2013-08-29 14:21:13 +00:00
# shows the Two-node Tool
proc popupTwoNodeDialog { } {
global twonodePID lastTwoNodeHop g_twoNodeSelect g_twoNodeSelectCallback
2018-03-07 12:54:19 -08:00
2013-08-29 14:21:13 +00:00
markerOptions off
set wi .twonodetool
catch {destroy $wi}
toplevel $wi
wm transient $wi .
wm resizable $wi 200 300
wm title $wi "Two-node Tool"
set twonodePID 0
set lastTwoNodeHop ""
set g_twoNodeSelect ""
set g_twoNodeSelectCallback selectTwoNode_twonodetool
global twoNode1 twoNode2
frame $wi.e
labelframe $wi.e.nodes -text "Nodes" -padx 4 -pady 4
label $wi.e.nodes.srcl -text "source node"
label $wi.e.nodes.dstl -text "destination node"
radiobutton $wi.e.nodes.src -text " (none) " -variable g_twoNodeSelect \
-value "$wi.e.nodes.src" -indicatoron off -activebackground green \
-selectcolor green -padx 4 -pady 4
radiobutton $wi.e.nodes.dst -text " (none) " -variable g_twoNodeSelect \
-value "$wi.e.nodes.dst" -indicatoron off -activebackground red \
-selectcolor red -padx 4 -pady 4
label $wi.e.nodes.help -text "click to select nodes"
pack $wi.e.nodes.srcl $wi.e.nodes.src $wi.e.nodes.dstl $wi.e.nodes.dst \
-side left
pack $wi.e.nodes.help -side left -padx 4 -pady 4
pack $wi.e.nodes $wi.e -side top -fill x
labelframe $wi.cmd -text "Command line"
global twoNodeTool
set twoNodeTool "traceroute"
radiobutton $wi.cmd.trace -text "traceroute" -variable twoNodeTool \
-value traceroute -command selectTwoNode_twonodetool
radiobutton $wi.cmd.ping -text "ping" -variable twoNodeTool \
-value ping -command selectTwoNode_twonodetool
entry $wi.cmd.cmd -bg white -width 50
pack $wi.cmd.trace $wi.cmd.ping $wi.cmd.cmd -side left -padx 4 -pady 4
pack $wi.cmd -side top -fill x
# results text box
labelframe $wi.results -text "Command results"
text $wi.results.text -bg white -width 80 -height 10 \
-yscrollcommand "$wi.results.scroll set"
scrollbar $wi.results.scroll -command "$wi.results.text yview"
pack $wi.results.text -side left -fill both -expand true -padx 4 -pady 4
pack $wi.results.scroll -side left -fill y -expand true -padx 4 -pady 4
pack $wi.results -side top -expand true -fill both
# buttons on the bottom
frame $wi.butt -borderwidth 6
2018-03-07 12:54:19 -08:00
button $wi.butt.run -text "Run" -command "runTwoNodeCommand $wi"
2013-08-29 14:21:13 +00:00
button $wi.butt.cancel -text "Clear" -command "clearTwoNodeDialog $wi 0"
button $wi.butt.close -text "Close" -command "clearTwoNodeDialog $wi 1"
pack $wi.butt.run $wi.butt.cancel $wi.butt.close -side left
pack $wi.butt -side bottom
# reset the Two Node Tool window
proc clearTwoNodeDialog { wi done} {
global eid activetool twonodePID lastTwoNodeHop systype
$wi.results.text delete 1.0 end
set lastTwoNodeHop ""
set node [string trim [$wi.e.nodes.src cget -text]]
if { $twonodePID > 0 } {
set os [lindex $systype 0]
set emul [getEmulPlugin $node]
set emulation_type [lindex $emul 1]
catch {
2018-03-07 12:54:19 -08:00
exec kill -9 $twonodePID 2> /dev/null
2013-08-29 14:21:13 +00:00
set twonodePID 0
if {$done} { ;# close Two Node window
set activetool select
.c delete withtag "twonode"
destroy $wi
# called from editor.tcl:button1 when user clicks on a node
# g_twoNodeSelect is the global variable of the radio button, whose value is
# set to the name of the button control to modify
proc selectTwoNode { node } {
global activetool g_twoNodeSelect g_twoNodeSelectCallback
if { ![winfo exists $g_twoNodeSelect] } { return }; # user has closed window
set radius 30
set color red
catch {
# works for radiobutton, but not ttk::checkbutton
set color [$g_twoNodeSelect cget -selectcolor]
set deltags "twonode && twonode$g_twoNodeSelect"
set tags "twonode $node twonode$g_twoNodeSelect"
$g_twoNodeSelect configure -text " $node "
drawNodeCircle $node $radius $color $tags $deltags
eval $g_twoNodeSelectCallback
set g_twoNodeSelect ""
set activetool select; # allow moving nodes now
# draw a circle around a node
proc drawNodeCircle { node radius color tags deltags } {
set c .c
if { $deltags != "" } { $c delete withtag $deltags }
if { $node == "" } { return }
set coords [getNodeCoords $node]
set x [lindex $coords 0]
set y [lindex $coords 1]
set x1 [expr {$x-$radius}]; set x2 [expr {$x+$radius}];
set y1 [expr {$y-$radius}]; set y2 [expr {$y+$radius}];
$c create oval $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 -width 5 -outline $color -tags $tags
