removed packing from toolbar

This commit is contained in:
bharnden 2019-11-07 22:00:46 -08:00
parent 99678499ce
commit 6357062fec
2 changed files with 2 additions and 4 deletions

View file

@ -172,12 +172,12 @@ class Toolbar(tk.Frame):
:param PIL.Image img: button image
:param func: the command that is executed when button is clicked
:param tkinter.Frame frame: frame that contains the button
:param tkinter.Radiobutton main_button: main button
:param str tooltip: tooltip text
:return: nothing
button = tk.Button(frame, width=self.width, height=self.height, image=img)
button.bind("<Button-1>", lambda e: func())
button.pack(side=tk.LEFT, pady=1)
CreateToolTip(button, tooltip)
def create_radio_button(self, frame, image, func, variable, value, tooltip_msg):

View file

@ -14,8 +14,6 @@ class CreateToolTip(object): = None
def enter(self, event=None):
x = 0
y = 0
x, y, cx, cy = self.widget.bbox("insert")
x += self.widget.winfo_rootx()
y += self.widget.winfo_rooty() + 32