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# GUI support for managing CORE node services.
# Popup a services configuration dialog box. Similar to popupCapabilityConfig
# but customized for configuring node services. This dialog has two uses:
# (1) selecting the default services for a node type (when session != ""), and
# (2) selecting/customizing services for a certain node
proc popupServicesConfig { channel node types values captions possible_values groups session } {
global plugin_img_edit
global g_service_ctls
global g_sent_nodelink_definitions
set wi .popupServicesConfig
catch {destroy $wi}
toplevel $wi
# instead of using vals, the activated services are stored in this list
set activated ""
if { $session != "" } {
global g_node_type_services_hint
if { ![info exists g_node_type_services_hint] } {
set g_node_type_services_hint "router"
set title "Default services"
set toptitle "Default services for node type $g_node_type_services_hint"
set activated [getNodeTypeServices $g_node_type_services_hint]
set parent .nodesConfig
} else {
set title "Node [getNodeName $node] ($node) services"
set toptitle $title
set activated [getNodeServices $node true]
set parent .popup
if { ![winfo exists $parent] } {
set parent "."
wm title $wi $title
wm transient $wi $parent
label $ -text $toptitle
pack $ -side top -padx 4 -pady 4
frame $wi.vals -relief raised -borderwidth 1
set g_sent_nodelink_definitions 0 ;# only send node/link defs once
set g_service_ctls {} ;# list of checkboxes
set n 0
set gn 0
set lastgn -1
foreach type $types {
# group values into frames based on groups TLV
set groupinfo [popupCapabilityConfigGroup $groups [expr {$n + 1}]]
set gn [lindex $groupinfo 0]
set groupcaption [lindex $groupinfo 1]
if { $lastgn != $gn } {
labelframe $wi.vals.$gn -text $groupcaption \
-borderwidth 1 -padx 4 -pady 4
frame $wi.vals.$gn.item$n
if {$type != 11} { ;# boolean value
puts "warning: skipping service config [lindex $captions $n]"
incr n
set servicename [lindex $captions $n]
global $wi.vals.$gn.item$n.entval
checkbutton $wi.vals.$gn.item$n.ent -width 12 -wraplength 90 \
-variable $wi.vals.$gn.item$n.entval -text $servicename \
-offrelief flat -indicatoron false -overrelief raised
lappend g_service_ctls $wi.vals.$gn.item$n.ent
if { [lsearch -exact $activated [lindex $captions $n]] == -1 } {
set value 0 ;# not in the activated list
} else {
set value 1
set $wi.vals.$gn.item$n.entval $value
if { $session == "" } {
set needcustom false
if { $n < [llength $possible_values] } {
if { [lindex $possible_values $n] == 1 } { set needcustom true }
set btn $wi.vals.$gn.item$n.custom
button $btn -image $plugin_img_edit \
-command "customizeService $wi $node $servicename $btn"
setCustomButtonColor $btn $node $servicename $needcustom
pack $wi.vals.$gn.item$n.custom -side right -padx 4 -pady 4
# this causes the button for services that require customization to
# turn yellow when the service is selected
$wi.vals.$gn.item$n.ent configure -command \
"setCustomButtonColor $btn $node $servicename $needcustom"
pack $wi.vals.$gn.item$n.ent -side right -padx 4 -pady 4
pack $wi.vals.$gn.item$n -side top -anchor e
if { $lastgn != $gn } {
pack $wi.vals.$gn -side left -anchor n -fill both
set lastgn $gn
incr n
}; # end foreach
pack $wi.vals.$gn -side left -anchor n -fill both
pack $wi.vals -side top -padx 4 -pady 4
# Apply / Cancel buttons
set apply_cmd "popupServicesConfigApply $wi $channel $node {$session}"
set cancel_cmd "destroy $wi"
frame $wi.btn
button $wi.btn.apply -text "Apply" -command $apply_cmd
button $wi.btn.def -text "Defaults" -command \
"popupServicesConfigDefaults $wi $node {$types} {$captions} {$groups}"
button $wi.btn.cancel -text "Cancel" -command $cancel_cmd
set buttons [list $wi.btn.apply $wi.btn.cancel]
if { $session == "" } {
set buttons [linsert $buttons 1 $wi.btn.def]
