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# Copyright (c)2010-2013 the Boeing Company.
# See the LICENSE file included in this distribution.
# author: Jeff Ahrenholz <>
''' definition of CoreLocation class that is a member of the
Session object. Provides conversions between Cartesian and geographic coordinate
systems. Depends on utm contributed module, from (version 0.3.0).
from core.conf import ConfigurableManager
from core.api import coreapi
from core.misc import utm
class CoreLocation(ConfigurableManager):
''' Member of session class for handling global location data. This keeps
track of a latitude/longitude/altitude reference point and scale in
order to convert between X,Y and geo coordinates.
TODO: this could be updated to use more generic
Configurable/ConfigurableManager code like other Session objects
_name = "location"
_type = coreapi.CORE_TLV_REG_UTILITY
def __init__(self, session):
ConfigurableManager.__init__(self, session)
self.zonemap = {}
for n, l in utm.ZONE_LETTERS:
self.zonemap[l] = n
def reset(self):
''' Reset to initial state.
# (x, y, z) coordinates of the point given by self.refgeo
self.refxyz = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
# decimal latitude, longitude, and altitude at the point (x, y, z)
self.setrefgeo(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
# 100 pixels equals this many meters
self.refscale = 1.0
# cached distance to refpt in other zones
self.zoneshifts = {}
def configure_values(self, msg, values):
''' Receive configuration message for setting the reference point
and scale.
if values is None:"location data missing")
return None
values = values.split('|')
# Cartesian coordinate reference point
refx,refy = map(lambda x: float(x), values[0:2])
refz = 0.0
self.refxyz = (refx, refy, refz)
# Geographic reference point
lat,long,alt = map(lambda x: float(x), values[2:5])
self.setrefgeo(lat, long, alt)
self.refscale = float(values[5])"location configured: (%.2f,%.2f,%.2f) = "
"(%.5f,%.5f,%.5f) scale=%.2f" %
(self.refxyz[0], self.refxyz[1], self.refxyz[2], self.refgeo[0],
self.refgeo[1], self.refgeo[2], self.refscale))"location configured: UTM(%.5f,%.5f,%.5f)" %
(self.refutm[1], self.refutm[2], self.refutm[3]))
def px2m(self, val):
''' Convert the specified value in pixels to meters using the
configured scale. The scale is given as s, where
100 pixels = s meters.
return (val / 100.0) * self.refscale
def m2px(self, val):
''' Convert the specified value in meters to pixels using the
configured scale. The scale is given as s, where
100 pixels = s meters.
if self.refscale == 0.0:
return 0.0
return 100.0 * (val / self.refscale)
def setrefgeo(self, lat, lon, alt):
''' Record the geographical reference point decimal (lat, lon, alt)
and convert and store its UTM equivalent for later use.
self.refgeo = (lat, lon, alt)
# easting, northing, zone
(e, n, zonen, zonel) = utm.from_latlon(lat, lon)
self.refutm = ( (zonen, zonel), e, n, alt)
def getgeo(self, x, y, z):
''' Given (x, y, z) Cartesian coordinates, convert them to latitude,
longitude, and altitude based on the configured reference point
and scale.
# shift (x,y,z) over to reference point (x,y,z)
x = x - self.refxyz[0]
y = -(y - self.refxyz[1])
if z is None:
z = self.refxyz[2]
z = z - self.refxyz[2]
# use UTM coordinates since unit is meters
zone = self.refutm[0]
if zone == "":
raise ValueError, "reference point not configured"
e = self.refutm[1] + self.px2m(x)
n = self.refutm[2] + self.px2m(y)
alt = self.refutm[3] + self.px2m(z)
(e, n, zone) = self.getutmzoneshift(e, n)
lat, lon = utm.to_latlon(e, n, zone[0], zone[1])
except utm.OutOfRangeError:"UTM out of range error for e=%s n=%s zone=%s" \
"xyz=(%s,%s,%s)" % (e, n, zone, x, y, z))
(lat, lon) = self.refgeo[:2]"getgeo(%s,%s,%s) e=%s n=%s zone=%s lat,lon,alt=" \
# "%.3f,%.3f,%.3f" % (x, y, z, e, n, zone, lat, lon, alt))
return (lat, lon, alt)
def getxyz(self, lat, lon, alt):
''' Given latitude, longitude, and altitude location data, convert them
to (x, y, z) Cartesian coordinates based on the configured
reference point and scale. Lat/lon is converted to UTM meter
coordinates, UTM zones are accounted for, and the scale turns
meters to pixels.
