""" Defines network nodes used within core. """ import logging import threading from collections import OrderedDict from pathlib import Path from queue import Queue from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Optional, Type import netaddr from core import utils from core.emulator.data import InterfaceData, LinkData from core.emulator.enumerations import ( LinkTypes, MessageFlags, NetworkPolicy, NodeTypes, RegisterTlvs, ) from core.errors import CoreCommandError, CoreError from core.executables import NFTABLES from core.nodes.base import CoreNetworkBase, CoreNode from core.nodes.interface import CoreInterface, GreTap, Veth from core.nodes.netclient import get_net_client logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if TYPE_CHECKING: from core.emulator.distributed import DistributedServer from core.emulator.session import Session from core.location.mobility import WirelessModel, WayPointMobility WirelessModelType = Type[WirelessModel] LEARNING_DISABLED: int = 0 class SetQueue(Queue): """ Set backed queue to avoid duplicate submissions. """ def _init(self, maxsize): self.queue: OrderedDict = OrderedDict() def _put(self, item): self.queue[item] = None def _get(self): key, _ = self.queue.popitem(last=False) return key class NftablesQueue: """ Helper class for queuing up nftables commands into rate-limited atomic commits. This improves performance and reliability when there are many WLAN link updates. """ # update rate is every 300ms rate: float = 0.3 atomic_file: str = "/tmp/pycore.nftables.atomic" chain: str = "forward" def __init__(self) -> None: """ Initialize the helper class, but don't start the update thread until a WLAN is instantiated. """ self.running: bool = False self.run_thread: Optional[threading.Thread] = None # this lock protects cmds and updates lists self.lock: threading.Lock = threading.Lock() # list of pending nftables commands self.cmds: List[str] = [] # list of WLANs requiring update self.updates: SetQueue = SetQueue() def start(self) -> None: """ Start thread to listen for updates for the provided network. :return: nothing """ with self.lock: if not self.running: self.running = True self.run_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.run, daemon=True) self.run_thread.start() def stop(self) -> None: """ Stop updates for network, when no networks remain, stop update thread. :return: nothing """ with self.lock: if self.running: self.running = False self.updates.put(None) self.run_thread.join() self.run_thread = None def run(self) -> None: """ Thread target that looks for networks needing update, and rate limits the amount of nftables activity. Only one userspace program should use nftables at any given time, or results can be unpredictable. :return: nothing """ while self.running: net = self.updates.get() if net is None: break self.build_cmds(net) self.commit(net) def commit(self, net: "CoreNetwork") -> None: """ Commit changes to nftables for the provided network. :param net: network to commit nftables changes :return: nothing """ if not self.cmds: return # write out nft commands to file for cmd in self.cmds: net.host_cmd(f"echo {cmd} >> {self.atomic_file}", shell=True) # read file as atomic change net.host_cmd(f"{NFTABLES} -f {self.atomic_file}") # remove file net.host_cmd(f"rm -f {self.atomic_file}") self.cmds.clear() def update(self, net: "CoreNetwork") -> None: """ Flag this network has an update, so the nftables chain will be rebuilt. :param net: wlan network :return: nothing """ self.updates.put(net) def delete_table(self, net: "CoreNetwork") -> None: """ Delete nftable bridge rule table. :param net: network to delete table for :return: nothing """ with self.lock: net.host_cmd(f"{NFTABLES} delete table bridge {net.brname}") def build_cmds(self, net: "CoreNetwork") -> None: """ Inspect linked nodes for a network, and rebuild the nftables chain commands. :param net: network to build commands for :return: nothing """ with net.linked_lock: if net.has_nftables_chain: self.cmds.append(f"flush table bridge {net.brname}") else: net.has_nftables_chain = True policy = net.policy.value.lower() self.cmds.append(f"add table bridge {net.brname}") self.cmds.append( f"add chain bridge {net.brname} {self.chain} {{type filter hook " f"forward priority -1\\; policy {policy}\\;}}" ) # add default rule to accept all traffic not for this bridge self.cmds.append( f"add rule bridge {net.brname} {self.chain} " f"ibriport != {net.brname} accept" ) # rebuild the chain for iface1, v in net.linked.items(): for iface2, linked in v.items(): policy = None if net.policy == NetworkPolicy.DROP and linked: policy = "accept" elif net.policy == NetworkPolicy.ACCEPT and not linked: policy = "drop" if policy: self.cmds.append( f"add rule bridge {net.brname} {self.chain} " f"iif {iface1.localname} oif {iface2.localname} " f"{policy}" ) self.cmds.append( f"add rule bridge {net.brname} {self.chain} " f"oif {iface1.localname} iif {iface2.localname} " f"{policy}" ) # a global object because all networks share the same queue # cannot have multiple threads invoking the nftables commnd nft_queue: NftablesQueue = NftablesQueue() class CoreNetwork(CoreNetworkBase): """ Provides linux bridge network functionality for core nodes. """ policy: NetworkPolicy = NetworkPolicy.DROP def __init__( self, session: "Session", _id: int = None, name: str = None, server: "DistributedServer" = None, policy: NetworkPolicy = None, ) -> None: """ Creates a LxBrNet instance. :param session: core session instance :param _id: object id :param name: object name :param server: remote server node will run on, default is None for localhost :param policy: network policy """ super().__init__(session, _id, name, server) if name is None: name = str(self.id) if policy is not None: self.policy: NetworkPolicy = policy self.name: Optional[str] = name sessionid = self.session.short_session_id() self.brname: str = f"b.{self.id}.{sessionid}" self.has_nftables_chain: bool = False def host_cmd( self, args: str, env: Dict[str, str] = None, cwd: Path = None, wait: bool = True, shell: bool = False, ) -> str: """ Runs a command that is used to configure and setup the network on the host system and all configured distributed servers. :param args: command to run :param env: environment to run command with :param cwd: directory to run command in :param wait: True to wait for status, False otherwise :param shell: True to use shell, False otherwise :return: combined stdout and stderr :raises CoreCommandError: when a non-zero exit status occurs """ logger.debug("network node(%s) cmd", self.name) output = utils.cmd(args, env, cwd, wait, shell) self.session.distributed.execute(lambda x: x.remote_cmd(args, env, cwd, wait)) return output def startup(self) -> None: """ Linux bridge startup logic. :return: nothing :raises CoreCommandError: when there is a command exception """ self.net_client.create_bridge(self.brname) if self.mtu > 0: self.net_client.set_mtu(self.brname, self.mtu) self.has_nftables_chain = False self.up = True nft_queue.start() def shutdown(self) -> None: """ Linux bridge shutdown logic. :return: nothing """ if not self.up: return nft_queue.stop() try: self.net_client.delete_bridge(self.brname) if self.has_nftables_chain: nft_queue.delete_table(self) except CoreCommandError: logging.exception("error during shutdown") # removes veth pairs used for bridge-to-bridge connections for iface in self.get_ifaces(): iface.shutdown() self.ifaces.clear() self.linked.clear() self.up = False def attach(self, iface: CoreInterface) -> None: """ Attach a network interface. :param iface: network interface to attach :return: nothing """ if self.up: iface.net_client.set_iface_master(self.brname, iface.localname) super().attach(iface) def detach(self, iface: CoreInterface) -> None: """ Detach a network interface. :param iface: network interface to detach :return: nothing """ if self.up: iface.net_client.delete_iface(self.brname, iface.localname) super().detach(iface) def is_linked(self, iface1: CoreInterface, iface2: CoreInterface) -> bool: """ Determine if the provided network interfaces are linked. :param iface1: interface one :param iface2: interface two :return: True if interfaces are linked, False otherwise """ # check if the network interfaces are attached to this network if self.ifaces[iface1.net_id] != iface1: raise ValueError(f"inconsistency for interface {iface1.name}") if self.ifaces[iface2.net_id] != iface2: raise ValueError(f"inconsistency for interface {iface2.name}") try: linked = self.linked[iface1][iface2] except KeyError: if self.policy == NetworkPolicy.ACCEPT: linked = True elif self.policy == NetworkPolicy.DROP: linked = False else: raise Exception(f"unknown policy: {self.policy.value}") self.linked[iface1][iface2] = linked return linked def unlink(self, iface1: CoreInterface, iface2: CoreInterface) -> None: """ Unlink two interfaces, resulting in adding or removing filtering rules. :param iface1: interface one :param iface2: interface two :return: nothing """ with self.linked_lock: if not self.is_linked(iface1, iface2): return self.linked[iface1][iface2] = False nft_queue.update(self) def link(self, iface1: CoreInterface, iface2: CoreInterface) -> None: """ Link two interfaces together, resulting in adding or removing filtering rules. :param iface1: interface one :param iface2: interface two :return: nothing """ with self.linked_lock: if self.is_linked(iface1, iface2): return self.linked[iface1][iface2] = True nft_queue.update(self) def linknet(self, net: CoreNetworkBase) -> CoreInterface: """ Link this bridge with another by creating a veth pair and installing each device into each bridge. :param net: network to link with :return: created interface """ sessionid = self.session.short_session_id() try: _id = f"{self.id:x}" except TypeError: _id = str(self.id) try: net_id = f"{net.id:x}" except TypeError: net_id = str(net.id) localname = f"veth{_id}.{net_id}.{sessionid}" name = f"veth{net_id}.{_id}.{sessionid}" iface = Veth(self.session, name, localname) if self.up: iface.startup() self.attach(iface) if net.up and net.brname: iface.net_client.set_iface_master(net.brname, iface.name) i = net.next_iface_id() net.ifaces[i] = iface with net.linked_lock: net.linked[iface] = {} iface.net = self iface.othernet = net return iface def get_linked_iface(self, net: CoreNetworkBase) -> Optional[CoreInterface]: """ Return the interface of that links this net with another net (that were linked using linknet()). :param net: interface to get link for :return: interface the provided network is linked to """ for iface in self.get_ifaces(): if iface.othernet == net: return iface return None def add_ips(self, ips: List[str]) -> None: """ Add ip addresses on the bridge in the format "". :param ips: ip address to add :return: nothing """ if not self.up: return for ip in ips: self.net_client.create_address(self.brname, ip) def custom_iface(self, node: CoreNode, iface_data: InterfaceData) -> CoreInterface: raise CoreError(f"{type(self).__name__} does not support, custom interfaces") class GreTapBridge(CoreNetwork): """ A network consisting of a bridge with a gretap device for tunneling to another system. """ def __init__( self, session: "Session", remoteip: str = None, _id: int = None, name: str = None, policy: NetworkPolicy = NetworkPolicy.ACCEPT, localip: str = None, ttl: int = 255, key: int = None, server: "DistributedServer" = None, ) -> None: """ Create a GreTapBridge instance. :param session: core session instance :param remoteip: remote address :param _id: object id :param name: object name :param policy: network policy :param localip: local address :param ttl: ttl value :param key: gre tap key :param server: remote server node will run on, default is None for localhost """ CoreNetwork.__init__(self, session, _id, name, server, policy) if key is None: key = self.session.id ^ self.id self.grekey: int = key self.localnum: Optional[int] = None self.remotenum: Optional[int] = None self.remoteip: Optional[str] = remoteip self.localip: Optional[str] = localip self.ttl: int = ttl self.gretap: Optional[GreTap] = None if self.remoteip is not None: self.gretap = GreTap( session, remoteip, key=self.grekey, node=self, localip=localip, ttl=ttl, mtu=self.mtu, ) def startup(self) -> None: """ Creates a bridge and adds the gretap device to it. :return: nothing """ super().startup() if self.gretap: self.gretap.startup() self.attach(self.gretap) def shutdown(self) -> None: """ Detach the gretap device and remove the bridge. :return: nothing """ if self.gretap: self.detach(self.gretap) self.gretap.shutdown() self.gretap = None super().shutdown() def add_ips(self, ips: List[str]) -> None: """ Set the remote tunnel endpoint. This is a one-time method for creating the GreTap device, which requires the remoteip at startup. The 1st address in the provided list is remoteip, 2nd optionally specifies localip. :param ips: address list :return: nothing """ if self.gretap: raise CoreError(f"gretap already exists for {self.name}") remoteip = ips[0].split("/")[0] localip = None if len(ips) > 1: localip = ips[1].split("/")[0] self.gretap = GreTap( self.session, remoteip, key=self.grekey, localip=localip, ttl=self.ttl, mtu=self.mtu, ) self.startup() self.attach(self.gretap) def