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2017-06-19 18:03:39 -07:00
import random
from xml.dom.minidom import Node
from xml.dom.minidom import parse
from core import constants
from core import logger
from core.conf import ConfigShim
2017-06-19 18:03:39 -07:00
from core.enumerations import NodeTypes
from core.misc import nodeutils
from core.misc.ipaddress import MacAddress
from core.service import ServiceManager, ServiceShim
2017-06-19 18:03:39 -07:00
from core.xml import xmlutils
class CoreDocumentParser1(object):
layer2_device_types = 'hub', 'switch'
layer3_device_types = 'host', 'router'
device_types = layer2_device_types + layer3_device_types
# TODO: support CORE interface classes:
# RJ45Node
# TunnelNode
def __init__(self, session, filename, options):
Creates an CoreDocumentParser1 object.
2017-06-19 18:03:39 -07:00
:param core.session.Session session:
:param str filename: file name to open and parse
:param dict options: parsing options
2017-06-19 18:03:39 -07:00
""""creating xml parser: file (%s) options(%s)", filename, options)
2017-06-19 18:03:39 -07:00
self.session = session
self.filename = filename
if 'dom' in options:
# this prevents parsing twice when detecting file versions
self.dom = options['dom']
self.dom = parse(filename)
self.start = options['start']
self.nodecls = options['nodecls']
self.scenario = self.get_scenario(self.dom)
self.location_refgeo_set = False
self.location_refxyz_set = False
# saved link parameters saved when parsing networks and applied later
self.link_params = {}
# map from id-string to objid, for files having node names but
# not node numbers
self.objidmap = {}
self.objids = set()
self.default_services = {}
if self.scenario:
def get_scenario(dom):
scenario = xmlutils.get_first_child_by_tag_name(dom, 'scenario')
if not scenario:
raise ValueError('no scenario element found')
2017-06-19 18:03:39 -07:00
version = scenario.getAttribute('version')
if version and version != '1.0':
raise ValueError('unsupported scenario version found: \'%s\'' % version)
2017-06-19 18:03:39 -07:00
return scenario
def parse_scenario(self):
def assign_id(self, idstr, idval):
if idstr in self.objidmap:
assert self.objidmap[idstr] == idval and idval in self.objids
self.objidmap[idstr] = idval
def rand_id(self):
while True:
x = random.randint(0, 0xffff)
if x not in self.objids:
return x
def get_id(self, idstr):
Get a, possibly new, object id (node number) corresponding to
the given XML string id.
if not idstr:
idn = self.rand_id()
return idn
elif idstr in self.objidmap:
return self.objidmap[idstr]
idn = int(idstr)
except ValueError:
idn = self.rand_id()
self.assign_id(idstr, idn)
return idn
def get_common_attributes(self, node):
Return id, name attributes for the given XML element. These
attributes are common to nodes and networks.
