2019-06-10 15:37:32 -07:00
## 2019-06-10 CORE 5.3.0
2019-06-10 15:59:00 -07:00
* Enhancements
* python 2 / 3 support
* added new API using [gRPC](https://grpc.io/)
* --grpc --grpc-port --grpc-address flags added to core-daemon
* core.api.grpc.client.CoreGrpcClient, provides a convenience wrapper for leveraging the API
* Docs
* Updates to installation instructions for latest changes
* Services
* Added FRR service
* Added EMANE prefix configuration when looking for emane model manifest files
* requires configuring **emane_prefix** in /etc/core/core.conf
* Cleanup
* Refactoring of the core python package structure, trying to help provide better organization and
logical groupings
* Issues
* \#246 - Fixed network to network link handling when reading xml files
* \#236 - Fixed storing/reading of link configuration values within xml files
* \#170 - FRR Service
* \#155 - EMANE path configuration
* \#233 - Python 3 support
* \#245 - Fixed bidirectional link configurations when reading from xml files
* \#208 - gRPC API
* Fixed link configuration dup handling when loaded from xml files
2019-06-10 15:37:32 -07:00
## 2019-06-07 CORE 5.2.2
2019-06-10 15:59:00 -07:00
* Enhancements:
* adds back in core-daemon udp support for coresendmsg, people may have depended on previously for certain scenarios
* Bug Fixes:
* fixes issue in GUI that would prevent moving nodes during mobility scenarios
2019-06-10 15:37:32 -07:00
## 2019-03-25 CORE 5.2.1
2019-06-10 15:59:00 -07:00
* Packaging:
* documentation no longer builds by default, must use configure flag
* added configure flag to allow only building vcmd
* sphinx will no long be required when not building documentation
* Services:
* Added source NAT service
* Fixed DHCP service for Ubuntu 18.04
* \#188 - properly remove session on delete TLV API call
* \#192 - updated default gnome terminal command for nodes to be Ubuntu 18.04 compatible
* \#193 - updates to service validation, will retry on failure and better exception logging
* \#195 - TLV link message data fix
* \#196 - fix to avoid clearing out default services
* \#197 - removed wireless_link_all API from EmuSession
* \#216 - updated default WLAN bandwidth to 54Mbps
* \#223 - fix to saving RJ45 to session XML files
2019-03-25 10:44:47 -07:00
2019-06-10 15:37:32 -07:00
## 2018-05-22 CORE 5.1
2019-06-10 15:59:00 -07:00
* removed and cleared out code that is either legacy or no longer supported (Xen, BSD, Kernel patching, RPM/DEB
specific files)
* default nodes are now set in the node map
* moved ns3 and netns directories to the top of the repo
* changes to make use of fpm as the tool for building packages
* removed usage of logzero to avoid dependency issues for built packages
* removed daemon addons directory
* added CoreEmu to core.emulator.coreemu to help begin serving as the basis for a more formal API for scripting
and creating new external APIs out of
* cleaned up logging, moved more logging to DEBUG from INFO, tried to mold INFO message to be more simple and
* EMANE 1.0.1-1.21 supported
* updates to leverage EMANE python bindings for dynamically parsing phy/mac manifest files
* example custom EMANE model lives under /usr/share/core/examples/myemane/examplemodel.py
* EMANE TDMA model now supports an option to start a TDMA schedule when running
* fixed issues with coresendmsg script due to code refactoring
* added make target for generating documentation "make doc"
* Python 2.7+ is now required
* ns3 is no longer bundled by default, but will be produced as a separate package for installation
* GUI:
* updated broken help links in GUI Help->About
* Packaging:
* fixed PYTHON_PATH to PYTHONPATH in sysv script
* added make command to leverage FPM as the tool for creating deb/rpm packages going forward, there is documentation
within README.md to try it out
* fixed some broken tests
* new test cases based on CoreEmu usage
* \#142 - duplication of custom services
* \#136 - sphinx-apidoc command not found
* \#137 - make command fails when using distclean
2019-06-10 15:37:32 -07:00
## 2017-09-01 CORE 5.0
2019-06-10 15:59:00 -07:00
* support for editorconfig to help standardize development across IDEs, from the defined configuration file
* support for sonarqube analysis, from the defined configuration file
* code cleanup and improvements to adhere to coding standards (SonarQube)
* leverage "logzero" module to make easy usage of the standard logging module
* improvements to documentation across the code base
* initial work to separate the dependence on TCP API messaging from the core library (easier core scripting)
* beta support for running core in Open vSwitch mode, leveraging Open vSwitch bridges, instead of Linux bridges
* added Ryu SDN controller service
