""" PhysicalNode class for including real systems in the emulated network. """ import logging import threading from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional, Tuple from core.emulator.data import InterfaceData from core.emulator.distributed import DistributedServer from core.emulator.enumerations import NodeTypes, TransportType from core.errors import CoreCommandError, CoreError from core.executables import MOUNT, TEST, UMOUNT from core.nodes.base import CoreNetworkBase, CoreNodeBase from core.nodes.interface import DEFAULT_MTU, CoreInterface logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if TYPE_CHECKING: from core.emulator.session import Session class PhysicalNode(CoreNodeBase): def __init__( self, session: "Session", _id: int = None, name: str = None, directory: Path = None, server: DistributedServer = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(session, _id, name, server) if not self.server: raise CoreError("physical nodes must be assigned to a remote server") self.directory: Optional[Path] = directory self.lock: threading.RLock = threading.RLock() self._mounts: List[Tuple[Path, Path]] = [] def startup(self) -> None: with self.lock: self.makenodedir() self.up = True def shutdown(self) -> None: if not self.up: return with self.lock: while self._mounts: _, target_path = self._mounts.pop(-1) self.umount(target_path) for iface in self.get_ifaces(): iface.shutdown() self.rmnodedir() def path_exists(self, path: str) -> bool: """ Determines if a file or directory path exists. :param path: path to file or directory :return: True if path exists, False otherwise """ try: self.host_cmd(f"{TEST} -e {path}") return True except CoreCommandError: return False def termcmdstring(self, sh: str = "/bin/sh") -> str: """ Create a terminal command string. :param sh: shell to execute command in :return: str """ return sh def set_mac(self, iface_id: int, mac: str) -> None: """ Set mac address for an interface. :param iface_id: index of interface to set hardware address for :param mac: mac address to set :return: nothing :raises CoreCommandError: when a non-zero exit status occurs """ iface = self.get_iface(iface_id) iface.set_mac(mac) if self.up: self.net_client.device_mac(iface.name, str(iface.mac)) def add_ip(self, iface_id: int, ip: str) -> None: """ Add an ip address to an interface in the format "". :param iface_id: id of interface to add address to :param ip: address to add to interface :return: nothing :raises CoreError: when ip address provided is invalid :raises CoreCommandError: when a non-zero exit status occurs """ iface = self.get_iface(iface_id) iface.add_ip(ip) if self.up: self.net_client.create_address(iface.name, ip) def remove_ip(self, iface_id: int, ip: str) -> None: """ Remove an ip address from an interface in the format "". :param iface_id: id of interface to delete address from :param ip: ip address to remove from interface :return: nothing :raises CoreError: when ip address provided is invalid :raises CoreCommandError: when a non-zero exit status occurs """ iface = self.get_iface(iface_id) iface.remove_ip(ip) if self.up: self.net_client.delete_address(iface.name, ip) def adopt_iface( self, iface: CoreInterface, iface_id: int, mac: str, ips: List[str] ) -> None: """ When a link message is received linking this node to another part of the emulation, no new interface is created; instead, adopt the GreTap interface as the node interface. """ iface.name = f"gt{iface_id}" iface.node = self self.add_iface(iface, iface_id) # use a more reasonable name, e.g. "gt0" instead of "gt.56286.150" if self.up: self.net_client.device_down(iface.localname) self.net_client.device_name(iface.localname, iface.name) iface.localname = iface.name if mac: self.set_mac(iface_id, mac) for ip in ips: self.add_ip(iface_id, ip) if self.up: self.net_client.device_up(iface.localname) def next_iface_id(self) -> int: with self.lock: while self.iface_id in self.ifaces: self.iface_id += 1 iface_id = self.iface_id self.iface_id += 1 return iface_id def new_iface( self, net: CoreNetworkBase, iface_data: InterfaceData ) -> CoreInterface: logger.info("creating interface") ips = iface_data.get_ips() iface_id = iface_data.id if iface_id is None: iface_id = self.next_iface_id() name = iface_data.name if name is None: name = f"gt{iface_id}" _, remote_tap = self.session.distributed.create_gre_tunnel( net, self.server, iface_data.mtu, self.up ) self.adopt_iface(remote_tap, iface_id, iface_data.mac, ips) return remote_tap def privatedir(self, dir_path: Path) -> None: if not str(dir_path).startswith("/"): raise CoreError(f"private directory path not fully qualified: {dir_path}") host_path = self.host_path(dir_path, is_dir=True) self.host_cmd(f"mkdir -p {host_path}") self.mount(host_path, dir_path) def mount(self, src_path: Path, target_path: Path) -> None: logger.debug("node(%s) mounting: %s at %s", self.name, src_path, target_path) self.cmd(f"mkdir -p {target_path}") self.host_cmd(f"{MOUNT} --bind {src_path} {target_path}", cwd=self.directory) self._mounts.append((src_path, target_path)) def umount(self, target_path: Path) -> None: logger.info("unmounting '%s'", target_path) try: self.host_cmd(f"{UMOUNT} -l {target_path}", cwd=self.directory) except CoreCommandError: logger.exception("unmounting failed for %s", target_path) def nodefile(self, file_path: Path, contents: str, mode: int = 0o644) -> None: host_path = self.host_path(file_path) directory = host_path.parent if not directory.is_dir(): directory.mkdir(parents=True, mode=0o755) with host_path.open("w") as f: f.write(contents) host_path.chmod(mode) logger.info("created nodefile: '%s'; mode: 0%o", host_path, mode) def cmd(self, args: str, wait: bool = True, shell: bool = False) -> str: return self.host_cmd(args, wait=wait) def addfile(self, src_path: str, file_path: str) -> None: raise CoreError("physical node does not support addfile") class Rj45Node(CoreNodeBase): """ RJ45Node is a physical interface on the host linked to the emulated network. """ apitype: NodeTypes = NodeTypes.RJ45 type: str = "rj45" def __init__( self, session: "Session", _id: int = None, name: str = None, mtu: int = DEFAULT_MTU, server: DistributedServer = None, ) -> None: """ Create an RJ45Node instance. :param session: core session instance :param _id: node id :param name: node name :param mtu: rj45 mtu :param server: remote server node will run on, default is None for localhost """ super().__init__(session, _id, name, server) self.iface: CoreInterface = CoreInterface( session, name, name, mtu, server, self ) self.iface.transport_type = TransportType.RAW self.lock: threading.RLock = threading.RLock() self.iface_id: Optional[int] = None self.old_up: bool = False self.old_addrs: List[Tuple[str, Optional[str]]] = [] def startup(self) -> None: """ Set the interface in the up state. :return: nothing :raises CoreCommandError: when there is a command exception """ # interface will also be marked up during net.attach() self.savestate() self.net_client.device_up(self.iface.localname) self.up = True def shutdown(self) -> None: """ Bring the interface down. Remove any addresses and queuing disciplines. :return: nothing """ if not self.up: return localname = self.iface.localname self.net_client.device_down(localname) self.net_client.device_flush(localname) try: self.net_client.delete_tc(localname) except CoreCommandError: pass self.up = False self.restorestate() def path_exists(self, path: str) -> bool: """ Determines if a file or directory path exists. :param path: path to file or directory :return: True if path exists, False otherwise """ try: self.host_cmd(f"{TEST} -e {path}") return True except CoreCommandError: return False def new_iface( self, net: CoreNetworkBase, iface_data: InterfaceData ) -> CoreInterface: """ This is called when linking with another node. Since this node represents an interface, we do not create another object here, but attach ourselves to the given network. :param net: new network instance :param iface_data: interface data for new interface :return: interface index :raises ValueError: when an interface has already been created, one max """ with self.lock: iface_id = iface_data.id if iface_id is None: iface_id = 0 if self.iface.net is not None: raise CoreError( f"RJ45({self.name}) nodes support at most 1 network