""" Defines the base logic for nodes used within core. """ import abc import logging import os import shutil import threading from threading import RLock from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union import netaddr from core import utils from core.configservice.dependencies import ConfigServiceDependencies from core.constants import MOUNT_BIN, VNODED_BIN from core.emulator.data import InterfaceData, LinkData, LinkOptions from core.emulator.enumerations import LinkTypes, MessageFlags, NodeTypes from core.errors import CoreCommandError, CoreError from core.nodes.client import VnodeClient from core.nodes.interface import CoreInterface, TunTap, Veth from core.nodes.netclient import LinuxNetClient, get_net_client if TYPE_CHECKING: from core.emulator.distributed import DistributedServer from core.emulator.session import Session from core.configservice.base import ConfigService from core.services.coreservices import CoreService CoreServices = List[Union[CoreService, Type[CoreService]]] ConfigServiceType = Type[ConfigService] _DEFAULT_MTU = 1500 class NodeBase(abc.ABC): """ Base class for CORE nodes (nodes and networks) """ apitype: Optional[NodeTypes] = None def __init__( self, session: "Session", _id: int = None, name: str = None, server: "DistributedServer" = None, ) -> None: """ Creates a NodeBase instance. :param session: CORE session object :param _id: id :param name: object name :param server: remote server node will run on, default is None for localhost """ self.session: "Session" = session if _id is None: _id = session.next_node_id() self.id: int = _id if name is None: name = f"o{self.id}" self.name: str = name self.server: "DistributedServer" = server self.type: Optional[str] = None self.services: CoreServices = [] self.ifaces: Dict[int, CoreInterface] = {} self.iface_id: int = 0 self.canvas: Optional[int] = None self.icon: Optional[str] = None self.position: Position = Position() self.up: bool = False use_ovs = session.options.get_config("ovs") == "True" self.net_client: LinuxNetClient = get_net_client(use_ovs, self.host_cmd) @abc.abstractmethod def startup(self) -> None: """ Each object implements its own startup method. :return: nothing """ raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def shutdown(self) -> None: """ Each object implements its own shutdown method. :return: nothing """ raise NotImplementedError def host_cmd( self, args: str, env: Dict[str, str] = None, cwd: str = None, wait: bool = True, shell: bool = False, ) -> str: """ Runs a command on the host system or distributed server. :param args: command to run :param env: environment to run command with :param cwd: directory to run command in :param wait: True to wait for status, False otherwise :param shell: True to use shell, False otherwise :return: combined stdout and stderr :raises CoreCommandError: when a non-zero exit status occurs """ if self.server is None: return utils.cmd(args, env, cwd, wait, shell) else: return self.server.remote_cmd(args, env, cwd, wait) def setposition(self, x: float = None, y: float = None, z: float = None) -> bool: """ Set the (x,y,z) position of the object. :param x: x position :param y: y position :param z: z position :return: True if position changed, False otherwise """ return self.position.set(x=x, y=y, z=z) def getposition(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: """ Return an (x,y,z) tuple representing this object's position. :return: x,y,z position tuple """ return self.position.get() def get_iface(self, iface_id: int) -> CoreInterface: """ Retrieve interface based on id. :param iface_id: id of interface to retrieve :return: interface :raises CoreError: when interface does not exist """ if iface_id not in self.ifaces: raise CoreError(f"node({self.name}) does not have interface({iface_id})") return self.ifaces[iface_id] def get_ifaces(self, control: bool = True) -> List[CoreInterface]: """ Retrieve sorted list of interfaces, optionally do not include control interfaces. :param control: False to exclude control interfaces, included otherwise :return: list of interfaces """ ifaces = [] for iface_id in sorted(self.ifaces): iface = self.ifaces[iface_id] if not control and getattr(iface, "control", False): continue ifaces.append(iface) return ifaces def get_iface_id(self, iface: CoreInterface) -> int: """ Retrieve id for an interface. :param iface: interface to get id for :return: interface index if found, -1 otherwise """ for iface_id, local_iface in self.ifaces.items(): if local_iface is iface: return iface_id raise CoreError(f"node({self.name}) does not have interface({iface.name})") def next_iface_id(self) -> int: """ Create a new interface index. :return: interface index """ while self.iface_id in self.ifaces: self.iface_id += 1 iface_id = self.iface_id self.iface_id += 1 return iface_id def links(self, flags: MessageFlags = MessageFlags.NONE) -> List[LinkData]: """ Build link data for this node. :param flags: message flags :return: list of link data """ return [] class CoreNodeBase(NodeBase): """ Base class for CORE nodes. """ def __init__( self, session: "Session", _id: int = None, name: str = None, server: "DistributedServer" = None, ) -> None: """ Create a CoreNodeBase instance. :param session: CORE session object :param _id: object id :param name: object name :param server: remote server node will run on, default is None for localhost """ super().