pass on updated pydocs to reflect path changes
This commit is contained in:
17 changed files with 111 additions and 137 deletions
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class CoreBroker(object):
Creates a CoreBroker instance.
:param core.session.Session session: session this manager is tied to
:param core.emulator.session.Session session: session this manager is tied to
:return: nothing
@ -901,7 +901,7 @@ class CoreBroker(object):
opaque data in the link message, otherwise use the IP of the message
sender (the master server).
:param coreapi.CoreLinkMessage msg:
:param core.api.tlv.coreapi.CoreLinkMessage msg: link message
:param bool first_is_local: is first local
:return: host address
:rtype: str
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ class CoreTlvDataUint16List(CoreTlvData):
Retrieves a unint 16 list from a string
:param str value: string representation of a uint 16 list
:return: unint 16 list
:return: uint 16 list
:rtype: list
return tuple(int(x) for x in value.split())
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ class CoreTlvDataIpv4Addr(CoreTlvDataObj):
:param str value: value to get Ipv4 address from
:return: Ipv4 address
:rtype: core.misc.ipaddress.IpAddress
:rtype: core.nodes.ipaddress.IpAddress
return IpAddress(af=socket.AF_INET, address=value)
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ class CoreTlvDataIPv6Addr(CoreTlvDataObj):
Retrieve Ipv6 address value from object.
:param core.misc.ipaddress.IpAddress obj: ip address to get value from
:param core.nodes.ipaddress.IpAddress obj: ip address to get value from
return obj.addr
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ class CoreTlvDataIPv6Addr(CoreTlvDataObj):
:param str value: value to get Ipv4 address from
:return: Ipv4 address
:rtype: core.misc.ipaddress.IpAddress
:rtype: core.nodes.ipaddress.IpAddress
return IpAddress(af=socket.AF_INET6, address=value)
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ class CoreTlvDataMacAddr(CoreTlvDataObj):
Retrieve Ipv6 address value from object.
:param core.misc.ipaddress.MacAddress obj: mac address to get value from
:param core.nodes.ipaddress.MacAddress obj: mac address to get value from
# extend to 64 bits
@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ class CoreTlvDataMacAddr(CoreTlvDataObj):
:param str value: value to get Ipv4 address from
:return: Ipv4 address
:rtype: core.misc.ipaddress.MacAddress
:rtype: core.nodes.ipaddress.MacAddress
# only use 48 bits
return MacAddress(address=value[2:])
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ class CoreHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
Callback to handle an event broadcast out from a session.
:param event_data: event data to handle
:param event_data: event data to handle
:return: nothing
logging.debug("handling broadcast event: %s", event_data)
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ class CoreHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
Callback to handle a file broadcast out from a session.
:param file_data: file data to handle
:param file_data: file data to handle
:return: nothing
logging.debug("handling broadcast file: %s", file_data)
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ class CoreHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
Callback to handle a config broadcast out from a session.
:param config_data: config data to handle
:param config_data: config data to handle
:return: nothing
logging.debug("handling broadcast config: %s", config_data)
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ class CoreHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
Callback to handle an exception broadcast out from a session.
:param exception_data: exception data to handle
:param exception_data: exception data to handle
:return: nothing
logging.debug("handling broadcast exception: %s", exception_data)
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ class CoreHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
Callback to handle an node broadcast out from a session.
:param node_data: node data to handle
:param node_data: node data to handle
:return: nothing
logging.debug("handling broadcast node: %s", node_data)
@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ class CoreHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
Callback to handle an link broadcast out from a session.
:param link_data: link data to handle
:param link_data: link data to handle
:return: nothing
logging.debug("handling broadcast link: %s", link_data)
@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ class CoreHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
Receive data and return a CORE API message object.
:return: received message
:rtype: coreapi.CoreMessage
:rtype: core.api.tlv.coreapi.CoreMessage
header = self.request.recv(coreapi.CoreMessage.header_len)
@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ class CoreHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
Sends an exception for display within the GUI.
