc, "platformendpoint", \ "%s:%d" % (platform_addr, self.platformport)), nementry.firstChild) plat.appendChild(nementry) emanenode.setnemid(netif, nemid) # NOTE: MAC address set before here is incorrect, including the one # sent from the GUI via link message # MAC address determined by NEM ID: 02:02:00:00:nn:nn" macstr = self._hwaddr_prefix + ":00:00:" macstr += "%02X:%02X" % ((nemid >> 8) & 0xFF, nemid & 0xFF) netif.sethwaddr(MacAddr.fromstring(macstr)) # increment counters used to manage IDs, endpoint port numbers nemid += 1 self.platformport += 1 self.transformport += 1 self.xmlwrite(doc, "platform.xml") def buildnemxml(self): ''' Builds the xxxnem.xml, xxxmac.xml, and xxxphy.xml files which are defined on a per-EmaneNode basis. ''' for n in sorted(self._objs.keys()): emanenode = self._objs[n] nems = emanenode.buildnemxmlfiles(self) def buildtransportxml(self): ''' Calls emanegentransportxml using a platform.xml file to build the transportdaemon*.xml. ''' try: subprocess.check_call(["emanegentransportxml", "platform.xml"], \ cwd=self.session.sessiondir) except Exception, e: self.info("error running emanegentransportxml: %s" % e) def buildeventservicexml(self): ''' Build the libemaneeventservice.xml file if event service options were changed in the global config. ''' defaults = self.emane_config.getdefaultvalues() values = self.getconfig(None, "emane", self.emane_config.getdefaultvalues())[1] need_xml = False keys = ('eventservicegroup', 'eventservicedevice') for k in keys: a = self.emane_config.valueof(k, defaults) b = self.emane_config.valueof(k, values) if a != b: need_xml = True if not need_xml: # reset to using default config self.initeventservice() return try: group, port = self.emane_config.valueof('eventservicegroup', values).split(':') except ValueError: self.warn("invalid eventservicegroup in EMANE config") return dev = self.emane_config.valueof('eventservicedevice', values) doc = self.xmldoc("emaneeventmsgsvc") es = doc.getElementsByTagName("emaneeventmsgsvc").pop() kvs = ( ('group', group), ('port', port), ('device', dev), ('mcloop', '1'), ('ttl', '32') ) addtextelementsfromtuples(doc, es, kvs) filename = 'libemaneeventservice.xml' self.xmlwrite(doc, filename) pathname = os.path.join(self.session.sessiondir, filename) self.initeventservice(filename=pathname) def startdaemons(self): ''' Start the appropriate EMANE daemons. The transport daemon will bind to the TAP interfaces. ''' if self.verbose: self.info("Emane.startdaemons()") path = self.session.sessiondir loglevel = "2" cfgloglevel = self.session.getcfgitemint("emane_log_level") realtime = self.session.getcfgitembool("emane_realtime", True) if cfgloglevel: self.info("setting user-defined EMANE log level: %d" % cfgloglevel) loglevel = str(cfgloglevel) emanecmd = ["emane", "-d", "--logl", loglevel, "-f", \ os.path.join(path, "emane.log")] if realtime: emanecmd += "-r", try: cmd = emanecmd + [os.path.join(path, "platform.xml")] if self.verbose: self.info("Emane.startdaemons() running %s" % str(cmd)) subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=path) except Exception, e: errmsg = "error starting emane: %s" % e self.session.exception(coreapi.CORE_EXCP_LEVEL_FATAL, "emane", None, errmsg) self.info(errmsg) # start one transport daemon per transportdaemon*.xml file transcmd = ["emanetransportd", "-d", "--logl", loglevel, "-f", \ os.path.join(path, "emanetransportd.log")] if realtime: transcmd += "-r", files = os.listdir(path) for file in files: if file[-3:] == "xml" and file[:15] == "transportdaemon": cmd = transcmd + [os.path.join(path, file)] try: if self.verbose: self.info("Emane.startdaemons() running %s" % str(cmd)) subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=path) except Exception, e: errmsg = "error starting emanetransportd: %s" % e self.session.exception(coreapi.CORE_EXCP_LEVEL_FATAL, "emane", None, errmsg) self.info(errmsg) def stopdaemons(self): ''' Kill the appropriate EMANE daemons. ''' # TODO: we may want to improve this if we had the PIDs from the # specific EMANE daemons that we've started subprocess.call(["killall", "-q", "emane"]) subprocess.call(["killall", "-q", "emanetransportd"]) def installnetifs(self): ''' Install TUN/TAP virtual interfaces into their proper