__init__(session, _id, name, server) self.config_services: Dict[str, "ConfigService"] = {} self.nodedir: Optional[str] = None self.tmpnodedir: bool = False @abc.abstractmethod def startup(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def shutdown(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def nodefile(self, filename: str, contents: str, mode: int = 0o644) -> None: """ Create a node file with a given mode. :param filename: name of file to create :param contents: contents of file :param mode: mode for file :return: nothing """ raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def addfile(self, srcname: str, filename: str) -> None: """ Add a file. :param srcname: source file name :param filename: file name to add :return: nothing :raises CoreCommandError: when a non-zero exit status occurs """ raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def cmd(self, args: str, wait: bool = True, shell: bool = False) -> str: """ Runs a command within a node container. :param args: command to run :param wait: True to wait for status, False otherwise :param shell: True to use shell, False otherwise :return: combined stdout and stderr :raises CoreCommandError: when a non-zero exit status occurs """ raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def termcmdstring(self, sh: str) -> str: """ Create a terminal command string. :param sh: shell to execute command in :return: str """ raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def new_iface( self, net: "CoreNetworkBase", iface_data: InterfaceData ) -> CoreInterface: """ Create a new interface. :param net: network to associate with :param iface_data: interface data for new interface :return: interface index """ raise NotImplementedError def add_config_service(self, service_class: "ConfigServiceType") -> None: """ Adds a configuration service to the node. :param service_class: configuration service class to assign to node :return: nothing """ name = service_class.name if name in self.config_services: raise CoreError(f"node({self.name}) already has service({name})") self.config_services[name] = service_class(self) def set_service_config(self, name: str, data: Dict[str, str]) -> None: """ Sets configuration service custom config data. :param name: name of configuration service :param data: custom config data to set :return: nothing """ service = self.config_services.get(name) if service is None: raise CoreError(f"node({self.name}) does not have service({name})") service.set_config(data) def start_config_services(self) -> None: """ Determines startup paths and starts configuration services, based on their dependency chains. :return: nothing """ startup_paths = ConfigServiceDependencies(self.config_services).startup_paths() for startup_path in startup_paths: for service in startup_path: service.start() def makenodedir(self) -> None: """ Create the node directory. :return: nothing """ if self.nodedir is None: self.nodedir = os.path.join(self.session.session_dir, self.name + ".conf") self.host_cmd(f"mkdir -p {self.nodedir}") self.tmpnodedir = True else: self.tmpnodedir = False def rmnodedir(self) -> None: """ Remove the node directory, unless preserve directory has been set. :return: nothing """ preserve = self.session.options.get_config("preservedir") == "1" if preserve: return if self.tmpnodedir: self.host_cmd(f"rm -rf {self.nodedir}") def add_iface(self, iface: CoreInterface, iface_id: int) -> None: """ Add network interface to node and set the network interface index if successful. :param iface: network interface to add :param iface_id: interface id :return: nothing """ if iface_id in self.ifaces: raise CoreError(f"interface({iface_id}) already exists") self.ifaces[iface_id] = iface iface.node_id = iface_id def delete_iface(self, iface_id: int) -> None: """ Delete a network interface :param iface_id: interface index to delete :return: nothing """ if iface_id not in self.ifaces: raise CoreError(f"node({self.name}) interface({iface_id}) does not exist") iface = self.ifaces.pop(iface_id) logging.info("node(%s) removing interface(%s)", self.name, iface.name) iface.detachnet() iface.shutdown() def