refactored emane xml configurations into an isolated file, using lxml
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 354 additions and 304 deletions
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
||| EMANE CommEffect model for CORE
import os
from lxml import etree
from core import logger
@ -64,21 +66,22 @@ class EmaneCommEffectModel(emanemodel.EmaneModel):
:return: nothing
# retrieve xml names
nem_name = self.nem_name(interface)
shim_name = self.shim_name(interface)
nem_name = emanexml.nem_file_name(self, interface)
shim_name = emanexml.shim_file_name(self, interface)
# create and write nem document
nem_element = etree.Element("nem", name="%s NEM" %, type="unstructured")
transport_type = "virtual"
if interface and interface.transport_type == "raw":
transport_type = "raw"
transport_name = "n%strans%s.xml" % (self.object_id, transport_type)
etree.SubElement(nem_element, "transport", definition=transport_name)
transport_file = emanexml.transport_file_name(self.object_id, transport_type)
etree.SubElement(nem_element, "transport", definition=transport_file)
# set shim configuration
etree.SubElement(nem_element, "shim", definition=shim_name)
self.create_file(nem_element, nem_name, "nem")
nem_file = os.path.join(self.session.session_dir, nem_name)
emanexml.create_file(nem_element, "nem", nem_file)
# create and write shim document
shim_element = etree.Element("shim", name="%s SHIM" %, library=self.shim_library)
@ -96,7 +99,8 @@ class EmaneCommEffectModel(emanemodel.EmaneModel):
if ff.strip() != "":
emanexml.add_param(shim_element, "filterfile", ff)
self.create_file(shim_element, shim_name, "shim")
shim_file = os.path.join(self.session.session_dir, shim_name)
emanexml.create_file(shim_element, "shim", shim_file)
def linkconfig(self, netif, bw=None, delay=None, loss=None, duplicate=None, jitter=None, netif2=None):
@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ definition of an Emane class for implementing configuration control of
import os
import threading
from lxml import etree
from core import CoreCommandError
from core import constants
from core import logger
@ -32,7 +30,6 @@ from core.enumerations import NodeTypes
from core.enumerations import RegisterTlvs
from core.misc import nodeutils
from core.misc import utils
from core.misc.ipaddress import MacAddress
from core.xml import emanexml
@ -56,159 +53,6 @@ EMANE_MODELS = [
def build_node_platform_xml(emane_manager, control_net, node, nem_id):
nem_entries = {}
platform_xmls = {}
if node.model is None:
||||"warning: EmaneNode %s has no associated model",
return nem_entries
for netif in node.netifs():
# build nem xml
nem_name = node.model.nem_name(netif)
nem_element = etree.Element("nem", id=str(nem_id), name=netif.localname, definition=nem_name)
# build transport xml
transport_type = netif.transport_type
if not transport_type:
||||"warning: %s interface type unsupported!",
transport_type = "raw"
transport_name = "n%strans%s.xml" % (node.objid, transport_type.lower())
transport_element = etree.SubElement(nem_element, "transport", definition=transport_name)
# add transport parameter
emanexml.add_param(transport_element, "device",
# add nem entry
nem_entries[netif] = nem_element
# merging code
key = netif.node.objid
if netif.transport_type == "raw":
key = "host"
otadev = control_net.brname
eventdev = control_net.brname
otadev = None
eventdev = None
platform_element = platform_xmls.get(key)
if not platform_element:
platform_element = etree.Element("platform")
if otadev:
emane_manager.set_config("otamanagerdevice", otadev)
if eventdev:
emane_manager.set_config("eventservicedevice", eventdev)
# append all platform options (except starting id) to doc
for configuration in emane_manager.emane_config.emulator_config:
name =
if name == "platform_id_start":
value = emane_manager.get_config(name)
emanexml.add_param(platform_element, name, value)
# add platform xml
platform_xmls[key] = platform_element
node.setnemid(netif, nem_id)
macstr = emane_manager._hwaddr_prefix + ":00:00:"
macstr += "%02X:%02X" % ((nem_id >> 8) & 0xFF, nem_id & 0xFF)
# increment nem id
nem_id += 1
for key in sorted(platform_xmls.keys()):
if key == "host":
file_name = "platform.xml"
file_name = "platform%d.xml" % key