foreach b $buttons { pack $b -side left -padx 4 -pady 4 }
pack $wi.btn -side bottom
bind $wi <Key-Return> $apply_cmd
bind $wi <Key-Escape> $cancel_cmd
# Save the selection of activated services with the node or in the g_node_types
# array when configuring node type defaults.
proc popupServicesConfigApply { wi channel node session } {
set vals [getSelectedServices]
# save default services for a node type into the g_node_types array
if { $session != "" } {
global g_node_types g_node_type_services_hint
set type $g_node_type_services_hint
set idx [getNodeTypeIndex $type]
if { $idx < 0 } {
puts "warning: skipping unknown node type $type"
} else {
set typedata $g_node_types($idx)
set typedata [lreplace $typedata 3 3 $vals]
array set g_node_types [list $idx $typedata]
# save the services configured for a specific node
} else {
setNodeServices $node $vals
destroy $wi
# load the default set of services for this node type
proc popupServicesConfigDefaults { wi node types captions groups } {
set type [getNodeModel $node]
set defaults [getNodeTypeServices $type]
for { set n 0 } { $n < [llength $types] } { incr n } {
set groupinfo [popupCapabilityConfigGroup $groups [expr {$n + 1}]]
set gn [lindex $groupinfo 0]
set val 0
set valname [lindex $captions $n]
if { [lsearch $defaults $valname] != -1 } { set val 1 }
global $wi.vals.$gn.item$n.entval
set $wi.vals.$gn.item$n.entval $val
# Popup a service customization dialog for a given service on a node
# The customize/edit button next to a service has been pressed
proc customizeService { wi node service btn } {
global g_sent_nodelink_definitions
global plugin_img_add plugin_img_del plugin_img_folder
global plugin_img_open plugin_img_save
global eventtypes
set selected [getSelectedServices]
# if service is not enabled, enable it here
if { [lsearch -exact $selected $service] == -1 } {
set i [string last ".custom" $btn]
set entval [string replace $btn $i end ".entval"]
global $entval
set $entval 1
lappend selected $service
# inform the CORE services about all nodes and links, so it can build
# custom configurations for services
if { $g_sent_nodelink_definitions == 0 } {
set g_sent_nodelink_definitions 1
set sock [lindex [getEmulPlugin $node] 2]
sendEventMessage $sock $eventtypes(definition_state) -1 "" "" 0
sendNodeLinkDefinitions $sock
set w .popupServicesCustomize
catch {destroy $w}
toplevel $w
wm transient $w .popupServicesConfig
wm title $w "$service on node [getNodeName $node] ($node)"
ttk::frame $
ttk::label $ -text "$service service"
ttk::frame $
ttk::label $ -text "Meta-data"
ttk::entry $ -width 40
pack $ -side top
pack $ -side left -padx 4 -pady 4
pack $ -fill x -side left -padx 4 -pady 4
pack $ -side top
pack $ -side top -padx 4 -pady 4
ttk::notebook $w.note
pack $w.note -fill both -expand true -padx 4 -pady 4
ttk::notebook::enableTraversal $w.note
set enableapplycmd "$w.btn.apply configure -state normal"
### Custom ###
# services may define custom popup configuration dialogs invoked here
set custom_popup "popupServiceConfig_$service"
if { [info commands $custom_popup] == $custom_popup } {
$custom_popup $wi $w $node $service $btn
### Files ###
ttk::frame $w.note.files
set fileshelp "Config files and scripts that are generated for this"
set fileshelp "$fileshelp service."
