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Miscellaneous utility functions, wrappers around some subprocess procedures.
import importlib
import inspect
import os
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
2016-01-29 18:21:49 -05:00
import fcntl
from core import CoreCommandError
from core import logger
DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, "wb")
def _detach_init():
Fork a child process and exit.
:return: nothing
if os.fork():
# parent exits
def _valid_module(path, file_name):
Check if file is a valid python module.
:param str path: path to file
:param str file_name: file name to check
:return: True if a valid python module file, False otherwise
:rtype: bool
file_path = os.path.join(path, file_name)
if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
return False
if file_name.startswith("_"):
return False
if not file_name.endswith(".py"):
return False
return True
def _is_class(module, member, clazz):
Validates if a module member is a class and an instance of a CoreService.
:param module: module to validate for service
:param member: member to validate for service
:param clazz: clazz type to check for validation
:return: True if a valid service, False otherwise
:rtype: bool
if not inspect.isclass(member):
return False
if not issubclass(member, clazz):
return False
if member.__module__ != module.__name__:
return False
return True
def _is_exe(file_path):
Check if a given file path exists and is an executable file.
:param str file_path: file path to check
:return: True if the file is considered and executable file, False otherwise
:rtype: bool
return os.path.isfile(file_path) and os.access(file_path, os.X_OK)
def close_onexec(fd):
Close on execution of a shell process.
:param fd: file descriptor to close
:return: nothing
fdflags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFD)
fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFD, fdflags | fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC)
def check_executables(executables):
Check executables, verify they exist and are executable.
:param list[str] executables: executable to check
:return: nothing
:raises EnvironmentError: when an executable doesn't exist or is not executable
for executable in executables:
if not _is_exe(executable):
raise EnvironmentError("executable not found: %s" % executable)
def make_tuple(obj):
Create a tuple from an object, or return the object itself.
:param obj: object to convert to a tuple
:return: converted tuple or the object itself
:rtype: tuple
if hasattr(obj, "__iter__"):
return tuple(obj)
return obj,
def make_tuple_fromstr(s, value_type):
Create a tuple from a string.
:param str s: string to convert to a tuple
:param value_type: type of values to be contained within tuple
:return: tuple from string
:rtype: tuple
# remove tuple braces and strip commands and space from all values in the tuple string
values = [x.strip("' ") for x in s.strip("(), ").split(",")]
return tuple(value_type(i) for i in values)
def split_args(args):
Convenience method for splitting potential string commands into a shell-like syntax list.
:param list/str args: command list or string
:return: shell-like syntax list
:rtype: list
if type(args) == str:
args = shlex.split(args)
return args
def mute_detach(args, **kwargs):
Run a muted detached process by forking it.
:param list[str]|str args: arguments for the command
:param dict kwargs: keyword arguments for the command
:return: process id of the command
:rtype: int
args = split_args(args)
kwargs["preexec_fn"] = _detach_init
kwargs["stdout"] = DEVNULL
kwargs["stderr"] = subprocess.STDOUT
return subprocess.Popen(args, **kwargs).pid
def cmd(args, wait=True):
Runs a command on and returns the exit status.
:param list[str]|str args: command arguments
:param bool wait: wait for command to end or not
:return: command status
:rtype: int
args = split_args(args)
logger.debug("command: %s", args)
p = subprocess.Popen(args)
if not wait:
return 0
return p.wait()
except OSError:
raise CoreCommandError(-1, args)
def cmd_output(args):
Execute a command on the host and return a tuple containing the exit status and result string. stderr output
is folded into the stdout result string.
:param list[str]|str args: command arguments
:return: command status and stdout
:rtype: tuple[int, str]
:raises CoreCommandError: when the file to execute is not found
args = split_args(args)
logger.debug("command: %s", args)
p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
stdout, _ = p.communicate()
status = p.wait()
return status, stdout.strip()
except OSError:
raise CoreCommandError(-1, args)
def check_cmd(args, **kwargs):
Execute a command on the host and return a tuple containing the exit status and result string. stderr output
is folded into the stdout result string.