idstr = node.getAttribute('id')
# use an explicit set COREID if it exists
coreid = self.find_core_id(node)
if coreid:
idn = int(coreid)
if idstr:
self.assign_id(idstr, idn)
idn = self.get_id(idstr)
# TODO: consider supporting unicode; for now convert to an
# ascii string
namestr = str(node.getAttribute('name'))
return idn, namestr
def iter_network_member_devices(self, element):
# element can be a network or a channel
for interface in xmlutils.iter_children_with_attribute(element, 'member', 'type', 'interface'):
if_id = xmlutils.get_child_text_trim(interface)
assert if_id # XXX for testing
if not if_id:
device, if_name = self.find_device_with_interface(if_id)
assert device, 'no device for if_id: %s' % if_id # XXX for testing
if device:
yield device, if_name
def network_class(self, network, network_type):
Return the corresponding CORE network class for the given
if network_type in ['ethernet', 'satcom']:
return nodeutils.get_node_class(NodeTypes.PEER_TO_PEER)
elif network_type == 'wireless':
channel = xmlutils.get_first_child_by_tag_name(network, 'channel')
if channel:
# use an explicit CORE type if it exists
coretype = xmlutils.get_first_child_text_trim_with_attribute(channel, 'type', 'domain', 'CORE')
if coretype:
if coretype == 'basic_range':
return nodeutils.get_node_class(NodeTypes.WIRELESS_LAN)
elif coretype.startswith('emane'):
return nodeutils.get_node_class(NodeTypes.EMANE)
logger.warn('unknown network type: \'%s\'', coretype)
return xmlutils.xml_type_to_node_class(coretype)
2017-06-19 18:03:39 -07:00
return nodeutils.get_node_class(NodeTypes.WIRELESS_LAN)
logger.warn('unknown network type: \'%s\'', network_type)
return None
def create_core_object(self, objcls, objid, objname, element, node_type):
obj = self.session.add_object(cls=objcls, objid=objid, name=objname, start=self.start)'added object objid=%s name=%s cls=%s' % (objid, objname, objcls))
self.set_object_position(obj, element)
self.set_object_presentation(obj, element, node_type)
return obj
def get_core_object(self, idstr):
if idstr and idstr in self.objidmap:
objid = self.objidmap[idstr]
return self.session.get_object(objid)
return None
def parse_network_plan(self):
# parse the scenario in the following order:
# 1. layer-2 devices
# 2. other networks (ptp/wlan)
# 3. layer-3 devices
def set_ethernet_link_parameters(self, channel, link_params, mobility_model_name, mobility_params):
# save link parameters for later use, indexed by the tuple
# (device_id, interface_name)
for dev, if_name in self.iter_network_member_devices(channel):
if self.device_type(dev) in self.device_types:
dev_id = dev.getAttribute('id')
key = (dev_id, if_name)
self.link_params[key] = link_params
if mobility_model_name or mobility_params:
raise NotImplementedError
def set_wireless_link_parameters(self, channel, link_params, mobility_model_name, mobility_params):
network = self.find_channel_network(channel)
network_id = network.getAttribute('id')
if network_id in self.objidmap:
nodenum = self.objidmap[network_id]
logger.warn('unknown network: %s', network.toxml('utf-8'))
assert False # XXX for testing
model_name = xmlutils.get_first_child_text_trim_with_attribute(channel, 'type', 'domain', 'CORE')
if not model_name:
model_name = 'basic_range'
if model_name == 'basic_range':
mgr = self.session.mobility
elif model_name.startswith('emane'):
mgr = self.session.emane
# TODO: any other config managers?
raise NotImplementedError"setting wireless link params: node(%s) model(%s) mobility_model(%s)",
nodenum, model_name, mobility_model_name)
mgr.set_model_config(node_id=nodenum, model_name=model_name, config=link_params)
2017-06-19 18:03:39 -07:00
if mobility_model_name and mobility_params:
self.session.mobility.set_model_config(node_id=nodenum, model_name=mobility_model_name,
2017-06-19 18:03:39 -07:00
def link_layer2_devices(self, device1, ifname1, device2, ifname2):
Link two layer-2 devices together.
devid1 = device1.getAttribute('id')
dev1 = self.get_core_object(devid1)
devid2 = device2.getAttribute('id')
dev2 = self.get_core_object(devid2)
assert dev1 and dev2 # XXX for testing
if dev1 and dev2:
# TODO: review this
if nodeutils.is_node(dev2, NodeTypes.RJ45):
# RJ45 nodes have different linknet()
netif = dev2.linknet(dev1)
netif = dev1.linknet(dev2)
self.set_wired_link_parameters(dev1, netif, devid1, ifname1)
def parse_xml_value(cls, valtext):
if not valtext:
return None
if not valtext.translate(None, '0123456789'):
val = int(valtext)
val = float(valtext)
except ValueError:
val = str(valtext)
return val
def parse_parameter_children(cls, parent):
params = {}
for parameter in xmlutils.iter_children_with_name(parent, 'parameter'):
param_name = parameter.getAttribute('name')
assert param_name # XXX for testing
if not param_name:
# TODO: consider supporting unicode; for now convert
# to an ascii string
param_name = str(param_name)
param_val = cls.parse_xml_value(xmlutils.get_child_text_trim(parameter))
