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import logging
from typing import Dict, List
from core.config import Configuration
from core.emulator.enumerations import ConfigDataTypes
manifest = None
from import manifest
except ImportError:
from emanesh import manifest
except ImportError:
logging.debug("compatible emane python bindings not installed")
def _type_value(config_type: str) -> ConfigDataTypes:
Convert emane configuration type to core configuration value.
:param config_type: emane configuration type
:return: core config type
config_type = config_type.upper()
if config_type == "DOUBLE":
config_type = "FLOAT"
elif config_type == "INETADDR":
config_type = "STRING"
return ConfigDataTypes[config_type]
def _get_possible(config_type: str, config_regex: str) -> List[str]:
Retrieve possible config value options based on emane regexes.
:param config_type: emane configuration type
:param config_regex: emane configuration regex
:return: a string listing comma delimited values, if needed, empty string otherwise
2020-01-16 16:12:01 -08:00
if config_type == "bool":
return ["On", "Off"]
if config_type == "string" and config_regex:
possible = config_regex[2:-2]
return possible.split("|")
return []
def _get_default(config_type_name: str, config_value: List[str]) -> str:
Convert default configuration values to one used by core.
:param config_type_name: emane configuration type name
:param config_value: emane configuration value list
:return: default core config value
2020-01-16 16:12:01 -08:00
config_default = ""
if config_type_name == "bool":
if config_value and config_value[0] == "true":
config_default = "1"
config_default = "0"
elif config_value:
config_default = config_value[0]
if config_default is None:
config_default = ""
return config_default
def parse(manifest_path: str, defaults: Dict[str, str]) -> List[Configuration]:
Parses a valid emane manifest file and converts the provided configuration values into ones used by core.
:param manifest_path: absolute manifest file path
:param defaults: used to override default values for configurations
:return: list of core configuration values
2020-01-16 16:12:01 -08:00
# no results when emane bindings are not present
if not manifest:
return []
# load configuration file
manifest_file = manifest.Manifest(manifest_path)
manifest_configurations = manifest_file.getAllConfiguration()
configurations = []
for config_name in sorted(manifest_configurations):
config_info = manifest_file.getConfigurationInfo(config_name)
# map type to internal config data type value for core
config_type = config_info.get("numeric")
if not config_type:
config_type = config_info.get("nonnumeric")
config_type_name = config_type["type"]
config_type_value = _type_value(config_type_name)
# get default values, using provided defaults
if config_name in defaults:
config_default = defaults[config_name]
config_value = config_info["values"]
config_default = _get_default(config_type_name, config_value)
# map to possible values used as options within the gui
config_regex = config_info.get("regex")
possible = _get_possible(config_type_name, config_regex)
# define description and account for gui quirks
config_descriptions = config_name
if config_name.endswith("uri"):
2019-10-18 10:33:31 -07:00
config_descriptions = f"{config_descriptions} file"
configuration = Configuration(
return configurations