platform_element = platform_xmls[key]
doc_name = "platform"
file_path = os.path.join(emane_manager.session.session_dir, file_name)
emanexml.create_file(platform_element, doc_name, file_path)
return nem_id
def build_transport_xml(emane_manager, node, transport_type):
transport_element = etree.Element(
name="%s Transport" % transport_type.capitalize(),
library="trans%s" % transport_type.lower()
# add bitrate
emanexml.add_param(transport_element, "bitrate", "0")
# get emane model cnfiguration
config = emane_manager.get_configs(node_id=node.objid,
flowcontrol = config.get("flowcontrolenable", "0") == "1"
if "virtual" in transport_type.lower():
device_path = "/dev/net/tun_flowctl"
if not os.path.exists(device_path):
device_path = "/dev/net/tun"
emanexml.add_param(transport_element, "devicepath", device_path)
if flowcontrol:
emanexml.add_param(transport_element, "flowcontrolenable", "on")
doc_name = "transport"
file_name = "n%strans%s.xml" % (node.objid, transport_type.lower())
file_path = os.path.join(emane_manager.session.session_dir, file_name)
emanexml.create_file(transport_element, doc_name, file_path)
def build_xml_files(emane_manager, node):
if node.model is None:
# get model configurations
config = emane_manager.getifcconfig(node.model.object_id, None,
if not config:
# build XML for overall network (EmaneNode) configs
# build XML for specific interface (NEM) configs
need_virtual = False
need_raw = False
vtype = "virtual"
rtype = "raw"
for netif in node.netifs():
# check for interface specific emane configuration and write xml files, if needed
config = emane_manager.getifcconfig(node.model.object_id, netif,
if config:
node.model.build_xml_files(config, netif)
# check transport type needed for interface
if "virtual" in netif.transport_type:
need_virtual = True
vtype = netif.transport_type
need_raw = True
rtype = netif.transport_type
# build transport XML files depending on type of interfaces involved
if need_virtual:
build_transport_xml(emane_manager, node, vtype)
if need_raw:
build_transport_xml(emane_manager, node, rtype)
class EmaneManager(ModelManager):
EMANE controller object. Lives in a Session instance and is used for
@ -217,7 +61,6 @@ class EmaneManager(ModelManager):
name = "emane"
config_type = RegisterTlvs.EMULATION_SERVER.value
_hwaddr_prefix = "02:02"
@ -722,7 +565,7 @@ class EmaneManager(ModelManager):
# assume self._objslock is already held here
for key in sorted(self._emane_nodes.keys()):
emane_node = self._emane_nodes[key]
nemid = build_node_platform_xml(self, ctrlnet, emane_node, nemid)
nemid = emanexml.build_node_platform_xml(self, ctrlnet, emane_node, nemid)
def buildnemxml(self):
@ -731,7 +574,7 @@ class EmaneManager(ModelManager):
for key in sorted(self._emane_nodes.keys()):
emane_node = self._emane_nodes[key]
build_xml_files(self, emane_node)
emanexml.build_xml_files(self, emane_node)
def buildtransportxml(self):
@ -765,13 +608,7 @@ class EmaneManager(ModelManager):
dev = self.get_config("eventservicedevice")
event_element = etree.Element("emaneeventmsgsvc")
for name, value in (("group", group), ("port", port), ("device", dev), ("mcloop", "1"), ("ttl", "32")):
sub_element = etree.SubElement(event_element, name)
sub_element.text = value
file_name = "libemaneeventservice.xml"
file_path = os.path.join(self.session.session_dir, file_name)
emanexml.create_file(event_element, "emaneeventmsgsvc", file_path)
emanexml.create_event_service_xml(group, port, dev, self.session.session_dir)
def startdaemons(self):
@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ Defines Emane Models used within CORE.
import os
from lxml import etree
from core import logger
from core.conf import ConfigGroup
from core.emane import emanemanifest
@ -58,82 +56,26 @@ class EmaneModel(WirelessModel):
:param interface: interface for the emane node
:return: nothing
# create document and write to disk
nem_name = emanexml.nem_file_name(self, interface)
mac_name = emanexml.mac_file_name(self, interface)
phy_name = emanexml.phy_file_name(self, interface)
# create mac document and write to disk
self.create_mac_xml(interface, config)
# create phy document and write to disk
self.create_phy_xml(interface, config)
def create_nem_xml(self, interface):
Create the nem xml document.