# TODO: check if the name already exists?
if param_name and param_val:
params[param_name] = param_val
return params
def parse_network_channel(self, channel):
element = self.search_for_element(channel, 'type', lambda x: not x.hasAttributes())
channel_type = xmlutils.get_child_text_trim(element)
link_params = self.parse_parameter_children(channel)
mobility = xmlutils.get_first_child_by_tag_name(channel, 'CORE:mobility')
if mobility:
mobility_model_name = xmlutils.get_first_child_text_trim_by_tag_name(mobility, 'type')
mobility_params = self.parse_parameter_children(mobility)
mobility_model_name = None
mobility_params = None
2017-06-19 18:03:39 -07:00
if channel_type == 'wireless':
self.set_wireless_link_parameters(channel, link_params, mobility_model_name, mobility_params)
elif channel_type == 'ethernet':
# TODO: maybe this can be done in the loop below to avoid
# iterating through channel members multiple times
self.set_ethernet_link_parameters(channel, link_params, mobility_model_name, mobility_params)
raise NotImplementedError
2017-06-19 18:03:39 -07:00
layer2_device = []
for dev, if_name in self.iter_network_member_devices(channel):
if self.device_type(dev) in self.layer2_device_types:
layer2_device.append((dev, if_name))
2017-06-19 18:03:39 -07:00
assert len(layer2_device) <= 2
if len(layer2_device) == 2:
self.link_layer2_devices(layer2_device[0][0], layer2_device[0][1],
layer2_device[1][0], layer2_device[1][1])
def parse_network(self, network):
Each network element should have an 'id' and 'name' attribute
and include the following child elements:
type (one)
member (zero or more with type="interface" or type="channel")
channel (zero or more)
layer2_members = set()
layer3_members = 0
for dev, if_name in self.iter_network_member_devices(network):
if not dev:
devtype = self.device_type(dev)
if devtype in self.layer2_device_types:
elif devtype in self.layer3_device_types:
layer3_members += 1
raise NotImplementedError
if len(layer2_members) == 0:
net_type = xmlutils.get_first_child_text_trim_by_tag_name(network, 'type')
if not net_type:
logger.warn('no network type found for network: \'%s\'', network.toxml('utf-8'))
assert False # XXX for testing
net_cls = self.network_class(network, net_type)
objid, net_name = self.get_common_attributes(network)'parsing network: name=%s id=%s' % (net_name, objid))
if objid in self.session.objects:
n = self.create_core_object(net_cls, objid, net_name, network, None)
# handle channel parameters
for channel in xmlutils.iter_children_with_name(network, 'channel'):
def parse_networks(self):
Parse all 'network' elements.
for network in xmlutils.iter_descendants_with_name(self.scenario, 'network'):
def parse_addresses(self, interface):
mac = []
ipv4 = []
ipv6 = []
hostname = []
for address in xmlutils.iter_children_with_name(interface, 'address'):
addr_type = address.getAttribute('type')
if not addr_type:
msg = 'no type attribute found for address ' \
'in interface: \'%s\'' % interface.toxml('utf-8')
assert False # XXX for testing
addr_text = xmlutils.get_child_text_trim(address)
if not addr_text:
msg = 'no text found for address ' \
'in interface: \'%s\'' % interface.toxml('utf-8')
assert False # XXX for testing
if addr_type == 'mac':
elif addr_type == 'IPv4':
elif addr_type == 'IPv6':
elif addr_type == 'hostname':
msg = 'skipping unknown address type \'%s\' in ' \
'interface: \'%s\'' % (addr_type, interface.toxml('utf-8'))
assert False # XXX for testing
return mac, ipv4, ipv6, hostname
def parse_interface(self, node, device_id, interface):
Each interface can have multiple 'address' elements.