:param core.enumerations.ExceptionLevel level: level for exception
:param core.emulator.enumerations.ExceptionLevel level: level for exception
:param str source: source where exception came from
:param str text: details about exception
:param int node: node id, if related to a specific node
@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ class CoreHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
Node Message handler
:param coreapi.CoreNodeMessage message: node message
:param core.api.coreapi.CoreNodeMessage message: node message
:return: replies to node message
replies = []
@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ class CoreHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
Link Message handler
:param coreapi.CoreLinkMessage message: link message to handle
:param core.api.tlv.coreapi.CoreLinkMessage message: link message to handle
:return: link message replies
node_one_id = message.get_tlv(LinkTlvs.N1_NUMBER.value)
@ -756,7 +756,7 @@ class CoreHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
Execute Message handler
:param coreapi.CoreExecMessage message: execute message to handle
:param core.api.tlv.coreapi.CoreExecMessage message: execute message to handle
:return: reply messages
node_num = message.get_tlv(ExecuteTlvs.NODE.value)
@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ class CoreHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
Register Message Handler
:param coreapi.CoreRegMessage message: register message to handle
:param core.api.tlv.coreapi.CoreRegMessage message: register message to handle
:return: reply messages
replies = []
@ -923,7 +923,7 @@ class CoreHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
Configuration Message handler
:param coreapi.CoreConfMessage message: configuration message to handle
:param core.api.tlv.coreapi.CoreConfMessage message: configuration message to handle
:return: reply messages
# convert config message to standard config data object
@ -1341,7 +1341,7 @@ class CoreHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
File Message handler
:param coreapi.CoreFileMessage message: file message to handle
:param core.api.tlv.coreapi.CoreFileMessage message: file message to handle
:return: reply messages
if message.flags & MessageFlags.ADD.value:
@ -1405,7 +1405,7 @@ class CoreHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
Event Message handler
:param coreapi.CoreEventMessage message: event message to handle
:param core.api.tlv.coreapi.CoreEventMessage message: event message to handle
:return: reply messages
event_data = EventData(
@ -1508,7 +1508,7 @@ class CoreHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
Handle an Event Message used to start, stop, restart, or validate
a service on a given node.
:param EventData event_data: event data to handle
:param core.emulator.enumerations.EventData event_data: event data to handle
:return: nothing
event_type = event_data.event_type
@ -1573,7 +1573,7 @@ class CoreHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
Session Message handler
:param coreapi.CoreSessionMessage message: session message to handle
:param core.api.tlv.coreapi.CoreSessionMessage message: session message to handle
:return: reply messages
session_id_str = message.get_tlv(SessionTlvs.NUMBER.value)
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ def convert_node(node_data):
Convenience method for converting NodeData to a packed TLV message.
:param node_data: node data to convert
:param node_data: node data to convert
:return: packed node message
tlv_data = structutils.pack_values(coreapi.CoreNodeTlv, [
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ def convert_config(config_data):
Convenience method for converting ConfigData to a packed TLV message.
:param config_data: config data to convert
:param config_data: config data to convert
:return: packed message
tlv_data = structutils.pack_values(coreapi.CoreConfigTlv, [
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ class EmaneModel(WirelessModel):
Invoked when a Link Message is received. Default is unimplemented.
:param core.netns.vif.Veth netif: interface one
:param core.nodes.interface.Veth netif: interface one
:param bw: bandwidth to set to
:param delay: packet delay to set to
:param loss: packet loss to set to
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class MobilityManager(ModelManager):
Creates a MobilityManager instance.
:param core.session.Session session: session this manager is tied to
:param core.emulator.session.Session session: session this manager is tied to
super(MobilityManager, self).__init__()
self.session = session
@ -468,8 +468,6 @@ class BasicRangeModel(WirelessModel):
with self.wlan._linked_lock:
linked = self.wlan.linked(a, b)
logging.debug("checking range netif1(%s) netif2(%s): linked(%s) actual(%s) > config(%s)",
||||,, linked, d, self.range)
if d > self.range:
if linked:
logging.debug("was linked, unlinking")
@ -533,8 +531,8 @@ class BasicRangeModel(WirelessModel):
Send a wireless link/unlink API message to the GUI.