:param interface: interface for the emane node
:return: nothing
nem_element = etree.Element("nem", name="%s NEM" %
# add transport
transport_type = "virtual"
if interface and interface.transport_type == "raw":
transport_type = "raw"
transport_type = "n%strans%s.xml" % (self.object_id, transport_type)
etree.SubElement(nem_element, "transport", definition=transport_type)
transport_name = emanexml.transport_file_name(self.object_id, transport_type)
# create mac
mac_name = self.mac_name(interface)
etree.SubElement(nem_element, "mac", definition=mac_name)
# create nem xml file
nem_file = os.path.join(self.session.session_dir, nem_name)
emanexml.create_nem_xml(self, nem_file, transport_name, mac_name, phy_name)
# create phy
phy_name = self.phy_name(interface)
etree.SubElement(nem_element, "phy", definition=phy_name)
# create mac xml file
mac_file = os.path.join(self.session.session_dir, mac_name)
emanexml.create_mac_xml(self, config, mac_file)
# write out xml
nem_name = self.nem_name(interface)
self.create_file(nem_element, nem_name, "nem")
def create_mac_xml(self, interface, config):
Create the mac xml document.
:param interface: interface for the emane node
:param dict config: all current configuration values, mac + phy
:return: nothing
if not self.mac_library:
raise ValueError("must define emane model library")
mac_element = etree.Element("mac", name="%s MAC" %, library=self.mac_library)
emanexml.add_configurations(mac_element, self.mac_config, config, self.config_ignore)
# write out xml
mac_name = self.mac_name(interface)
self.create_file(mac_element, mac_name, "mac")
def create_phy_xml(self, interface, config):
Create the phy xml document.
:param interface: interface for the emane node
:param dict config: all current configuration values, mac + phy
:return: nothing
phy_element = etree.Element("phy", name="%s PHY" %
if self.phy_library:
phy_element.set("library", self.phy_library)
emanexml.add_configurations(phy_element, self.phy_config, config, self.config_ignore)
# write out xml
phy_name = self.phy_name(interface)
self.create_file(phy_element, phy_name, "phy")
def create_file(self, xml_element, file_name, doc_name):
file_path = os.path.join(self.session.session_dir, file_name)
emanexml.create_file(xml_element, doc_name, file_path)
# create phy xml file
phy_file = os.path.join(self.session.session_dir, phy_name)
emanexml.create_phy_xml(self, config, phy_file)
def post_startup(self):
@ -143,67 +85,6 @@ class EmaneModel(WirelessModel):
||||"emane model(%s) has no post setup tasks",
def _basename(self, interface=None):
Create name that is leveraged for configuration file creation.
:param interface: interface for this model
:return: basename used for file creation
:rtype: str
name = "n%s" % self.object_id
if interface:
node_id = interface.node.objid
if self.session.emane.getifcconfig(node_id, interface,
name = interface.localname.replace(".", "_")
return "%s%s" % (name,
def nem_name(self, interface=None):
Return the string name for the NEM XML file, e.g. "n3rfpipenem.xml"
:param interface: interface for this model
:return: nem xml filename
:rtype: str
basename = self._basename(interface)
append = ""
if interface and interface.transport_type == "raw":
append = "_raw"
return "%snem%s.xml" % (basename, append)
def shim_name(self, interface=None):
Return the string name for the SHIM XML file, e.g. "commeffectshim.xml"
:param interface: interface for this model
:return: shim xml filename
:rtype: str
return "%sshim.xml" % self._basename(interface)
def mac_name(self, interface=None):
Return the string name for the MAC XML file, e.g. "n3rfpipemac.xml"
:param interface: interface for this model
:return: mac xml filename
:rtype: str
return "%smac.xml" % self._basename(interface)
def phy_name(self, interface=None):
Return the string name for the PHY XML file, e.g. "n3rfpipephy.xml"
:param interface: interface for this model
:return: phy xml filename
:rtype: str
return "%sphy.xml" % self._basename(interface)
def update(self, moved, moved_netifs):
Invoked from MobilityModel when nodes are moved; this causes
@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
import os
from lxml import etree
from core import logger
from core.misc import utils
from core.misc.ipaddress import MacAddress
from core.xml import corexml
_hwaddr_prefix = "02:02"
def _value_to_params(value):
@ -62,3 +67,326 @@ def add_configurations(xml_element, configurations, config, config_ignore):
etree.SubElement(params_element, "item", value=param)
add_param(xml_element, name, value)
def build_node_platform_xml(emane_manager, control_net, node, nem_id):
Create platform xml for a specific node.
