From 454dc8091ec40016ef693772830e6ae781cb84f3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Blake Harnden <>
Date: Wed, 13 May 2020 09:25:56 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] coresendmsg: small usage cleanup, removed printing enum
 values when listing tlvs, updated examples to use current expected values

 daemon/scripts/coresendmsg | 45 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/daemon/scripts/coresendmsg b/daemon/scripts/coresendmsg
index a909522f..9f5fa776 100755
--- a/daemon/scripts/coresendmsg
+++ b/daemon/scripts/coresendmsg
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ def print_available_tlvs(t, tlv_class):
     print(f"TLVs available for {t} message:")
     for tlv in sorted([tlv for tlv in tlv_class.tlv_type_map], key=lambda x:
-        print(f"{tlv.value}:{}")
+        print(
 def print_examples(name):
@@ -27,27 +27,26 @@ def print_examples(name):
     Print example usage of this script.
     examples = [
-        ("link n1number=2 n2number=3 delay=15000",
-         "set a 15ms delay on the link between n2 and n3"),
-        ("link n1number=2 n2number=3 guiattr=\"color=blue\"",
-         "change the color of the link between n2 and n3"),
-        ("node number=3 xpos=125 ypos=525",
+        ("NODE NUMBER=3 X_POSITION=125 Y_POSITION=525",
          "move node number 3 to x,y=(125,525)"),
-        ("node number=4 icon=/usr/local/share/core/icons/normal/router_red.gif",
+        ("NODE NUMBER=4 ICON=/usr/local/share/core/icons/normal/router_red.gif",
          "change node number 4\"s icon to red"),
-        ("node flags=add number=5 type=0 name=\"n5\" xpos=500 ypos=500",
+        ("NODE flags=ADD NUMBER=5 TYPE=0 NAME=\"n5\" X_POSITION=500 Y_POSITION=500",
          "add a new router node n5"),
-        ("link flags=add n1number=4 n2number=5 if1ip4=\"\" " \
-         "if1ip4mask=24 if2ip4=\"\" if2ip4mask=24",
+        ("LINK N1_NUMBER=2 N2_NUMBER=3 DELAY=15000",
+         "set a 15ms delay on the link between n2 and n3"),
+        ("LINK N1_NUMBER=2 N2_NUMBER=3 GUI_ATTRIBUTES=\"color=blue\"",
+         "change the color of the link between n2 and n3"),
+        ("LINK flags=ADD N1_NUMBER=4 N2_NUMBER=5 INTERFACE1_IP4=\"\" "
          "link node n5 with n4 using the given interface addresses"),
-        ("exec flags=str,txt node=1 num=1000 cmd=\"uname -a\" -l",
+        ("EXECUTE flags=STRING,TEXT NODE=1 NUMBER=1000 COMMAND=\"uname -a\" -l",
          "run a command on node 1 and wait for the result"),
-        ("exec node=2 num=1001 cmd=\"killall ospfd\"",
+        ("EXECUTE NODE=2 NUMBER=1001 COMMAND=\"killall ospfd\"",
          "run a command on node 2 and ignore the result"),
-        ("file flags=add node=1 name=\"/var/log/test.log\" data=\"Hello World.\"",
+        ("FILE flags=ADD NODE=1 NAME=\"/var/log/test.log\" DATA=\"Hello World.\"",
          "write a test.log file on node 1 with the given contents"),
-        ("file flags=add node=2 name=\"test.log\" " \
-         "srcname=\"./test.log\"",
+        ("FILE flags=ADD NODE=2 NAME=\"test.log\" SOURCE_NAME=\"./test.log\"",
          "move a test.log file from host to node 2"),
     print(f"Example {name} invocations:")
@@ -154,10 +153,14 @@ def main():
     types = [ for message_type in MessageTypes]
     flags = [ for flag in MessageFlags]
-    usagestr = "usage: %prog [-h|-H] [options] [message-type] [flags=flags] "
-    usagestr += "[message-TLVs]\n\n"
-    usagestr += f"Supported message types:\n  {types}\n"
-    usagestr += f"Supported message flags (flags=f1,f2,...):\n  {flags}"
+    types_usage = " ".join(types)
+    flags_usage = " ".join(flags)
+    usagestr = (
+        "usage: %prog [-h|-H] [options] [message-type] [flags=flags] "
+        "[message-TLVs]\n\n"
+        f"Supported message types:\n  {types_usage}\n"
+        f"Supported message flags (flags=f1,f2,...):\n  {flags_usage}"
+    )
     parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usagestr)
     default_address = "localhost"
     default_session = None
@@ -188,9 +191,9 @@ def main():
                       help=f"Use TCP instead of UDP and connect to a session default: {default_tcp}")
     def usage(msg=None, err=0):
-        sys.stdout.write("\n")
+        print()
         if msg:
-            sys.stdout.write(msg + "\n\n")
+            print(f"{msg}\n")