# # Copyright 2005-2008 University of Zagreb, Croatia. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # # This work was supported in part by Croatian Ministry of Science # and Technology through the research contract #IP-2003-143. # #****h* imunes/ipv6.tcl # NAME # ipv6.tcl -- file for handeling IPv6 #**** #****f* ipv6.tcl/findFreeIPv6Net # NAME # findFreeIPv6Net -- find free IPv6 network # SYNOPSIS # set ipnet [findFreeIPv4Net $mask] # FUNCTION # Finds a free IPv6 network. Network is concidered to be free # if there are no simulated nodes attached to it. # INPUTS # * mask -- this parameter is left unused for now # RESULT # * ipnet -- returns the free IPv6 network address in the form "a $i". #**** proc findFreeIPv6Net { mask } { global g_prefs node_list set ipnets {} foreach node $node_list { foreach ifc [ifcList $node] { set ipparts [split [getIfcIPv6addr $node $ifc] :] set endidx [expr {[lsearch $ipparts {}] - 1}] if {$endidx < 0 } { set endidx end } set ipnet [lrange $ipparts 0 $endidx] if {[lsearch $ipnets $ipnet] == -1} { lappend ipnets $ipnet } } } # include mobility newlinks in search foreach newlink [.c find withtag "newlink"] { set ipnet [lrange [split [lindex [.c gettags $newlink] 5] :] 0 3] lappend ipnets $ipnet } if {![info exists g_prefs(gui_ipv6_addr)]} { setDefaultAddrs ipv6 } set newnet [split $g_prefs(gui_ipv6_addr) :] set endidx [expr {[lsearch $newnet {}] - 1}] if {$endidx < 0 } { set endidx end } set newnet [lrange $newnet 0 $endidx] for { set i 0 } { $i <= 9999 } { incr i } { if {[lsearch $ipnets "$newnet $i"] == -1} { set newnetcolon [join $newnet :] set ipnet "$newnetcolon:$i" return $ipnet } } } #****f* ipv6.tcl/autoIPv6addr # NAME # autoIPv6addr -- automaticaly assign an IPv6 address # SYNOPSIS # autoIPv6addr $node_id $iface # FUNCTION # automaticaly assignes an IPv6 address to the interface $iface of # of the node $node. # INPUTS # * node_id -- the node containing the interface to witch a new # IPv6 address should be assigned # * iface -- the interface to witch a new, automatilacy generated, IPv6 # address will be assigned #**** proc autoIPv6addr { node iface } { set peer_ip6addrs {} set netmaskbits 64 ;# default setIfcIPv6addr $node $iface "" set peer_node [logicalPeerByIfc $node $iface] # find addresses of NETWORK layer peer nodes if { [[typemodel $peer_node].layer] == "LINK" } { foreach l2node [listLANnodes $peer_node {}] { foreach ifc [ifcList $l2node] { set peer [logicalPeerByIfc $l2node $ifc] set peer_if [ifcByLogicalPeer $peer $l2node] set peer_ip6addr [getIfcIPv6addr $peer $peer_if] if { $peer_ip6addr != "" } { lappend peer_ip6addrs [lindex [split $peer_ip6addr /] 0] set netmaskbits [lindex [split $peer_ip6addr /] 1] } } } # point-to-point link with another NETWORK layer peer } else { set peer_if [ifcByLogicalPeer $peer_node $node] set peer_ip6addr [getIfcIPv6addr $peer_node $peer_if] set peer_ip6addrs [lindex [split $peer_ip6addr /] 0] if { $peer_ip6addr != "" } { set netmaskbits [lindex [split $peer_ip6addr /] 1] } } # Boeing: first node connected to wlan should use wlan prefix if { [nodeType $peer_node] == "wlan" && [llength $peer_ip6addrs] == 0 } { # use the special "wireless" pseudo-interface set peer_ip6addr [getIfcIPv6addr $peer_node wireless] set peer_ip6addrs [lindex [split $peer_ip6addr /] 0] set netmaskbits [lindex [split $peer_ip6addr /] 1] } set nodetype [nodeType $node] if { $nodetype == "router" } { set nodetype [getNodeModel $node] } switch -exact -- $nodetype { router { set targetbyte 1 } host { set targetbyte 10 } PC - pc { set targetbyte 20 } default { set targetbyte 1 } } # peer has an IPv6 