ttk::label $ -text $fileshelp
pack $ -side top -anchor w -padx 4 -pady 4
$w.note add $w.note.files -text "Files" -underline 0
ttk::frame $
ttk::label $ -text "File name:"
set combo $
ttk::combobox $combo -width 30
set helpercmd "customizeServiceFileHelper $w"
ttk::button $ -image $plugin_img_add \
-command "listboxAddDelHelper add $combo $combo true; $helpercmd false"
ttk::button $ -image $plugin_img_del \
-command "listboxAddDelHelper del $combo $combo true; $helpercmd true"
pack $ -side left
pack $ -side left -fill x -expand true
foreach c [list add del] {
pack $$c -side left
pack $ -side top -anchor w -padx 4 -pady 4 -fill x
# copy source file
global g_service_configs_opt
set g_service_configs_opt "use"
set f ${w}.note.files.copy
ttk::frame $f
ttk::radiobutton $f.opt -text "Copy this source file: " \
-value "copy" -variable g_service_configs_opt \
-command "customizeServiceFileOpt $w copy true"
ttk::entry $ -width 45
ttk::button $f.btn -image $plugin_img_open -command \
"customizeServiceFileOpt $w copy true; fileButtonPopup $ {}"
pack $f.opt $ $f.btn -side left -anchor w
pack $f -side top -anchor w -padx 4 -pady 4 -fill x
bind $f.btn <Button> "customizeServiceFileOpt $w copy true"
# use file text
set f ${w}.note.files.use
ttk::frame $f
ttk::radiobutton $f.opt -text "Use text below for file contents:" \
-value "use" -variable g_service_configs_opt \
-command "customizeServiceFileOpt $w use true"
pack $f.opt -side left
foreach c [list open save] {
ttk::button $f.$c -image [set plugin_img_$c] -command \
"customizeServiceFileOpt $w use true; genericOpenSaveButtonPress $c $w.note.files.txt $"
pack $f.$c -side left
pack $f -side top -anchor w -padx 4 -pady 4 -fill x
text $w.note.files.txt -bg white -width 80 -height 10 \
-yscrollcommand "$w.note.files.scroll set" -undo 1
ttk::scrollbar $w.note.files.scroll -command "$w.note.files.txt yview"
pack $w.note.files.txt -side left -fill both -expand true
pack $w.note.files.scroll -side right -fill y
bind $w.note.files.txt <KeyPress> $enableapplycmd
global g_service_configs_tmp g_service_configs_last
if { [info exists g_service_configs_tmp ] } {
array unset g_service_configs_tmp
array set g_service_configs_tmp {}
set g_service_configs_last ""
bind $ <<ComboboxSelected>> "$helpercmd true"
bind $ <KeyPress> $enableapplycmd
### Directories ###
ttk::frame $w.note.dirs
$w.note add $w.note.dirs -text "Directories" -underline 0
set helptxt "Directories required by this service that are"
set helptxt "$helptxt unique for each node."
ttk::label $ -text $helptxt
pack $ -side top -anchor w -padx 4 -pady 4
ttk::treeview $w.note.dirs.tree -height 3 -selectmode browse
$w.note.dirs.tree heading \#0 -text "Per-node directories"
$w.note.dirs.tree insert {} end -id root -text "/" -open true \
-image $plugin_img_folder
ttk::button $w.note.dirs.add -image $plugin_img_add \
-command "customizeServiceDirectoryHelper $w add; $enableapplycmd"
ttk::button $w.note.dirs.del -image $plugin_img_del \
-command "customizeServiceDirectoryHelper $w del; $enableapplycmd"
pack $w.note.dirs.tree -side top -fill both -expand true -padx 4 -pady 4
pack $w.note.dirs.del $w.note.dirs.add -side right
### Startup/shutdown ###
ttk::frame $
$w.note add $ -text "Startup/shutdown" -underline 0
global g_service_startup_index
set g_service_startup_index 50
ttk::frame $
ttk::label $ -text "Startup index:"
ttk::entry $ -width 5 \
-textvariable g_service_startup_index
ttk::scale $ -from 0 -to 100 -orient horizontal \
-variable g_service_startup_index \
-command "$enableapplycmd; scaleresolution 1 g_service_startup_index"
pack $ $ -side left -padx 4 -pady 4
pack $ -side left -expand true -fill x -padx 4 -pady 4
pack $ -side top -padx 4 -pady 4 -fill x
global g_service_startup_time
set g_service_startup_time ""
ttk::frame $
ttk::label $ -text "Start time:"
ttk::entry $ -width 5 \
-textvariable g_service_startup_time
set txt "(seconds after runtime; leave empty for default)"
ttk::label $ -text $txt
pack $ $ $ \
-side left -padx 4 -pady 4
pack $ -side top -padx 4 -pady 4 -fill x
bind $ <KeyPress> $enableapplycmd
set captions "Startup Shutdown Validate"
foreach c "up down val" {
set fr $
set caption [lindex $captions 0]