if_name = interface.getAttribute('name')
network = self.find_interface_network_object(interface)
if not network:
msg = 'skipping node \'%s\' interface \'%s\': ' \
'unknown network' % (, if_name)
assert False # XXX for testing
mac, ipv4, ipv6, hostname = self.parse_addresses(interface)
if mac:
hwaddr = MacAddress.from_string(mac[0])
hwaddr = None
ifindex = node.newnetif(network, addrlist=ipv4 + ipv6, hwaddr=hwaddr, ifindex=None, ifname=if_name)
2017-06-19 18:03:39 -07:00
# TODO: 'hostname' addresses are unused
msg = 'node \'%s\' interface \'%s\' connected ' \
'to network \'%s\'' % (, if_name,
# set link parameters for wired links
if nodeutils.is_node(network, (NodeTypes.HUB, NodeTypes.PEER_TO_PEER, NodeTypes.SWITCH)):
netif = node.netif(ifindex)
self.set_wired_link_parameters(network, netif, device_id)
def set_wired_link_parameters(self, network, netif, device_id, netif_name=None):
if netif_name is None:
netif_name =
key = (device_id, netif_name)
if key in self.link_params:
link_params = self.link_params[key]
if self.start:
bw = link_params.get('bw')
delay = link_params.get('delay')
loss = link_params.get('loss')
duplicate = link_params.get('duplicate')
jitter = link_params.get('jitter')
network.linkconfig(netif, bw=bw, delay=delay, loss=loss, duplicate=duplicate, jitter=jitter)
for k, v in link_params.iteritems():
netif.setparam(k, v)
def search_for_element(node, tag_name, match=None):
Search the given node and all ancestors for an element named
tagName that satisfies the given matching function.
while True:
for child in xmlutils.iter_children(node, Node.ELEMENT_NODE):
if child.tagName == tag_name and (match is None or match(child)):
return child
node = node.parentNode
if not node:
return None
def find_core_id(cls, node):
def match(x):
domain = x.getAttribute('domain')
return domain == 'COREID'
alias = cls.search_for_element(node, 'alias', match)
if alias:
return xmlutils.get_child_text_trim(alias)
return None
def find_point(cls, node):
return cls.search_for_element(node, 'point')
def find_channel_network(channel):
p = channel.parentNode
if p and p.tagName == 'network':
return p
return None
def find_interface_network_object(self, interface):
network_id = xmlutils.get_first_child_text_trim_with_attribute(interface, 'member', 'type', 'network')
if not network_id:
# support legacy notation: <interface net="netid" ...
network_id = interface.getAttribute('net')
obj = self.get_core_object(network_id)
if obj:
# the network_id should exist for ptp or wlan/emane networks
return obj
# the network should correspond to a layer-2 device if the
# network_id does not exist
channel_id = xmlutils.get_first_child_text_trim_with_attribute(interface, 'member', 'type', 'channel')
if not network_id or not channel_id:
return None
network = xmlutils.get_first_child_with_attribute(self.scenario, 'network', 'id', network_id)
if not network:
return None
channel = xmlutils.get_first_child_with_attribute(network, 'channel', 'id', channel_id)
if not channel:
return None
device = None
for dev, if_name in self.iter_network_member_devices(channel):
if self.device_type(dev) in self.layer2_device_types:
assert not device # XXX
device = dev
if device:
obj = self.get_core_object(device.getAttribute('id'))
if obj:
return obj
return None
def set_object_position_pixel(self, obj, point):
x = float(point.getAttribute('x'))
y = float(point.getAttribute('y'))
z = point.getAttribute('z')
if z:
z = float(z)
z = 0.0
# TODO: zMode is unused
# z_mode = point.getAttribute('zMode'))
if x < 0.0:
logger.warn('limiting negative x position of \'%s\' to zero: %s' % (, x))
x = 0.0
if y < 0.0:
logger.warn('limiting negative y position of \'%s\' to zero: %s' % (, y))
y = 0.0
obj.setposition(x, y, z)
def set_object_position_gps(self, obj, point):
lat = float(point.getAttribute('lat'))
lon = float(point.getAttribute('lon'))
zalt = point.getAttribute('z')
if zalt:
zalt = float(zalt)
zalt = 0.0
# TODO: zMode is unused
# z_mode = point.getAttribute('zMode'))
if not self.location_refgeo_set:
