2018-04-19 14:25:45 -07:00
import os
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2018-04-19 14:25:45 -07:00
import core.services
from core import logger
from core.coreobj import PyCoreNode, PyCoreNet
from core.data import NodeData
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from core.emane.nodes import EmaneNode
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from core.enumerations import NodeTypes, EventTypes, LinkTypes
from core.misc import nodeutils
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from core.misc.ipaddress import Ipv4Prefix
from core.netns.nodes import CoreNode
from core.session import Session
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from core.xml.xmlparser import core_document_parser
from core.xml.xmlwriter import core_document_writer
class InterfaceData(object):
def __init__(self, _id, name, mac, ip4, ip4_mask, ip6, ip6_mask):
self.id = _id
self.name = name
self.mac = mac
self.ip4 = ip4
self.ip4_mask = ip4_mask
self.ip6 = ip6
self.ip6_mask = ip6_mask
def has_ip4(self):
return all([self.ip4, self.ip4_mask])
def has_ip6(self):
return all([self.ip6, self.ip6_mask])
def ip4_address(self):
if self.has_ip4():
return "%s/%s" % (self.ip4, self.ip4_mask)
return None
def ip6_address(self):
if self.has_ip6():
return "%s/%s" % (self.ip6, self.ip6_mask)
return None
def get_addresses(self):
ip4 = self.ip4_address()
ip6 = self.ip6_address()
return [i for i in [ip4, ip6] if i]
def get_interfaces(link_data):
interface_one = InterfaceData(
interface_two = InterfaceData(
return interface_one, interface_two
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def create_interface(node, network, interface_data):
2018-04-19 14:25:45 -07:00
Create an interface for a node on a network using provided interface data.
:param node: node to create interface for
:param network: network to associate interface with
:param InterfaceData interface_data: interface data
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return node.netif(interface_data.id, network)
def link_config(network, interface, link_data, devname=None, interface_two=None):
config = {
"netif": interface,
"bw": link_data.bandwidth,
"delay": link_data.delay,
"loss": link_data.per,
"duplicate": link_data.dup,
"jitter": link_data.jitter,
"netif2": interface_two
# hacky check here, because physical and emane nodes do not conform to the same linkconfig interface
if not nodeutils.is_node(network, [NodeTypes.EMANE, NodeTypes.PHYSICAL]):
config["devname"] = devname
def is_net_node(node):
Convenience method for testing if a legacy core node is considered a network node.
:param object node: object to test against
:return: True if object is an instance of a network node, False otherwise
:rtype: bool
return isinstance(node, PyCoreNet)
def is_core_node(node):
Convenience method for testing if a legacy core node is considered a core node.
:param object node: object to test against
:return: True if object is an instance of a core node, False otherwise
:rtype: bool
return isinstance(node, PyCoreNode)
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class IdGen(object):
def __init__(self):
self.id = 0
def next(self):
self.id += 1
return self.id
class FutureIpv4Prefix(Ipv4Prefix):
def get_address(self, node_id):
address = self.addr(node_id)
return "%s/%s" % (address, self.prefixlen)
class FutureSession(Session):
def __init__(self, session_id, config=None, persistent=True, mkdir=True):
super(FutureSession, self).__init__(session_id, config, persistent, mkdir)
# set master
self.master = True
# object management
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self.node_id_gen = IdGen()
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# set default services
self.services.defaultservices = {
"mdr": ("zebra", "OSPFv3MDR", "IPForward"),
"PC": ("DefaultRoute",),
"prouter": ("zebra", "OSPFv2", "OSPFv3", "IPForward"),
"router": ("zebra", "OSPFv2", "OSPFv3", "IPForward"),
"host": ("DefaultRoute", "SSH"),
2018-04-19 14:25:45 -07:00
def link_nodes(self, link_data):
logger.info("link message between node1(%s:%s) and node2(%s:%s)",