:param core.coreobj.PyCoreNetIf netif: interface one
:param core.coreobj.PyCoreNetIf netif2: interface two
:param core.nodes.interface.CoreInterface netif: interface one
:param core.nodes.interface.CoreInterface netif2: interface two
:param bool unlink: unlink or not
:return: nothing
@ -702,7 +700,7 @@ class WayPointMobility(WirelessModel):
Calculate next node location and update its coordinates.
Returns True if the node's position has changed.
:param core.netns.vnode.CoreNode node: node to move
:param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to move
:param dt: move factor
:return: True if node was moved, False otherwise
:rtype: bool
@ -929,9 +927,8 @@ class Ns2ScriptedMobility(WayPointMobility):
Creates a Ns2ScriptedMobility instance.
:param core.session.Session session: CORE session instance
:param core.emulator.session.Session session: CORE session instance
:param int _id: object id
:param config: values
super(Ns2ScriptedMobility, self).__init__(session=session, _id=_id)
self._netifs = {}
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
PyCoreNode and LxcNode classes that implement the network namespac virtual node.
Defines the base logic for nodes used within core.
import errno
@ -11,9 +11,10 @@ import signal
import socket
import string
import threading
from builtins import range
from socket import AF_INET, AF_INET6
from builtins import range
from core import CoreCommandError, utils
from core import constants
from import NodeData, LinkData
@ -21,7 +22,6 @@ from core.emulator.enumerations import NodeTypes, LinkTypes
from core.nodes import client, nodeutils, ipaddress
from core.nodes.interface import TunTap, CoreInterface
from core.nodes.interface import Veth
from core.nodes.ipaddress import MacAddress
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class NodeBase(object):
Creates a PyCoreObj instance.
:param core.session.Session session: CORE session object
:param core.emulator.session.Session session: CORE session object
:param int _id: id
:param str name: object name
:param bool start: start value
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ class CoreNodeBase(NodeBase):
Create a CoreNodeBase instance.
:param core.session.Session session: CORE session object
:param core.emulator.session.Session session: CORE session object
:param int _id: object id
:param str name: object name
:param bool start: boolean for starting
@ -417,14 +417,6 @@ class CoreNodeBase(NodeBase):
class CoreNode(CoreNodeBase):
Provides standard core node logic.
:var nodedir: str
:var ctrlchnlname: str
:var client: core.netns.vnodeclient.VnodeClient
:var pid: int
:var up: bool
:var lock: threading.RLock
:var _mounts: list[tuple[str, str]]
apitype = NodeTypes.DEFAULT.value
valid_address_types = {"inet", "inet6", "inet6link"}
@ -433,7 +425,7 @@ class CoreNode(CoreNodeBase):
Create a CoreNode instance.
:param core.session.Session session: core session instance
:param core.emulator.session.Session session: core session instance
:param int _id: object id
:param str name: object name
:param str nodedir: node directory
@ -646,7 +638,7 @@ class CoreNode(CoreNodeBase):
:param int ifindex: index for the new interface
:param str ifname: name for the new interface
:param net: network to associate interface with
:param core.nodes.base.CoreNetworkBase net: network to associate interface with
:return: nothing
with self.lock:
@ -736,7 +728,7 @@ class CoreNode(CoreNodeBase):
Set hardware addres for an interface.
:param int ifindex: index of interface to set hardware address for
:param core.misc.ipaddress.MacAddress addr: hardware address to set
:param core.nodes.ipaddress.MacAddress addr: hardware address to set
:return: nothing
:raises CoreCommandError: when a non-zero exit status occurs
@ -819,9 +811,9 @@ class CoreNode(CoreNodeBase):
Create a new network interface.
:param net: network to associate with
:param core.nodes.base.CoreNetworkBase net: network to associate with
:param list addrlist: addresses to add on the interface
:param core.misc.ipaddress.MacAddress hwaddr: hardware address to set for interface
:param core.nodes.ipaddress.MacAddress hwaddr: hardware address to set for interface
:param int ifindex: index of interface to create
:param str ifname: name for interface
:return: interface index
@ -864,7 +856,7 @@ class CoreNode(CoreNodeBase):
Connect a node.