# for x,y,z conversion, we need a reasonable refpt; this
# picks the first coordinates as the origin
self.session.location.setrefgeo(lat, lon, zalt)
self.location_refgeo_set = True
x, y, z = self.session.location.getxyz(lat, lon, zalt)
if x < 0.0:
logger.warn('limiting negative x position of \'%s\' to zero: %s' % (, x))
x = 0.0
if y < 0.0:
logger.warn('limiting negative y position of \'%s\' to zero: %s' % (, y))
y = 0.0
obj.setposition(x, y, z)
def set_object_position_cartesian(self, obj, point):
# TODO: review this
xm = float(point.getAttribute('x'))
ym = float(point.getAttribute('y'))
zm = point.getAttribute('z')
if zm:
zm = float(zm)
zm = 0.0
# TODO: zMode is unused
# z_mode = point.getAttribute('zMode'))
if not self.location_refxyz_set:
self.session.location.refxyz = xm, ym, zm
self.location_refxyz_set = True
# need to convert meters to pixels
x = self.session.location.m2px(xm) + self.session.location.refxyz[0]
y = self.session.location.m2px(ym) + self.session.location.refxyz[1]
z = self.session.location.m2px(zm) + self.session.location.refxyz[2]
if x < 0.0:
logger.warn('limiting negative x position of \'%s\' to zero: %s' % (, x))
x = 0.0
if y < 0.0:
logger.warn('limiting negative y position of \'%s\' to zero: %s' % (, y))
y = 0.0
obj.setposition(x, y, z)
def set_object_position(self, obj, element):
Set the x,y,x position of obj from the point associated with
the given element.
point = self.find_point(element)
if not point:
return False
point_type = point.getAttribute('type')
if not point_type:
msg = 'no type attribute found for point: \'%s\'' % \
assert False # XXX for testing
elif point_type == 'pixel':
self.set_object_position_pixel(obj, point)
elif point_type == 'gps':
self.set_object_position_gps(obj, point)
elif point_type == 'cart':
self.set_object_position_cartesian(obj, point)
logger.warn("skipping unknown point type: '%s'" % point_type)
assert False # XXX for testing'set position of %s from point element: \'%s\'',, point.toxml('utf-8'))
return True
def parse_device_service(self, service, node):
name = service.getAttribute('name')
session_service = ServiceManager.get(name)
if not session_service:
assert False # XXX for testing
values = []
startup_idx = service.getAttribute('startup_idx')
if startup_idx:
values.append('startidx=%s' % startup_idx)
startup_time = service.getAttribute('start_time')
if startup_time:
values.append('starttime=%s' % startup_time)
dirs = []
for directory in xmlutils.iter_children_with_name(service, 'directory'):
dirname = directory.getAttribute('name')
if dirs:
values.append("dirs=%s" % dirs)
startup = []
shutdown = []
validate = []
for command in xmlutils.iter_children_with_name(service, 'command'):
command_type = command.getAttribute('type')
command_text = xmlutils.get_child_text_trim(command)
if not command_text:
if command_type == 'start':
elif command_type == 'stop':
elif command_type == 'validate':
if startup:
values.append('cmdup=%s' % startup)
if shutdown:
values.append('cmddown=%s' % shutdown)
if validate:
values.append('cmdval=%s' % validate)
2017-06-19 18:03:39 -07:00
filenames = []
files = []
for f in xmlutils.iter_children_with_name(service, 'file'):
filename = f.getAttribute('name')
if not filename:
data = xmlutils.get_child_text_trim(f)
if data:
data = str(data)
data = None
typestr = 'service:%s:%s' % (name, filename)
files.append((typestr, filename, data))
2017-06-19 18:03:39 -07:00
if filenames:
values.append('files=%s' % filenames)
2017-06-19 18:03:39 -07:00
custom = service.getAttribute('custom')
if custom and custom.lower() == 'true':
2018-06-22 14:41:06 -07:00,
values = ConfigShim.str_to_dict("|".join(values))
for key, value in values.iteritems():
ServiceShim.setvalue(session_service, key, value)
2017-06-19 18:03:39 -07:00
# NOTE: if a custom service is used, setservicefile() must be
# called after the custom service exists
for typestr, filename, data in files:
svcname = typestr.split(":")[1]
2018-06-22 14:41:06 -07:00
2017-06-19 18:03:39 -07:00
return str(name)
def parse_device_services(self, services, node):
Use manager to store service customizations
before they are added to a node.