set captions [lreplace $captions 0 0]
entrylistbox $fr $c "$caption Commands" $enableapplycmd
set closecmd "destroy $w; setCustomButtonColor $btn $node $service false"
ttk::frame $w.btn
global g_customize_service_diff_only
set g_customize_service_diff_only 1
ttk::checkbutton $w.btn.diff -variable g_customize_service_diff_only \
-text "only store values that have changed from their defaults"
ttk::button $w.btn.apply -text "Apply" -state disabled \
-command "customizeServiceApply $w $node $service; $closecmd"
ttk::button $w.btn.reset -text "Defaults" \
-command "customizeServiceReset $w $node $service {$selected}; $w.btn.close configure -text Close"
ttk::button $w.btn.copy -text "Copy..." \
-command "customizeServiceCopy $node"
ttk::button $w.btn.close -text "Cancel" -command $closecmd
pack $w.btn.diff -side top
pack $w.btn.apply $w.btn.reset $w.btn.copy $w.btn.close -side left
pack $w.btn -side top -padx 4 -pady 4
# populate dialog values
customizeServiceRefresh $service "$w $node {$selected}"
# popup dialog with tree view for copying customized service configuration
# parameters from other nodes
proc customizeServiceCopy { cnode } {
global node_list plugin_img_edit plugin_img_open
set w .popupServicesCopy
catch {destroy $w}
toplevel $w
wm transient $w .popupServicesCustomize
wm title $w "Copy services to node [getNodeName $cnode] ($cnode)"
ttk::frame $w.nodes
ttk::treeview $w.nodes.tree -height 3 -selectmode extended
$w.nodes.tree heading \#0 -text "Service configuration items"
pack $w.nodes.tree -side top -fill both -expand true -padx 4 -pady 4
pack $w.nodes -side top -anchor w -fill both -expand true
ttk::frame $w.btn
ttk::button $w.btn.apply -text "Copy" \
-command "customizeServiceCopyApply $w $cnode"
ttk::button $w.btn.view -text "View" \
-command "customizeServiceCopyView $w $cnode"
ttk::button $w.btn.close -text "Cancel" -command "destroy $w"
pack $w.btn.apply $w.btn.view $w.btn.close -side left
pack $w.btn -side top -padx 4 -pady 4
set tree $w.nodes.tree
foreach node $node_list {
if { $node == $cnode } { continue }
set customCfgList [getCustomConfig $node]
foreach element $customCfgList {
set id [getConfig $element "custom-config-id"]
set parts [split $id :]
if { [lindex $parts 0] != "service" } { continue }
set s [lindex $parts 1]
# insert node into tree
if { ![$tree exists "$node"] } {
set img [getCustomImage $node]
if { $img == "" } {
set model [getNodeModel $node]
set img [getNodeTypeImage $model normal]
set img [file tail $img].5
global [set img]
set img [set [set img]]
$tree insert {} end -id "$node" -text $node -open true \
-image $img
# insert service name
if { ![$tree exists "$node:$s"] } {
$tree insert $node end -id "$node:$s" -text $s -open true
# insert service elements
if { [llength $parts] == 3 } {
set f [lindex $parts 2]
$tree insert "$node:$s" end -id "$node:$s:$f" -text $f \
-image $plugin_img_open
} else {
set cfg [getConfig $element "config"]
foreach c $cfg {
if { [lindex [split $c =] 0] == "files" } { continue }
$tree insert "$node:$s" end -id "$node:$s:$c" -text $c \
-image $plugin_img_edit
} ;# end foreach element
# copy selected service configuration items from other nodes to the current
# customize dialog
proc customizeServiceCopyApply { w node } {
global g_service_configs_tmp g_service_configs_last
global g_service_startup_index g_service_startup_time
set tgt .popupServicesCustomize
set tree $w.nodes.tree
set sel [$tree selection]
destroy $w
foreach s $sel {
set parts [split $s :]
set node [lindex $parts 0]; set service [lindex $parts 1]
set item [lindex $parts 2]
# customized file
set f [getCustomService $node "$service:$item"]
if { $f != "" } {
set filedata [join $f "\n"]
array set g_service_configs_tmp [list $item $filedata]
set files [$ cget -values]
if { [lsearch $files $item] < 0 } {
lappend files $item
$ configure -values $files
if { $g_service_configs_last == $item } {
customizeServiceFileDataSet $tgt $filedata
# customized parameters
} else {
set kv [splitKeyValue $item]
set key [lindex $kv 0]
set value [lindex $kv 1]
switch -exact -- $key {
meta {
$ delete 0 end
$ insert end $value
dirs {
foreach dir [tupleStringToList $value] {
set dir [string range $dir 1 end]