namespaces now that the EMANE daemons are running. ''' for n in sorted(self._objs.keys()): emanenode = self._objs[n] if self.verbose: self.info("Emane.installnetifs() for node %d" % n) emanenode.installnetifs() def deinstallnetifs(self): ''' Uninstall TUN/TAP virtual interfaces. ''' for n in sorted(self._objs.keys()): emanenode = self._objs[n] emanenode.deinstallnetifs() def configure(self, session, msg): ''' Handle configuration messages for global EMANE config. ''' r = self.emane_config.configure_emane(session, msg) # extra logic to start slave Emane object after nemid has been # configured from the master conftype = msg.gettlv(coreapi.CORE_TLV_CONF_TYPE) if conftype == coreapi.CONF_TYPE_FLAGS_UPDATE and \ self.session.master == False: # instantiation was previously delayed by self.setup() # returning Emane.NOT_READY h = None with session._handlerslock: for h in self.session._handlers: break self.session.instantiate(handler=h) return r def doeventmonitor(self): ''' Returns boolean whether or not EMANE events will be monitored. ''' # this support must be explicitly turned on; by default, CORE will # generate the EMANE events when nodes are moved return self.session.getcfgitembool('emane_event_monitor', False) def starteventmonitor(self): ''' Start monitoring EMANE location events if configured to do so. ''' if self.verbose: self.info("Emane.starteventmonitor()") if not self.doeventmonitor(): return if self.service is None: errmsg = "Warning: EMANE events will not be generated " \ "because the emaneeventservice\n binding was " \ "unable to load " \ "(install the python-emaneeventservice bindings)" self.session.exception(coreapi.CORE_EXCP_LEVEL_WARNING, "emane", None, errmsg) self.warn(errmsg) return self.doeventloop = True self.eventmonthread = threading.Thread(target = self.eventmonitorloop) self.eventmonthread.daemon = True self.eventmonthread.start() def stopeventmonitor(self): ''' Stop monitoring EMANE location events. ''' self.doeventloop = False if self.service is not None: self.service.breakloop() # reset the service, otherwise nextEvent won't work self.initeventservice() if self.eventmonthread is not None: if self.version >= self.EMANE091: self.eventmonthread._Thread__stop() self.eventmonthread.join() self.eventmonthread = None def eventmonitorloop(self): ''' Thread target that monitors EMANE location events. ''' if self.service is None: return self.info("Subscribing to EMANE location events (not generating them). " \ "(%s) " % threading.currentThread().getName()) while self.doeventloop is True: if self.version >= self.EMANE091: (uuid, seq, events) = self.service.nextEvent() if not self.doeventloop: break # this occurs with 0.9.1 event service for event in events: (nem, eid, data) = event if eid == LocationEvent.IDENTIFIER: self.handlelocationevent2(nem, eid, data) else: (event, platform, nem, cmp, data) = self.service.nextEvent() if event == emaneeventlocation.EVENT_ID: self.handlelocationevent(event, platform, nem, cmp, data) self.info("Unsubscribing from EMANE location events. (%s) " % \ threading.currentThread().getName()) def handlelocationevent(self, event, platform, nem, component, data): ''' Handle an EMANE location event (EMANE 0.8.1 and earlier). ''' event = emaneeventlocation.EventLocation(data) entries = event.entries() for e in entries.values(): # yaw,pitch,roll,azimuth,elevation,velocity are unhandled (nemid, lat, long, alt) = e[:4] self.handlelocationeventtoxyz(nemid, lat, long, alt) def handlelocationevent2(self, rxnemid, eid, data): ''' Handle an EMANE location event (EMANE 0.9.1+). ''' events = LocationEvent() events.restore(data) for event in events: (txnemid, attrs) = event if 'latitude' not in attrs or 'longitude' not in attrs or \ 'altitude' not in attrs: self.warn("dropped invalid location event") continue # yaw,pitch,roll,azimuth,elevation,velocity are unhandled lat = attrs['latitude'] long = attrs['longitude'] alt = attrs['altitude'] self.handlelocationeventtoxyz(txnemid, lat, long, alt) def handlelocationeventtoxyz(self, nemid, lat, long, alt): ''' Convert the (NEM ID, lat, long, alt) from a received location event into a node and x,y,z coordinate values, sending a Node Message. Returns True if successfully parsed and a Node Message was