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# Copyright (c)2010-2014 the Boeing Company.
# See the LICENSE file included in this distribution.
# author: Jeff Ahrenholz <>
''' EMANE Universal PHY model for CORE. Enumerates configuration items
used for the Universal PHY.
import sys
import string
from import EventService
from core.api import coreapi
from core.constants import *
from emane import EmaneModel
class EmaneUniversalModel(EmaneModel):
''' This Univeral PHY model is meant to be imported by other models,
not instantiated.
def __init__(self, session, objid = None, verbose = False):
raise SyntaxError
_name = "emane_universal"
_xmlname = "universalphy"
_xmllibrary = "universalphylayer"
# universal PHY parameters
_confmatrix_base = [
("bandwidth", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_UINT64, '1M',
'', 'rf bandwidth (hz)'),
("frequency", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_UINT64, '2.347G',
'','frequency (Hz)'),
("frequencyofinterest", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_UINT64, '2.347G',
'','frequency of interest (Hz)'),
("subid", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_UINT16, '1',
("systemnoisefigure", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, '4.0',
'','system noise figure (dB)'),
("txpower", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, '0.0',
'','transmit power (dBm)'),
_confmatrix_081 = [
("antennagain", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, '0.0',
'','antenna gain (dBi)'),
("antennaazimuth", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, '0.0',
'','antenna azimuth (deg)'),
("antennaelevation", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, '0.0',
'','antenna elevation (deg)'),
("antennaprofileid", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, '1',
'','antenna profile ID'),
("antennaprofilemanifesturi", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, '',
'','antenna profile manifest URI'),
("antennaprofileenable", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_BOOL, '0',
'On,Off','antenna profile mode'),
("defaultconnectivitymode", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_BOOL, '1',
'On,Off','default connectivity'),
("frequencyofinterestfilterenable", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_BOOL, '1',
'On,Off','frequency of interest filter enable'),
("noiseprocessingmode", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_BOOL, '0',
'On,Off','enable noise processing'),
("pathlossmode", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, '2ray',
'pathloss,2ray,freespace','path loss mode'),
_confmatrix_091 = [
("fixedantennagain", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, '0.0',
'','antenna gain (dBi)'),
("fixedantennagainenable", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_BOOL, '1',
'On,Off','enable fixed antenna gain'),
("noisemode", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, 'none',
'none,all,outofband','noise processing mode'),
("noisebinsize", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_UINT64, '20',
'','noise bin size in microseconds'),
("propagationmodel", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, '2ray',
'precomputed,2ray,freespace','path loss mode'),
if 'EventService' in globals():
_confmatrix = _confmatrix_base + _confmatrix_091
_confmatrix = _confmatrix_base + _confmatrix_081
# old parameters
_confmatrix_ver074 = [
("antennaazimuthbeamwidth", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, '360.0',
'','azimith beam width (deg)'),
("antennaelevationbeamwidth", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, '180.0',
'','elevation beam width (deg)'),
("antennatype", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, 'omnidirectional',
'omnidirectional,unidirectional','antenna type'),
# parameters that require unit conversion for 0.7.4
_update_ver074 = ("bandwidth", "frequency", "frequencyofinterest")
# parameters that should be removed for 0.7.4
_remove_ver074 = ("antennaprofileenable", "antennaprofileid",
def getphydoc(cls, e, mac, values, phynames):
phydoc = e.xmldoc("phy")
phy = phydoc.getElementsByTagName("phy").pop()
phy.setAttribute("name", cls._xmlname)
if e.version < e.EMANE091:
phy.setAttribute("library", cls._xmllibrary)
# EMANE 0.7.4 suppport - to be removed when 0.7.4 support is deprecated
if e.version == e.EMANE074:
names = mac.getnames()
values = list(values)
phynames = list(phynames)
# update units for some parameters
for p in cls._update_ver074:
i = names.index(p)
# these all happen to be KHz, so 1000 is used
values[i] = cls.emane074_fixup(values[i], 1000)
# remove new incompatible options
for p in cls._remove_ver074:
# insert old options with their default values
for old in cls._confmatrix_ver074:
phy.appendChild(e.xmlparam(phydoc, old[0], old[2]))
frequencies = None
if e.version >= e.EMANE091:
name = "frequencyofinterest"
value = mac.valueof(name, values)
frequencies = cls.valuestrtoparamlist(phydoc, name, value)
if frequencies:
phynames = list(phynames)
# append all PHY options to phydoc
map( lambda n: phy.appendChild(e.xmlparam(phydoc, n, \
mac.valueof(n, values))), phynames)
if frequencies:
return phydoc