2023-03-07 21:49:50 -08:00
site_name: CORE Documentation
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- Home: index.md
- Overview:
- Architecture: architecture.md
- Performance: performance.md
- Installation:
- Overview: install.md
- Ubuntu: install_ubuntu.md
- CentOS: install_centos.md
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- Tutorials:
2023-06-06 09:40:44 -07:00
- Overview: tutorials/overview.md
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- Setup: tutorials/setup.md
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- Tutorial 1 - Wired Network: tutorials/tutorial1.md
- Tutorial 2 - Wireless Network: tutorials/tutorial2.md
- Tutorial 3 - Basic Mobility: tutorials/tutorial3.md
- Tutorial 4 - Tests: tutorials/tutorial4.md
- Tutorial 5 - RJ45 Node: tutorials/tutorial5.md
- Tutorial 6 - Improve Visuals: tutorials/tutorial6.md
- Tutorial 7 - EMANE: tutorials/tutorial7.md
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- Detailed Topics:
- GUI: gui.md
- Node Types:
- Overview: nodetypes.md
- Docker: docker.md
- LXC: lxc.md
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- Services:
- Config Services: configservices.md
- Services (Deprecated): services.md
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- Provided:
- Bird: services/bird.md
- EMANE: services/emane.md
- FRR: services/frr.md
- NRL: services/nrl.md
- Quagga: services/quagga.md
- SDN: services/sdn.md
- Security: services/security.md
- Utility: services/utility.md
- XORP: services/xorp.md
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- API:
- Python: python.md
- gRPC: grpc.md
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- Distributed: distributed.md
- Control Network: ctrlnet.md
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- Hardware In The Loop: hitl.md
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- Overview: emane.md
- Examples:
- Antenna: emane/antenna.md
- EEL: emane/eel.md
- Files: emane/files.md
- GPSD: emane/gpsd.md
- Precomputed: emane/precomputed.md
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- Developers Guide: devguide.md