# # Copyright (c) 2010-2013 the Boeing Company # See the LICENSE file included in this distribution. # # CORE configure script # # author: Jeff Ahrenholz # # -*- Autoconf -*- # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. # # this defines the CORE version number, must be static for AC_INIT # AC_INIT(core, m4_esyscmd_s([./revision.sh 4.8]), core-dev@nrl.navy.mil) VERSION=$PACKAGE_VERSION CORE_VERSION=$PACKAGE_VERSION CORE_VERSION_DATE=m4_esyscmd_s([./revision.sh -d]) COREDPY_VERSION=$PACKAGE_VERSION # # autoconf and automake initialization # AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([daemon/src/version.h.in]) AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(config) AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR(config) AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([config.h]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([tar-ustar]) AC_SUBST(CORE_VERSION) AC_SUBST(CORE_VERSION_DATE) AC_SUBST(COREDPY_VERSION) # # some of the following directory variables are not expanded at configure-time, # so we have special checks to expand them # # CORE GUI files in LIBDIR # AC_PREFIX_DEFAULT is /usr/local, but not expanded yet if test "x$prefix" = "xNONE" ; then prefix="/usr/local" fi if test "x$exec_prefix" = "xNONE" ; then exec_prefix="$prefix" fi if test "$libdir" = "\${exec_prefix}/lib" ; then libdir="${exec_prefix}/lib" fi if test "$sbindir" = "\${exec_prefix}/sbin" ; then sbindir="${exec_prefix}/sbin" fi if test "$bindir" = "\${exec_prefix}/bin" ; then bindir="${exec_prefix}/bin" fi # this can be /usr/lib or /usr/lib64 LIB_DIR="${libdir}" # don't let the Tcl files install to /usr/lib64/core CORE_LIB_DIR="${prefix}/lib/core" AC_SUBST(LIB_DIR) AC_SUBST(CORE_LIB_DIR) SBINDIR="${sbindir}" AC_SUBST(SBINDIR) BINDIR="${bindir}" AC_SUBST(BINDIR) # CORE daemon configuration file (core.conf) in CORE_CONF_DIR if test "$sysconfdir" = "\${prefix}/etc" ; then sysconfdir="/etc" CORE_CONF_DIR="/etc/core" else CORE_CONF_DIR="$sysconfdir/core" fi AC_SUBST(CORE_CONF_DIR) if test "$datarootdir" = "\${prefix}/share" ; then datarootdir="${prefix}/share" fi CORE_DATA_DIR="$datarootdir/core" AC_SUBST(CORE_DATA_DIR) # CORE GUI configuration files and preferences in CORE_GUI_CONF_DIR # scenario files in ~/.core/configs/ #AC_ARG_VAR(CORE_GUI_CONF_DIR, [GUI configuration directory.]) AC_ARG_WITH([guiconfdir], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-guiconfdir=dir], [specify GUI configuration directory])], [CORE_GUI_CONF_DIR="$with_guiconfdir"], [CORE_GUI_CONF_DIR="\${HOME}/.core"]) AC_SUBST(CORE_GUI_CONF_DIR) AC_ARG_ENABLE([gui], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-gui[=ARG]], [build and install the GUI (default is yes)])], [], [enable_gui=yes]) AC_SUBST(enable_gui) AC_ARG_ENABLE([daemon], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-daemon[=ARG]], [build and install the daemon with Python modules (default is yes)])], [], [enable_daemon=yes]) AC_SUBST(enable_daemon) if test "x$enable_daemon" = "xno"; then want_python=no want_bsd=no want_linux_netns=no fi # CORE state files if test "$localstatedir" = "\${prefix}/var" ; then # use /var instead of /usr/local/var (/usr/local/var/log isn't standard) CORE_STATE_DIR="/var" else CORE_STATE_DIR="$localstatedir" fi AC_SUBST(CORE_STATE_DIR) # default compiler flags # _GNU_SOURCE is defined to get c99 defines for lrint() CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -O3 -Werror -Wall -D_GNU_SOURCE" # debug flags #CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -g -Werror -Wall -D_GNU_SOURCE" # Checks for programs. AC_PROG_AWK AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_PROG_MAKE_SET AC_PROG_RANLIB AM_PATH_PYTHON(2.6, want_python=yes, want_python=no) SEARCHPATH="/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin" # # daemon dependencies # if test "x$enable_daemon" = "xyes" ; then