:param str ifname: name of interface to connect
:param core.netns.nodes.LxcNode othernode: node to connect to
:param core.nodes.CoreNodeBase othernode: node to connect to
:param str otherifname: interface name to connect to
:return: nothing
@ -970,9 +962,9 @@ class CoreNetworkBase(NodeBase):
def __init__(self, session, _id, name, start=True):
Create a PyCoreNet instance.
Create a CoreNetworkBase instance.
:param core.session.Session session: CORE session object
:param core.emulator.session.Session session: CORE session object
:param int _id: object id
:param str name: object name
:param bool start: should object start
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
|||| implementation of the VnodeClient class for issuing commands
over a control channel to the vnoded process running in a network namespace.
The control channel can be accessed via calls to the vcmd Python module or
by invoking the vcmd shell command.
The control channel can be accessed via calls using the vcmd shell.
import logging
@ -124,8 +123,6 @@ class VnodeClient(object):
args = utils.split_args(args)
# if isinstance(args, list):
# args = " ".join(args)
cmd = self._cmd_args() + args
||||"popen: %s", cmd)
p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdin=PIPE)
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class CoreInterface(object):
Creates a PyCoreNetIf instance.
:param core.coreobj.PyCoreNode node: node for interface
:param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node for interface
:param str name: interface name
:param mtu: mtu value
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class CoreInterface(object):
Attach network.
:param core.coreobj.PyCoreNet net: network to attach
:param core.nodes.base.CoreNetworkBase net: network to attach
:return: nothing
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class CoreInterface(object):
Set hardware address.
:param core.misc.ipaddress.MacAddress addr: hardware address to set to.
:param core.nodes.ipaddress.MacAddress addr: hardware address to set to.
:return: nothing
self.hwaddr = addr
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ class Veth(CoreInterface):
Creates a VEth instance.
:param core.netns.vnode.SimpleLxcNode node: related core node
:param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: related core node
:param str name: interface name
:param str localname: interface local name
:param mtu: interface mtu
@ -260,11 +260,11 @@ class TunTap(CoreInterface):
Create a TunTap instance.
:param core.netns.vnode.SimpleLxcNode node: related core node
:param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: related core node
:param str name: interface name
:param str localname: local interface name
:param mtu: interface mtu
:param net: related network
:param core.nodes.base.CoreNetworkBase net: related network
:param bool start: start flag
CoreInterface.__init__(self, node=node, name=name, mtu=mtu)
@ -420,9 +420,9 @@ class GreTap(CoreInterface):
Creates a GreTap instance.
:param core.netns.vnode.SimpleLxcNode node: related core node
:param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: related core node
:param str name: interface name
:param core.session.Session session: core session instance
:param core.emulator.session.Session session: core session instance
:param mtu: interface mtu
:param str remoteip: remote address
:param int _id: object id
@ -493,6 +493,6 @@ class GreTap(CoreInterface):
:param flags: link flags
:return: link data
:rtype: list[]
:rtype: list[]
return []
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ class IpPrefix(object):
Create a IpPrefix instance.
:param int af: address family for ip prefix
:param prefixstr: ip prefix string
:param str prefixstr: ip prefix string
# prefixstr format: address/prefixlen
tmp = prefixstr.split("/")
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
PyCoreNet and LxBrNet classes that implement virtual networks using
Linux Ethernet bridging and ebtables rules.
Defines network nodes used within core.
import logging
@ -343,7 +342,7 @@ class CoreNetwork(CoreNetworkBase):
Detach a network interface.
:param core.netns.vif.Veth netif: network interface to detach
:param core.nodes.interface.Veth netif: network interface to detach
:return: nothing
if self.up:
@ -355,8 +354,8 @@ class CoreNetwork(CoreNetworkBase):
Determine if the provided network interfaces are linked.
:param core.netns.vif.Veth netif1: interface one
:param core.netns.vif.Veth netif2: interface two
:param core.nodes.interface.CoreInterface netif1: interface one
:param core.nodes.interface.CoreInterface netif2: interface two
:return: True if interfaces are linked, False otherwise
:rtype: bool
@ -385,8 +384,8 @@ class CoreNetwork(CoreNetworkBase):
Unlink two PyCoreNetIfs, resulting in adding or removing ebtables
filtering rules.
