# # Copyright 2011-2013 the Boeing Company. # See the LICENSE file included in this distribution. # set g_traffic_start_opt 0 set g_traffic_flows "" # preset MGEN traffic pattern parameters # fields are name [list dst params] array set traffic_presets { "00 1 kbps" {"" "PERIODIC \[1.0 125\]"} "01 10 kbps" {"" "PERIODIC \[10.0 125\]"} "02 100 kbps" {"" "PERIODIC \[10.0 1250\]"} "03 512 kbps" {"" "PERIODIC \[50.0 1280\]"} "04 POISSON 10 kbps" {"" "POISSON \[10.0 125\]"} "05 POISSON 100 kbps" {"" "POISSON \[10.0 1250\]"} "06 POISSON 512 kbps" {"" "POISSON \[50.0 1280\]"} "07 3s fixed BURST 75kbps every 15s" {"" "BURST \[REGULAR 15.0 PERIODIC \[10.0 938\] FIXED 3.0\]"} "08 0-5s random BURST 100kbps randomly every 10s" {"" "BURST \[RANDOM 10.0 PERIODIC \[10.0 1250\] EXP 5.0\]"} "09 3s fixed BURST 256kbps randomly every 5s" {"" "BURST \[RANDOM 5.0 PERIODIC \[25.0 1280\] FIXED 3.0\]"} "10 JITTER 10 kbps 0.05-0.15s" {"" "JITTER \[10.0 125 0.5\]"} "11 JITTER 75 kbps 0.08-0.12s" {"" "JITTER \[10.0 938 0.2\]"} "12 CLONE pcap file" {"" "CLONE \[tcpdump /tmp/source.pcap \[0\]\]"} "13 CLONE pcap file continuous" {"" "CLONE \[tcpdump /tmp/source.pcap \[-1\]\]"} "14 100 kbps multicast" {"" "PERIODIC \[10.0 1250\]"} "15 POISSON 384 kbps multicast" {"" "POISSON \[40.0 1200\]"} } proc popupTrafficDialog {} { global plugin_img_add plugin_img_edit plugin_img_del g_traffic_start_opt global oper_mode set wi .traffic1 catch {destroy $wi} toplevel $wi wm transient $wi . wm resizable $wi 0 0 wm title $wi "CORE traffic flows" if { ![info exists g_traffic_start_opt] } { set g_traffic_start_opt 0 } labelframe $wi.f -text "Traffic flows" listbox $wi.f.flows -selectmode extended -width 50 -exportselection 0 \ -yscrollcommand "$wi.f.flows_scroll set" scrollbar $wi.f.flows_scroll -command "$wi.f.flows yview" pack $wi.f.flows $wi.f.flows_scroll -pady 4 -fill both -side left pack $wi.f -padx 4 -pady 4 -fill both -side top bind $wi.f.flows "trafficHelper $wi edit" bind $wi.f.flows <> "trafficHelper $wi sel" frame $wi.bbar button $wi.bbar.new -image $plugin_img_add -command "trafficHelper $wi new" button $wi.bbar.save -image $plugin_img_edit \ -command "trafficHelper $wi edit" button $wi.bbar.del -image $plugin_img_del -command "trafficHelper $wi del" label $wi.bbar.help -text \ "Press the new button to define a new traffic flow." pack $wi.bbar.new $wi.bbar.save $wi.bbar.del -side left pack $wi.bbar.help -padx 8 -side left pack $wi.bbar -padx 4 -pady 4 -fill both -side top labelframe $wi.traf -text "Traffic options" frame $wi.traf.opt radiobutton $wi.traf.opt.opt1 -variable g_traffic_start_opt -value 0 \ -text "Do not start traffic flows automatically" radiobutton $wi.traf.opt.opt2 -variable g_traffic_start_opt -value 1 \ -text "Start traffic flows after all nodes have booted" radiobutton $wi.traf.opt.opt3 -variable g_traffic_start_opt -value 2 \ -text "Start traffic flows after routing has converged" -state disabled pack $wi.traf.opt.opt1 $wi.traf.opt.opt2 $wi.traf.opt.opt3 \ -side top -anchor w pack $wi.traf.opt -side top frame $wi.traf.btn set buttonstate disabled if { $oper_mode == "exec" } { set buttonstate normal } button $wi.traf.btn.start -text "Start all flows" \ -command startTrafficScripts -state $buttonstate button $wi.traf.btn.stop -text "Stop all flows" \ -command stopTrafficScripts -state $buttonstate button $wi.traf.btn.startsel -text "Start selected" \ -command "trafficHelper $wi start" -state $buttonstate button $wi.traf.btn.stopsel -text "Stop selected" \ -command "trafficHelper $wi stop" -state $buttonstate pack $wi.traf.btn.start $wi.traf.btn.stop $wi.traf.btn.startsel \ $wi.traf.btn.stopsel -side left pack $wi.traf.btn -side top -fill x pack $wi.traf -side top -fill x # save/cancel buttons