#!/usr/bin/env python ''' emanemodel2core.py: scans an EMANE model source file (e.g. emane/models/rfpipe/maclayer/rfpipemaclayer.cc) and outputs Python bindings that allow the model to be used in CORE. When using this conversion utility, you should replace XYZ, Xyz, and xyz with the actual model name. Note the capitalization convention. ''' import os, sys, optparse MODEL_TEMPLATE_PART1 = """ ''' xyz.py: EMANE XYZ model bindings for CORE ''' from core.api import coreapi from emane import EmaneModel from universal import EmaneUniversalModel class EmaneXyzModel(EmaneModel): def __init__(self, session, objid = None, verbose = False): EmaneModel.__init__(self, session, objid, verbose) # model name _name = "emane_xyz" # MAC parameters _confmatrix_mac = [ """ MODEL_TEMPLATE_PART2 = """ ] # PHY parameters from Universal PHY _confmatrix_phy = EmaneUniversalModel._confmatrix _confmatrix = _confmatrix_mac + _confmatrix_phy # value groupings _confgroups = "XYZ MAC Parameters:1-%d|Universal PHY Parameters:%d-%d" \ % ( len(_confmatrix_mac), len(_confmatrix_mac) + 1, len(_confmatrix)) def buildnemxmlfiles(self, e, ifc): ''' Build the necessary nem, mac, and phy XMLs in the given path. If an individual NEM has a nonstandard config, we need to build that file also. Otherwise the WLAN-wide nXXemane_xyznem.xml, nXXemane_xyzmac.xml, nXXemane_xyzphy.xml are used. ''' values = e.getifcconfig(self.objid, self._name, self.getdefaultvalues(), ifc) if values is None: return nemdoc = e.xmldoc("nem") nem = nemdoc.getElementsByTagName("nem").pop() nem.setAttribute("name", "XYZ NEM") mactag = nemdoc.createElement("mac") mactag.setAttribute("definition", self.macxmlname(ifc)) nem.appendChild(mactag) phytag = nemdoc.createElement("phy") phytag.setAttribute("definition", self.phyxmlname(ifc)) nem.appendChild(phytag) e.xmlwrite(nemdoc, self.nemxmlname(ifc)) names = list(self.getnames()) macnames = names[:len(self._confmatrix_mac)] phynames = names[len(self._confmatrix_mac):] # make any changes to the mac/phy names here to e.g. exclude them from # the XML output macdoc = e.xmldoc("mac") mac = macdoc.getElementsByTagName("mac").pop() mac.setAttribute("name", "XYZ MAC") mac.setAttribute("library", "xyzmaclayer") # append MAC options to macdoc map( lambda n: mac.appendChild(e.xmlparam(macdoc, n, \ self.valueof(n, values))), macnames) e.xmlwrite(macdoc, self.macxmlname(ifc)) phydoc = EmaneUniversalModel.getphydoc(e, self, values, phynames) e.xmlwrite(phydoc, self.phyxmlname(ifc)) """ def emane_model_source_to_core(infile, outfile): do_parse_line = False output = MODEL_TEMPLATE_PART1 with open(infile, 'r') as f: for line in f: # begin marker if "EMANE::ConfigurationDefinition" in line: do_parse_line = True # end marker -- all done if "{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0" in line: break if do_parse_line: outstr = convert_line(line) if outstr is not None: output += outstr continue output += MODEL_TEMPLATE_PART2 if outfile == sys.stdout: sys.stdout.write(output) else: with open(outfile, 'w') as f: f.write(output) def convert_line(line): line = line.strip() # skip comments if line.startswith(('/*', '//')): return None items = line.strip('{},').split(',') if len(items) != 7: #print "continuning on line=", len(items), items return None return convert_items_to_line(items) def convert_items_to_line(items): fields = ('required', 'default', 'count', 'name', 'value', 'type', 'description') getfield = lambda(x): items[fields.index(x)].strip() output = " (" output += "%s, " % getfield('name') value = getfield('value') if value == '"off"': type = "coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_BOOL" value = "0" defaults = '"On,Off"' elif value == '"on"': type = "coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_BOOL" value = '"1"' defaults = '"On,Off"' else: type = "coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_STRING" defaults = '""' output += "%s, %s, %s, " % (type, value, defaults) output += getfield('description') output += "),\n" return output def main(): usagestr = "usage: %prog [-h] [options] -- ..." parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage = usagestr) parser.set_defaults(infile = None, outfile = sys.stdout) parser.add_option("-i", "--infile", dest = "infile", help = "file to read (usually '*mac.cc')") parser.add_option("-o", "--outfile", dest = "outfile", help = "file to write (stdout is default)") def usage(msg = None, err = 0): sys.stdout.write("\n") if msg: sys.stdout.write(msg + "\n\n") parser.print_help() sys.exit(err) # parse command line options (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.infile is None: usage("please specify input file with the '-i' option", err=1) emane_model_source_to_core(options.infile, options.outfile) if __name__ == "__main__": main()