:param core.netns.vif.Veth netif1: interface one
:param core.netns.vif.Veth netif2: interface two
:param core.nodes.interface.CoreInterface netif1: interface one
:param core.nodes.interface.CoreInterface netif2: interface two
:return: nothing
with self._linked_lock:
@ -401,8 +400,8 @@ class CoreNetwork(CoreNetworkBase):
Link two PyCoreNetIfs together, resulting in adding or removing
ebtables filtering rules.
:param core.netns.vif.Veth netif1: interface one
:param core.netns.vif.Veth netif2: interface two
:param core.nodes.interface.CoreInterface netif1: interface one
:param core.nodes.interface.CoreInterface netif2: interface two
:return: nothing
with self._linked_lock:
@ -417,7 +416,7 @@ class CoreNetwork(CoreNetworkBase):
Configure link parameters by applying tc queuing disciplines on the interface.
:param core.netns.vif.Veth netif: interface one
:param core.nodes.interface.Veth netif: interface one
:param bw: bandwidth to set to
:param delay: packet delay to set to
:param loss: packet loss to set to
@ -549,9 +548,9 @@ class CoreNetwork(CoreNetworkBase):
Return the interface of that links this net with another net
(that were linked using linknet()).
:param core.netns.vnet.LxBrNet net: interface to get link for
:param core.nodes.base.CoreNetworkBase net: interface to get link for
:return: interface the provided network is linked to
:rtype: core.netns.vnet.LxBrNet
:rtype: core.nodes.interface.CoreInterface
for netif in self.netifs():
if hasattr(netif, "othernet") and netif.othernet == net:
@ -584,7 +583,7 @@ class GreTapBridge(CoreNetwork):
Create a GreTapBridge instance.
:param core.session.Session session: core session instance
:param core.emulator.session.Session session: core session instance
:param str remoteip: remote address
:param int _id: object id
:param str name: object name
@ -593,7 +592,6 @@ class GreTapBridge(CoreNetwork):
:param ttl: ttl value
:param key: gre tap key
:param bool start: start flag
CoreNetwork.__init__(self, session=session, _id=_id, name=name, policy=policy, start=False)
self.grekey = key
@ -685,7 +683,7 @@ class CtrlNet(CoreNetwork):
Creates a CtrlNet instance.
:param core.session.Session session: core session instance
:param core.emulator.session.Session session: core session instance
:param int _id: node id
:param str name: node namee
:param prefix: control network ipv4 prefix
@ -740,7 +738,7 @@ class CtrlNet(CoreNetwork):
def detectoldbridge(self):
Occassionally, control net bridges from previously closed sessions are not cleaned up.
Occasionally, control net bridges from previously closed sessions are not cleaned up.
Check if there are old control net bridges and delete them
:return: True if an old bridge was detected, False otherwise
@ -825,7 +823,7 @@ class PtpNet(CoreNetwork):
:param float lon: longitude
:param float alt: altitude
:return: node data object
return None
@ -836,7 +834,7 @@ class PtpNet(CoreNetwork):
:param flags: message flags
:return: list of link data
:rtype: list[]
:rtype: list[]
all_links = []
@ -997,7 +995,7 @@ class WlanNode(CoreNetwork):
Attach a network interface.
:param core.netns.vif.VEth netif: network interface
:param core.nodes.interface.CoreInterface netif: network interface
:return: nothing
CoreNetwork.attach(self, netif)
@ -1013,7 +1011,7 @@ class WlanNode(CoreNetwork):
Sets the mobility and wireless model.
:param core.mobility.WirelessModel.cls model: wireless model to set to
:param core.location.mobility.WirelessModel.cls model: wireless model to set to
:param dict config: configuration for model being set
:return: nothing
@ -1056,7 +1054,7 @@ class WlanNode(CoreNetwork):
:param flags: message flags
:return: list of link data
:rtype: list[]
:rtype: list[]
all_links = CoreNetwork.all_link_data(self, flags)
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ def _convert_map(x, y):
:param dict x: dictionary to reduce node items into
:param tuple y: current node item
:return: human readable name mapping of the node map
x[y[0].name] = y[1]
return x
@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ def update_node_map(node_map):
Update the current node map with the provided node map values.
