array set g_exceptions {} global execMode if { $execMode == "interactive" } { set g_img_cel [image create photo -file $CORE_DATA_DIR/icons/tiny/cel.gif] } set g_cel_blink_state "off" # receive an exception into the g_exceptions array from an Exception Message proc receiveException { valuelist } { global g_exceptions EXCEPTION_LEVELS execMode set idx [expr {1 + [array size g_exceptions]}] array set g_exceptions [list $idx $valuelist] array set vals $valuelist # print exception message on stdout if in batch mode if { $execMode == "batch" } { puts "\nFrom $vals(src): $vals(txt)" # Abort the session if a fatal exception is reported if { $vals(level) <= [lsearch -exact $EXCEPTION_LEVELS "FATAL" ] } { global g_current_session g_abort_session set g_abort_session 1 } } # exceptions with level ERROR or FATAL will throw the CEL if { $vals(level) <= [lsearch -exact $EXCEPTION_LEVELS "ERROR"] } { throwCEL false if { $vals(level) <= [lsearch -exact $EXCEPTION_LEVELS "FATAL" ] } { blinkCEL start } } } # turn on/off the CEL in the bottom right indicator area proc throwCEL { clear } { global execMode if { $execMode != "interactive" } { return } global g_img_cel if { $clear } { .bottom.indicators configure -image "" -width 5 } else { if { [.bottom.indicators cget -image] == "" } { .bottom.indicators configure -image $g_img_cel -width 42 } } } # blink the CEL on and off for fatal errors proc blinkCEL { cmd } { global execMode if { $execMode != "interactive" } { return } # keep track of state so this can be called multiple times global g_cel_blink_state if { $cmd == "start" } { if { $g_cel_blink_state != "off" } { return } ;# already on set g_cel_blink_state "on" } elseif { $cmd == "stop" } { if { $g_cel_blink_state != "on" } { return } ;# already off set g_cel_blink_state "off" } if { $g_cel_blink_state == "off" } { throwCEL true return } if { [.bottom.indicators cget -image] == "" } { set clear false ;# CEL is off, turn it on } else { set clear true ;# CEL is on, turn it off } throwCEL $clear after 750 blinkCEL "blink" } # clear the g_exceptions array and the CEL proc clearExceptions { tree txt } { global g_exceptions array unset g_exceptions array set g_exceptions {} if { $tree != "" } { exceptionsPopulateTree $tree $txt } } # show the CEL dialog for viewing a list of exceptions proc popupExceptions {} { global g_img_cel CORE_STATE_DIR set w .popupExceptions catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w wm transient $w . wm title $w "CEL" ttk::frame $ ttk::label $ -image $g_img_cel ttk::label $ -text "Check Emulation Light" pack $ $ -side left -padx 4 pack $ -side top -padx 4 -pady 4 ttk::frame $w.mid ttk::treeview $w.mid.tree -columns {time level node source} -show headings \ -yscroll "$w.mid.vsb set" -xscroll "$w.mid.hsb set" ttk::scrollbar $w.mid.vsb -orient vertical -command "$w.mid.tree yview" ttk::scrollbar $w.mid.hsb -orient horizontal -command "$w.mid.tree xview" pack $w.mid -side top -fill both -expand true -padx 4 -pady 4 grid $w.mid.tree $w.mid.vsb -in $w.mid -sticky nsew grid $w.mid.hsb -in $w.mid -sticky nsew grid column $w.mid 0 -weight 1 grid row $w.mid 0 -weight 1 ttk::frame $w.detail text $w.detail.txt -height 10 -yscrollcommand "$w.detail.vsb set" ttk::scrollbar $w.detail.vsb -orient vertical -command "$w.detail.txt yview" pack $w.detail -side top -fill both -expand true -padx 4 -pady 4 grid $w.detail.txt $w.detail.vsb -in $w.detail -sticky nsew grid column $w.detail 0 -weight 1 grid row $w.detail 0 -weight 1 bind $w.mid.tree <<TreeviewSelect>> \ "exceptionSelect $w.mid.tree $w.detail.txt" ttk::frame $w.btn set clearhicmd "drawNodeCircle {} {} {} {} excphi" set clearexcpcmd "clearExceptions $w.mid.tree $w.detail.txt" set closecmd "destroy $w; $clearhicmd" bind $w <Key-Escape> $closecmd ttk::button $w.btn.reset -text "Reset CEL" \ -command "throwCEL true; blinkCEL stop; $clearhicmd; $clearexcpcmd" ttk::button $w.btn.log -text "View core-daemon log" \ -command "popupFileView $CORE_STATE_DIR/log/core-daemon.log" ttk::button $w.btn.nlog -text "View node log" -state disabled ttk::button $w.btn.close -text "Close" -command $closecmd pack $w.btn.reset $w.btn.log $w.btn.nlog $w.btn.close -side left pack $w.btn -side top -padx 4 -pady 4 # populate treeview set widths { 150 40 40 60 }; set i 0 foreach col {time level node source} { $w.mid.tree heading $col -text $col set width [lindex $widths $i]; incr i $w.mid.tree column $col -width $width } exceptionsPopulateTree $w.mid.tree $w.detail.txt } # populate the given TreeView with a list of exceptions from g_exceptions proc exceptionsPopulateTree { tree txt } { global g_exceptions set items [$tree children {}] $tree delete $items $txt delete 0.0 end foreach idx [lsort -integer [array names g_exceptions]] { array set vals $g_exceptions($idx) set level [exceptionLevelText $vals(level)] $tree insert {} end -id $idx \ -values [list $vals(date) "$level ($vals(level))" \ $vals(num) $vals(src)] } } # user has clicked on an exception from the TreeView, display the details proc exceptionSelect { tree txt } { global g_exceptions g_current_session set idx [$tree selection] set btn .popupExceptions.btn.nlog $txt delete 0.0 end drawNodeCircle "" "" "" "" excphi if { ![info exists g_exceptions($idx)] } { puts "missing exception data" return } array set vals $g_exceptions($idx) $txt insert end "DATE: $vals(date)\n" set level [exceptionLevelText $vals(level)] $txt insert end "LEVEL: $level ($vals(level))\n" set node "" if { $vals(num) >= 0 } { set node "n$vals(num)" global $node if { [info exists $node] } { drawNodeCircle $node 30 red excphi "" set node [getNodeName $node] $btn configure -command \ "popupFileView /tmp/pycore.$g_current_session/$node.log" $btn state !disabled } else { $btn state disabled } } else { $btn state disabled } $txt insert end "NODE: $vals(num)\t($node)\n" $txt insert end "SESSION: $vals(sess)\n" $txt insert end "SOURCE: $vals(src)\n" $txt insert end "\n$vals(txt)\n\n" if { $vals(opaque) != "" } { $txt insert end "\nOPAQUE: $vals(opaque)\n\n" } } proc exceptionLevelText { level } { global EXCEPTION_LEVELS ;# from api.tcl if { $level < 0 || $level >= [llength $EXCEPTION_LEVELS] } { return "UNKNOWN" } else { return [lindex $EXCEPTION_LEVELS $level] } }