setkey(self, key: int, iface_data: InterfaceData) -> None: """ Set the GRE key used for the GreTap device. This needs to be set prior to instantiating the GreTap device (before addrconfig). :param key: gre key :param iface_data: interface data for setting up tunnel key :return: nothing """ self.grekey = key ips = iface_data.get_ips() if ips: self.add_ips(ips) class CtrlNet(CoreNetwork): """ Control network functionality. """ policy: NetworkPolicy = NetworkPolicy.ACCEPT # base control interface index CTRLIF_IDX_BASE: int = 99 DEFAULT_PREFIX_LIST: List[str] = [ "", "", "", "", ] def __init__( self, session: "Session", prefix: str, _id: int = None, name: str = None, hostid: int = None, server: "DistributedServer" = None, assign_address: bool = True, updown_script: str = None, serverintf: str = None, ) -> None: """ Creates a CtrlNet instance. :param session: core session instance :param _id: node id :param name: node namee :param prefix: control network ipv4 prefix :param hostid: host id :param server: remote server node will run on, default is None for localhost :param assign_address: assigned address :param updown_script: updown script :param serverintf: server interface :return: """ self.prefix: netaddr.IPNetwork = netaddr.IPNetwork(prefix).cidr self.hostid: Optional[int] = hostid self.assign_address: bool = assign_address self.updown_script: Optional[str] = updown_script self.serverintf: Optional[str] = serverintf super().__init__(session, _id, name, server) def add_addresses(self, index: int) -> None: """ Add addresses used for created control networks, :param index: starting address index :return: nothing """ use_ovs = self.session.use_ovs() address = self.prefix[index] current = f"{address}/{self.prefix.prefixlen}" net_client = get_net_client(use_ovs, utils.cmd) net_client.create_address(self.brname, current) servers = self.session.distributed.servers for name in servers: server = servers[name] index -= 1 address = self.prefix[index] current = f"{address}/{self.prefix.prefixlen}" net_client = get_net_client(use_ovs, server.remote_cmd) net_client.create_address(self.brname, current) def startup(self) -> None: """ Startup functionality for the control network. :return: nothing :raises CoreCommandError: when there is a command exception """ if self.net_client.existing_bridges(self.id): raise CoreError(f"old bridges exist for node: {self.id}") super().startup() logger.info("added control network bridge: %s %s", self.brname, self.prefix) if self.hostid and self.assign_address: self.add_addresses(self.hostid) elif self.assign_address: self.add_addresses(-2) if self.updown_script: logger.info( "interface %s updown script (%s startup) called", self.brname, self.updown_script, ) self.host_cmd(f"{self.updown_script} {self.brname} startup") if self.serverintf: self.net_client.set_iface_master(self.brname, self.serverintf) def shutdown(self) -> None: """ Control network shutdown. :return: nothing """ if self.serverintf is not None: try: self.net_client.delete_iface(self.brname, self.serverintf) except CoreCommandError: logger.exception( "error deleting server interface %s from bridge %s", self.serverintf, self.brname, ) if self.updown_script is not None: try: logger.info( "interface %s updown script (%s shutdown) called", self.brname, self.updown_script, ) self.host_cmd(f"{self.updown_script} {self.brname} shutdown") except CoreCommandError: logger.exception("error issuing shutdown script shutdown") super().shutdown() def links(self, flags: MessageFlags = MessageFlags.NONE) -> List[LinkData]: """ Do not include CtrlNet in link messages describing this session. :param flags: message flags :return: list of link data """ return [] class PtpNet(CoreNetwork): """ Peer to peer network node. """ policy: NetworkPolicy = NetworkPolicy.ACCEPT def attach(self, iface: CoreInterface) -> None: """ Attach a network interface, but limit attachment to two interfaces. :param iface: network interface :return: nothing """ if len(self.ifaces) >= 2: raise CoreError("ptp links support at most 2 network interfaces") super().attach(iface) def links(self, flags: MessageFlags = MessageFlags.NONE) -> List[LinkData]: """ Build CORE API TLVs for a point-to-point link. One Link message describes this network. :param flags: message flags :return: list of link data """ all_links = [] if len(self.ifaces) != 