link_data.node1_id, link_data.interface1_id, link_data.node2_id, link_data.interface2_id)
# values to fill
net_one = None
net_two = None
# retrieve node one
n1_id = link_data.node1_id
n2_id = link_data.node2_id
node_one = self.get_object(n1_id)
node_two = self.get_object(n2_id)
# both node ids are provided
tunnel = self.broker.gettunnel(n1_id, n2_id)
logger.info("tunnel between nodes: %s", tunnel)
if nodeutils.is_node(tunnel, NodeTypes.TAP_BRIDGE):
net_one = tunnel
if tunnel.remotenum == n1_id:
node_one = None
node_two = None
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# physical node connected via gre tap tunnel
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elif tunnel:
if tunnel.remotenum == n1_id:
node_one = None
node_two = None
if is_net_node(node_one):
if not net_one:
net_one = node_one
net_two = node_one
node_one = None
if is_net_node(node_two):
if not net_one:
net_one = node_two
net_two = node_two
node_two = None
logger.info("link node types n1(%s) n2(%s) net1(%s) net2(%s) tunnel(%s)",
node_one, node_two, net_one, net_two, tunnel)
return node_one, node_two, net_one, net_two, tunnel
# TODO: this doesn't appear to ever be used, EMANE or basic wireless range
def _link_wireless(self, objects, connect):
Objects to deal with when connecting/disconnecting wireless links.
:param list objects: possible objects to deal with
:param bool connect: link interfaces if True, unlink otherwise
:return: nothing
objects = [x for x in objects if x]
if len(objects) < 2:
raise ValueError("wireless link failure: %s", objects)
logger.info("handling wireless linking objects(%) connect(%s)", objects, connect)
common_networks = objects[0].commonnets(objects[1])
for common_network, interface_one, interface_two in common_networks:
if not nodeutils.is_node(common_network, [NodeTypes.WIRELESS_LAN, NodeTypes.EMANE]):
logger.info("skipping common network that is not wireless/emane: %s", common_network)
logger.info("wireless linking connect(%s): %s - %s", connect, interface_one, interface_two)
if connect:
common_network.link(interface_one, interface_two)
common_network.unlink(interface_one, interface_two)
raise ValueError("no common network found for wireless link/unlink")
def link_add(self, link_data):
# interface data
interface_one_data, interface_two_data = get_interfaces(link_data)
# get node objects identified by link data
node_one, node_two, net_one, net_two, tunnel = self.link_nodes(link_data)
if node_one:
if node_two:
# wireless link
if link_data.link_type == LinkTypes.WIRELESS.value:
objects = [node_one, node_two, net_one, net_two]
self._link_wireless(objects, connect=True)
# wired link
# 2 nodes being linked, ptp network
if all([node_one, node_two]) and not net_one:
ptp_class = nodeutils.get_node_class(NodeTypes.PEER_TO_PEER)
start = self.state > EventTypes.DEFINITION_STATE.value
net_one = self.add_object(cls=ptp_class, start=start)
# node to network
if node_one and net_one:
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interface = create_interface(node_one, net_one, interface_one_data)
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link_config(net_one, interface, link_data)
# network to node
if node_two and net_one:
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interface = create_interface(node_two, net_one, interface_two_data)
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if not link_data.unidirectional:
link_config(net_one, interface, link_data)
# network to network
if net_one and net_two:
if nodeutils.is_node(net_two, NodeTypes.RJ45):
interface = net_two.linknet(net_one)
interface = net_one.linknet(net_two)
link_config(net_one, interface, link_data)
if not link_data.unidirectional:
link_config(net_two, interface, link_data, devname=interface.name)
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# a tunnel node was found for the nodes
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addresses = []
if not node_one and net_one:
if not node_two and net_two:
# tunnel node logic
key = link_data.key
if key and nodeutils.is_node(net_one, NodeTypes.TUNNEL):
if addresses:
if key and nodeutils.is_node(net_two, NodeTypes.TUNNEL):
if addresses:
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# physical node connected with tunnel
if not net_one and not net_two and (node_one or node_two):
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if node_one and nodeutils.is_node(node_one, NodeTypes.PHYSICAL):
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addresses = interface_one_data.get_addresses()
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node_one.adoptnetif(tunnel, link_data.interface1_id, link_data.interface1_mac, addresses)
link_config(node_one, tunnel, link_data)
elif node_two and nodeutils.is_node(node_two, NodeTypes.PHYSICAL):
2018-04-19 17:19:31 -07:00
addresses = interface_two_data.get_addresses()
2018-04-19 14:25:45 -07:00
node_two.adoptnetif(tunnel, link_data.interface2_id, link_data.interface2_mac, addresses)
link_config(node_two, tunnel, link_data)
if node_one:
if node_two:
def link_delete(self, link_data):
# interface data
interface_one_data, interface_two_data = get_interfaces(link_data)
# get node objects identified by link data
node_one, node_two, net_one, net_two, tunnel = self.link_nodes(link_data)
if node_one:
if node_two:
# wireless link
if link_data.link_type == LinkTypes.WIRELESS.value:
objects = [node_one, node_two, net_one, net_two]
self._link_wireless(objects, connect=False)
# wired link
if all([node_one, node_two]):
# TODO: fix this for the case where ifindex[1,2] are not specified
# a wired unlink event, delete the connecting bridge
interface_one = node_one.netif(interface_one_data.id)
interface_two = node_two.netif(interface_two_data.id)
# get interfaces from common network, if no network node
# otherwise get interfaces between a node and network
if not interface_one and not interface_two:
common_networks = node_one.commonnets(node_two)
for network, common_interface_one, common_interface_two in common_networks:
if (net_one and network == net_one) or not net_one:
interface_one = common_interface_one
interface_two = common_interface_two
if all([interface_one, interface_two]) and any([interface_one.net, interface_two.net]):
if interface_one.net != interface_two.net and all([interface_one.up, interface_two.up]):
raise ValueError("no common network found")
net_one = interface_one.net
if net_one.numnetif() == 0:
if node_one:
if node_two:
def link_update(self, link_data):
# interface data
interface_one_data, interface_two_data = get_interfaces(link_data)
# get node objects identified by link data
node_one, node_two, net_one, net_two, tunnel = self.link_nodes(link_data)
if node_one:
if node_two:
# wireless link
if link_data.link_type == LinkTypes.WIRELESS.value:
raise ValueError("cannot update wireless link")
if not node_one and not node_two:
if net_one and net_two:
# modify link between nets
interface = net_one.getlinknetif(net_two)
upstream = False
if not interface:
upstream = True
interface = net_two.getlinknetif(net_one)
if not interface:
raise ValueError("modify unknown link between nets")
if upstream:
link_config(net_one, interface, link_data, devname=interface.name)
link_config(net_one, interface, link_data)
if not link_data.unidirectional:
if upstream:
link_config(net_two, interface, link_data)
link_config(net_two, interface, link_data, devname=interface.name)
raise ValueError("modify link for unknown nodes")
elif not node_one:
# node1 = layer 2node, node2 = layer3 node
interface = node_two.netif(interface_two_data.id, net_one)
link_config(net_one, interface, link_data)
elif not node_two:
# node2 = layer 2node, node1 = layer3 node
interface = node_one.netif(interface_one_data.id, net_one)
link_config(net_one, interface, link_data)
common_networks = node_one.commonnets(node_two)
for net_one, interface_one, interface_two in common_networks:
if interface_one_data.id and interface_one_data.id != node_one.getifindex(interface_one):
link_config(net_one, interface_one, link_data, interface_two=interface_two)
if not link_data.unidirectional:
link_config(net_one, interface_two, link_data, interface_two=interface_one)
raise ValueError("no common network found")
if node_one:
if node_two:
def node_add(self, node_data):
Add a node to the session, based on the provided node data.