* added Open vSwitch service
* added unit/integration tests to support validating changes going forward
* merged pull requests for: #115, #110, #109, #107, #106, #105, #103, #102, #101, #96
2017-08-17 14:00:36 -07:00
2019-06-10 15:37:32 -07:00
## 2015-06-05 CORE 4.8
2019-06-10 15:59:00 -07:00
* support for EMANE 0.9.2
* run emane in each container when using EMANE 0.9.2
* support using separate control networks for EMANE OTA and event traffic
* GUI:
* fixed an issue where the adjacency widget lines pointed to old node positions
* fixed an issue where not all EMANE 0.9.x IEEE 802.11 MAC parameter were configurable
* fixed an issue related to running python scripts from the GUI when using tcl/tk version 8.6
* improved batch mode execution to display the check emulation light status
* improved managing multiple sessions
* improved support for using multiple canvases
* added a reload option to the file menu to revert back to a saved scenario
* support exporting scenarios in NRL Network Modeling Framework 1.0 XML format
* support importing scenarios in NRL Network Modeling Framework 1.0 XML format
* support exporting the deployed scenario state in NRL NMF XML 1.0 format
* improved EMANE post-startup processing to better synchronize distributed emulations
* improved how addresses are assigned to tun/tap devices
* added support for python state-change callbacks
* added mgen sink and mgen actor services
* added oslrv2 and olsr.org services
* added a docker service
* improved the install/uninstall process
* improved debian and rpm packaging
* updated the http service for ubuntu 14.04
* improved included examples
* shortened the length of network interface names
* improved how the core system service manages running the core daemon
* fixed an issues related to applying session configuration setting
* improved detecting when a distributed emulation is already running
* improved documentation
2015-05-22 00:56:46 +00:00
2019-06-10 15:37:32 -07:00
## 2014-08-06 CORE 4.7
2019-06-10 15:59:00 -07:00
* support for EMANE 0.9.1
* fix error when using Comm Effect model with loss/duplicate string values
* enable flow control in virtual transport if enabled in the MAC model
* fix bug #150 where EMANE event service/address port were not used
* GUI:
* support Tcl/Tk 8.6 when available
* added --(a)ddress and --(p)ort arguments to core-gui command-line
* added File > Execute XML or Python script... option
* added File > Execute Python script with options... menu item
* when executing Python script from GUI, run in background thread, wait for
* enter RUNTIME state when start button pressed with empty canvas
* added support for asymmetric link effects
* support link delays up to 274 seconds (netem maximum)
* allow runtime changes of WLAN link effects
* set NODE_NAME, NODE_NUMBER, SESSION_SHORT in default vnoded environment
* changed host device naming to use veth, tap prefixes; b.n.SS for bridges
* allow parsing XML files into live running session
* enable link effects between hub/switch and hub/switch connections
* update MDR service to use broadcast interfaces for non-WLAN links
* allow node class to be specified when initializing XML parser
* save and parse canvas origin (reference point) and scale in MP XML
* up/down control script session option
* fix hash calculation used to determine GRE tunnel keys
* use shell script to detach SMF on startup
* added NRL services for mgen sink and nrlolsrv2
* use SDT URL session option
* added core-manage tool for addons to add/remove/check services, models,
and custom node types
* API:
* implement local flag in Execute Message for running host commands
* jitter changed to 64-bit value to align with delay in Link Message
* added unidirectional link flag TLV to Link Message
* added reconfigure event type for re-generating service config files
* return errors in API with failed services
* fix HTTP service running under Ubuntu
* fixed the following bugs: #150, 169, 188, 220, 225, 230, 231, 242, 244,
247, 248, 250, 251
2014-08-04 17:21:58 +00:00
2019-06-10 15:37:32 -07:00
## 2013-09-25 CORE 4.6
2019-06-10 15:59:00 -07:00
* NOTE: cored is now core-daemon, and core is now core-gui (for Debian acceptance)
* NOTE: /etc/init.d/core is now /etc/init.d/core-daemon (for insserv compatibility)
* don't start EMANE locally if no local NEMs
* EMANE poststartup() to re-transmit location events during initialization
* added debug port to EMANE options
* added a basic EMANE 802.11 CORE Python script example
* expose transport XML block generation to EmaneModels
* expose NEM entry to the EmaneModel so it can be overridden by a model
* add the control interface bridge prior to starting EMANE, as some models may