:param list[str]|str args: command arguments
:param dict kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to subprocess.Popen
:return: combined stdout and stderr
:rtype: str
:raises CoreCommandError: when there is a non-zero exit status or the file to execute is not found
kwargs["stdout"] = subprocess.PIPE
kwargs["stderr"] = subprocess.STDOUT
args = split_args(args)
logger.debug("command: %s", args)
p = subprocess.Popen(args, **kwargs)
stdout, _ = p.communicate()
status = p.wait()
if status != 0:
raise CoreCommandError(status, args, stdout)
return stdout.strip()
except OSError:
raise CoreCommandError(-1, args)
def hex_dump(s, bytes_per_word=2, words_per_line=8):
Hex dump of a string.
:param str s: string to hex dump
:param bytes_per_word: number of bytes per word
:param words_per_line: number of words per line
:return: hex dump of string
dump = ""
count = 0
total_bytes = bytes_per_word * words_per_line
while s:
line = s[:total_bytes]
s = s[total_bytes:]
tmp = map(lambda x: ("%02x" * bytes_per_word) % x,
zip(*[iter(map(ord, line))] * bytes_per_word))
if len(line) % 2:
tmp.append("%x" % ord(line[-1]))
dump += "0x%08x: %s\n" % (count, " ".join(tmp))
count += len(line)
return dump[:-1]
def file_munge(pathname, header, text):
Insert text at the end of a file, surrounded by header comments.
:param str pathname: file path to add text to
:param str header: header text comments
:param str text: text to append to file
:return: nothing
# prevent duplicates
file_demunge(pathname, header)
with open(pathname, "a") as append_file:
append_file.write("# BEGIN %s\n" % header)
append_file.write("# END %s\n" % header)
def file_demunge(pathname, header):
Remove text that was inserted in a file surrounded by header comments.
:param str pathname: file path to open for removing a header
:param str header: header text to target for removal
:return: nothing
with open(pathname, "r") as read_file:
lines = read_file.readlines()
start = None
end = None
for i in range(len(lines)):
if lines[i] == "# BEGIN %s\n" % header:
start = i
elif lines[i] == "# END %s\n" % header:
end = i + 1
if start is None or end is None:
with open(pathname, "w") as write_file:
lines = lines[:start] + lines[end:]
def expand_corepath(pathname, session=None, node=None):
Expand a file path given session information.
:param str pathname: file path to expand
:param core.session.Session session: core session object to expand path with
:param core.netns.LxcNode node: node to expand path with
:return: expanded path
:rtype: str
if session is not None:
pathname = pathname.replace("~", "/home/%s" % session.user)
pathname = pathname.replace("%SESSION%", str(session.session_id))
pathname = pathname.replace("%SESSION_DIR%", session.session_dir)
pathname = pathname.replace("%SESSION_USER%", session.user)
if node is not None:
pathname = pathname.replace("%NODE%", str(node.objid))
pathname = pathname.replace("%NODENAME%",
return pathname
def sysctl_devname(devname):
Translate a device name to the name used with sysctl.
:param str devname: device name to translate
:return: translated device name
:rtype: str
if devname is None:
return None
return devname.replace(".", "/")
def load_config(filename, d):
Read key=value pairs from a file, into a dict. Skip comments; strip newline characters and spacing.
:param str filename: file to read into a dictionary
:param dict d: dictionary to read file into
:return: nothing
with open(filename, "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
if line[:1] == "#":
key, value = line.split("=", 1)
d[key] = value.strip()
except ValueError:
logger.exception("error reading file to dict: %s", filename)
def load_classes(path, clazz):
Dynamically load classes for use within CORE.
:param path: path to load classes from
:param clazz: class type expected to be inherited from for loading
:return: list of classes loaded
# validate path exists"attempting to load modules from path: %s", path)
if not os.path.isdir(path):
logger.warn("invalid custom module directory specified" ": %s" % path)
# check if path is in sys.path
parent_path = os.path.dirname(path)
if parent_path not in sys.path:"adding parent path to allow imports: %s", parent_path)
# retrieve potential service modules, and filter out invalid modules
base_module = os.path.basename(path)
module_names = os.listdir(path)
module_names = filter(lambda x: _valid_module(path, x), module_names)
module_names = map(lambda x: x[:-3], module_names)
# import and add all service modules in the path
classes = []
for module_name in module_names:
import_statement = "%s.%s" % (base_module, module_name)"importing custom module: %s", import_statement)
module = importlib.import_module(import_statement)
members = inspect.getmembers(module, lambda x: _is_class(module, x, clazz))
for member in members:
valid_class = member[1]
logger.exception("unexpected error during import, skipping: %s", import_statement)
return classes