address, allocate a new address on the same network if { $peer_ip6addrs != "" } { set net [ipv6ToNet [lindex $peer_ip6addrs 0] 64] set ipaddr $net\::$targetbyte while { [lsearch $peer_ip6addrs $ipaddr] >= 0 } { incr targetbyte set ipaddr $net\::$targetbyte } setIfcIPv6addr $node $iface "$ipaddr/$netmaskbits" } else { set ipnet [findFreeIPv6Net 64] setIfcIPv6addr $node $iface "${ipnet}::$targetbyte/$netmaskbits" } } #****f* ipv6.tcl/autoIPv6defaultroute # NAME # autoIPv6defaultroute -- automaticaly assign a default route # SYNOPSIS # autoIPv6defaultroute $node_id $iface # FUNCTION # searches the interface of the node for a router, if a router is found # then it is a new default gateway. # INPUTS # * node_id -- default gateway is provided for this node # * iface -- the interface on witch we search for a new default gateway #**** proc autoIPv6defaultroute { node iface } { if { [[typemodel $node].layer] != "NETWORK" } { # # Shouldn't get called at all for link-layer nodes # puts "autoIPv6defaultroute called for [[typemodel $node].layer] node" return } set peer_node [logicalPeerByIfc $node $iface] if { [[typemodel $peer_node].layer] == "LINK" } { foreach l2node [listLANnodes $peer_node {}] { foreach ifc [ifcList $l2node] { set peer [logicalPeerByIfc $l2node $ifc] if { [nodeType $peer] != "router" && [nodeType $peer] != "ine" } { continue } set peer_if [ifcByLogicalPeer $peer $l2node] set peer_ip6addr [getIfcIPv6addr $peer $peer_if] if { $peer_ip6addr != "" } { set gw [lindex [split $peer_ip6addr /] 0] setStatIPv6routes $node [list "::/0 $gw"] return } } } } else { if { [nodeType $peer_node] != "router" && [nodeType $peer_node] != "ine" } { return } set peer_if [ifcByLogicalPeer $peer_node $node] set peer_ip6addr [getIfcIPv6addr $peer_node $peer_if] if { $peer_ip6addr != "" } { set gw [lindex [split $peer_ip6addr /] 0] setStatIPv6routes $node [list "::/0 $gw"] return } } } #****f* ipv6.tcl/checkIPv6Addr # NAME # checkIPv6Addr -- check the IPv6 address # SYNOPSIS # set valid [checkIPv6Addr $str] # FUNCTION # Checks if the provided string is a valid IPv6 address. # INPUTS # * str -- string to be evaluated. # RESULT # * valid -- function returns 0 if the input string is not in the form # of a valid IP address, 1 otherwise #**** proc checkIPv6Addr { str } { set doublec false set wordlist [split $str :] set wordcnt [expr [llength $wordlist] - 1] if { $wordcnt < 2 || $wordcnt > 7 } { return 0 } if { [lindex $wordlist 0] == "" } { set wordlist [lreplace $wordlist 0 0 0] } if { [lindex $wordlist $wordcnt] == "" } { set wordlist [lreplace $wordlist $wordcnt $wordcnt 0] } for { set i 0 } { $i <= $wordcnt } { incr i } { set word [lindex $wordlist $i] if { $word == "" } { if { $doublec == "true" } { return 0 } set doublec true } if { [string length $word] > 4 } { if { $i == $wordcnt } { return [checkIPv4Addr $word] } else { return 0 } } if { [string is xdigit $word] == 0 } { return 0 } } return 1 } #****f* ipv6.tcl/checkIPv6Net # NAME # checkIPv6Net -- check the IPv6 network # SYNOPSIS # set valid [checkIPv6Net $str] # FUNCTION # Checks if the provided string is a valid IPv6 network. # INPUTS # * str -- string to be evaluated. Valid string is in form ipv6addr/m # RESULT # * valid -- function returns 0 if the input string is not in the form # of a valid IP address, 1 otherwise. #**** proc checkIPv6Net { str } { if { $str == "" } { return 1 } if { ![checkIPv6Addr [lindex [split $str /] 0]]} { return 0 } set net [string trim [lindex [split $str /] 1]] if { [string length $net] == 0 } { return 0 } return [checkIntRange $net 0 128] } # # Boeing # ***** ipv6.tcl/ipv6ToString # NAME # ipv6ToString -- convert 128-bit number to colon notation # **** proc ipv6ToString { ip } { set ipv6nums {} #binary format c16 H16 set prevbyte "" set prevword "" set have_double_colon 0 foreach byte $ip { # group bytes into two-byte hex words set hexbyte [format "%x" [expr $byte & 0xFF]] if { $prevbyte == "" } { set prevbyte $hexbyte } else { if { $prevbyte == 0 } { ;# compress zeroes set prevbyte "" set hexbyte [format "%x" 0x$hexbyte] } else { set hexbyte [format "%02x" 0x$hexbyte] } set twobytes "$prevbyte$hexbyte" set prevbyte "" # compress subsequent zeroes into ::, but only once if { $twobytes == 0 } { if { !$have_double_colon && $prevword == 0} { # replace last 0 with : set ipv6nums [lreplace $ipv6nums end end ""] set have_double_colon 1 set prevword ":" continue ;# don't add current 0 word to list } elseif { $prevword == ":" } { continue ;# another zero word, skip it } } set prevword $twobytes lappend ipv6nums $twobytes } } return [join $ipv6nums :] } # # Boeing # ***** ipv6.tcl/stringToIPv6 # NAME # stringToIPv6 -- convert colon notation to 128-bits of binary data # **** proc stringToIPv6 { ip } { set ip [expandIPv6 $ip]; # remove any double-colon notation set parts [split $ip :] if { [llength $parts] != 8 } { return "" }; # sanity check set bin "" foreach part $parts { scan $part "%x" num; # convert hex to number set binpart [binary format i $num] set bin ${bin}${binpart} } return $bin } # expand from double-colon shorthand notation to include all zeros proc expandIPv6 { ip } { set parts [split $ip :] set partnum 0 set expand {} set num_zeros 0 while { [llength $parts] > 0 } { set part [lindex $parts 0]; # pop off first element set parts [lreplace $parts 0 0] if {$part == ""} { ; # this is the :: part of the address set num_parts_remain [llength $parts] if { $num_zeros > 0 } { ; # another empty element, another zero lappend expand 0 continue } set num_zeros [expr { 8 - ($partnum + $num_parts_remain) }] for { set i 0 } { $i < $num_zeros } { incr i } { lappend expand 0 } continue; } lappend expand $part incr partnum } return [join $expand :] } # # Boeing # ***** ipv6.tcl/ipv6ToNet # NAME # ipv6ToNet -- convert IPv6 address a.b.c.d to a.b.c # **** proc ipv6ToNet { ip mask } { set ipv6nums [split $ip :] # last remove last to nums of :: num set ipv6parts [lrange $ipv6nums 0 [expr [llength $ipv6nums] - 3]] return [join $ipv6parts :] } # # Boeing # ***** ipv6.tcl/autoIPv6wlanaddr # NAME # autoIPv6wlanaddr -- part of autoIPv6addr to determine # address for node connected to the wlan # **** proc autoIPv6wlanaddr { node } { # search wlan node for peers, collect IP address into list set peer_ip6addrs "" foreach ifc [ifcList $node] { set peer [logicalPeerByIfc $node $ifc] set peer_if [ifcByLogicalPeer $peer $node] set peer_ip6addr [getIfcIPv6addr $peer $peer_if] if { $peer_ip6addr != "" } { lappend peer_ip6addrs [lindex [split $peer_ip6addr /] 0] } } if { $peer_ip6addrs != "" } { set ipnums [split [lindex $peer_ip6addrs 0] :] set net "[lindex $ipnums 0]:[lindex $ipnums 1]" set targetbyte 1 set ipaddr $net\::$targetbyte while { [lsearch $peer_ip6addrs $ipaddr] >= 0 } { incr targetbyte set ipaddr $net\::$targetbyte } } else { set ipnums [split [getIfcIPv6addr $node wireless] :] set net "[lindex $ipnums 0]:[lindex $ipnums 1]" set ipaddr $net\::1 } return "$ipaddr/64" } proc getDefaultIPv6Addrs { } { global g_prefs return [list "2001::" "2002::" "a::"] } proc ipv6List { node wantmask } { set r "" foreach ifc [ifcList $node] { foreach ip [getIfcIPv6addr $node $ifc] { if { $wantmask } { lappend r $ip } else { lappend r [lindex [split $ip /] 0] } } } return $r }