:param dict node_map: node map to update with
global _NODE_MAP
@ -70,7 +69,7 @@ def get_node_type(node_class):
:param class node_class: node class to get type for
:return: node type
:rtype: core.enumerations.NodeTypes
:rtype: core.emulator.enumerations.NodeTypes
global _NODE_MAP
node_type_map = {_NODE_MAP[x]: x for x in _NODE_MAP}
@ -53,12 +53,11 @@ class OvsNet(CoreNetworkBase):
Creates an OvsNet instance.
:param core.session.Session session: session this object is a part of
:param _id:
:param name:
:param start:
:param policy:
:param core.emulator.session.Session session: session this object is a part of
:param int _id: object id
:param str name: object name
:param bool start: start flag
:param policy: network policy
CoreNetworkBase.__init__(self, session, _id, name, start)
@ -173,7 +172,7 @@ class OvsNet(CoreNetworkBase):
def link(self, interface_one, interface_two):
Link two PyCoreNetIfs together, resulting in adding or removing
Link two interfaces together, resulting in adding or removing
ebtables filtering rules.
with self._linked_lock:
@ -299,19 +298,11 @@ class OvsNet(CoreNetworkBase):
interface = Veth(node=None, name=name, localname=localname, mtu=1500, net=self, start=self.up)
if network.up:
# this is similar to net.attach() but uses instead
# of localname
# this is similar to net.attach() but uses instead of localname
utils.check_cmd([constants.OVS_BIN, "add-port", network.bridge_name,])
utils.check_cmd([constants.IP_BIN, "link", "set",, "up"])
# TODO: is there a native method for this? see if this causes issues
# i = network.newifindex()
# network._netif[i] = interface
# with network._linked_lock:
# network._linked[interface] = {}
# this method call is equal to the above, with a interface.netifi = call
|||| = self
interface.othernet = network
return interface
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ class PhysicalNode(CoreNodeBase):
def sethwaddr(self, ifindex, addr):
same as SimpleLxcNode.sethwaddr()
Set hardware address for an interface.
ifname = self.ifname(ifindex)
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ class PhysicalNode(CoreNodeBase):
def addaddr(self, ifindex, addr):
same as SimpleLxcNode.addaddr()
Add an address to an interface.
if self.up:
self.check_cmd([constants.IP_BIN, "addr", "add", str(addr), "dev", self.ifname(ifindex)])
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class PhysicalNode(CoreNodeBase):
def deladdr(self, ifindex, addr):
same as SimpleLxcNode.deladdr()
Delete an address from an interface.
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ class Rj45Node(CoreNodeBase, CoreInterface):
Create an RJ45Node instance.
:param core.session.Session session: core session instance
:param core.emulator.session.Session session: core session instance
:param int _id: node id
:param str name: node name
:param mtu: rj45 mtu
@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ class Rj45Node(CoreNodeBase, CoreInterface):
represents an interface, we do not create another object here,
but attach ourselves to the given network.
:param core.coreobj.PyCoreNet net: new network instance
:param core.nodes.base.CoreNetworkBase net: new network instance
:param list[str] addrlist: address list
:param str hwaddr: hardware address
:param int ifindex: interface index
@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ class Rj45Node(CoreNodeBase, CoreInterface):
:param int ifindex: interface index to retrieve
:param net: network to retrieve
:return: a network interface
:rtype: core.coreobj.PyCoreNetIf
:rtype: core.nodes.interface,CoreInterface
if net is not None and net ==
return self
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ class Rj45Node(CoreNodeBase, CoreInterface):
Retrieve network interface index.
:param core.coreobj.PyCoreNetIf netif: network interface to retrieve index for
:param core.nodes.interface.CoreInterface netif: network interface to retrieve index for
:return: interface index, None otherwise
:rtype: int
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class Sdt(object):
Creates a Sdt instance.
:param core.session.Session session: session this manager is tied to
:param core.emulator.session.Session session: session this manager is tied to
self.session = session
self.sock = None
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class Sdt(object):
Handler for node updates, specifically for updating their location.
