diff --git a/daemon/CORE.e4p b/daemon/CORE.e4p
deleted file mode 100644
index abf05a3c..00000000
--- a/daemon/CORE.e4p
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
- en
- Python
- Console
- 4.0
- setup.py
- examples/netns/switchtest.py
- examples/netns/ospfmanetmdrtest.py
- examples/netns/switch.py
- examples/netns/wlantest.py
- examples/stopsession.py
- src/setup.py
- core/emane/__init__.py
- core/emane/emane.py
- core/emane/ieee80211abg.py
- core/emane/rfpipe.py
- core/emane/nodes.py
- core/netns/vif.py
- core/netns/vnet.py
- core/netns/__init__.py
- core/netns/vnode.py
- core/netns/vnodeclient.py
- core/netns/nodes.py
- core/service.py
- core/__init__.py
- core/addons/__init__.py
- core/broker.py
- core/services/__init__.py
- core/services/quagga.py
- core/misc/LatLongUTMconversion.py
- core/misc/__init__.py
- core/misc/ipaddr.py
- core/misc/quagga.py
- core/misc/utils.py
- core/pycore.py
- core/coreobj.py
- core/location.py
- core/session.py
- core/api/__init__.py
- core/api/data.py
- core/api/coreapi.py
- core/services/nrl.py
- core/services/utility.py
- core/bsd/netgraph.py
- core/bsd/__init__.py
- core/bsd/nodes.py
- core/bsd/vnet.py
- core/bsd/vnode.py
- core/xen/xen.py
- core/xen/xenconfig.py
- core/xen/__init__.py
- examples/myservices/sample.py
- examples/myservices/__init__.py
- core/services/security.py
- core/emane/universal.py
- examples/netns/wlanemanetests.py
- core/services/xorp.py
- core/misc/xmlutils.py
- core/mobility.py
- core/phys/pnodes.py
- core/phys/__init__.py
- ns3/setup.py
- ns3/corens3/__init__.py
- ns3/corens3/constants.py
- ns3/corens3/obj.py
- ns3/examples/ns3wifi.py
- ns3/examples/ns3lte.py
- ns3/examples/ns3wimax.py
- core/emane/commeffect.py
- core/services/ucarp.py
- core/emane/bypass.py
- core/conf.py
- core/misc/event.py
- core/sdt.py
- core/services/bird.py
- examples/netns/basicrange.py
- examples/netns/howmanynodes.py
- sbin/core-daemon
- sbin/coresendmsg
- sbin/core-cleanup
- sbin/core-xen-cleanup
- ns3/examples/ns3wifirandomwalk.py
- core/misc/utm.py
- Subversion
- add
- checkout
- commit
- diff
- export
- global
- history
- log
- remove
- status
- tag
- update
- standardLayout
- True
diff --git a/daemon/Makefile.am b/daemon/Makefile.am
index bc0e5ca5..30788906 100644
--- a/daemon/Makefile.am
+++ b/daemon/Makefile.am
@@ -125,4 +125,4 @@ DISTCLEANFILES = Makefile.in core/*.pyc MANIFEST doc/Makefile.in doc/Makefile \
doc/conf.py core/addons/*.pyc
# files to include with distribution tarball
diff --git a/doc/scripting.rst b/doc/scripting.rst
index f5620a1a..8db7b165 100644
--- a/doc/scripting.rst
+++ b/doc/scripting.rst
@@ -65,18 +65,6 @@ interactive Python shell, you can retrieve online help about the various
classes and methods; for example *help(nodes.CoreNode)* or
-An interactive development environment (IDE) is available for browsing
-the CORE source, the
-`Eric Python IDE `_.
-CORE has a project file that can be opened by Eric, in the source under
-This IDE
-has a class browser for viewing a tree of classes and methods. It features
-syntax highlighting, auto-completion, indenting, and more. One feature that
-is helpful with learning the CORE Python modules is the ability to generate
-class diagrams; right-click on a class, choose *Diagrams*, and
-*Class Diagram*.
.. index:: daemon versus script
.. index:: script versus daemon
.. index:: script with GUI support