:param core.data.NodeData node_data: data to create node with
:return: nothing
# retrieve node class for given node type
node_type = NodeTypes(node_data.node_type)
node_class = nodeutils.get_node_class(node_type)
except KeyError:
logger.error("invalid node type to create: %s", node_data.node_type)
return None
# set node start based on current session state, override and check when rj45
start = self.state > EventTypes.DEFINITION_STATE.value
enable_rj45 = getattr(self.options, "enablerj45", "0") == "1"
if node_type == NodeTypes.RJ45 and not enable_rj45:
start = False
# determine node id
node_id = node_data.id
if not node_id:
node_id = self.node_id_gen.next()
# generate name if not provided
name = node_data.name
if not name:
name = "%s%s" % (node_class.__name__, node_id)
# create node
node = self.add_object(cls=node_class, objid=node_id, name=name, start=start)
# set node attributes
node.type = node_data.model or "router"
node.icon = node_data.icon
node.canvas = node_data.canvas
node.opaque = node_data.opaque
# set node position and broadcast it
self.node_set_position(node, node_data)
# add services to default and physical nodes only
services = node_data.services
if node_type in [NodeTypes.DEFAULT, NodeTypes.PHYSICAL]:
logger.info("setting model (%s) with services (%s)", node.type, services)
self.services.addservicestonode(node, node.type, services)
# boot nodes if created after runtime, LcxNodes, Physical, and RJ45 are all PyCoreNodes
is_boot_node = isinstance(node, PyCoreNode) and not nodeutils.is_node(node, NodeTypes.RJ45)
if self.state == EventTypes.RUNTIME_STATE.value and is_boot_node:
self.add_remove_control_interface(node=node, remove=False)
# TODO: common method to both Physical and LxcNodes, but not the common PyCoreNode
# return node id, in case it was generated
return node_id
def node_update(self, node_data):
# get node to update
node = self.get_object(node_data.id)
# set node position and broadcast it
self.node_set_position(node, node_data)
# update attributes
node.canvas = node_data.canvas
node.icon = node_data.icon
except KeyError:
logger.error("failure to update node that does not exist: %s", node_data.id)
def node_delete(self, node_id):
# delete node and check for session shutdown if a node was removed
result = self.custom_delete_object(node_id)
if result:
return result
def node_set_position(self, node, node_data):
# extract location values
x = node_data.x_position
y = node_data.y_position
lat = node_data.latitude
lon = node_data.longitude
alt = node_data.altitude
# check if we need to generate position from lat/lon/alt
has_empty_position = all(i is None for i in [x, y])
has_lat_lon_alt = all(i is not None for i in [lat, lon, alt])
using_lat_lon_alt = has_empty_position and has_lat_lon_alt
if using_lat_lon_alt:
x, y, _ = self.location.getxyz(lat, lon, alt)
# set position and broadcast
node.setposition(x, y, None)
# broadcast updated location when using lat/lon/alt
if using_lat_lon_alt:
def broadcast_node_location(self, node):
Broadcast node location to all listeners.
:param core.netns.nodes.PyCoreObj node: node to broadcast location for
:return: nothing
node_data = NodeData(
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def start_mobility(self, node_ids=None):
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def shutdown(self):
self.set_state(state=EventTypes.DATACOLLECT_STATE.value, send_event=True)
self.set_state(state=EventTypes.SHUTDOWN_STATE.value, send_event=True)
super(FutureSession, self).shutdown()
def custom_delete_object(self, object_id):
Remove an emulation object.
:param int object_id: object id to remove
:return: True if object deleted, False otherwise
result = False
with self._objects_lock:
if object_id in self.objects:
obj = self.objects.pop(object_id)
result = True
return result
def is_active(self):
return self.state in {EventTypes.RUNTIME_STATE.value, EventTypes.DATACOLLECT_STATE.value}
def open_xml(self, file_name, start=False):
Import a session from the EmulationScript XML format.