:param node_data: node data being updated
:param node_data: node data being updated
:return: nothing
x = node_data.x_position
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ class Sdt(object):
Handler for link updates, checking for wireless link/unlink messages.
:param link_data: link data being updated
:param link_data: link data being updated
:return: nothing
if link_data.link_type == LinkTypes.WIRELESS.value:
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ class ServiceShim(object):
Convert service properties into a string list of key=value pairs,
separated by "|".
:param core.netns.vnode.CoreNode node: node to get value list for
:param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to get value list for
:param CoreService service: service to get value list for
:return: value list string
:rtype: str
@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ class CoreServices(object):
Start all service boot paths found, based on dependencies.
:param core.netns.vnode.LxcNode node: node to start services on
:param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to start services on
:param list[CoreService] boot_path: service to start in dependent order
:return: nothing
@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ class CoreServices(object):
Start a service on a node. Create private dirs, generate config
files, and execute startup commands.
:param core.netns.vnode.LxcNode node: node to boot services on
:param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to boot services on
:param CoreService service: service to start
:return: nothing
@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ class CoreServices(object):
config references an existing file that should be copied.
Returns True for local files, False for generated.
:param core.netns.vnode.LxcNode node: node to copy service for
:param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to copy service for
:param str filename: file name for a configured service
:param str cfg: configuration string
:return: True if successful, False otherwise
@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ class CoreServices(object):
Run the validation command(s) for a service.
:param core.netns.vnode.LxcNode node: node to validate service for
:param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to validate service for
:param CoreService service: service to validate
:return: service validation status
:rtype: int
@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ class CoreServices(object):
Stop a service on a node.
:param core.netns.vnode.LxcNode node: node to stop a service on
:param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to stop a service on
:param CoreService service: service to stop
:return: status for stopping the services
:rtype: str
@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ class CoreServices(object):
Send a File Message when the GUI has requested a service file.
The file data is either auto-generated or comes from an existing config.
:param core.netns.vnode.LxcNode node: node to get service file from
:param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to get service file from
:param str service_name: service to get file from
:param str filename: file name to retrieve
:return: file message for node
@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ class CoreServices(object):
Startup a node service.
:param PyCoreNode node: node to reconfigure service for
:param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to reconfigure service for
:param CoreService service: service to reconfigure
:param bool wait: determines if we should wait to validate startup
:return: status of startup
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ class CoreServices(object):
Creates node service files.
:param PyCoreNode node: node to reconfigure service for
:param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to reconfigure service for
:param CoreService service: service to reconfigure
:return: nothing
@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ class CoreServices(object):
Reconfigure a node service.
:param PyCoreNode node: node to reconfigure service for
:param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to reconfigure service for
:param CoreService service: service to reconfigure
:return: nothing
@ -805,7 +805,7 @@ class CoreService(object):
returns the cls._configs tuple, but this method may be overriden to
provide node-specific filenames that may be based on other services.
:param core.netns.vnode.LxcNode node: node to generate config for
:param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to generate config for
:return: configuration files
:rtype: tuple
@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ class CoreService(object):
Return the configuration string to be written to a file or sent
to the GUI for customization.
:param core.netns.vnode.LxcNode node: node to generate config for
:param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to generate config for
:param str filename: file name to generate config for
:return: nothing
@ -833,7 +833,7 @@ class CoreService(object):
overridden to provide node-specific commands that may be
based on other services.
:param core.netns.vnode.LxcNode node: node to get startup for
:param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to get startup for
:return: startup commands
:rtype: tuple
@ -847,7 +847,7 @@ class CoreService(object):
overridden to provide node-specific commands that may be
based on other services.
:param core.netns.vnode.LxcNode node: node to validate
:param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to validate
:return: validation commands
:rtype: tuple
@ -313,8 +313,8 @@ def expand_corepath(pathname, session=None, node=None):
Expand a file path given session information.
:param str pathname: file path to expand
:param core.session.Session session: core session object to expand path with
:param core.netns.LxcNode node: node to expand path with
:param core.emulator.session.Session session: core session object to expand path with
:param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to expand path with
:return: expanded path
:rtype: str
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