# CORE # (c)2010-2013 the Boeing Company. # See the LICENSE file included in this distribution. # # author: Jeff Ahrenholz # # Makefile for building netns. # AM_CFLAGS = -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing -O3 -g @libev_CFLAGS@ SETUPPY = setup.py SETUPPYFLAGS = -v SRC_COMMON = vnode_msg.c vnode_cmd.c vnode_chnl.c vnode_io.c \ vnode_msg.h vnode_cmd.h vnode_chnl.h vnode_io.h \ vnode_tlv.h myerr.h netns.h SRC_VNODED = vnoded_main.c vnode_server.c netns.c \ vnode_server.h SRC_VCMD = vcmd_main.c vnode_client.c \ vnode_client.h SRC_NETNS = netns_main.c netns.c netns.h bin_PROGRAMS = vnoded vcmd netns vnoded_LDADD = @libev_LIBS@ vnoded_SOURCES = $(SRC_COMMON) $(SRC_VNODED) vcmd_LDADD = @libev_LIBS@ vcmd_SOURCES = $(SRC_COMMON) $(SRC_VCMD) netns_SOURCES = $(SRC_NETNS) # this triggers automake to run setup.py for building the Python libraries # actual library names are netns.so and vcmd.so # SOURCES line prevents 'make dist' from looking for a 'libnetns.c' file #if WANT_PYTHON #noinst_LIBRARIES = libnetns.a #libnetns_a_SOURCES = netnsmodule.c vcmdmodule.c #libnetns.a: # LDFLAGS="$(LDFLAGS) @libev_LIBS@" CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) @libev_CFLAGS@" $(PYTHON) setup.py build_ext # ## Python libraries install #install-exec-local: # $(PYTHON) $(SETUPPY) $(SETUPPYFLAGS) install \ # --root=/$(DESTDIR) \ # --prefix=$(prefix) \ # --install-lib=$(pythondir) \ # --single-version-externally-managed \ # --no-compile # ## Python libraries uninstall #uninstall-hook: # rm -rf core_netns.egg-info # rm -rf $(DESTDIR)/$(pythondir)/core_netns-$(PACKAGE_VERSION)-py$(PYTHON_VERSION).egg-info # rm -f $(DESTDIR)/$(bindir)/{vnoded,vcmd,netns} # rm -f $(DESTDIR)/$(pythondir)/{netns.so,vcmd.so} # ## Python libraries cleanup #clean-local: clean-local-check #.PHONY: clean-local-check #clean-local-check: # -rm -rf build # #distclean-local: # -rm -rf core_netns.egg-info # #endif # endif WANT_PYTHON # extra cruft to remove DISTCLEANFILES = Makefile.in MANIFEST # include source files for Python libraries with distribution tarball EXTRA_DIST = setup.py MANIFEST.in