updated core dynamic config dialog to have a large size that can be scrolled, not ideal, but works
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 42 additions and 13 deletions
@ -611,9 +611,12 @@ proc capTitle { cap } {
proc popupCapabilityConfig { channel wlan model types values captions bmp possible_values groups } {
global node_list g_node_type_services_hint g_popupcap_keys g_prefs
set wi .popupCapabilityConfig
catch {destroy $wi}
toplevel $wi
set modelname [capTitle $model]
wm maxsize $wi 710 600
wm minsize $wi 710 600
wm transient $wi .
wm title $wi "$modelname configuration"
@ -656,10 +659,27 @@ proc popupCapabilityConfig { channel wlan model types values captions bmp possib
# session options stored in array, not custom-config
if { $model == "session" } { set cfg [getSessionOptionsList] }
frame $wi.frame
set windowFrame $wi.frame
ttk::notebook $wi.vals
pack $wi.vals -fill both -expand true -padx 4 -pady 4
ttk::notebook::enableTraversal $wi.vals
canvas $windowFrame.c -width 700 -height 600
set windowCanvas $windowFrame.c
scrollbar $windowFrame.sb -orient vert -command "$windowCanvas yview"
set windowScroll $windowFrame.sb
$windowCanvas config -yscrollcommand "$windowScroll set"
pack $windowScroll -fill y -side right
pack $windowCanvas -expand yes -fill both -side top
frame $windowCanvas.notebookFrame -width 700 -height 1200
set notebookFrame $windowCanvas.notebookFrame
pack $notebookFrame -fill both -expand yes -padx 5 -pady 5
ttk::notebook $notebookFrame.vals -width 690 -height 1200
set configNotebook $notebookFrame.vals
ttk::notebook::enableTraversal $configNotebook
pack $configNotebook -fill both -expand yes
set n 0
set gn 0
@ -688,12 +708,14 @@ proc popupCapabilityConfig { channel wlan model types values captions bmp possib
set gn [lindex $groupinfo 0]
set groupcaption [lindex $groupinfo 1]
if { $lastgn != $gn } {
ttk::frame $wi.vals.$gn
$wi.vals add $wi.vals.$gn -text $groupcaption -underline 0
ttk::frame $configNotebook.$gn
$configNotebook add $configNotebook.$gn -text $groupcaption -underline 0
set lastgn $gn
set fr $wi.vals.$gn.item$n
set fr $configNotebook.$gn.item$n
ttk::frame $fr
if {$type == 11} { ;# boolean value
global $fr.entval $fr.entvalhint
set optcmd [list tk_optionMenu $fr.ent \
@ -748,6 +770,7 @@ proc popupCapabilityConfig { channel wlan model types values captions bmp possib
} else {
pack $fr.ent $fr.lab -side right -padx 4 -pady 4
pack $fr -side top -anchor e
incr n
}; # end foreach
@ -778,6 +801,11 @@ proc popupCapabilityConfig { channel wlan model types values captions bmp possib
bind $wi <Key-Return> $apply_cmd
bind $wi <Key-Escape> $cancel_cmd
# pack notebook
$windowCanvas create window 0 0 -anchor nw -window $notebookFrame
$windowCanvas configure -scrollregion [$windowCanvas bbox all]
pack $windowFrame -fill both -expand yes -side top
after 100 {
grab .popupCapabilityConfig
raise .popupCapabilityConfig
@ -817,22 +845,23 @@ proc popupCapabilityConfigGroup { groups n } {
proc popupCapabilityConfigApply { wi channel wlan model types groups } {
global node_list MACHINE_TYPES g_popupcap_keys
set configNotebook $wi.frame.c.notebookFrame.vals
set n 0
set vals {}
foreach type $types {
set groupinfo [popupCapabilityConfigGroup $groups [expr {$n + 1}]]
set gn [lindex $groupinfo 0]
if { ![winfo exists $wi.vals.$gn.item$n.ent] } {
if { ![winfo exists $configNotebook.$gn.item$n.ent] } {
puts "warning: missing dialog value $n for $model"
if { [catch { set val [$wi.vals.$gn.item$n.ent get] }] } {
if { [catch { set val [$configNotebook.$gn.item$n.ent get] }] } {
if { $type == 11 } {
# convert textual value from tk_optionMenu to boolean 0/1
# using hint
global $wi.vals.$gn.item$n.entval $wi.vals.$gn.item$n.entvalhint
if { [set $wi.vals.$gn.item$n.entval] == \
[set $wi.vals.$gn.item$n.entvalhint] } {
global $configNotebook.$gn.item$n.entval $configNotebook.$gn.item$n.entvalhint
if { [set $configNotebook.$gn.item$n.entval] == \
[set $configNotebook.$gn.item$n.entvalhint] } {
set val 1 ;# true
} else {
set val 0 ;# false
@ -840,8 +869,8 @@ proc popupCapabilityConfigApply { wi channel wlan model types groups } {
} else {
# convert textual dropdown value to numeric using first word
# e.g. "0 11 Mbps" has a value of 0
global $wi.vals.$gn.item$n.entval
set selectedopt [set $wi.vals.$gn.item$n.entval]
global $configNotebook.$gn.item$n.entval
set selectedopt [set $configNotebook.$gn.item$n.entval]
set val [lindex $selectedopt 0]
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