sent. ''' # convert nemid to node number (emanenode, netif) = self.nemlookup(nemid) if netif is None: if self.verbose: self.info("location event for unknown NEM %s" % nemid) return False n = netif.node.objid # convert from lat/long/alt to x,y,z coordinates (x, y, z) = self.session.location.getxyz(lat, long, alt) x = int(x) y = int(y) z = int(z) if self.verbose: self.info("location event NEM %s (%s, %s, %s) -> (%s, %s, %s)" \ % (nemid, lat, long, alt, x, y, z)) try: if (x.bit_length() > 16) or (y.bit_length() > 16) or \ (z.bit_length() > 16) or (x < 0) or (y < 0) or (z < 0): warntxt = "Unable to build node location message since " \ "received lat/long/alt exceeds coordinate " \ "space: NEM %s (%d, %d, %d)" % (nemid, x, y, z) self.info(warntxt) self.session.exception(coreapi.CORE_EXCP_LEVEL_ERROR, "emane", None, warntxt) return False except AttributeError: # int.bit_length() not present on Python 2.6 pass # generate a node message for this location update try: node = self.session.obj(n) except KeyError: self.warn("location event NEM %s has no corresponding node %s" \ % (nemid, n)) return False # don't use node.setposition(x,y,z) which generates an event node.position.set(x,y,z) msg = node.tonodemsg(flags=0) self.session.broadcastraw(None, msg) self.session.sdt.updatenodegeo(node.objid, lat, long, alt) return True class EmaneModel(WirelessModel): ''' EMANE models inherit from this parent class, which takes care of handling configuration messages based on the _confmatrix list of configurable parameters. Helper functions also live here. ''' _prefix = {'y': 1e-24, # yocto 'z': 1e-21, # zepto 'a': 1e-18, # atto 'f': 1e-15, # femto 'p': 1e-12, # pico 'n': 1e-9, # nano 'u': 1e-6, # micro 'm': 1e-3, # mili 'c': 1e-2, # centi 'd': 1e-1, # deci 'k': 1e3, # kilo 'M': 1e6, # mega 'G': 1e9, # giga 'T': 1e12, # tera 'P': 1e15, # peta 'E': 1e18, # exa 'Z': 1e21, # zetta 'Y': 1e24, # yotta } @classmethod def configure_emane(cls, session, msg): ''' Handle configuration messages for setting up a model. Pass the Emane object as the manager object. ''' return cls.configure(session.emane, msg) @classmethod def emane074_fixup(cls, value, div=1.0): ''' Helper for converting 0.8.1 and newer values to EMANE 0.7.4 compatible values. NOTE: This should be removed when support for 0.7.4 has been deprecated. ''' if div == 0: return "0" if type(value) is not str: return str(value / div) if value.endswith(tuple(cls._prefix.keys())): suffix = value[-1] value = float(value[:-1]) * cls._prefix[suffix] return str(int(value / div)) def buildnemxmlfiles(self, e, ifc): ''' Build the necessary nem, mac, and phy XMLs in the given path. ''' raise NotImplementedError def buildplatformxmlnementry(self, doc, n, ifc): ''' Build the NEM definition that goes into the platform.xml file. This returns an XML element that will be added to the element. This default method supports per-interface config (e.g. or per-EmaneNode config (e.g. . This can be overriden by a model for NEM flexibility; n is the EmaneNode. ''' nem = doc.createElement("nem") nem.setAttribute("name", ifc.localname) # if this netif contains a non-standard (per-interface) config, # then we need to use a more specific xml file here nem.setAttribute("definition", self.nemxmlname(ifc)) return nem def buildplatformxmltransportentry(self, doc, n, ifc): ''' Build the transport definition that goes into the platform.xml file. This returns an XML element that will added to the nem definition. This default method supports raw and virtual transport types, but may be overriden by a model to support the e.g. pluggable virtual transport. n is the EmaneNode. ''' type = ifc.transport_type if not type: e.info("warning: %s interface type unsupported!" % ifc.name) type = "raw" trans = doc.createElement("transport") trans.setAttribute("definition", n.transportxmlname(type)) trans.setAttribute("group", "1") param = doc.createElement("param") param.setAttribute("name", "device") if type == "raw": # raw RJ45 name e.g. 'eth0' param.setAttribute("value", ifc.name) else: # virtual TAP name e.g. 