use "vethA.B.SS" name for veth devices (A = node number, B = index, SS = short session ID)
use "tapA.B.SS" name for tap devices; use "b.A.SS" name for bridge devices
added a SESSION_SHORT environment variable to the default CORE environment
(Boeing r1867) Created method (sendnodeemuid) to send node status response
message, so all nodes can call it. Added per session updown
script option. Added test for _starttime before calling float() in
Changed servicesfromopaque code to collect unknown
services and return with valid services.
Changed handleevent to send a message with posible failed
and unknown services. Added code to put nodes actual configured services in
core-daemon: Added call to self.session.sendnodeemuid if in running
state in handlenodemsg
(Boeing r1824,1825)