# generate a command line string for the two-node tool
# called when tool or either node is selected
proc selectTwoNode_twonodetool { } {
global eid twoNodeTool
set wi .twonodetool
if { ![winfo exists $wi] } { return }; # user has closed window
# get the tool and its options
set tool $twoNodeTool
set opts ""
if {$twoNodeTool == "traceroute"} {
set opts "-n -t 0"
} elseif {$twoNodeTool == "ping"} {
set opts "-R -n"
# get source node and destination ip address, if possible
set src [string trim [$wi.e.nodes.src cget -text]]
set dst "(none)"
set node2 [string trim [$wi.e.nodes.dst cget -text]]
if {$src != "(none)" && $node2 != "(none)"} {
set dst [getDestinationAddress $src $node2]
} else {
$wi.cmd.cmd delete 0 end
# erase existing command (edits are lost) and insert a new one
global systype
set os [lindex $systype 0]
set emul [getEmulPlugin $src]
set emulation_type [lindex $emul 1]
if { $os == "Linux" } {
if { $emulation_type == "openvz" } {
set node_id [string range $src 1 end]
incr node_id 1000
set cmd "/usr/sbin/vzctl exec $node_id $tool $opts $dst"
$wi.cmd.cmd delete 0 end
$wi.cmd.cmd insert 0 $cmd
set cmd "$tool $opts $dst"
set sock [lindex $emul 2]
set flags 0x44;# set TTY, critical flags
set exec_num [newExecCallbackRequest twonode]
sendExecMessage $sock $src $cmd $exec_num $flags
# return an IP address for node2; if node1 is directly connected, return the
# address on that subnet, otherwise pick the first interface address
proc getDestinationAddress { node1 node2 } {
set ifc ""
if {$node1 != "" && $node2 != ""} {
set ifc [ifcByPeer $node2 $node1]; # node2 directly connected to node1?
if {$ifc == ""} {;# node not directly connected, pick first interface
set ifc [lindex [ifcList $node2] 0]
if { $node2 == "" } { return "" }
return "[lindex [split [getIfcIPv4addr $node2 $ifc] /] 0]"
# callback when exec response is received
proc exec_twonode_callback { node execnum execcmd execres execstatus } {
set wi .twonodetool
if { ![winfo exists $wi] } { return }
set i [string first "&&" $execres]
if { $i >= 0 } {
incr i 3
set execres [string range $execres $i end]
$wi.cmd.cmd delete 0 end
$wi.cmd.cmd insert 0 $execres
# run the command from the Two Node Tool window
proc runTwoNodeCommand { wi } {
global twoNodeTool node_list
set c .c
if { ![winfo exists $wi] } { return }; # user has closed window
clearTwoNodeDialog $wi 0; # clean up any previous processes
set node [string trim [$wi.e.nodes.src cget -text]]
if { [lsearch $node_list $node] < 0 } { return }
set cmd [$wi.cmd.cmd get]
set tool $twoNodeTool
# de-select
$c dtag node selected
$c delete -withtags selectmark
$wi.results.text delete 1.0 end
$wi.results.text insert end "$cmd\n"
$wi.results.text see end
after 100 doTwoNode $tool $node \"$cmd\"
# dipatch command remotely or to fileevent handler
proc doTwoNode { tool node cmd } {
global eid twonodePID exec_servers lastTwoNodeHop
set wi .twonodetool
set lastTwoNodeHop $node
if { $cmd == "" } { return }
# local execution - uses file event handler
set fileId [open "|$cmd" r]
fconfigure $fileId -buffering line
set twonodePID [pid $fileId]
fileevent $fileId readable [list readTwoNodeStream $node $fileId $tool]
# event handler for Two Node command pipe
proc readTwoNodeStream { node fileId tool } {
fileevent $fileId readable ""; # turn handler off
set wi .twonodetool
if {![winfo exists $wi]} {
catch { close $fileId }
return; # the window has been closed
if { ![eof $fileId] } {
gets $fileId line
$wi.results.text insert end "$line\n"
$wi.results.text see end
drawTwoNodeLine $node $line $tool
# reinstall event handler
fileevent $fileId readable [list readTwoNodeStream $node $fileId $tool]
} else {
#set p [pid $fileId]
$wi.results.text insert end "done.\n"
$wi.results.text see end
catch { close $fileId }
# parse a line of trace/ping output and highlight the next hop
proc drawTwoNodeLine { node line type } {
global lastTwoNodeHop
# parse the nexthop from raw input
set nexthop ""
if {$type == "traceroute"} {
set tmp [string range $line 2 17]
set nexthop [regexp -inline {[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+} $tmp]
} elseif {$type == "ping"} {
set first [string range $line 0 0]
if {$first == "R"} { ;# RR: (reroute header)
clearLinkHighlights ;# new route will be displayed, color old one?