interface" ) self.ifaces[iface_id] = self.iface self.iface_id = iface_id self.iface.attachnet(net) for ip in iface_data.get_ips(): self.add_ip(ip) return self.iface def delete_iface(self, iface_id: int) -> None: """ Delete a network interface. :param iface_id: interface index to delete :return: nothing """ self.get_iface(iface_id) self.ifaces.pop(iface_id) if self.iface.net is None: raise CoreError( f"RJ45({self.name}) is not currently connected to a network" ) self.iface.detachnet() self.iface.net = None self.shutdown() def get_iface(self, iface_id: int) -> CoreInterface: if iface_id != self.iface_id or iface_id not in self.ifaces: raise CoreError(f"node({self.name}) interface({iface_id}) does not exist") return self.iface def get_iface_id(self, iface: CoreInterface) -> Optional[int]: """ Retrieve network interface index. :param iface: network interface to retrieve index for :return: interface index, None otherwise """ if iface is not self.iface: raise CoreError(f"node({self.name}) does not have interface({iface.name})") return self.iface_id def add_ip(self, ip: str) -> None: """ Add an ip address to an interface in the format "". :param ip: address to add to interface :return: nothing :raises CoreError: when ip address provided is invalid :raises CoreCommandError: when a non-zero exit status occurs """ self.iface.add_ip(ip) if self.up: self.net_client.create_address(self.name, ip) def remove_ip(self, ip: str) -> None: """ Remove an ip address from an interface in the format "". :param ip: ip address to remove from interface :return: nothing :raises CoreError: when ip address provided is invalid :raises CoreCommandError: when a non-zero exit status occurs """ self.iface.remove_ip(ip) if self.up: self.net_client.delete_address(self.name, ip) def savestate(self) -> None: """ Save the addresses and other interface state before using the interface for emulation purposes. TODO: save/restore the PROMISC flag :return: nothing :raises CoreCommandError: when there is a command exception """ self.old_up = False self.old_addrs: List[Tuple[str, Optional[str]]] = [] localname = self.iface.localname output = self.net_client.address_show(localname) for line in output.split("\n"): items = line.split() if len(items) < 2: continue if items[1] == f"{localname}:": flags = items[2][1:-1].split(",") if "UP" in flags: self.old_up = True elif items[0] == "inet": self.old_addrs.append((items[1], items[3])) elif items[0] == "inet6": if items[1][:4] == "fe80": continue self.old_addrs.append((items[1], None)) logger.info("saved rj45 state: addrs(%s) up(%s)", self.old_addrs, self.old_up) def restorestate(self) -> None: """ Restore the addresses and other interface state after using it. :return: nothing :raises CoreCommandError: when there is a command exception """ localname = self.iface.localname logger.info("restoring rj45 state: %s", localname) for addr in self.old_addrs: self.net_client.create_address(localname, addr[0], addr[1]) if self.old_up: self.net_client.device_up(localname) def setposition(self, x: float = None, y: float = None, z: float = None) -> None: """ Uses setposition from both parent classes. :param x: x position :param y: y position :param z: z position :return: True if position changed, False otherwise """ super().setposition(x, y, z) self.iface.setposition() def termcmdstring(self, sh: str) -> str: raise CoreError("rj45 does not support terminal commands") def addfile(self, src_path: str, file_path: str) -> None: raise CoreError("rj45 does not support addfile") def nodefile(self, file_path: str, contents: str, mode: int = 0o644) -> None: raise CoreError("rj45 does not support nodefile") def cmd(self, args: str, wait: bool = True, shell: bool = False) -> str: raise CoreError("rj45 does not support cmds") def create_dir(self, dir_path: Path) -> None: raise CoreError("rj45 does not support creating directories") def create_file(self, file_path: Path, contents: str, mode: int = 0o644) -> None: raise CoreError("rj45 does not support creating files") def copy_file(self, src_path: Path, dst_path: Path, mode: int = None) -> None: raise CoreError("rj45 does not support copying files")