# convert lat/lon to UTM coordinates in meters
(e, n, zonen, zonel) = utm.from_latlon(lat, lon)
(rlat, rlon, ralt) = self.refgeo
xshift = self.geteastingshift(zonen, zonel)
if xshift is None:
xm = e - self.refutm[1]
xm = e + xshift
yshift = self.getnorthingshift(zonen, zonel)
if yshift is None:
ym = n - self.refutm[2]
ym = n + yshift
zm = alt - ralt
# shift (x,y,z) over to reference point (x,y,z)
x = self.m2px(xm) + self.refxyz[0]
y = -(self.m2px(ym) + self.refxyz[1])
z = self.m2px(zm) + self.refxyz[2]
return (x, y, z)
def geteastingshift(self, zonen, zonel):
''' If the lat, lon coordinates being converted are located in a
different UTM zone than the canvas reference point, the UTM meters
may need to be shifted.
This picks a reference point in the same longitudinal band
(UTM zone number) as the provided zone, to calculate the shift in
meters for the x coordinate.
rzonen = int(self.refutm[0][0])
if zonen == rzonen:
return None # same zone number, no x shift required
z = (zonen, zonel)
if z in self.zoneshifts and self.zoneshifts[z][0] is not None:
return self.zoneshifts[z][0] # x shift already calculated, cached
(rlat, rlon, ralt) = self.refgeo
lon2 = rlon + 6*(zonen - rzonen) # ea. zone is 6deg band
(e2, n2, zonen2, zonel2) = utm.from_latlon(rlat, lon2) # ignore northing
# NOTE: great circle distance used here, not reference ellipsoid!
xshift = utm.haversine(rlon, rlat, lon2, rlat) - e2
# cache the return value
yshift = None
if z in self.zoneshifts:
yshift = self.zoneshifts[z][1]
self.zoneshifts[z] = (xshift, yshift)
return xshift
def getnorthingshift(self, zonen, zonel):
''' If the lat, lon coordinates being converted are located in a
different UTM zone than the canvas reference point, the UTM meters
may need to be shifted.
This picks a reference point in the same latitude band (UTM zone letter)
as the provided zone, to calculate the shift in meters for the
y coordinate.
rzonel = self.refutm[0][1]
if zonel == rzonel:
return None # same zone letter, no y shift required
z = (zonen, zonel)
if z in self.zoneshifts and self.zoneshifts[z][1] is not None:
return self.zoneshifts[z][1] # y shift already calculated, cached
(rlat, rlon, ralt) = self.refgeo
# zonemap is used to calculate degrees difference between zone letters
latshift = self.zonemap[zonel] - self.zonemap[rzonel]
lat2 = rlat + latshift # ea. latitude band is 8deg high
(e2, n2, zonen2, zonel2) = utm.from_latlon(lat2, rlon)
# NOTE: great circle distance used here, not reference ellipsoid
yshift = -(utm.haversine(rlon, rlat, rlon, lat2) + n2)
# cache the return value
xshift = None
if z in self.zoneshifts:
xshift = self.zoneshifts[z][0]
self.zoneshifts[z] = (xshift, yshift)
return yshift
def getutmzoneshift(self, e, n):
''' Given UTM easting and northing values, check if they fall outside
the reference point's zone boundary. Return the UTM coordinates in a
different zone and the new zone if they do. Zone lettering is only
changed when the reference point is in the opposite hemisphere.
zone = self.refutm[0]
(rlat, rlon, ralt) = self.refgeo
if e > 834000 or e < 166000:
num_zones = (int(e) - 166000) / (utm.R/10)
# estimate number of zones to shift, E (positive) or W (negative)
rlon2 = self.refgeo[1] + (num_zones * 6)
(e2, n2, zonen2, zonel2) = utm.from_latlon(rlat, rlon2)
xshift = utm.haversine(rlon, rlat, rlon2, rlat)
# after >3 zones away from refpt, the above estimate won't work
# (the above estimate could be improved)
if not 100000 <= (e - xshift) < 1000000:
# move one more zone away
num_zones = (abs(num_zones)+1) * (abs(num_zones)/num_zones)
rlon2 = self.refgeo[1] + (num_zones * 6)
(e2, n2, zonen2, zonel2) = utm.from_latlon(rlat, rlon2)
xshift = utm.haversine(rlon, rlat, rlon2, rlat)
e = e - xshift
zone = (zonen2, zonel2)
if n < 0:
# refpt in northern hemisphere and we crossed south of equator
n += 10000000
zone = (zone[0], 'M')
elif n > 10000000:
# refpt in southern hemisphere and we crossed north of equator
n -= 10000000
zone = (zone[0], 'N')
return (e, n, zone)