attachnet(self, iface_id: int, net: "CoreNetworkBase") -> None: """ Attach a network. :param iface_id: interface of index to attach :param net: network to attach :return: nothing """ iface = self.get_iface(iface_id) iface.attachnet(net) def detachnet(self, iface_id: int) -> None: """ Detach network interface. :param iface_id: interface id to detach :return: nothing """ iface = self.get_iface(iface_id) iface.detachnet() def setposition(self, x: float = None, y: float = None, z: float = None) -> None: """ Set position. :param x: x position :param y: y position :param z: z position :return: nothing """ changed = super().setposition(x, y, z) if changed: for iface in self.get_ifaces(): iface.setposition() def commonnets( self, node: "CoreNodeBase", want_ctrl: bool = False ) -> List[Tuple["CoreNetworkBase", CoreInterface, CoreInterface]]: """ Given another node or net object, return common networks between this node and that object. A list of tuples is returned, with each tuple consisting of (network, interface1, interface2). :param node: node to get common network with :param want_ctrl: flag set to determine if control network are wanted :return: tuples of common networks """ common = [] for iface1 in self.get_ifaces(control=want_ctrl): for iface2 in node.get_ifaces(): if iface1.net == iface2.net: common.append((iface1.net, iface1, iface2)) return common class CoreNode(CoreNodeBase): """ Provides standard core node logic. """ apitype: NodeTypes = NodeTypes.DEFAULT def __init__( self, session: "Session", _id: int = None, name: str = None, nodedir: str = None, server: "DistributedServer" = None, ) -> None: """ Create a CoreNode instance. :param session: core session instance :param _id: object id :param name: object name :param nodedir: node directory :param server: remote server node will run on, default is None for localhost """ super().__init__(session, _id, name, server) self.nodedir: Optional[str] = nodedir self.ctrlchnlname: str = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(self.session.session_dir, self.name) ) self.client: Optional[VnodeClient] = None self.pid: Optional[int] = None self.lock: RLock = RLock() self._mounts: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [] use_ovs = session.options.get_config("ovs") == "True" self.node_net_client: LinuxNetClient = self.create_node_net_client(use_ovs) def create_node_net_client(self, use_ovs: bool) -> LinuxNetClient: """ Create node network client for running network commands within the nodes container. :param use_ovs: True for OVS bridges, False for Linux bridges :return: node network client """ return get_net_client(use_ovs, self.cmd) def alive(self) -> bool: """ Check if the node is alive. :return: True if node is alive, False otherwise """ try: self.host_cmd(f"kill -0 {self.pid}") except CoreCommandError: return False return True def startup(self) -> None: """ Start a new namespace node by invoking the vnoded process that allocates a new namespace. Bring up the loopback device and set the hostname. :return: nothing """ with self.lock: self.makenodedir() if self.up: raise ValueError("starting a node that is already up") # create a new namespace for this node using vnoded vnoded = ( f"{VNODED_BIN} -v -c {self.ctrlchnlname} -l {self.ctrlchnlname}.log " f"-p {self.ctrlchnlname}.pid" ) if self.nodedir: vnoded += f" -C {self.nodedir}" env = self.session.get_environment(state=False) env["NODE_NUMBER"] = str(self.id) env["NODE_NAME"] = str(self.name) output = self.host_cmd(vnoded, env=env) self.pid = int(output) logging.debug("node(%s) pid: %s", self.name, self.pid) # create vnode client self.client = VnodeClient(self.name, self.ctrlchnlname) # bring up the loopback interface logging.debug("bringing up loopback interface") self.node_net_client.device_up("lo") # set hostname for node logging.debug("setting hostname: %s", self.name) self.node_net_client.set_hostname(self.name) # mark node as up self.up = True # create private directories self.privatedir("/var/run") self.privatedir("/var/log") def shutdown(self) -> None: """ Shutdown logic for simple lxc nodes. :return: nothing """ # nothing to do if node is not up if not self.up: return with self.lock: try: # unmount all targets (NOTE: non-persistent mount namespaces are # removed by the kernel when last referencing process is killed) self._mounts = [] # shutdown all interfaces for iface in self.get_ifaces(): iface.shutdown() # kill node process if present try: self.host_cmd(f"kill -9 {self.pid}") except CoreCommandError: logging.exception("error killing process") # remove node directory if present try: self.host_cmd(f"rm -rf {self.ctrlchnlname}") except CoreCommandError: logging.exception("error removing node directory") # clear interface data, close client, and mark self and not up