service_names = []
for service in xmlutils.iter_children_with_name(services, 'service'):
name = self.parse_device_service(service, node)
if name:
return '|'.join(service_names)
def add_device_services(self, node, device, node_type):
Add services to the given node.
services = xmlutils.get_first_child_by_tag_name(device, 'CORE:services')
if services:
services_str = self.parse_device_services(services, node)'services for node \'%s\': %s' % (, services_str))
elif node_type in self.default_services:
services_str = None # default services will be added
if services_str:
services_str = services_str.split("|")
2018-06-22 14:41:06 -07:00
2017-06-19 18:03:39 -07:00
2017-06-19 18:03:39 -07:00
def set_object_presentation(self, obj, element, node_type):
# defaults from the CORE GUI
default_icons = {
'router': 'router.gif',
'host': 'host.gif',
'PC': 'pc.gif',
'mdr': 'mdr.gif',
icon_set = False
for child in xmlutils.iter_children_with_name(element, 'CORE:presentation'):
canvas = child.getAttribute('canvas')
if canvas:
obj.canvas = int(canvas)
icon = child.getAttribute('icon')
if icon:
icon = str(icon).replace("$CORE_DATA_DIR",
obj.icon = icon
icon_set = True
if not icon_set and node_type in default_icons:
obj.icon = default_icons[node_type]
def device_type(self, device):
if device.tagName in self.device_types:
return device.tagName
return None
def core_node_type(self, device):
# use an explicit CORE type if it exists
coretype = xmlutils.get_first_child_text_trim_with_attribute(device, 'type', 'domain', 'CORE')
if coretype:
return coretype
return self.device_type(device)
def find_device_with_interface(self, interface_id):
# TODO: suport generic 'device' elements
for device in xmlutils.iter_descendants_with_name(self.scenario, self.device_types):
interface = xmlutils.get_first_child_with_attribute(device, 'interface', 'id', interface_id)
if interface:
if_name = interface.getAttribute('name')
return device, if_name
return None, None
def parse_layer2_device(self, device):
objid, device_name = self.get_common_attributes(device)'parsing layer-2 device: name=%s id=%s' % (device_name, objid))
return self.session.get_object(objid)
except KeyError:
logger.exception("error geting object: %s", objid)
device_type = self.device_type(device)
if device_type == 'hub':
device_class = nodeutils.get_node_class(NodeTypes.HUB)
elif device_type == 'switch':
device_class = nodeutils.get_node_class(NodeTypes.SWITCH)
logger.warn('unknown layer-2 device type: \'%s\'' % device_type)
assert False # XXX for testing
n = self.create_core_object(device_class, objid, device_name, device, None)
return n
def parse_layer3_device(self, device):
objid, device_name = self.get_common_attributes(device)'parsing layer-3 device: name=%s id=%s', device_name, objid)
return self.session.get_object(objid)
except KeyError:
logger.exception("error getting session object: %s", objid)
device_cls = self.nodecls
core_node_type = self.core_node_type(device)
n = self.create_core_object(device_cls, objid, device_name, device, core_node_type)
n.type = core_node_type
self.add_device_services(n, device, core_node_type)
for interface in xmlutils.iter_children_with_name(device, 'interface'):
self.parse_interface(n, device.getAttribute('id'), interface)
return n
def parse_layer2_devices(self):
Parse all layer-2 device elements. A device can be: 'switch',
# TODO: suport generic 'device' elements
for device in xmlutils.iter_descendants_with_name(self.scenario, self.layer2_device_types):
def parse_layer3_devices(self):
Parse all layer-3 device elements. A device can be: 'host',
# TODO: suport generic 'device' elements
for device in xmlutils.iter_descendants_with_name(self.scenario, self.layer3_device_types):
def parse_session_origin(self, session_config):
Parse the first origin tag and set the CoreLocation reference
point appropriately.