:param core.emane.emanemanager.EmaneManager emane_manager: emane manager with emane configurations
:param core.netns.nodes.CtrlNet control_net: control net node for this emane network
:param core.emane.nodes.EmaneNode node: node to write platform xml for
:param int nem_id: nem id to use for interfaces for this node
:return: the next nem id that can be used for creating platform xml files
:rtype: int
logger.debug("building emane platform xml for node(%s): %s", node,
nem_entries = {}
platform_xmls = {}
if node.model is None:
||||"warning: EmaneNode %s has no associated model",
return nem_entries
for netif in node.netifs():
# build nem xml
nem_definition = nem_file_name(node.model, netif)
nem_element = etree.Element("nem", id=str(nem_id), name=netif.localname, definition=nem_definition)
# build transport xml
transport_type = netif.transport_type
if not transport_type:
||||"warning: %s interface type unsupported!",
transport_type = "raw"
transport_file = transport_file_name(node.objid, transport_type)
transport_element = etree.SubElement(nem_element, "transport", definition=transport_file)
# add transport parameter
add_param(transport_element, "device",
# add nem entry
nem_entries[netif] = nem_element
# merging code
key = netif.node.objid
if netif.transport_type == "raw":
key = "host"
otadev = control_net.brname
eventdev = control_net.brname
otadev = None
eventdev = None
platform_element = platform_xmls.get(key)
if not platform_element:
platform_element = etree.Element("platform")
if otadev:
emane_manager.set_config("otamanagerdevice", otadev)
if eventdev:
emane_manager.set_config("eventservicedevice", eventdev)
# append all platform options (except starting id) to doc
for configuration in emane_manager.emane_config.emulator_config:
name =
if name == "platform_id_start":
value = emane_manager.get_config(name)
add_param(platform_element, name, value)
# add platform xml
platform_xmls[key] = platform_element
node.setnemid(netif, nem_id)
macstr = _hwaddr_prefix + ":00:00:"
macstr += "%02X:%02X" % ((nem_id >> 8) & 0xFF, nem_id & 0xFF)
# increment nem id
nem_id += 1
for key in sorted(platform_xmls.keys()):
if key == "host":
file_name = "platform.xml"
file_name = "platform%d.xml" % key
platform_element = platform_xmls[key]
doc_name = "platform"
file_path = os.path.join(emane_manager.session.session_dir, file_name)
create_file(platform_element, doc_name, file_path)
return nem_id
def build_xml_files(emane_manager, node):
Generate emane xml files required for node.
:param core.emane.emanemanager.EmaneManager emane_manager: emane manager with emane configurations
:param core.emane.nodes.EmaneNode node: node to write platform xml for
:return: nothing
logger.debug("building all emane xml for node(%s): %s", node,
if node.model is None:
# get model configurations
config = emane_manager.get_configs(node.model.object_id,
if not config:
# build XML for overall network (EmaneNode) configs
# build XML for specific interface (NEM) configs
need_virtual = False
need_raw = False
vtype = "virtual"
rtype = "raw"
for netif in node.netifs():
# check for interface specific emane configuration and write xml files, if needed
config = emane_manager.getifcconfig(node.model.object_id, netif,
if config:
node.model.build_xml_files(config, netif)
# check transport type needed for interface
if "virtual" in netif.transport_type:
need_virtual = True
vtype = netif.transport_type
need_raw = True
rtype = netif.transport_type
# build transport XML files depending on type of interfaces involved
if need_virtual:
build_transport_xml(emane_manager, node, vtype)
if need_raw:
build_transport_xml(emane_manager, node, rtype)
def build_transport_xml(emane_manager, node, transport_type):
Build transport xml file for node and transport type.
:param core.emane.emanemanager.EmaneManager emane_manager: emane manager with emane configurations
:param core.emane.nodes.EmaneNode node: node to write platform xml for
:param str transport_type: transport type to build xml for
:return: nothing
transport_element = etree.Element(
name="%s Transport" % transport_type.capitalize(),
library="trans%s" % transport_type.lower()
# add bitrate
add_param(transport_element, "bitrate", "0")
# get emane model cnfiguration
config = emane_manager.get_configs(node.objid,
flowcontrol = config.get("flowcontrolenable", "0") == "1"
if "virtual" in transport_type.lower():
device_path = "/dev/net/tun_flowctl"
if not os.path.exists(device_path):
device_path = "/dev/net/tun"
add_param(transport_element, "devicepath", device_path)
if flowcontrol:
add_param(transport_element, "flowcontrolenable", "on")
doc_name = "transport"
file_name = transport_file_name(node.objid, transport_type)
file_path = os.path.join(emane_manager.session.session_dir, file_name)
create_file(transport_element, doc_name, file_path)
def create_phy_xml(emane_model, config, file_path):
Create the phy xml document.