* depend on the controlnet functionality
* added EMANE model to CORE converter
* parse lat/long/alt from node messages, for moving nodes using command-line
* fix bug #196 incorrect distance when traversing UTM zones
* GUI:
* added Cut, Copy, and Paste options to the Edit menu
* paste will copy selected services and take care of node and interface
* renumbering
* implement Edit > Find dialog for searching nodes and links
* when copying existing file for a service, perform string replacement of:
* use CORE_DATA_DIR insteadof LIBDIR
* fix Adjacency Widget to work with OSPFv2 only networks
* build/packaging improvements for inclusion on Debian
* fix error when running scenario with a mobility script in batch mode
* include Linux kernel patches for 3.8
* renamed core-cleanup.sh to core-cleanup for Debian conformance
* don't always generate man pages from Makefile; new manpages for
coresendmsg and core-daemon
* don't auto-assign IPv4/IPv6 addresses when none received in Link Messages (session reconnect)
* fixed lock view
* fix GUI spinbox errors for Tk 8.5.8 (RHEL/CentOS 6.2)
* fix broker node count for distributed session entering the RUNTIME state when
* (non-EMANE) WLANs or GreTapBridges are involved;
* fix "file exists" error message when distributed session number is re-used
* and servers file is written
* fix bug #194 configuration dialog too long, make dialog scrollable/resizable
* allow float values for loss and duplicates percent
* fix the following bugs: 166, 172, 177, 178, 192, 194, 196, 201, 202,
205, 206, 210, 212, 213, 214, 221
2013-08-29 14:21:13 +00:00
2019-06-10 15:37:32 -07:00
## 2013-04-13 CORE 4.5
2019-06-10 15:59:00 -07:00
* GUI:
* improved behavior when starting GUI without daemon, or using File New after connection with daemon is lost
* fix various GUI issues when reconnecting to a session
* support 3D GUI via output to SDT3D
* added "Execute Python script..." entry to the File Menu
* support user-defined terminal program instead of hard-coded xterm
* added session options for "enable RJ45s", "preserve session dir"
* added buttons to the IP Addresses dialog for removing all/selected IPv4/IPv6
* allow sessions with multiple canvases to enter RUNTIME state
* added "--addons" startup mode to pass control to code included from addons dir
* added "Locked" entry to View menu to prevent moving items
* use currently selected node type when invoking a topology generator
* updated throughput plots with resizing, color picker, plot labels, locked scales, and save/load plot
configuration with imn file
* improved session dialog
* EMANE 0.8.1 support with backwards-compatibility for 0.7.4
* extend CommEffect model to generate CommEffect events upon receipt of Link Messages having link effects
* Services:
* updated FTP service with root directory for anonymous users
* added HTTP, PCAP, BIRD, RADVD, and Babel services
* support copying existing files instead of always generating them
* added "Services..." entry to node right-click menu
* added "View" button for side-by-side comparison when copying customized config files
* updated Quagga daemons to wait for zebra.vty VTY file before starting
* General:
* XML import and export
* renamed "cored.py" to "cored", "coresendmsg.py" to "coresendmsg"
* code reorganization and clean-up
* updated XML export to write NetworkPlan, MotionPlan, and ServicePlan within a Scenario tag, added new
"Save As XML..." File menu entry
* added script_start/pause/stop options to Ns2ScriptedMobility
* "python" source sub-directory renamed to "daemon"
* added "cored -e" option to execute a Python script, adding its session to the active sessions list, allowing for
GUI connection
* support comma-separated list for custom_services_dir in core.conf file
* updated kernel patches for Linux kernel 3.5
* support RFC 6164-style IPv6 /127 addressing
* ns-3:
* integrate ns-3 node location between CORE and ns-3 simulation
* added ns-3 random walk mobility example
* updated ns-3 Wifi example to allow GUI connection and moving of nodes
* fixed the following bugs: 54, 103, 111, 136, 145, 153, 157, 160, 161, 162, 164, 165, 168, 170, 171, 173, 174, 176,
184, 190, 193
2013-08-29 14:21:13 +00:00
2019-06-10 15:37:32 -07:00
## 2012-09-25 CORE 4.4
2019-06-10 15:59:00 -07:00
* GUI:
* real-time bandwidth plotting tool
* added Wireshark and tshark right-click menu items
* X,Y coordinates shown in the status bar
* updated GUI attribute option to link messages for changing color/width/dash
* added sample IPsec and VPN scenarios, how many nodes script
* added jitter parameter to WLANs
* renamed Experiment menu to Session menu, added session options
* use 'key=value' configuration for services, EMANE models, WLAN models, etc.