self.ifaces.clear() self.client.close() self.up = False except OSError: logging.exception("error during shutdown") finally: self.rmnodedir() def cmd(self, args: str, wait: bool = True, shell: bool = False) -> str: """ Runs a command that is used to configure and setup the network within a node. :param args: command to run :param wait: True to wait for status, False otherwise :param shell: True to use shell, False otherwise :return: combined stdout and stderr :raises CoreCommandError: when a non-zero exit status occurs """ if self.server is None: return self.client.check_cmd(args, wait=wait, shell=shell) else: args = self.client.create_cmd(args) return self.server.remote_cmd(args, wait=wait) def termcmdstring(self, sh: str = "/bin/sh") -> str: """ Create a terminal command string. :param sh: shell to execute command in :return: str """ terminal = self.client.create_cmd(sh) if self.server is None: return terminal else: return f"ssh -X -f {self.server.host} xterm -e {terminal}" def privatedir(self, path: str) -> None: """ Create a private directory. :param path: path to create :return: nothing """ if path[0] != "/": raise ValueError(f"path not fully qualified: {path}") hostpath = os.path.join( self.nodedir, os.path.normpath(path).strip("/").replace("/", ".") ) self.host_cmd(f"mkdir -p {hostpath}") self.mount(hostpath, path) def mount(self, source: str, target: str) -> None: """ Create and mount a directory. :param source: source directory to mount :param target: target directory to create :return: nothing :raises CoreCommandError: when a non-zero exit status occurs """ source = os.path.abspath(source) logging.debug("node(%s) mounting: %s at %s", self.name, source, target) self.cmd(f"mkdir -p {target}") self.cmd(f"{MOUNT_BIN} -n --bind {source} {target}") self._mounts.append((source, target)) def next_iface_id(self) -> int: """ Retrieve a new interface index. :return: new interface index """ with self.lock: return super().next_iface_id() def newveth(self, iface_id: int = None, ifname: str = None) -> int: """ Create a new interface. :param iface_id: id for the new interface :param ifname: name for the new interface :return: nothing """ with self.lock: if iface_id is None: iface_id = self.next_iface_id() if ifname is None: ifname = f"eth{iface_id}" sessionid = self.session.short_session_id() try: suffix = f"{self.id:x}.{iface_id}.{sessionid}" except TypeError: suffix = f"{self.id}.{iface_id}.{sessionid}" localname = f"veth{suffix}" if len(localname) >= 16: raise ValueError(f"interface local name ({localname}) too long") name = localname + "p" if len(name) >= 16: raise ValueError(f"interface name ({name}) too long") veth = Veth( self.session, self, name, localname, start=self.up, server=self.server ) if self.up: self.net_client.device_ns(veth.name, str(self.pid)) self.node_net_client.device_name(veth.name, ifname) self.node_net_client.checksums_off(ifname) veth.name = ifname if self.up: flow_id = self.node_net_client.get_ifindex(veth.name) veth.flow_id = int(flow_id) logging.debug("interface flow index: %s - %s", veth.name, veth.flow_id) mac = self.node_net_client.get_mac(veth.name) logging.debug("interface mac: %s - %s", veth.name, mac) veth.set_mac(mac) try: # add network interface to the node. If unsuccessful, destroy the # network interface and raise exception. self.add_iface(veth, iface_id) except ValueError as e: veth.shutdown() del veth raise e return iface_id def newtuntap(self, iface_id: int = None, ifname: str = None) -> int: """ Create a new tunnel tap. :param iface_id: interface id :param ifname: interface name :return: interface index """ with self.lock: if iface_id is None: iface_id = self.next_iface_id() if ifname is None: ifname = f"eth{iface_id}" sessionid = self.session.short_session_id() localname = f"tap{self.id}.{iface_id}.{sessionid}" name = ifname tuntap = TunTap(self.session, self, name, localname, start=self.up) try: self.add_iface(tuntap, iface_id) except ValueError as e: tuntap.shutdown() del tuntap raise e return iface_id def set_mac(self, iface_id: int, mac: str) -> None: """ Set hardware address for an interface. :param iface_id: id of interface to set hardware address for :param mac: mac address to set :return: nothing :raises CoreCommandError: when a non-zero exit status occurs """ iface = self.get_iface(iface_id) iface.set_mac(mac) if self.up: self.node_net_client.device_mac(iface.name, mac) def add_ip(self, iface_id: int, ip: str) -> None: """ Add an ip address to an interface in the format "". :param iface_id: id of interface to add address to :param ip: address to add to interface :return: nothing :raises CoreError: when ip address provided is invalid :raises CoreCommandError: when a non-zero exit status occurs """ iface = self.get_iface(iface_id) iface.add_ip(ip) if