:param str file_name: xml file to load session from
:param bool start: instantiate session if true, false otherwise
:return: nothing
# clear out existing session
# set default node class when one is not provided
node_class = nodeutils.get_node_class(NodeTypes.DEFAULT)
options = {"start": start, "nodecls": node_class}
core_document_parser(self, file_name, options)
if start:
self.name = os.path.basename(file_name)
self.file_name = file_name
def save_xml(self, file_name, version):
Export a session to the EmulationScript XML format.
:param str file_name: file name to write session xml to
:param str version: xml version type
:return: nothing
doc = core_document_writer(self, version)
def hook_add(self, state, file_name, source_name, data):
Store a hook from a received file message.
:param int state: when to run hook
:param str file_name: file name for hook
:param str source_name: source name
:param data: hook data
:return: nothing
# hack to conform with old logic until updated
state = ":%s" % state
self.set_hook(state, file_name, source_name, data)
def node_service_file(self, node_id, service_name, file_name, source_name, data):
# hack to conform with old logic until updated
service_name = ":%s" % service_name
self.services.setservicefile(node_id, service_name, file_name, source_name, data)
def node_file(self, node_id, source_name, file_name, data):
node = self.get_object(node_id)
if source_name is not None:
node.addfile(source_name, file_name)
elif data is not None:
node.nodefile(file_name, data)
def clear(self):
def start_events(self):
def services_event(self, event_data):
def mobility_event(self, event_data):
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def create_node(self, cls, name=None, model=None):
2018-04-19 14:25:45 -07:00
object_id = self.node_id_gen.next()
2018-04-17 14:30:34 -07:00
if not name:
name = "%s%s" % (cls.__name__, object_id)
node = self.add_object(cls=cls, name=name, objid=object_id)
node.type = model
if node.type:
self.services.addservicestonode(node, node.type, services_str=None)
return node
def create_emane_node(self, name=None):
return self.create_node(cls=CoreNode, name=name, model="mdr")
def create_emane_network(self, model, geo_reference, geo_scale=None, name=None):
Convenience method for creating an emane network.
:param model: emane model to use for emane network
:param geo_reference: geo reference point to use for emane node locations
:param geo_scale: geo scale to use for emane node locations, defaults to 1.0
:param name: name for emane network, defaults to node class name
:return: create emane network
# required to be set for emane to function properly
if geo_scale:
self.location.refscale = geo_scale
# create and return network
emane_network = self.create_node(cls=EmaneNode, name=name)
self.set_emane_model(emane_network, model)
return emane_network
def set_emane_model(self, emane_node, model):
Set emane model for a given emane node.
:param emane_node: emane node to set model for
:param model: emane model to set
:return: nothing
values = list(model.getdefaultvalues())
self.emane.setconfig(emane_node.objid, model.name, values)
class CoreEmu(object):
Provides logic for creating and configuring CORE sessions and the nodes within them.
def __init__(self, config=None):
# configuration
self.config = config
# session management
self.session_id_gen = IdGen()
self.sessions = {}
# load default services
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2018-04-17 14:30:34 -07:00
def create_session(self):
Create a new CORE session.
:return: created session
:rtype: FutureSession
session_id = self.session_id_gen.next()
return FutureSession(session_id, config=self.config)
def set_wireless_model(self, node, model):
Convenience method for setting a wireless model.
:param node: node to set wireless model for
:param core.mobility.WirelessModel model: wireless model to set node to
:return: nothing
values = list(model.getdefaultvalues())
node.setmodel(model, values)
def wireless_link_all(self, network, nodes):
Link all nodes to the provided wireless network.
:param network: wireless network to link nodes to
:param nodes: nodes to link to wireless network
:return: nothing
for node in nodes:
for common_network, interface_one, interface_two in node.commonnets(network):
common_network.link(interface_one, interface_two)
def add_interface(self, network, node, prefix):
Convenience method for adding an interface with a prefix based on node id.
:param network: network to add interface with
:param node: node to add interface to
:param prefix: prefix to get address from for interface
:return: created interface
address = prefix.get_address(node.objid)
interface_index = node.newnetif(network, [address])
return node.netif(interface_index)