2: return all_links ifaces = self.get_ifaces() iface1 = ifaces[0] iface2 = ifaces[1] unidirectional = 0 if iface1.local_options == iface2.local_options else 1 iface1_data = iface1.get_data() iface2_data = iface2.get_data() link_data = LinkData( message_type=flags, type=self.linktype, node1_id=iface1.node.id, node2_id=iface2.node.id, iface1=iface1_data, iface2=iface2_data, options=iface1.local_options, ) link_data.options.unidirectional = unidirectional all_links.append(link_data) # build a 2nd link message for the upstream link parameters # (swap if1 and if2) if unidirectional: link_data = LinkData( message_type=MessageFlags.NONE, type=self.linktype, node1_id=iface2.node.id, node2_id=iface1.node.id, iface1=InterfaceData(id=iface2_data.id), iface2=InterfaceData(id=iface1_data.id), options=iface2.local_options, ) link_data.options.unidirectional = unidirectional all_links.append(link_data) return all_links class SwitchNode(CoreNetwork): """ Provides switch functionality within a core node. """ apitype: NodeTypes = NodeTypes.SWITCH policy: NetworkPolicy = NetworkPolicy.ACCEPT type: str = "lanswitch" class HubNode(CoreNetwork): """ Provides hub functionality within a core node, forwards packets to all bridge ports by turning off MAC address learning. """ apitype: NodeTypes = NodeTypes.HUB policy: NetworkPolicy = NetworkPolicy.ACCEPT type: str = "hub" def startup(self) -> None: """ Startup for a hub node, that disables mac learning after normal startup. :return: nothing """ super().startup() self.net_client.set_mac_learning(self.brname, LEARNING_DISABLED) class WlanNode(CoreNetwork): """ Provides wireless lan functionality within a core node. """ apitype: NodeTypes = NodeTypes.WIRELESS_LAN linktype: LinkTypes = LinkTypes.WIRED policy: NetworkPolicy = NetworkPolicy.DROP type: str = "wlan" def __init__( self, session: "Session", _id: int = None, name: str = None, server: "DistributedServer" = None, policy: NetworkPolicy = None, ) -> None: """ Create a WlanNode instance. :param session: core session instance :param _id: node id :param name: node name :param server: remote server node will run on, default is None for localhost :param policy: wlan policy """ super().__init__(session, _id, name, server, policy) # wireless and mobility models (BasicRangeModel, Ns2WaypointMobility) self.model: Optional[WirelessModel] = None self.mobility: Optional[WayPointMobility] = None def startup(self) -> None: """ Startup for a wlan node, that disables mac learning after normal startup. :return: nothing """ super().startup() nft_queue.update(self) def attach(self, iface: CoreInterface) -> None: """ Attach a network interface. :param iface: network interface :return: nothing """ super().attach(iface) if self.model: iface.poshook = self.model.position_callback iface.setposition() def setmodel(self, model: "WirelessModelType", config: Dict[str, str]): """ Sets the mobility and wireless model. :param model: wireless model to set to :param config: configuration for model being set :return: nothing """ logger.debug("node(%s) setting model: %s", self.name, model.name) if model.config_type == RegisterTlvs.WIRELESS: self.model = model(session=self.session, _id=self.id) for iface in self.get_ifaces(): iface.poshook = self.model.position_callback iface.setposition() self.updatemodel(config) elif model.config_type == RegisterTlvs.MOBILITY: self.mobility = model(session=self.session, _id=self.id) self.mobility.update_config(config) def update_mobility(self, config: Dict[str, str]) -> None: if not self.mobility: raise CoreError(f"no mobility set to update for node({self.name})") self.mobility.update_config(config) def updatemodel(self, config: Dict[str, str]) -> None: if not self.model: raise CoreError(f"no model set to update for node({self.name})") logger.debug( "node(%s) updating model(%s): %s", self.id, self.model.name, config ) self.model.update_config(config) for iface in self.get_ifaces(): iface.setposition() def links(self, flags: MessageFlags = MessageFlags.NONE) -> List[LinkData]: """ Retrieve all link data. :param flags: message flags :return: list of link data """ links = super().links(flags) if self.model: links.extend(self.model.links(flags)) return links class TunnelNode(GreTapBridge): """ Provides tunnel functionality in a core node. """ apitype: NodeTypes = NodeTypes.TUNNEL policy: NetworkPolicy = NetworkPolicy.ACCEPT type: str = "tunnel"