self.up: # ipv4 check broadcast = None if netaddr.valid_ipv4(ip): broadcast = "+" self.node_net_client.create_address(iface.name, ip, broadcast) def remove_ip(self, iface_id: int, ip: str) -> None: """ Remove an ip address from an interface in the format "". :param iface_id: id of interface to delete address from :param ip: ip address to remove from interface :return: nothing :raises CoreError: when ip address provided is invalid :raises CoreCommandError: when a non-zero exit status occurs """ iface = self.get_iface(iface_id) iface.remove_ip(ip) if self.up: self.node_net_client.delete_address(iface.name, ip) def ifup(self, iface_id: int) -> None: """ Bring an interface up. :param iface_id: index of interface to bring up :return: nothing """ if self.up: iface = self.get_iface(iface_id) self.node_net_client.device_up(iface.name) def new_iface( self, net: "CoreNetworkBase", iface_data: InterfaceData ) -> CoreInterface: """ Create a new network interface. :param net: network to associate with :param iface_data: interface data for new interface :return: interface index """ ips = iface_data.get_ips() with self.lock: # TODO: emane specific code if net.is_emane is True: iface_id = self.newtuntap(iface_data.id, iface_data.name) # TUN/TAP is not ready for addressing yet; the device may # take some time to appear, and installing it into a # namespace after it has been bound removes addressing; # save addresses with the interface now self.attachnet(iface_id, net) iface = self.get_iface(iface_id) iface.set_mac(iface_data.mac) for ip in ips: iface.add_ip(ip) else: iface_id = self.newveth(iface_data.id, iface_data.name) self.attachnet(iface_id, net) if iface_data.mac: self.set_mac(iface_id, iface_data.mac) for ip in ips: self.add_ip(iface_id, ip) self.ifup(iface_id) iface = self.get_iface(iface_id) return iface def addfile(self, srcname: str, filename: str) -> None: """ Add a file. :param srcname: source file name :param filename: file name to add :return: nothing :raises CoreCommandError: when a non-zero exit status occurs """ logging.info("adding file from %s to %s", srcname, filename) directory = os.path.dirname(filename) if self.server is None: self.client.check_cmd(f"mkdir -p {directory}") self.client.check_cmd(f"mv {srcname} {filename}") self.client.check_cmd("sync") else: self.host_cmd(f"mkdir -p {directory}") self.server.remote_put(srcname, filename) def hostfilename(self, filename: str) -> str: """ Return the name of a node"s file on the host filesystem. :param filename: host file name :return: path to file """ dirname, basename = os.path.split(filename) if not basename: raise ValueError(f"no basename for filename: {filename}") if dirname and dirname[0] == "/": dirname = dirname[1:] dirname = dirname.replace("/", ".") dirname = os.path.join(self.nodedir, dirname) return os.path.join(dirname, basename) def nodefile(self, filename: str, contents: str, mode: int = 0o644) -> None: """ Create a node file with a given mode. :param filename: name of file to create :param contents: contents of file :param mode: mode for file :return: nothing """ hostfilename = self.hostfilename(filename) dirname, _basename = os.path.split(hostfilename) if self.server is None: if not os.path.isdir(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname, mode=0o755) with open(hostfilename, "w") as open_file: open_file.write(contents) os.chmod(open_file.name, mode) else: self.host_cmd(f"mkdir -m {0o755:o} -p {dirname}") self.server.remote_put_temp(hostfilename, contents) self.host_cmd(f"chmod {mode:o} {hostfilename}") logging.debug( "node(%s) added file: %s; mode: 0%o", self.name, hostfilename, mode ) def nodefilecopy(self, filename: str, srcfilename: str, mode: int = None) -> None: """ Copy a file to a node, following symlinks and preserving metadata. Change file mode if specified. :param filename: file name to copy file to :param srcfilename: file to copy :param mode: mode to copy to :return: nothing """ hostfilename = self.hostfilename(filename) if self.server is None: shutil.copy2(srcfilename, hostfilename) else: self.server.remote_put(srcfilename, hostfilename) if mode is not None: self.host_cmd(f"chmod {mode:o} {hostfilename}") logging.info( "node(%s) copied file: %s; mode: %s", self.name, hostfilename, mode ) class CoreNetworkBase(NodeBase): """ Base class for networks """ linktype: LinkTypes = LinkTypes.WIRED is_emane: bool = False def __init__( self, session: "Session", _id: int, name: str, server: "DistributedServer" = None, ) -> None: """ Create a CoreNetworkBase instance. :param session: CORE session object :param _id: object id :param name: object name :param server: remote server node will run on, default is None for localhost """ super().