AC_CHECK_PROG(brctl_path, brctl, $as_dir, no, $SEARCHPATH) AC_CHECK_PROG(sysctl_path, sysctl, $as_dir, no, $SEARCHPATH) AC_CHECK_PROG(ebtables_path, ebtables, $as_dir, no, $SEARCHPATH) AC_CHECK_PROG(ip_path, ip, $as_dir, no, $SEARCHPATH) AC_CHECK_PROG(tc_path, tc, $as_dir, no, $SEARCHPATH) AC_CHECK_PROG(ifconfig_path, ifconfig, $as_dir, no, $SEARCHPATH) AC_CHECK_PROG(ngctl_path, ngctl, $as_dir, no, $SEARCHPATH) AC_CHECK_PROG(vimage_path, vimage, $as_dir, no, $SEARCHPATH) AC_CHECK_PROG(mount_path, mount, $as_dir, no, $SEARCHPATH) AC_CHECK_PROG(umount_path, umount, $as_dir, no, $SEARCHPATH) AC_CHECK_PROG(convert, convert, yes, no, $SEARCHPATH) fi #AC_CHECK_PROG(dia, dia, yes, no) AC_CHECK_PROG(help2man, help2man, yes, no, $SEARCHPATH) if test "x$convert" = "xno" ; then AC_MSG_WARN([Could not locate ImageMagick convert.]) #want_docs_missing="convert" fi #if test "x$dia" = "xno" ; then # AC_MSG_WARN([Could not locate dia.]) # want_docs_missing="dia" #fi if test "x$help2man" = "xno" ; then AC_MSG_WARN([Could not locate help2man.]) want_docs_missing="$want_docs_missing help2man" fi if test "x$want_docs_missing" = "x" ; then want_docs=yes else AC_MSG_WARN([Could not find required helper utilities (${want_docs_missing}) so the CORE documentation will not be built.]) want_docs=no fi #AC_PATH_PROGS(tcl_path, [tclsh tclsh8.5 tclsh8.4], no) #if test "x$tcl_path" = "xno" ; then # AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not locate tclsh. Please install Tcl/Tk.]) #fi #AC_PATH_PROGS(wish_path, [wish wish8.5 wish8.4], no) #if test "x$wish_path" = "xno" ; then # AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not locate wish. Please install Tcl/Tk.]) #fi if test "x$enable_daemon" = "xyes" ; then # Checks for libraries. AC_CHECK_LIB([netgraph], [NgMkSockNode]) # Checks for header files. AC_CHECK_HEADERS([arpa/inet.h fcntl.h limits.h stdint.h stdlib.h string.h sys/ioctl.h sys/mount.h sys/socket.h sys/time.h termios.h unistd.h]) # Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. AC_C_INLINE AC_TYPE_INT32_T AC_TYPE_PID_T AC_TYPE_SIZE_T AC_TYPE_SSIZE_T AC_TYPE_UINT32_T AC_TYPE_UINT8_T # Checks for library functions. AC_FUNC_FORK AC_FUNC_MALLOC AC_FUNC_REALLOC AC_CHECK_FUNCS([atexit dup2 gettimeofday memset socket strerror uname]) fi # Host-specific detection want_linux_netns=no want_bsd=no if test `uname -s` = "FreeBSD"; then want_bsd=yes AC_CHECK_PROGS(gmake) # FreeBSD fix for linking libev port below CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -L/usr/local/lib" else want_linux_netns=yes fi if test "x$want_python" = "xno"; then want_bsd=no want_linux_netns=no fi if test "x$want_python" = "xyes"; then if test "x$want_linux_netns" = "xyes"; then CFLAGS_save=$CFLAGS CPPFLAGS_save=$CPPFLAGS if test "x$PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR" = "x"; then PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=`$PYTHON -c "import distutils.sysconfig; print distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc()"` fi CFLAGS="-I$PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR" CPPFLAGS="-I$PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR" AC_CHECK_HEADERS([Python.h], [], AC_MSG_ERROR([Python bindings require Python development headers (try installing your 'python-devel' or 'python-dev' package)])) CFLAGS=$CFLAGS_save CPPFLAGS=$CPPFLAGS_save PKG_CHECK_MODULES(libev, libev, AC_MSG_RESULT([found libev using pkgconfig OK]) AC_SUBST(libev_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(libev_LIBS), AC_MSG_RESULT([did not find libev using pkconfig...]) AC_CHECK_LIB([ev], ev_set_allocator, AC_MSG_RESULT([found libev OK]) AC_SUBST(libev_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(libev_LIBS, [-lev]), AC_MSG_ERROR([Python bindings require libev (try installing your 'libev-devel' or 'libev-dev' package)]))) fi AC_SUBST(pyprefix, `eval ${PYTHON} ./python-prefix.py ${PYTHON_PREFIX} ${PYTHON_VERSION}`) if test "${pyprefix}" != "${PYTHON_PREFIX}"; then pythondir=`echo ${pythondir} | sed -e 's,[$][{]prefix[}],${pyprefix},g'` pyexecdir=`echo ${pyexecdir} | sed -e 's,[$][{]exec_prefix[}],${pyprefix},g'` fi else # Namespace support requires Python support want_linux_netns=no fi progs_missing="" if