'n3.0.17' param.setAttribute("value", ifc.localname) trans.appendChild(param) return trans def basename(self, ifc = None): ''' Return the string that other names are based on. If a specific config is stored for a node's interface, a unique filename is needed; otherwise the name of the EmaneNode is used. ''' emane = self.session.emane name = "n%s" % self.objid if ifc is not None: nodenum = ifc.node.objid if emane.getconfig(nodenum, self._name, None)[1] is not None: name = ifc.localname.replace('.','_') return "%s%s" % (name, self._name) def nemxmlname(self, ifc = None): ''' Return the string name for the NEM XML file, e.g. 'n3rfpipenem.xml' ''' return "%snem.xml" % self.basename(ifc) def shimxmlname(self, ifc = None): ''' Return the string name for the SHIM XML file, e.g. 'commeffectshim.xml' ''' return "%sshim.xml" % self.basename(ifc) def macxmlname(self, ifc = None): ''' Return the string name for the MAC XML file, e.g. 'n3rfpipemac.xml' ''' return "%smac.xml" % self.basename(ifc) def phyxmlname(self, ifc = None): ''' Return the string name for the PHY XML file, e.g. 'n3rfpipephy.xml' ''' return "%sphy.xml" % self.basename(ifc) def update(self, moved, moved_netifs): ''' invoked from MobilityModel when nodes are moved; this causes EMANE location events to be generated for the nodes in the moved list, making EmaneModels compatible with Ns2ScriptedMobility ''' try: wlan = self.session.obj(self.objid) except KeyError: return wlan.setnempositions(moved_netifs) def linkconfig(self, netif, bw = None, delay = None, loss = None, duplicate = None, jitter = None, netif2 = None): ''' Invoked when a Link Message is received. Default is unimplemented. ''' warntxt = "EMANE model %s does not support link " % self._name warntxt += "configuration, dropping Link Message" self.session.warn(warntxt) @staticmethod def valuestrtoparamlist(dom, name, value): ''' Helper to convert a parameter to a paramlist. Returns a an XML paramlist, or None if the value does not expand to multiple values. ''' try: values = maketuplefromstr(value, str) except SyntaxError: return None if len(values) < 2: return None return addparamlisttoparent(dom, parent=None, name=name, values=values) class EmaneGlobalModel(EmaneModel): ''' Global EMANE configuration options. ''' def __init__(self, session, objid = None, verbose = False): EmaneModel.__init__(self, session, objid, verbose) _name = "emane" _confmatrix_platform_base = [ ("otamanagerchannelenable", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_BOOL, '0', 'on,off', 'enable OTA Manager channel'), ("otamanagergroup", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, '', '', 'OTA Manager group'), ("otamanagerdevice", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, 'lo', '', 'OTA Manager device'), ("eventservicegroup", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, '', '', 'Event Service group'), ("eventservicedevice", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, 'lo', '', 'Event Service device'), ("platform_id_start", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_INT32, '1', '', 'starting Platform ID'), ] _confmatrix_platform_081 = [ ("debugportenable", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_BOOL, '0', 'on,off', 'enable debug port'), ("debugport", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_UINT16, '47000', '', 'debug port number'), ] _confmatrix_platform_091 = [ ("controlportendpoint", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, '', '', 'Control port address'), ("antennaprofilemanifesturi", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, '', '','antenna profile manifest URI'), ] _confmatrix_nem = [ ("transportendpoint", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, 'localhost', '', 'Transport endpoint address (port is automatic)'), ("platformendpoint", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, 'localhost', '', 'Platform endpoint address (port is automatic)'), ("nem_id_start", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_INT32, '1', '', 'starting NEM ID'), ] if 'EventService' in globals(): _confmatrix_platform = _confmatrix_platform_base + \ _confmatrix_platform_091 else: _confmatrix_platform = _confmatrix_platform_base + \ _confmatrix_platform_081 _confmatrix = _confmatrix_platform + _confmatrix_nem _confgroups = "Platform Attributes:1-%d|NEM Parameters:%d-%d" % \ (len(_confmatrix_platform), len(_confmatrix_platform) + 1, len(_confmatrix))