* save only service values that have been customized
* copy service parameters from one customized service to another
* right-click menu to start/stop/restart each service
* EMANE 0.7.4 support
* added support for EMANE CommEffect model and Comm Effect controller GUI
* added support for EMANE Raw Transport when using RJ45 devices
* Services:
* improved service customization; allow a service to define custom Tcl tab
* added vtysh.conf for Quagga service to support 'write mem'
* support scheduled events and services that start N seconds after runtime
* added UCARP service
* Documentation:
* converted the CORE manual to reStructuredText using Sphinx; added Python docs
* General:
* Python code reorganization
* improved cored.py thread locking
* merged xen branch into trunk
* added an event queue to a session with notion of time zero
* added UDP support to cored.py
* use UDP by default in coresendmsg.py; added '-H' option to print examples
* enter a bash shell by default when running vcmd with no arguments
* fixes to distributed emulation entering runtime state
* write 'nodes' file upon session startup
* make session number and other attributes available in environment
* support /etc/core/environment and ~/.core/environment files
* added Ns2ScriptedMobility model to Python, removed from the GUI
* namespace nodes mount a private /sys
* fixed the following bugs: 80, 81, 84, 99, 104, 109, 110, 122, 124, 131, 133, 134, 135, 137, 140, 143, 144, 146,
147, 151, 154, 155
2013-08-29 14:21:13 +00:00
2019-06-10 15:37:32 -07:00
## 2012-03-07 CORE 4.3
2019-06-10 15:59:00 -07:00
* EMANE 0.7.2 and 0.7.3 support
* hook scripts: customize actions at any of six different session states
* Check Emulation Light (CEL) exception feedback system
* added FTP and XORP services, and service validate commands
* services can flag when customization is required
* Python classes to support ns-3 simulation experiments
* write state, node X,Y position, and servers to pycore session dir
* removed over 9,000 lines of unused GUI code
* performance monitoring script
* batch mode improvements and --closebatch option
* export session to EmulationScript XML files
* basic range model moved from GUI to Python, supports 3D coordinates
* improved WLAN dialog with tabs
* added PhysicalNode class for joining real nodes with emulated networks
* fixed the following bugs: 50, 75, 76, 79, 82, 83, 85, 86, 89, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98, 100, 112, 113, 116, 119, 120
2013-08-29 14:21:13 +00:00
2019-06-10 15:37:32 -07:00
## 2011-08-19 CORE 4.2
2019-06-10 15:59:00 -07:00
* EMANE 0.7.1 support
* support for Bypass model, Universal PHY, logging, realtime
* configurable MAC addresses
* control interfaces (backchannel between node and host)
* service customization dialog improved (tabbed)
* new testing scripts for MDR and EMANE performance testing
* improved upgrading of old imn files
* new coresendmsg.py utility (deprecates libcoreapi and coreapisend)
* new security services, custom service becomes UserDefined
* new services and Python scripting chapters in manual
* fixes to distributed emulation, linking tunnels/RJ45s with WLANs/hubs/switches
* fixed the following bugs: 18, 32, 34, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 52, 53, 55, 57, 58, 60, 62, 64,
65, 66, 68, 71, 72, 74
2013-08-29 14:21:13 +00:00
2019-06-10 15:37:32 -07:00
## 2011-01-05 CORE 4.1
2019-06-10 15:59:00 -07:00
* new icons for toolbars and nodes
* node services introduced, node models deprecated
* customizable node types
* traffic flow editor with MGEN support
* user configs moved from /etc/core/`*` to ~/.core/
* allocate addresses from custom IPv4/IPv6 prefixes
* distributed emulation using GRE tunnels
* FreeBSD 8.1 now uses cored.py
* EMANE 0.6.4 support
* numerous bugfixes
2013-08-29 14:21:13 +00:00
2019-06-10 15:37:32 -07:00
## 2010-08-17 CORE 4.0
2019-06-10 15:59:00 -07:00
* Python framework with Linux network namespace (netns) support (Linux netns is now the primary supported platform)
* ability to close the GUI and later reconnect to a running session (netns only)
* EMANE integration (netns only)
* new topology generators, host file generator
* user-editable Observer Widgets
* use of /etc/core instead of /usr/local/etc/core
* various bugfixes
2013-08-29 14:21:13 +00:00
2019-06-10 15:37:32 -07:00
## 2009-09-15 CORE 3.5
2013-08-29 14:21:13 +00:00
2019-06-10 15:37:32 -07:00
## 2009-06-23 CORE 3.4
2013-08-29 14:21:13 +00:00
2019-06-10 15:37:32 -07:00
## 2009-03-11 CORE 3.3