set tmp [string range $line 4 end]
} elseif {$first == " " } { ;# tab character
set tmp [string range $line 1 end]
} else { ;# not reroute info
set lastTwoNodeHop $node ;# need beginning node
set nexthop [regexp -inline {[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+} $tmp]
if { $nexthop == "" } { return }; # garbage
# search for hops matching this nexthop address
set hops [findNextHops $lastTwoNodeHop $nexthop ""]
if {[llength $hops] == 0} {
2018-03-07 12:54:19 -08:00
puts "Couldn't highlight next hop: $nexthop";
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2018-03-07 12:54:19 -08:00
# highlight the path
2013-08-29 14:21:13 +00:00
set a $lastTwoNodeHop
foreach b $hops {
highlightLink $a $b
set a $b
set lastTwoNodeHop $b
# search for a peer node having the nexthop address
# lastnode parameter prevents infinite recursion
proc findNextHops { node nexthop lastnode } {
if { $node == "" } { return "" }; # initial lastTwoNodeHop value
foreach ifc [ifcList $node] {
set peer [peerByIfc $node $ifc]
if { $peer == "" } { continue }
if { $lastnode != "" && $peer == $lastnode } { continue };# no recursion
set peertype [nodeType $peer]
switch $peertype {
lanswitch -
hub -
wlan {
set hops [findNextHops $peer $nexthop $node]
if { [llength $hops] > 0 } {
# don't include wlan in list of hops
if {$peertype == "wlan"} { return $hops }
# include peer in list of hops
return [linsert $hops 0 $peer]
default {
if { [nodeHasAddr $peer $nexthop] } { return $peer }
};# end switch
return ""
# returns 1 if node has address, 0 otherwise
# (getIfcByPeer and getIfcIPv4addr are not enough, since traceroute can report
# any of the peer's addresses)
proc nodeHasAddr { node addr } {
foreach ifc [ifcList $node] {
set nodeaddr [lindex [split [getIfcIPv4addr $node $ifc] /] 0]
if { $nodeaddr == $addr } {
return 1
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return 0
# Highlight the link between two nodes
proc highlightLink { node1 node2 } {
global link_list
set hlink ""
set wlanlinks [.c find withtag "wlanlink && $node1 && $node2"]
if { $wlanlinks != "" } {
set hlink [lindex $wlanlinks 0]
} else {
set links [.c find withtag "link && $node1 && $node2"]
if { $links != "" } { set hlink [lindex $links 0] }
if { $hlink == "" } { return }
# don't mess with link width! labels will redraw vertically
.c itemconfigure "$hlink" -fill "#E4CF30" -width 5
# Remove highlighting from all links
proc clearLinkHighlights { } {
global link_list defLinkColor
foreach link $link_list {
set limages [.c find withtag "link && $link"]
set limage1 [lindex $limages 0]
set tags [.c gettags $limage1]
set lnode1 [lindex $tags 2]
set lnode2 [lindex $tags 3]
set width [getLinkWidth $link]
set fill [getLinkColor $link]
.c itemconfigure "link && $link" -fill $fill -width $width
.c itemconfigure "linklabel && $link" -fill black
if { $lnode1 != "" && $link != "" } {
.c itemconfigure "interface && $lnode1 && $link" -fill black
if { $lnode2 != "" && $link != "" } {
.c itemconfigure "interface && $lnode2 && $link" -fill black
foreach wlanlink [.c find withtag wlanlink] {
set tags [.c gettags $wlanlink]
set wlan [lindex $tags 3]
set color [getWlanColor $wlan]
.c itemconfigure "$wlanlink" -fill $color -width 2
# Boeing: shows the Two-node Tool
proc popupRunDialog { } {
global node_list activetool systype
2018-03-07 12:54:19 -08:00
2013-08-29 14:21:13 +00:00
set activetool select
markerOptions off
set wi .runtool
catch {destroy $wi}
toplevel $wi
wm transient $wi .