# defaults from the CORE GUI
self.session.location.setrefgeo(47.5791667, -122.132322, 2.0)
self.session.location.refscale = 150.0
origin = xmlutils.get_first_child_by_tag_name(session_config, 'origin')
if not origin:
lat = origin.getAttribute('lat')
lon = origin.getAttribute('lon')
alt = origin.getAttribute('alt')
if lat and lon and alt:
self.session.location.setrefgeo(float(lat), float(lon), float(alt))
self.location_refgeo_set = True
scale100 = origin.getAttribute("scale100")
if scale100:
self.session.location.refscale = float(scale100)
point = xmlutils.get_first_child_text_trim_by_tag_name(origin, 'point')
if point:
xyz = point.split(',')
if len(xyz) == 2:
if len(xyz) == 3:
self.session.location.refxyz = (float(xyz[0]), float(xyz[1]), float(xyz[2]))
self.location_refxyz_set = True
def parse_session_options(self, session_config):
options = xmlutils.get_first_child_by_tag_name(session_config, 'options')
if not options:
params = self.parse_parameter_children(options)
for name, value in params.iteritems():
if name and value:
self.session.options.set_config(str(name), str(value))
2017-06-19 18:03:39 -07:00
def parse_session_hooks(self, session_config):
Parse hook scripts.
hooks = xmlutils.get_first_child_by_tag_name(session_config, 'hooks')
if not hooks:
for hook in xmlutils.iter_children_with_name(hooks, 'hook'):
filename = hook.getAttribute('name')
state = hook.getAttribute('state')
data = xmlutils.get_child_text_trim(hook)
if data is None:
data = '' # allow for empty file
hook_type = "hook:%s" % state
self.session.set_hook(hook_type, file_name=str(filename), source_name=None, data=str(data))
def parse_session_metadata(self, session_config):
metadata = xmlutils.get_first_child_by_tag_name(session_config, 'metadata')
if not metadata:
params = self.parse_parameter_children(metadata)
for name, value in params.iteritems():
if name and value:
self.session.metadata.set_config(str(name), str(value))
2017-06-19 18:03:39 -07:00
def parse_session_config(self):
session_config = xmlutils.get_first_child_by_tag_name(self.scenario, 'CORE:sessionconfig')
if not session_config:
def parse_default_services(self):
# defaults from the CORE GUI
self.default_services = {
'router': ['zebra', 'OSPFv2', 'OSPFv3', 'IPForward'],
'host': ['DefaultRoute', 'SSH'],
'PC': ['DefaultRoute', ],
'mdr': ['zebra', 'OSPFv3MDR', 'IPForward'],
default_services = xmlutils.get_first_child_by_tag_name(self.scenario, 'CORE:defaultservices')
if not default_services:
for device in xmlutils.iter_children_with_name(default_services, 'device'):
device_type = device.getAttribute('type')
if not device_type:
logger.warn('parse_default_services: no type attribute found for device')
services = []
for service in xmlutils.iter_children_with_name(device, 'service'):
name = service.getAttribute('name')
if name:
self.default_services[device_type] = services
# store default services for the session
for t, s in self.default_services.iteritems():
2018-06-22 14:41:06 -07:00[t] = s
2017-06-19 18:03:39 -07:00'default services for node type \'%s\' set to: %s' % (t, s))