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2016-09-14 17:15:43 -07:00 EMANE TDMA model bindings for CORE
from core import emane
from core import logger
from core.emane.emanemodel import EmaneModel
from core.emane.universal import EmaneUniversalModel
from core.enumerations import ConfigDataTypes
2016-09-14 17:15:43 -07:00
class EmaneTdmaModel(EmaneModel):
def __init__(self, session, object_id=None):
EmaneModel.__init__(self, session, object_id)
2016-09-14 17:15:43 -07:00
# model name
name = "emane_tdma"
xml_path = "/usr/share/emane/xml/models/mac/tdmaeventscheduler"
if emane.VERSION < emane.EMANE101:
logger.error("EMANE TDMA requires EMANE 1.0.1 or greater")
2016-09-14 17:15:43 -07:00
# MAC parameters
_confmatrix_mac = [
("enablepromiscuousmode", ConfigDataTypes.BOOL.value, "0",
"True,False", "enable promiscuous mode"),
("flowcontrolenable", ConfigDataTypes.BOOL.value, "0",
"On,Off", "enable traffic flow control"),
("flowcontroltokens", ConfigDataTypes.UINT16.value, "10",
"", "number of flow control tokens"),
("fragmentcheckthreshold", ConfigDataTypes.UINT16.value, "2",
"", "rate in seconds for check if fragment reassembly efforts should be abandoned"),
("fragmenttimeoutthreshold", ConfigDataTypes.UINT16.value, "5",
"", "threshold in seconds to wait for another packet fragment for reassembly"),
("neighbormetricdeletetime", ConfigDataTypes.FLOAT.value, "60.0",
"", "neighbor RF reception timeout for removal from neighbor table (sec)"),
("neighbormetricupdateinterval", ConfigDataTypes.FLOAT.value, "1.0",
"", "neighbor table update interval (sec)"),
("pcrcurveuri", ConfigDataTypes.STRING.value, "%s/tdmabasemodelpcr.xml" % xml_path,
"", "SINR/PCR curve file"),
("queue.aggregationenable", ConfigDataTypes.BOOL.value, "1",
"On,Off", "enable transmit packet aggregation"),
("queue.aggregationslotthreshold", ConfigDataTypes.FLOAT.value, "90.0",
"", "percentage of a slot that must be filled in order to conclude aggregation"),
("queue.depth", ConfigDataTypes.UINT16.value, "256",
"", "size of the per service class downstream packet queues (packets)"),
("queue.fragmentationenable", ConfigDataTypes.BOOL.value, "1",
"On,Off", "enable packet fragmentation (over multiple slots)"),
("queue.strictdequeueenable", ConfigDataTypes.BOOL.value, "0",
"On,Off", "enable strict dequeueing to specified queues only"),
2016-09-14 17:15:43 -07:00
# PHY parameters from Universal PHY
_confmatrix_phy = EmaneUniversalModel.config_matrix
2016-09-14 17:15:43 -07:00
config_matrix = _confmatrix_mac + _confmatrix_phy
2016-09-14 17:15:43 -07:00
# value groupings
config_groups = "TDMA MAC Parameters:1-%d|Universal PHY Parameters:%d-%d" % (
len(_confmatrix_mac), len(_confmatrix_mac) + 1, len(config_matrix))
2016-09-14 17:15:43 -07:00
def buildnemxmlfiles(self, e, ifc):
Build the necessary nem, mac, and phy XMLs in the given path.
If an individual NEM has a nonstandard config, we need to build
that file also. Otherwise the WLAN-wide nXXemane_tdmanem.xml,
nXXemane_tdmamac.xml, nXXemane_tdmaphy.xml are used.
values = e.getifcconfig(self.object_id,, self.getdefaultvalues(), ifc)
2016-09-14 17:15:43 -07:00
if values is None:
nemdoc = e.xmldoc("nem")
nem = nemdoc.getElementsByTagName("nem").pop()
nem.setAttribute("name", "TDMA NEM")
e.appendtransporttonem(nemdoc, nem, self.object_id, ifc)
2016-09-14 17:15:43 -07:00
mactag = nemdoc.createElement("mac")
mactag.setAttribute("definition", self.macxmlname(ifc))
phytag = nemdoc.createElement("phy")
phytag.setAttribute("definition", self.phyxmlname(ifc))
e.xmlwrite(nemdoc, self.nemxmlname(ifc))
names = list(self.getnames())
macnames = names[:len(self._confmatrix_mac)]
phynames = names[len(self._confmatrix_mac):]
# make any changes to the mac/phy names here to e.g. exclude them from
# the XML output
macdoc = e.xmldoc("mac")
mac = macdoc.getElementsByTagName("mac").pop()
mac.setAttribute("name", "TDMA MAC")
mac.setAttribute("library", "tdmaeventschedulerradiomodel")
# append MAC options to macdoc
map(lambda n: mac.appendChild(e.xmlparam(macdoc, n, self.valueof(n, values))), macnames)
2016-09-14 17:15:43 -07:00
e.xmlwrite(macdoc, self.macxmlname(ifc))
phydoc = EmaneUniversalModel.getphydoc(e, self, values, phynames)
e.xmlwrite(phydoc, self.phyxmlname(ifc))