test "x$want_linux_netns" = "xyes"; then if test "x$brctl_path" = "xno" ; then progs_missing="${progs_missing}brctl " brctl_path="/usr/sbin" AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not locate brctl (from bridge-utils package).]) fi if test "x$ebtables_path" = "xno" ; then progs_missing="${progs_missing}ebtables " ebtables_path="/sbin" AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not locate ebtables (from ebtables package).]) fi if test "x$ip_path" = "xno" ; then progs_missing="${progs_missing}ip " ip_path="/sbin" AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not locate ip (from iproute package).]) fi if test "x$tc_path" = "xno" ; then progs_missing="${progs_missing}tc " tc_path="/sbin" AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not locate tc (from iproute package).]) fi fi if test "x$want_bsd" = "xyes"; then if test "x$ifconfig_path" = "xno" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not locate the 'ifconfig' utility.]) fi if test "x$ngctl_path" = "xno" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not locate the 'ngctl' utility.]) fi if test "x$vimage_path" = "xno" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not locate the 'vimage' utility.]) fi fi AC_ARG_WITH([startup], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-startup=option], [option=systemd,suse,none to install systemd/SUSE init scripts])], [with_startup=$with_startup], [with_startup=initd]) AC_SUBST(with_startup) AC_MSG_RESULT([using startup option $with_startup]) # Variable substitutions AM_CONDITIONAL(WANT_GUI, test x$enable_gui = xyes) AM_CONDITIONAL(WANT_DAEMON, test x$enable_daemon = xyes) AM_CONDITIONAL(WANT_BSD, test x$want_bsd = xyes) AM_CONDITIONAL(WANT_DOCS, test x$want_docs = xyes) AM_CONDITIONAL(WANT_PYTHON, test x$want_python = xyes) AM_CONDITIONAL(WANT_NETNS, test x$want_linux_netns = xyes) AM_CONDITIONAL(WANT_INITD, test x$with_startup = xinitd) AM_CONDITIONAL(WANT_SYSTEMD, test x$with_startup = xsystemd) AM_CONDITIONAL(WANT_SUSE, test x$with_startup = xsuse) if test $cross_compiling = no; then AM_MISSING_PROG(HELP2MAN, help2man) else HELP2MAN=: fi # Output files AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile gui/core-gui gui/version.tcl gui/Makefile gui/icons/Makefile scripts/Makefile scripts/core-daemon.service scripts/perf/Makefile scripts/xen/Makefile doc/Makefile doc/conf.py doc/man/Makefile doc/figures/Makefile daemon/Makefile daemon/src/Makefile daemon/src/version.h daemon/core/constants.py daemon/ns3/Makefile daemon/ns3/corens3/constants.py daemon/doc/Makefile daemon/doc/conf.py packaging/deb/core-daemon.install packaging/deb/core-daemon.prerm packaging/deb/core-gui.install packaging/rpm/core.spec],) AC_OUTPUT # Summary text echo \ "------------------------------------------------------------------------ ${PACKAGE_STRING} Configuration: Host System Type: ${host} C Compiler and flags: ${CC} ${CFLAGS} Install prefix: ${prefix} Build GUI: ${enable_gui} GUI path: ${CORE_LIB_DIR} GUI config: ${CORE_GUI_CONF_DIR} Daemon path: ${SBINDIR} Daemon config: ${CORE_CONF_DIR} Python install prefix: ${pyprefix} Python modules: ${pythondir} Logs: ${CORE_STATE_DIR}/log Features to build: Python bindings: ${want_python} Linux Namespaces emulation: ${want_linux_netns} FreeBSD Jails emulation: ${want_bsd} Documentation: ${want_docs} ------------------------------------------------------------------------" if test "x${want_bsd}" = "xyes" ; then # TODO: more sophisticated checks of gmake vs make echo ">>> NOTE: on FreeBSD you should use 'gmake' instead of 'make' ------------------------------------------------------------------------" fi if test "x${want_linux_netns}" = "xyes" ; then echo "On this platform you should run core-gui as a normal user. ------------------------------------------------------------------------" fi if test "x${progs_missing}" != "x" ; then echo ">>> NOTE: the following programs could not be found:" echo " $progs_missing ------------------------------------------------------------------------" fi