updated grpc node x,y types, added new grpc session position type, grpc updated link options to use int, fixed corehandlers handling of dup, fixed corexml type handling for link options, updated mobility config types to correlate with link options
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 131 additions and 45 deletions
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ class CoreGrpcClient(object):
:rtype: core_pb2.SetSessionLocationResponse
:raises grpc.RpcError: when session doesn't exist
position = core_pb2.Position(x=x, y=y, z=z, lat=lat, lon=lon, alt=alt)
position = core_pb2.SessionPosition(x=x, y=y, z=z, lat=lat, lon=lon, alt=alt)
request = core_pb2.SetSessionLocationRequest(session_id=session_id, position=position, scale=scale)
return self.stub.SetSessionLocation(request)
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ class CoreGrpcServer(core_pb2_grpc.CoreApiServicer):
session = self.get_session(request.session_id, context)
x, y, z = session.location.refxyz
lat, lon, alt = session.location.refgeo
position = core_pb2.Position(x=x, y=y, z=z, lat=lat, lon=lon, alt=alt)
position = core_pb2.SessionPosition(x=x, y=y, z=z, lat=lat, lon=lon, alt=alt)
return core_pb2.GetSessionLocationResponse(position=position, scale=session.location.refscale)
def SetSessionLocation(self, request, context):
@ -324,6 +324,9 @@ class CoreHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
per = ""
if link_data.per is not None:
per = str(link_data.per)
dup = ""
if link_data.dup is not None:
dup = str(link_data.dup)
tlv_data = structutils.pack_values(coreapi.CoreLinkTlv, [
(LinkTlvs.N1_NUMBER, link_data.node1_id),
@ -331,7 +334,7 @@ class CoreHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
(LinkTlvs.DELAY, link_data.delay),
(LinkTlvs.BANDWIDTH, link_data.bandwidth),
(LinkTlvs.PER, per),
(LinkTlvs.DUP, link_data.dup),
(LinkTlvs.DUP, dup),
(LinkTlvs.JITTER, link_data.jitter),
(LinkTlvs.MER, link_data.mer),
(LinkTlvs.BURST, link_data.burst),
@ -367,8 +367,7 @@ class Session(object):
if node_two:
def update_link(self, node_one_id, node_two_id, interface_one_id=None, interface_two_id=None,
def update_link(self, node_one_id, node_two_id, interface_one_id=None, interface_two_id=None, link_options=None):
Update link information between nodes.
@ -379,6 +378,9 @@ class Session(object):
:param core.emulator.emudata.LinkOptions link_options: data to update link with
:return: nothing
if not link_options:
link_options = LinkOptions()
# get node objects identified by link data
node_one, node_two, net_one, net_two, _tunnel = self._link_nodes(node_one_id, node_two_id)
@ -441,7 +443,6 @@ class Session(object):
link_config(net_one, interface_one, link_options, interface_two=interface_two)
if not link_options.unidirectional:
link_config(net_one, interface_two, link_options, interface_two=interface_one)
if node_one:
@ -318,11 +318,11 @@ class BasicRangeModel(WirelessModel):
name = "basic_range"
options = [
Configuration(_id="range", _type=ConfigDataTypes.UINT32, default="275", label="wireless range (pixels)"),
Configuration(_id="bandwidth", _type=ConfigDataTypes.UINT32, default="54000000", label="bandwidth (bps)"),
Configuration(_id="jitter", _type=ConfigDataTypes.FLOAT, default="0.0", label="transmission jitter (usec)"),
Configuration(_id="delay", _type=ConfigDataTypes.FLOAT, default="5000.0",
Configuration(_id="bandwidth", _type=ConfigDataTypes.UINT64, default="54000000", label="bandwidth (bps)"),
Configuration(_id="jitter", _type=ConfigDataTypes.UINT64, default="0", label="transmission jitter (usec)"),
Configuration(_id="delay", _type=ConfigDataTypes.UINT64, default="5000",
label="transmission delay (usec)"),
Configuration(_id="error", _type=ConfigDataTypes.FLOAT, default="0.0", label="error rate (%)")
Configuration(_id="error", _type=ConfigDataTypes.STRING, default="0", label="error rate (%)")
@ -358,19 +358,19 @@ class BasicRangeModel(WirelessModel):
:param dict config: values to convert
:return: nothing
self.range = float(config["range"])
self.range = int(config["range"])
logging.info("basic range model configured for WLAN %d using range %d", self.wlan.id, self.range)
self.bw = int(config["bandwidth"])
if self.bw == 0.0:
if self.bw == 0:
self.bw = None
self.delay = float(config["delay"])
if self.delay == 0.0:
self.delay = int(config["delay"])
if self.delay == 0:
self.delay = None
self.loss = float(config["error"])
if self.loss == 0.0:
self.loss = int(config["error"])
if self.loss == 0:
self.loss = None
self.jitter = float(config["jitter"])
if self.jitter == 0.0:
self.jitter = int(config["jitter"])
if self.jitter == 0:
self.jitter = None
def setlinkparams(self):
@ -459,10 +459,10 @@ class CoreNetwork(CoreNetworkBase):
netem = ["netem"]
changed = max(changed, netif.setparam("delay", delay))
if loss is not None:
loss = float(loss)
loss = int(loss)
changed = max(changed, netif.setparam("loss", loss))
if duplicate is not None:
duplicate = float(duplicate)
duplicate = int(duplicate)
changed = max(changed, netif.setparam("duplicate", duplicate))
changed = max(changed, netif.setparam("jitter", jitter))
if not changed:
@ -225,11 +225,11 @@ class OvsNet(CoreNetworkBase):
delay_changed = netif.setparam("delay", delay)
if loss is not None:
loss = float(loss)
loss = int(loss)
loss_changed = netif.setparam("loss", loss)
if duplicate is not None:
duplicate = float(duplicate)
duplicate = int(duplicate)
duplicate_changed = netif.setparam("duplicate", duplicate)
jitter_changed = netif.setparam("jitter", jitter)
