From e18ffaafce70b5c467d03ad11c6777e17197097c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Blake Harnden <>
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 2020 17:41:13 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] daemon: xml files will now write and read loss, but fallback
 to looking for per for compatibility

 daemon/core/xml/ | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/daemon/core/xml/ b/daemon/core/xml/
index 820f1cea..2b15aa5a 100644
--- a/daemon/core/xml/
+++ b/daemon/core/xml/
@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ class CoreXmlWriter:
             options = etree.Element("options")
             add_attribute(options, "delay", link_data.delay)
             add_attribute(options, "bandwidth", link_data.bandwidth)
-            add_attribute(options, "per", link_data.loss)
+            add_attribute(options, "loss", link_data.loss)
             add_attribute(options, "dup", link_data.dup)
             add_attribute(options, "jitter", link_data.jitter)
             add_attribute(options, "mer", link_data.mer)
@@ -947,37 +947,39 @@ class CoreXmlReader:
                 interface_two = create_interface_data(interface_two_element)
             options_element = link_element.find("options")
-            link_options = LinkOptions()
+            options = LinkOptions()
             if options_element is not None:
-                link_options.bandwidth = get_int(options_element, "bandwidth")
-                link_options.burst = get_int(options_element, "burst")
-                link_options.delay = get_int(options_element, "delay")
-                link_options.dup = get_int(options_element, "dup")
-                link_options.mer = get_int(options_element, "mer")
-                link_options.mburst = get_int(options_element, "mburst")
-                link_options.jitter = get_int(options_element, "jitter")
-                link_options.key = get_int(options_element, "key")
-                link_options.loss = get_float(options_element, "per")
-                link_options.unidirectional = get_int(options_element, "unidirectional")
-                link_options.session = options_element.get("session")
-                link_options.emulation_id = get_int(options_element, "emulation_id")
-                link_options.network_id = get_int(options_element, "network_id")
-                link_options.opaque = options_element.get("opaque")
-                link_options.gui_attributes = options_element.get("gui_attributes")
+                options.bandwidth = get_int(options_element, "bandwidth")
+                options.burst = get_int(options_element, "burst")
+                options.delay = get_int(options_element, "delay")
+                options.dup = get_int(options_element, "dup")
+                options.mer = get_int(options_element, "mer")
+                options.mburst = get_int(options_element, "mburst")
+                options.jitter = get_int(options_element, "jitter")
+                options.key = get_int(options_element, "key")
+                options.loss = get_float(options_element, "loss")
+                if options.loss is None:
+                    options.loss = get_float(options_element, "per")
+                options.unidirectional = get_int(options_element, "unidirectional")
+                options.session = options_element.get("session")
+                options.emulation_id = get_int(options_element, "emulation_id")
+                options.network_id = get_int(options_element, "network_id")
+                options.opaque = options_element.get("opaque")
+                options.gui_attributes = options_element.get("gui_attributes")
-            if link_options.unidirectional == 1 and node_set in node_sets:
+            if options.unidirectional == 1 and node_set in node_sets:
                     "updating link node_one(%s) node_two(%s)", node_one, node_two
-                    node_one, node_two,,, link_options
+                    node_one, node_two,,, options
                     "adding link node_one(%s) node_two(%s)", node_one, node_two
-                    node_one, node_two, interface_one, interface_two, link_options
+                    node_one, node_two, interface_one, interface_two, options