:param core.emane.emanemodel.EmaneModel emane_model: emane model to create phy xml for
:param dict config: all current configuration values, mac + phy
:param str file_path: path to write file to
:return: nothing
phy_element = etree.Element("phy", name="%s PHY" %
if emane_model.phy_library:
phy_element.set("library", emane_model.phy_library)
add_configurations(phy_element, emane_model.phy_config, config, emane_model.config_ignore)
create_file(phy_element, "phy", file_path)
def create_mac_xml(emane_model, config, file_path):
Create the mac xml document.
:param core.emane.emanemodel.EmaneModel emane_model: emane model to create phy xml for
:param dict config: all current configuration values, mac + phy
:param str file_path: path to write file to
:return: nothing
if not emane_model.mac_library:
raise ValueError("must define emane model library")
mac_element = etree.Element("mac", name="%s MAC" %, library=emane_model.mac_library)
add_configurations(mac_element, emane_model.mac_config, config, emane_model.config_ignore)
create_file(mac_element, "mac", file_path)
def create_nem_xml(emane_model, nem_file, transport_definition, mac_definition, phy_definition):
Create the nem xml document.
:param core.emane.emanemodel.EmaneModel emane_model: emane model to create phy xml for
:param str nem_file: nem file path to write
:param str transport_definition: transport file definition path
:param str mac_definition: mac file definition path
:param str phy_definition: phy file definition path
:return: nothing
nem_element = etree.Element("nem", name="%s NEM" %
etree.SubElement(nem_element, "transport", definition=transport_definition)
etree.SubElement(nem_element, "mac", definition=mac_definition)
etree.SubElement(nem_element, "phy", definition=phy_definition)
create_file(nem_element, "nem", nem_file)
def create_event_service_xml(group, port, device, file_directory):
event_element = etree.Element("emaneeventmsgsvc")
for name, value in (("group", group), ("port", port), ("device", device), ("mcloop", "1"), ("ttl", "32")):
sub_element = etree.SubElement(event_element, name)
sub_element.text = value
file_name = "libemaneeventservice.xml"
file_path = os.path.join(file_directory, file_name)
create_file(event_element, "emaneeventmsgsvc", file_path)
def transport_file_name(node_id, transport_type):
Create name for a transport xml file.
:param int node_id: node id to generate transport file name for
:param str transport_type: transport type to generate transport file
return "n%strans%s.xml" % (node_id, transport_type)
def _basename(emane_model, interface=None):
Create name that is leveraged for configuration file creation.
:param interface: interface for this model
:return: basename used for file creation
:rtype: str
name = "n%s" % emane_model.object_id
if interface:
node_id = interface.node.objid
if emane_model.session.emane.getifcconfig(node_id, interface,
name = interface.localname.replace(".", "_")
return "%s%s" % (name,
def nem_file_name(emane_model, interface=None):
Return the string name for the NEM XML file, e.g. "n3rfpipenem.xml"
:param core.emane.emanemodel.EmaneModel emane_model: emane model to create phy xml for
:param interface: interface for this model
:return: nem xml filename
:rtype: str
basename = _basename(emane_model, interface)
append = ""
if interface and interface.transport_type == "raw":
append = "_raw"
return "%snem%s.xml" % (basename, append)
def shim_file_name(emane_model, interface=None):
Return the string name for the SHIM XML file, e.g. "commeffectshim.xml"
:param core.emane.emanemodel.EmaneModel emane_model: emane model to create phy xml for
:param interface: interface for this model
:return: shim xml filename
:rtype: str
return "%sshim.xml" % _basename(emane_model, interface)
def mac_file_name(emane_model, interface=None):
Return the string name for the MAC XML file, e.g. "n3rfpipemac.xml"
:param core.emane.emanemodel.EmaneModel emane_model: emane model to create phy xml for
:param interface: interface for this model
:return: mac xml filename
:rtype: str
return "%smac.xml" % _basename(emane_model, interface)
def phy_file_name(emane_model, interface=None):
Return the string name for the PHY XML file, e.g. "n3rfpipephy.xml"
:param core.emane.emanemodel.EmaneModel emane_model: emane model to create phy xml for
:param interface: interface for this model
:return: phy xml filename
:rtype: str
return "%sphy.xml" % _basename(emane_model, interface)
Add table
Reference in a new issue