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Common support for configurable CORE objects.
import string
from core import logger
from import ConfigData
from core.enumerations import ConfigDataTypes
from core.enumerations import ConfigFlags
class ConfigurableManager(object):
A generic class for managing Configurables. This class can register
with a session to receive Config Messages for setting some parameters
for itself or for the Configurables that it manages.
# name corresponds to configuration object field
name = ""
# type corresponds with register message types
config_type = None
def __init__(self):
Creates a ConfigurableManager instance.
# configurable key=values, indexed by node number
self.configs = {}
# TODO: fix the need for this and isolate to the mobility class that wants it
self._modelclsmap = {}
def configure(self, session, config_data):
Handle configure messages. The configuration message sent to a
ConfigurableManager usually is used to:
1. Request a list of Configurables (request flag)
2. Reset manager and clear configs (reset flag)
3. Send values that configure the manager or one of its Configurables
:param core.session.Session session: CORE session object
:param ConfigData config_data: configuration data for carrying out a configuration
:return: response messages
if config_data.type == ConfigFlags.REQUEST.value:
return self.configure_request(config_data)
elif config_data.type == ConfigFlags.RESET.value:
return self.configure_reset(config_data)
return self.configure_values(config_data)
def configure_request(self, config_data):
Request configuration data.
:param ConfigData config_data: configuration data for carrying out a configuration
:return: nothing
return None
def configure_reset(self, config_data):
By default, resets this manager to clear configs.
:param ConfigData config_data: configuration data for carrying out a configuration
:return: reset response messages, or None
return self.reset()
def configure_values(self, config_data):
Values have been sent to this manager.
:param ConfigData config_data: configuration data for carrying out a configuration
:return: nothing
return None
def configure_values_keyvalues(self, config_data, target, keys):
Helper that can be used for configure_values for parsing in
'key=value' strings from a values field. The key name must be
in the keys list, and target.key=value is set.
:param ConfigData config_data: configuration data for carrying out a configuration
:param target: target to set attribute values on
:param keys: list of keys to verify validity
:return: nothing
values = config_data.data_values
if values is None:
return None
kvs = values.split('|')
for kv in kvs:
key, value = kv.split('=', 1)
if value is not None and not value.strip():
value = None
except ValueError:
# value only
key = keys[kvs.index(kv)]
value = kv
if key not in keys:
raise ValueError("invalid key: %s" % key)
if value is not None:
setattr(target, key, value)
return None
def reset(self):
Reset functionality for the configurable class.
:return: nothing
return None
def setconfig(self, nodenum, conftype, values):
Add configuration values for a node to a dictionary; values are
usually received from a Configuration Message, and may refer to a
node for which no object exists yet
:param int nodenum: node id
:param conftype: configuration types
:param values: configuration values
:return: nothing
""""setting config for node(%s): %s - %s", nodenum, conftype, values)
conflist = []
if nodenum in self.configs:
oldlist = self.configs[nodenum]
found = False
for t, v in oldlist:
if t == conftype:
# replace existing config
found = True
conflist.append((conftype, values))
conflist.append((t, v))
if not found:
conflist.append((conftype, values))
conflist.append((conftype, values))
self.configs[nodenum] = conflist
def getconfig(self, nodenum, conftype, defaultvalues):
Get configuration values for a node; if the values don't exist in
our dictionary then return the default values supplied
:param int nodenum: node id
:param conftype: configuration type
:param defaultvalues: default values
:return: configuration type and default values
:type: tuple
""""getting config for node(%s): %s - default(%s)",
nodenum, conftype, defaultvalues)
if nodenum in self.configs:
# return configured values
conflist = self.configs[nodenum]
for t, v in conflist:
if conftype is None or t == conftype:
return t, v
# return default values provided (may be None)
return conftype, defaultvalues
def getallconfigs(self, use_clsmap=True):
Return (nodenum, conftype, values) tuples for all stored configs.
Used when reconnecting to a session.
:param bool use_clsmap: should a class map be used, default to True
:return: list of all configurations
:rtype: list
r = []
for nodenum in self.configs:
for t, v in self.configs[nodenum]:
if use_clsmap:
t = self._modelclsmap[t]
r.append((nodenum, t, v))
return r
def clearconfig(self, nodenum):
remove configuration values for the specified node;
when nodenum is None, remove all configuration values
:param int nodenum: node id
:return: nothing
if nodenum is None:
self.configs = {}
if nodenum in self.configs:
def setconfig_keyvalues(self, nodenum, conftype, keyvalues):
Key values list of tuples for a node.
:param int nodenum: node id
:param conftype: configuration type
:param keyvalues: key valyes
:return: nothing
if conftype not in self._modelclsmap:
logger.warn("unknown model type '%s'", conftype)
model = self._modelclsmap[conftype]
keys = model.getnames()
# defaults are merged with supplied values here
values = list(model.getdefaultvalues())
for key, value in keyvalues:
if key not in keys:
logger.warn("Skipping unknown configuration key for %s: '%s'", conftype, key)
i = keys.index(key)
values[i] = value
self.setconfig(nodenum, conftype, values)
def getmodels(self, n):
Return a list of model classes and values for a net if one has been
configured. This is invoked when exporting a session to XML.
This assumes self.configs contains an iterable of (model-names, values)
and a self._modelclsmapdict exists.