wm resizable $wi 200 300
wm title $wi "Run Tool"
global runnodelist
set runnodelist $node_list
labelframe $wi.n -text "Run on these nodes"
frame $wi.n.nodes
listbox $wi.n.nodes.nodes -width 15 -height 11 -selectmode extended \
-exportselection 0 \
-listvariable runnodelist -yscrollcommand "$wi.n.nodes.scroll set"
scrollbar $wi.n.nodes.scroll -command "$wi.n.nodes.nodes yview"
frame $wi.n.nodesel -height 5
button $wi.n.nodesel.all -text "all" \
-command "$wi.n.nodes.nodes selection set 0 end"
button $wi.n.nodesel.none -text "none" \
-command "$wi.n.nodes.nodes selection clear 0 end"
pack $wi.n.nodes.nodes $wi.n.nodes.scroll -side left -fill y -padx 4 -pady 4
pack $wi.n.nodesel.all $wi.n.nodesel.none -side left -padx 4 -pady 4
pack $wi.n.nodes -side top -expand true -fill both
pack $wi.n.nodesel -side bottom -fill x
pack $wi.n -side right -fill both
$wi.n.nodes.nodes selection set 0 end ;# select all
labelframe $wi.cmd -text "Command line"
entry $wi.cmd.cmd -bg white -width 50
pack $wi.cmd.cmd -side left -padx 4 -pady 4
pack $wi.cmd -side top -fill x
set cmd "ps ax"
set os [lindex $systype 0]
# TODO: use CORE API Execute message for all cases
if { $os == "Linux" } {
set emulation_type [lindex [getEmulPlugin "*"] 1]
if { $emulation_type == "openvz" } {
set cmd "/usr/sbin/vzctl exec NODE $cmd"
$wi.cmd.cmd insert 0 $cmd
# results text box
labelframe $wi.results -text "Command results"
text $wi.results.text -bg white -width 80 -height 10 \
-yscrollcommand "$wi.results.scroll set"
scrollbar $wi.results.scroll -command "$wi.results.text yview"
pack $wi.results.text -side left -fill both -expand true -padx 4 -pady 4
pack $wi.results.scroll -side left -fill y -padx 4 -pady 4
pack $wi.results -side top -expand true -fill both
# buttons on the bottom
frame $wi.butt -borderwidth 6
2018-03-07 12:54:19 -08:00
button $wi.butt.run -text "Run" -command "runToolCommand $wi \"\""
2013-08-29 14:21:13 +00:00
button $wi.butt.close -text "Close" -command "destroy $wi"
pack $wi.butt.run $wi.butt.close -side left
pack $wi.butt -side bottom
# run the command from the Run Tool window
proc runToolCommand { wi node } {
global node_list eid systype
set c .c
if { ![winfo exists $wi] } { return }; # user has closed window
# start running commands
2018-03-07 12:54:19 -08:00
if { $node == "" } {
2013-08-29 14:21:13 +00:00
$wi.results.text delete 1.0 end
set selected [$wi.n.nodes.nodes curselection]
if { [llength $selected] == 0 } {
$wi.results.text insert end "No nodes are selected. Highlight one or more nodes on the right and try again."
set node [lindex $node_list [lindex $selected 0]]
after 100 runToolCommand $wi $node; # callback for starting node
set next ""
set getnext 0
2018-03-07 12:54:19 -08:00
foreach i [$wi.n.nodes.nodes curselection] { ;# find the next node
set n [lindex $node_list $i]
2013-08-29 14:21:13 +00:00
if {$n == $node } {
set getnext 1
} elseif { $getnext == 1 } {
# only run commands on router/pc/host nodes
if {[lsearch {router pc host} [nodeType $n]] < 0} { continue }
set next $n
# build the command (replace NODE with node name)
set cmd [$wi.cmd.cmd get]
set i [string first "NODE" $cmd]
set os [lindex $systype 0]
set node_id $node
$wi.results.text insert end "> $cmd\n"
$wi.results.text see end
# run the command via Execute API message
set exec_num [newExecCallbackRequest runtool]
set plugin [getEmulPlugin $node]
set emulation_sock [lindex $plugin 2]
sendExecMessage $emulation_sock $node $cmd $exec_num 0x30
if { $next != "" } {
runToolCommand $wi $next; # callback for next node in list
# callback after receiving exec message response
proc exec_runtool_callback { node execnum cmd result status } {
set wi .runtool
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2013-08-29 14:21:13 +00:00
if { ![winfo exists $wi] } { return }; # user has closed window
$wi.results.text insert end "> $node > $cmd:\n"
$wi.results.text insert end "$result\n"
$wi.results.text see end