__init__(session, _id, name, server) self.brname = None self._linked = {} self._linked_lock = threading.Lock() @abc.abstractmethod def startup(self) -> None: """ Each object implements its own startup method. :return: nothing """ raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def shutdown(self) -> None: """ Each object implements its own shutdown method. :return: nothing """ raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def linknet(self, net: "CoreNetworkBase") -> CoreInterface: """ Link network to another. :param net: network to link with :return: created interface """ raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def linkconfig( self, iface: CoreInterface, options: LinkOptions, iface2: CoreInterface = None ) -> None: """ Configure link parameters by applying tc queuing disciplines on the interface. :param iface: interface one :param options: options for configuring link :param iface2: interface two :return: nothing """ raise NotImplementedError def get_linked_iface(self, net: "CoreNetworkBase") -> Optional[CoreInterface]: """ Return the interface that links this net with another net. :param net: interface to get link for :return: interface the provided network is linked to """ for iface in self.get_ifaces(): if iface.othernet == net: return iface return None def attach(self, iface: CoreInterface) -> None: """ Attach network interface. :param iface: network interface to attach :return: nothing """ i = self.next_iface_id() self.ifaces[i] = iface iface.net_id = i with self._linked_lock: self._linked[iface] = {} def detach(self, iface: CoreInterface) -> None: """ Detach network interface. :param iface: network interface to detach :return: nothing """ del self.ifaces[iface.net_id] iface.net_id = None with self._linked_lock: del self._linked[iface] def links(self, flags: MessageFlags = MessageFlags.NONE) -> List[LinkData]: """ Build link data objects for this network. Each link object describes a link between this network and a node. :param flags: message type :return: list of link data """ all_links = [] # build a link message from this network node to each node having a # connected interface for iface in self.get_ifaces(): uni = False linked_node = iface.node if linked_node is None: # two layer-2 switches/hubs linked together via linknet() if not iface.othernet: continue linked_node = iface.othernet if linked_node.id == self.id: continue iface.swapparams("_params_up") upstream_params = iface.getparams() iface.swapparams("_params_up") if iface.getparams() != upstream_params: uni = True unidirectional = 0 if uni: unidirectional = 1 iface2_data = InterfaceData( id=linked_node.get_iface_id(iface), name=iface.name, mac=str(iface.mac) ) ip4 = iface.get_ip4() if ip4: iface2_data.ip4 = str(ip4.ip) iface2_data.ip4_mask = ip4.prefixlen ip6 = iface.get_ip6() if ip6: iface2_data.ip6 = str(ip6.ip) iface2_data.ip6_mask = ip6.prefixlen options_data = iface.get_link_options(unidirectional) link_data = LinkData( message_type=flags, type=self.linktype, node1_id=self.id, node2_id=linked_node.id, iface2=iface2_data, options=options_data, ) all_links.append(link_data) if not uni: continue iface.swapparams("_params_up") options_data = iface.get_link_options(unidirectional) link_data = LinkData( message_type=MessageFlags.NONE, type=self.linktype, node1_id=linked_node.id, node2_id=self.id, options=options_data, ) iface.swapparams("_params_up") all_links.append(link_data) return all_links class Position: """ Helper class for Cartesian coordinate position """ def __init__(self, x: float = None, y: float = None, z: float = None) -> None: """ Creates a Position instance. :param x: x position :param y: y position :param z: z position """ self.x: float = x self.y: float = y self.z: float = z self.lon: Optional[float] = None self.lat: Optional[float] = None self.alt: Optional[float] = None def set(self, x: float = None, y: float = None, z: float = None) -> bool: """ Returns True if the position has actually changed. :param x: x position :param y: y position :param z: z position :return: True if position changed, False otherwise """ if self.x == x and self.y == y and self.z == z: return False self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z return True def get(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: """ Retrieve x,y,z position. :return: x,y,z position tuple """ return self.x, self.y, self.z def set_geo(self, lon: float, lat: float, alt: float) -> None: """ Set geo position lon, lat, alt. :param lon: longitude value :param lat: latitude value :param alt: altitude value :return: nothing """ self.lon = lon self.lat = lat self.alt = alt def get_geo(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: """ Retrieve current geo position lon, lat, alt. :return: lon, lat, alt position tuple """ return self.lon, self.lat, self.alt