frame $wi.b -borderwidth 4 button $wi.b.close -text "Close" -command \ ".c delete withtag twonode; destroy $wi" pack $wi.b.close -side bottom pack $wi.b -side bottom refreshTrafficList $wi } # helper for start, stop, delete selected, or add/modify flows proc trafficHelper { wi cmd } { set selected [$wi.f.flows curselection] # listbox select if { $cmd == "sel" } { .c delete withtag "twonode" } # start/stop/delete selected if { $cmd == "del" || $cmd == "sel" || $cmd == "start" || $cmd == "stop" } { foreach i $selected { set name [$wi.f.flows get $i] if { $cmd == "del" } { removeTrafficFlow $name refreshTrafficList $wi } elseif { $cmd == "sel" } { set flow [getTrafficFlow $name] set srcnode [lindex $flow 4] if { $srcnode != "" } { set tags "twonode $srcnode" drawNodeCircle $srcnode 30 green $tags "" } set dstnode [lindex $flow 5] if { $dstnode != "" } { set tags "twonode $dstnode" drawNodeCircle $dstnode 30 red $tags "" } } else { set flow [getTrafficFlow $name] if { $flow == "" } { continue } startstopTrafficScript $flow $cmd } } return } set selected [lindex $selected 0] if { $selected == "" } { set name "" } else { set name [$wi.f.flows get $selected] } if { $cmd == "edit" && $name == "" } { return } if { $cmd == "new" } { # TODO: find the next flow number and set the name set name "" } popupTraffic2Dialog $name } proc refreshTrafficList { wi } { global g_traffic_flows $wi.f.flows delete 0 end if { ![info exists g_traffic_flows] } { set g_traffic_flows "" } foreach flow $g_traffic_flows { set name [lindex $flow 0] $wi.f.flows insert end $name } } proc popupTraffic2Dialog { name } { global g_twoNodeSelect g_twoNodeSelectCallback activetool global traffic_flow_protocol traffic_presets global g_traffic_pat set wi .traffic catch {destroy $wi} toplevel $wi set activetool select wm transient $wi wm resizable $wi 0 0 wm title $wi "Edit traffic flow" set g_twoNodeSelect "" set g_twoNodeSelectCallback selectTwoNodeTrafficCallback labelframe $wi.e -text "Flow configuration" frame $wi.e.flow -borderwidth 4 label $wi.e.flow.namel -text "name" entry $wi.e.flow.name -bg white -width 20 label $wi.e.flow.numl -text "flow number" entry $wi.e.flow.num -bg white -width 4 label $wi.e.flow.timestartl -text "start time" entry $wi.e.flow.timestart -bg white -width 4 label $wi.e.flow.timestopl -text "stop time" entry $wi.e.flow.timestop -bg white -width 4 pack $wi.e.flow.namel $wi.e.flow.name \ $wi.e.flow.numl $wi.e.flow.num $wi.e.flow.timestartl \ $wi.e.flow.timestart $wi.e.flow.timestopl $wi.e.flow.timestop -side left pack $wi.e.flow -side top -fill both # sending node frame $wi.e.nodes -borderwidth 4 set sf $wi.e.nodes.src labelframe $sf -text "source" frame $sf.n -borderwidth 4 label $sf.n.srcl -text "source node" radiobutton $sf.n.src -text " (none) " -variable g_twoNodeSelect \ -value "$sf.n.src" -indicatoron off -activebackground green \ -selectcolor green -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $sf.n.srcl $sf.n.src -side left -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $sf.n -side top -anchor w frame $sf.ipp button $sf.ipp.ipl -text "IP" -command \ "popupAddressPicker $sf.n.src $sf.ipp.ip" entry $sf.ipp.ip -bg white -width 15 label $sf.ipp.pl -text "port" entry $sf.ipp.p -bg white -width 5 pack $sf.ipp.ipl $sf.ipp.ip $sf.ipp.pl $sf.ipp.p -side left -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $sf.ipp -side top -anchor w frame $sf.traff -borderwidth 4 label $sf.traff.protol -text "protocol" tk_optionMenu $sf.traff.proto traffic_flow_protocol "TCP" "UDP" "SINK" label $sf.traff.tosl -text "TOS" entry $sf.traff.tos -bg white -width 5 pack $sf.traff.protol $sf.traff.proto $sf.traff.tosl \ $sf.traff.tos -side left pack $sf.traff -side top frame $sf.patt -borderwidth 