@ -755,9 +755,11 @@ class CoreXmlReader(object):
if link_elements is None:
node_sets = set()
for link_element in link_elements.iterchildren():
node_one = get_int(link_element, "node_one")
node_two = get_int(link_element, "node_two")
node_set = frozenset((node_one, node_two))
interface_one_element = link_element.find("interface_one")
interface_one = None
@ -772,15 +774,15 @@ class CoreXmlReader(object):
options_element = link_element.find("options")
link_options = LinkOptions()
if options_element is not None:
link_options.bandwidth = get_float(options_element, "bandwidth")
link_options.burst = get_float(options_element, "burst")
link_options.delay = get_float(options_element, "delay")
link_options.dup = get_float(options_element, "dup")
link_options.mer = get_float(options_element, "mer")
link_options.mburst = get_float(options_element, "mburst")
link_options.jitter = get_float(options_element, "jitter")
link_options.key = get_float(options_element, "key")
link_options.per = get_float(options_element, "per")
link_options.bandwidth = get_int(options_element, "bandwidth")
link_options.burst = get_int(options_element, "burst")
link_options.delay = get_int(options_element, "delay")
link_options.dup = get_int(options_element, "dup")
link_options.mer = get_int(options_element, "mer")
link_options.mburst = get_int(options_element, "mburst")
link_options.jitter = get_int(options_element, "jitter")
link_options.key = get_int(options_element, "key")
link_options.per = get_int(options_element, "per")
link_options.unidirectional = get_int(options_element, "unidirectional")
link_options.session = options_element.get("session")
link_options.emulation_id = get_int(options_element, "emulation_id")
@ -788,5 +790,11 @@ class CoreXmlReader(object):
link_options.opaque = options_element.get("opaque")
link_options.gui_attributes = options_element.get("gui_attributes")
logging.info("reading link node_one(%s) node_two(%s)", node_one, node_two)
self.session.add_link(node_one, node_two, interface_one, interface_two, link_options)
if link_options.unidirectional == 1 and node_set in node_sets:
logging.info("updating link node_one(%s) node_two(%s): %s", node_one, node_two, link_options)
self.session.update_link(node_one, node_two, interface_one, interface_two, link_options)
logging.info("adding link node_one(%s) node_two(%s): %s", node_one, node_two, link_options)
self.session.add_link(node_one, node_two, interface_one, interface_two, link_options)
@ -172,13 +172,13 @@ message GetSessionLocationRequest {
message GetSessionLocationResponse {
Position position = 1;
SessionPosition position = 1;
float scale = 2;
message SetSessionLocationRequest {
int32 session_id = 1;
Position position = 2;
SessionPosition position = 2;
float scale = 3;
@ -787,15 +787,15 @@ message Link {
message LinkOptions {
string opaque = 1;
float jitter = 2;
string key = 3;
float mburst = 4;
float mer = 5;
float per = 6;
float bandwidth = 7;
float burst = 8;
float delay = 9;
float dup = 10;
int64 jitter = 2;
int32 key = 3;
int32 mburst = 4;
int32 mer = 5;
int32 per = 6;
int64 bandwidth = 7;
int32 burst = 8;
int64 delay = 9;
int32 dup = 10;
bool unidirectional = 11;
@ -812,7 +812,7 @@ message Interface {
int32 mtu = 10;
message Position {
message SessionPosition {
float x = 1;
float y = 2;
float z = 3;
@ -820,3 +820,12 @@ message Position {
float lon = 5;
float alt = 6;
message Position {
int32 x = 1;
int32 y = 2;
int32 z = 3;
float lat = 4;
float lon = 5;
float alt = 6;
@ -463,3 +463,68 @@ class TestXml:
assert link_options.jitter == link.jitter
assert link_options.delay == link.delay
assert link_options.dup == link.dup
def test_link_options_bidirectional(self, session, tmpdir, ip_prefixes):
Test xml client methods for a ptp network.
:param session: session for test
:param tmpdir: tmpdir to create data in
:param ip_prefixes: generates ip addresses for nodes
# create nodes
node_one = session.add_node()
interface_one = ip_prefixes.create_interface(node_one)
node_two = session.add_node()
interface_two = ip_prefixes.create_interface(node_two)
# create link
link_options_one = LinkOptions()
link_options_one.bandwidth = 5000
link_options_one.unidirectional = 1
session.add_link(node_one.id, node_two.id, interface_one, interface_two, link_options_one)
link_options_two = LinkOptions()
link_options_two.bandwidth = 10000
link_options_two.unidirectional = 1
session.update_link(node_two.id, node_one.id, interface_two.id, interface_one.id, link_options_two)
# instantiate session
# get ids for nodes
n1_id = node_one.id
n2_id = node_two.id
# save xml
xml_file = tmpdir.join("session.xml")
file_path = xml_file.strpath
# verify xml file was created and can be parsed
assert xml_file.isfile()
assert ElementTree.parse(file_path)
# stop current session, clearing data
# verify nodes have been removed from session
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
assert not session.get_node(n1_id)
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
assert not session.get_node(n2_id)
# load saved xml
session.open_xml(file_path, start=True)
# verify nodes have been recreated
assert session.get_node(n1_id)
assert session.get_node(n2_id)
links = []
for node_id in session.nodes:
node = session.nodes[node_id]
links += node.all_link_data(0)
assert len(links) == 2
link_one = links[0]
link_two = links[1]
assert link_options_one.bandwidth == link_one.bandwidth
assert link_options_two.bandwidth == link_two.bandwidth
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