printed CEL messages to stdout when running in batch mode. Aborted current session when in batch mode and a FATAL event is received from the daemon
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 21 additions and 5 deletions
@ -1480,8 +1480,13 @@ proc parseEventMessage { data len flags channel } {
if { $eventtype == 4 } { ;# entered the runtime state
if { $g_traffic_start_opt == 1 } { startTrafficScripts }
if { $execMode == "batch" } {
global g_current_session
puts "disconnecting. Session id is $g_current_session"
global g_current_session g_abort_session
if {$g_abort_session} {
puts "Current session ($g_current_session) aborted. Disconnecting."
} else {
puts "Session running. Session id is $g_current_session. Disconnecting."
} elseif { $eventtype == 6 } { ;# shutdown state
@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ loadPluginsConf
set g_abort_session 0
# Initialization should be complete now, so let's start doing something...
@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ if {$execMode == "interactive"} {
after 100 {
loadCfg $cfg
deployCfgAPI $sock
puts "waiting to enter RUNTIME state..."
puts "Waiting to enter RUNTIME state..."
global vwaitdummy
vwait vwaitdummy
@ -12,11 +12,21 @@ set g_cel_blink_state "off"
# receive an exception into the g_exceptions array from an Exception Message
proc receiveException { valuelist } {
global g_exceptions EXCEPTION_LEVELS
global g_exceptions EXCEPTION_LEVELS execMode
set idx [expr {1 + [array size g_exceptions]}]
array set g_exceptions [list $idx $valuelist]
# exceptions with level ERROR or FATAL will throw the CEL
array set vals $valuelist
# print exception message on stdout if in batch mode
if { $execMode == "batch" } {
puts "\nFrom $vals(src): $vals(txt)"
# Abort the session if a fatal exception is reported
if { $vals(level) <= [lsearch -exact $EXCEPTION_LEVELS "FATAL" ] } {
global g_current_session g_abort_session
set g_abort_session 1
# exceptions with level ERROR or FATAL will throw the CEL
if { $vals(level) <= [lsearch -exact $EXCEPTION_LEVELS "ERROR"] } {
throwCEL false
if { $vals(level) <= [lsearch -exact $EXCEPTION_LEVELS "FATAL" ] } {
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