4 label $sf.patt.patl -text "pattern" set trafficpresetsMenu [tk_optionMenu $sf.patt.pat g_traffic_pat presets] entry $sf.patt.p -bg white -width 20 pack $sf.patt.patl $sf.patt.pat $sf.patt.p -side left pack $sf.patt -side top frame $sf.log -borderwidth 4 label $sf.log.l -text "log file" entry $sf.log.file -bg white -width 30 pack $sf.log.l $sf.log.file -side left pack $sf.log -side top # receiving node set df $wi.e.nodes.dst labelframe $df -text "destination" frame $df.n -borderwidth 4 label $df.n.dstl -text "destination node" radiobutton $df.n.dst -text " (none) " -variable g_twoNodeSelect \ -value "$df.n.dst" -indicatoron off -activebackground red \ -selectcolor red -padx 4 -pady 4 button $df.n.clear -text "clear" -command "$df.n.dst configure -text \" (none) \"" pack $df.n.dstl $df.n.dst $df.n.clear -side left -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $df.n -side top -anchor w frame $df.ipp button $df.ipp.ipl -text "IP" -command \ "popupAddressPicker $df.n.dst $df.ipp.ip" entry $df.ipp.ip -bg white -width 15 label $df.ipp.pl -text "port" entry $df.ipp.p -bg white -width 5 pack $df.ipp.ipl $df.ipp.ip $df.ipp.pl $df.ipp.p -side left -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $df.ipp -side top -anchor w frame $df.log -borderwidth 4 label $df.log.l -text "log file" entry $df.log.file -bg white -width 30 pack $df.log.l $df.log.file -side left pack $df.log -side top pack $sf $df -side left -fill both pack $wi.e.nodes -side top -fill x frame $wi.e.extra -borderwidth 4 label $wi.e.extra.lab -text "additional MGEN parameters" entry $wi.e.extra.txt -bg white -width 40 pack $wi.e.extra.lab $wi.e.extra.txt -side left pack $wi.e.extra -side top -fill x pack $wi.e -side top set g_traffic_pat presets # save/cancel buttons frame $wi.b -borderwidth 4 button $wi.b.apply -text "Apply" \ -command "popdownTrafficDialog $wi save \"$name\"" button $wi.b.cancel -text "Cancel" \ -command "popdownTrafficDialog $wi cancel \"$name\"" pack $wi.b.cancel $wi.b.apply -side right pack $wi.b -side bottom # populate traffic presets $trafficpresetsMenu delete 0 foreach p [lsort -dictionary [array names traffic_presets]] { set txt [string range $p 3 end] $trafficpresetsMenu add radiobutton -label $txt -value $txt \ -variable g_traffic_pay \ -command "trafficPresets $wi \"$p\"" } # default values .c delete withtag "twonode" set flow "" if {$name != "" } { set flow [getTrafficFlow $name] } if { $flow == "" } { set flownum [nextTrafficFlowNumber] $wi.e.flow.name insert 0 $name $wi.e.flow.num insert 0 $flownum $wi.e.flow.timestart insert 0 "0.0" set traffic_flow_protocol "UDP" $sf.ipp.p insert 0 "5000" $df.ipp.p insert 0 "5000" $df.log.file insert 0 "/var/log/mgen$flownum.log" # load values from flow list } else { $wi.e.flow.name insert 0 [lindex $flow 0] $wi.e.flow.num insert 0 [lindex $flow 1] $wi.e.flow.timestart insert 0 [lindex $flow 2] $wi.e.flow.timestop insert 0 [lindex $flow 3] set srcnode [lindex $flow 4] if { $srcnode != "" } { set tags "twonode $srcnode twonode$sf.n.src" $wi.e.nodes.src.n.src configure -text " $srcnode " drawNodeCircle $srcnode 30 green $tags "" } set dstnode [lindex $flow 5] if { $dstnode != "" } { set tags "twonode $dstnode twonode$df.n.dst" $wi.e.nodes.dst.n.dst configure -text " $dstnode " drawNodeCircle $dstnode 30 red $tags "" } $wi.e.nodes.src.ipp.ip insert 0 [lindex $flow 6] $wi.e.nodes.src.ipp.p insert 0 [lindex $flow 7] $wi.e.nodes.src.log.file insert 0 [lindex $flow 8] $wi.e.nodes.dst.ipp.ip insert 0 [lindex $flow 9] $wi.e.nodes.dst.ipp.p insert 0 [lindex $flow 10] $wi.e.nodes.dst.log.file insert 0 [lindex $flow 11] set traffic_flow_protocol [lindex $flow 12] $wi.e.nodes.src.traff.tos insert 0 [lindex $flow 13] $wi.e.nodes.src.patt.p insert 0 [lindex $flow 14] $wi.e.extra.txt insert 0 [lindex $flow 15] } } # fill in traffic pattern field when preset has been selected from menu proc trafficPresets { wi preset } { global traffic_presets set patterndata $traffic_presets($preset) set dst [lindex $patterndata 0] set params [lindex $patterndata 1] set sf $wi.e.nodes.src $sf.patt.p delete 0 end $sf.patt.p insert end $params set df $wi.e.nodes.dst if { $dst != "" } { $df.ipp.ip delete 0 end $df.ipp.ip insert end $dst } } # close the traffic window proc popdownTrafficDialog { wi cmd oldname } { global g_traffic_flows traffic_flow_protocol oper_mode if { $cmd == "cancel" } { .c delete withtag "twonode" destroy $wi return } # apply button was pressed set num [$wi.e.flow.num get] set name [$wi.e.flow.name get] set start [$wi.e.flow.timestart get] if { $start == "" || $start < 0.0 } { set start 0.0 } set stop [$wi.e.flow.timestop get] foreach n [list src dst] { set ${n}node [string trim [$wi.e.nodes.$n.n.$n cget -text]] set ${n}ip [$wi.e.nodes.$n.ipp.ip get] set ${n}port [$wi.e.nodes.$n.ipp.p get] set ${n}log [$wi.e.nodes.$n.log.file get] } set proto $traffic_flow_protocol set tos [$wi.e.nodes.src.traff.tos get] set pat [$wi.e.nodes.src.patt.p get] set extra [$wi.e.extra.txt get] if { $oldname != "" } { removeTrafficFlow $oldname } set trafficentry [list "$name" $num "$start" "$stop" "$srcnode" "$dstnode" \ "$srcip" "$srcport" "$srclog" \ "$dstip" "$dstport" "$dstlog" \ "$proto" "$tos" "$pat" "$extra"] lappend g_traffic_flows $trafficentry refreshTrafficList .traffic1 .c delete withtag "twonode" destroy $wi if { $oper_mode == "exec" } { set sock [lindex [getEmulPlugin $srcnode] 2] sendTrafficScript $trafficentry $sock } } # called from editor.tcl:button1 when user clicks on a node # search for IP address and populate proc selectTwoNodeTrafficCallback { } { set wi .traffic if { ![winfo exists $wi] } { return }; # user has closed window foreach n [list src dst] { set node$n [string trim [$wi.e.nodes.$n.n.$n cget -text]] if { [set node$n] == "(none)" } { set node$n "" } $wi.e.nodes.$n.ipp.ip delete 0 end } $wi.e.nodes.src.ipp.ip insert 0 [getDestinationAddress $nodedst $nodesrc] $wi.e.nodes.dst.ipp.ip insert 0 [getDestinationAddress $nodesrc $nodedst] if { [$wi.e.flow.name get] == "" && $nodesrc != "" && $nodedst != "" } { set num [$wi.e.flow.num get] $wi.e.flow.name insert 0 "flow $num from $nodesrc to $nodedst" } } proc popupAddressPicker { ctl dstentry } { set wi .addressPicker set node [string trim [$ctl cget -text]] catch {destroy $wi} toplevel $wi wm transient $wi wm resizable $wi 0 0 wm title $wi "Select IP" # listbox labelframe $wi.a -text "IP addresses" listbox $wi.a.addrs -selectmode single -width 16 -exportselection 0 \ -yscrollcommand "$wi.a.addrs_scroll set" scrollbar $wi.a.addrs_scroll -command "$wi.a.addrs yview" pack $wi.a.addrs $wi.a.addrs_scroll -pady 4 -fill both -side left pack $wi.a -padx 4 -pady 4 -fill both -side top bind $wi.a.addrs "popdownAddressPicker $wi $dstentry" # OK button frame $wi.b -borderwidth 4 button $wi.b.ok -text "OK" -command "popdownAddressPicker $wi $dstentry" pack $wi.b.ok $wi.b -side bottom # populate the address list if { $node == "" || $node == "(none)" } { return } set dst [$dstentry get] set i 0; set selected 0 foreach ifc [ifcList $node] { set addr [lindex [split [getIfcIPv4addr $node $ifc] /] 0] $wi.a.addrs insert end $addr if { $addr == $dst } { set selected $i } incr i } $wi.a.addrs selection set $selected } proc popdownAddressPicker { wi dstentry } { $dstentry delete 0 end set sel [$wi.a.addrs curselection] if { $sel != "" } { $dstentry insert 0 [$wi.a.addrs get $sel] } destroy $wi } proc nextTrafficFlowNumber { } { global g_traffic_flows set max 0 foreach flow $g_traffic_flows { set n [lindex $flow 1] if { $n > $max } { set max $n } } set next [expr {$max + 1}] return $next } proc getTrafficFlow { name } { global g_traffic_flows foreach flow $g_traffic_flows { if { [lindex $flow 0] == $name } { return $flow } } return "" } proc removeTrafficFlow { name } { global g_traffic_flows for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $g_traffic_flows] } { incr i } { set flow [lindex $g_traffic_flows $i] if { [lindex $flow 0] == $name } { set g_traffic_flows [lreplace $g_traffic_flows $i $i] return true } } return false } # returns a list of node numbers and MGEN scripts for a particular flow proc getTrafficScripts { flow } { if { $flow == "" } { return [list "" "" "" ""] } set name [lindex $flow 0] set num [lindex $flow 1] set start [lindex $flow 2] set stop [lindex $flow 3] set srcnode [lindex $flow 4] set dstnode [lindex $flow 5] set srcip "" ;#[lindex $flow 6] source IP is currently ignored set srcport [lindex $flow 7] set srclog [lindex $flow 8] set dstip [lindex $flow 9] set dstport [lindex $flow 10] set dstlog [lindex $flow 11] set proto [lindex $flow 12] set tos [lindex $flow 13] set patt [lindex $flow 14] set extra [lindex $flow 15] foreach n [list src dst] { if { [set ${n}ip] != "" } { if { [set ${n}port] != "" } { set n${n} "[set ${n}ip]/[set ${n}port]" } else { set n${n} [set ${n}ip] } } else { set n${n} [set ${n}port] } } if { $tos != "" } { set tos "TOS $tos " } set s ""; set d "" if { $srcnode != "" } { set s "# CORE MGEN script: $name" set s "$s\n$start ON $num $proto SRC $nsrc DST $ndst $patt $tos$extra" } if { $dstnode != "" } { set d "# CORE MGEN script: $name" if { [isMulticast $dstip] } { set d "$d\n$start JOIN $dstip" if { $dstport != "" } { set d "$d PORT $dstport" } } set d "$d\n$start LISTEN $proto $dstport" } if { $stop != "" } { if { $s != "" } { set s "$s\n$stop OFF $num" } if { $d != "" } { set d "$d\n$stop IGNORE $proto $dstport" if { [isMulticast $dstip] } { set d "$d\n$stop LEAVE $dstip" if { $dstport != "" } { set d "$d PORT $dstport" } } } } return [list $srcnode $dstnode "$s\n" "$d\n"] } # send File API messages to create traffic scripts on nodes proc sendTrafficScripts { sock } { global g_traffic_flows foreach flow $g_traffic_flows { sendTrafficScript $flow $sock } } proc sendTrafficScript { flow sock } { set scripts [getTrafficScripts $flow] set srcnode [lindex $scripts 0] set dstnode [lindex $scripts 1] set flownum [lindex $flow 1] set name "flow$flownum.mgn" if { $srcnode != "" } { set data [lindex $scripts 2] set data_len [string length $data] sendFileMessage $sock $srcnode "" $name "" $data $data_len } if { $dstnode != "" } { set data [lindex $scripts 3] set data_len [string length $data] sendFileMessage $sock $dstnode "" $name "" $data $data_len } } proc startTrafficScripts { } { global g_traffic_flows foreach flow $g_traffic_flows { startstopTrafficScript $flow start } } proc stopTrafficScripts { } { global g_traffic_flows foreach flow $g_traffic_flows { startstopTrafficScript $flow stop } } proc startstopTrafficScript { flow startstop } { set flownum [lindex $flow 1] set srcnode [lindex $flow 4] set dstnode [lindex $flow 5] set srclog [lindex $flow 8] set dstlog [lindex $flow 11] set name "flow$flownum.mgn" set mgen "mgen" ;# assume mgen is in PATH, otherwise change this # start receiving script first, then sender foreach n [list dst src] { set sock [lindex [getEmulPlugin [set ${n}node]] 2] if { [set ${n}node] == "" || $sock == -1 } { continue } if { $startstop == "start" } { set cmd "$mgen instance [set ${n}node]$name input $name" if { [set ${n}log] != "" } { set cmd "$cmd output [set ${n}log]" } } else { set cmd "$mgen instance [set ${n}node]$name stop" } sendExecMessage $sock [set ${n}node] $cmd 0 0 } }