:param n: network node to get models for
:return: list of model and values tuples for the network node
:rtype: list
r = []
if n.objid in self.configs:
v = self.configs[n.objid]
for model in v:
cls = self._modelclsmap[model[0]]
vals = model[1]
r.append((cls, vals))
return r
class Configurable(object):
A generic class for managing configuration parameters.
Parameters are sent via Configuration Messages, which allow the GUI
to build dynamic dialogs depending on what is being configured.
name = ""
# Configuration items:
# ('name', 'type', 'default', 'possible-value-list', 'caption')
config_matrix = []
config_groups = None
bitmap = None
def __init__(self, session=None, object_id=None):
Creates a Configurable instance.
:param core.session.Session session: session for this configurable
:param object_id:
self.session = session
self.object_id = object_id
def reset(self):
Reset method.
:return: nothing
def register(self):
Register method.
:return: nothing
def getdefaultvalues(cls):
Retrieve default values from configuration matrix.
:return: tuple of default values
:rtype: tuple
return tuple(map(lambda x: x[2], cls.config_matrix))
def getnames(cls):
Retrieve name values from configuration matrix.
:return: tuple of name values
:rtype: tuple
return tuple(map(lambda x: x[0], cls.config_matrix))
def configure(cls, manager, config_data):
Handle configuration messages for this object.
:param ConfigurableManager manager: configuration manager
:param config_data: configuration data
:return: configuration data object
:rtype: ConfigData
reply = None
node_id = config_data.node
object_name = config_data.object
config_type = config_data.type
interface_id = config_data.interface_number
values_str = config_data.data_values
if interface_id is not None:
node_id = node_id * 1000 + interface_id
logger.debug("received configure message for %s nodenum:%s",, str(node_id))
if config_type == ConfigFlags.REQUEST.value:"replying to configure request for %s model",
# when object name is "all", the reply to this request may be None
# if this node has not been configured for this model; otherwise we
# reply with the defaults for this model
if object_name == "all":
defaults = None
typeflags = ConfigFlags.UPDATE.value
defaults = cls.getdefaultvalues()
typeflags = ConfigFlags.NONE.value
values = manager.getconfig(node_id,, defaults)[1]
if values is None:
logger.warn("no active configuration for node (%s), ignoring request")
# node has no active config for this model (don't send defaults)
return None
# reply with config options
reply = cls.config_data(0, node_id, typeflags, values)
elif config_type == ConfigFlags.RESET.value:
if object_name == "all":
# elif conftype == coreapi.CONF_TYPE_FLAGS_UPDATE:
# store the configuration values for later use, when the node
# object has been created
if object_name is None:"no configuration object for node %s", node_id)
return None
defaults = cls.getdefaultvalues()
if values_str is None:
# use default or preconfigured values
values = manager.getconfig(node_id,, defaults)[1]
# use new values supplied from the conf message
values = values_str.split('|')
# determine new or old style config
new = cls.haskeyvalues(values)
if new:
new_values = list(defaults)
keys = cls.getnames()
for v in values:
key, value = v.split('=', 1)
new_values[keys.index(key)] = value
except ValueError:"warning: ignoring invalid key '%s'" % key)
values = new_values
manager.setconfig(node_id, object_name, values)
return reply
def config_data(cls, flags, node_id, type_flags, values):
Convert this class to a Config API message. Some TLVs are defined
by the class, but node number, conf type flags, and values must
be passed in.
:param flags: message flags
:param int node_id: node id
:param type_flags: type flags
:param values: values
:return: configuration data object
:rtype: ConfigData
keys = cls.getnames()
keyvalues = map(lambda a, b: "%s=%s" % (a, b), keys, values)
values_str = string.join(keyvalues, '|')
datatypes = tuple(map(lambda x: x[1], cls.config_matrix))
captions = reduce(lambda a, b: a + '|' + b, map(lambda x: x[4], cls.config_matrix))
possible_valuess = reduce(lambda a, b: a + '|' + b, map(lambda x: x[3], cls.config_matrix))
return ConfigData(
def booltooffon(value):
Convenience helper turns bool into on (True) or off (False) string.
:param str value: value to retrieve on/off value for
:return: on or off string
:rtype: str
if value == "1" or value == "true" or value == "on":
return "on"
return "off"
def offontobool(value):
Convenience helper for converting an on/off string to a integer.
:param str value: on/off string
:return: on/off integer value
:rtype: int
if type(value) == str:
if value.lower() == "on":
return 1
elif value.lower() == "off":
return 0
return value
def valueof(cls, name, values):
Helper to return a value by the name defined in confmatrix.
Checks if it is boolean
:param str name: name to get value of
:param values: values to get value from
:return: value for name
i = cls.getnames().index(name)
if cls.config_matrix[i][1] == ConfigDataTypes.BOOL.value and values[i] != "":
return cls.booltooffon(values[i])
return values[i]
def haskeyvalues(values):
Helper to check for list of key=value pairs versus a plain old
list of values. Returns True if all elements are "key=value".
:param values: items to check for key/value pairs
:return: True if all values are key/value pairs, False otherwise
:rtype: bool
if len(values) == 0:
return False
for v in values:
if "=" not in v:
return False
return True
def getkeyvaluelist(self):
Helper to return a list of (key, value) tuples. Keys come from
configuration matrix and values are instance attributes.
:return: tuples of key value pairs
:rtype: list
key_values = []
for name in self.getnames():
if hasattr(self, name):
value = getattr(self, name)
key_values.append((name, value))
return key_values