treeviewInsert $tgt.note.dirs.tree root [split $dir "/"]
startidx {
set g_service_startup_index $value
cmdup -
cmddown -
cmdval {
set name [string range $key 3 end]
foreach cmd [tupleStringToList $value] {
$$name.cmds.list insert end $cmd
starttime {
set g_service_startup_time $value
default {
puts "warning: didn't copy '$key'"
# view the customization for comparison with current node
proc customizeServiceCopyView { w node } {
set tree $w.nodes.tree
set sel [$tree selection]
destroy $w
set fn ""
set filedata ""
foreach s $sel {
set parts [split $s :]
set node [lindex $parts 0]; set service [lindex $parts 1]
set item [lindex $parts 2]
# customized file
set f [getCustomService $node "$service:$item"]
if { $f != "" } {
set fn [file join "/tmp" "services.tmp-$node-[file tail $item]"]
set filedata [join $f "\n"]
# customized parameters
} else {
set kv [splitKeyValue $item]
set key [lindex $kv 0]
set value [lindex $kv 1]
set fn [file join "/tmp" "services.tmp-$node-$key"]
set filedata $value
if { $fn == "" } { return }
if { [catch { set f [open $fn w] } e] } {
puts "error opening file: $fn\n ($e)"
puts $f $filedata
close $f
popupFileView $fn
# helper for add/delete directories from treeview
proc customizeServiceDirectoryHelper { w cmd } {
if { $cmd == "add" } {
set dir [tk_chooseDirectory -mustexist false -initialdir "/" \
-parent $w -title "Add a per-node directory"]
if { $dir == "" } { return }
set dir [string range $dir 1 end] ;# chop off leading slash
treeviewInsert $w.note.dirs.tree root [split $dir "/"]
} elseif { $cmd == "del" } {
set s [$w.note.dirs.tree selection]
if { $s == "root" } { return } ;# may not delete root
$w.note.dirs.tree delete $s ;# delete the current selection
set parents [lreplace [split $s /] end end]
# delete all parents of the selected node if they do not have children
while {[llength $parents] > 1} {
set parent [join $parents "/"]
if { [llength [$w.note.dirs.tree children $parent]] == 0 } {
$w.note.dirs.tree delete $parent
set parents [lreplace $parents end end]
# helper for switching files based on combo box selection
proc customizeServiceFileHelper { w clear } {
global g_service_configs_tmp g_service_configs_last
# save old config to array
set cfg [customizeServiceFileDataGet $w]
if { [info exists g_service_configs_last] && \
$g_service_configs_last != "" } {
array set g_service_configs_tmp [list $g_service_configs_last $cfg]
set cfgname [$ get]
set g_service_configs_last $cfgname
# populate with new config
if { $clear } {
$w.note.files.txt delete 0.0 end
$ delete 0 end
customizeServiceFileOpt $w "use" false
if { ![info exists g_service_configs_tmp($cfgname)] } {
array set g_service_configs_tmp [list $cfgname ""]
} else {
set cfg $g_service_configs_tmp($cfgname)
customizeServiceFileDataSet $w $cfg
# helper to insert file contents into the text controls
proc customizeServiceFileDataSet { w cfg } {
$w.note.files.txt delete 0.0 end
$ delete 0 end
if { [string range $cfg 0 6] == "file://" } {
customizeServiceFileOpt $w "copy" false
set cfglines [split $cfg "\n"]
set cfg [lindex $cfglines 0] ;# truncate any other lines
$ insert 0 [string range $cfg 7 end]
} else {
customizeServiceFileOpt $w "use" false
$w.note.files.txt insert 0.0 $cfg
# helper to get file contents from the text controls
proc customizeServiceFileDataGet { w } {
global g_service_configs_opt
if { $g_service_configs_opt == "use" } {
set cfg [$w.note.files.txt get 0.0 end-1c]
} elseif { $g_service_configs_opt == "copy" } {
set cfg [$ get]
set cfg "file://$cfg"
return $cfg
# helper to set option mode to use/copy
proc customizeServiceFileOpt { w mode enable_apply } {
global g_service_configs_opt
set g_service_configs_opt $mode
if { $mode == "copy" } {
$w.note.files.txt configure -state disabled -bg gray
$ configure -state normal
} else {
$w.note.files.txt configure -state normal -bg white
$ configure -state disabled
if { $enable_apply } {
$w.btn.apply configure -state normal
# create a listbox with a text entry above it, with add/delete buttons and
# a scrollbar
proc entrylistbox { fr name caption extracmd} {
global plugin_img_add plugin_img_del
set c $name
ttk::labelframe $fr.$name -text "$caption"
ttk::frame $fr.$c.edit
ttk::entry $fr.$c.edit.cmd -width 40
ttk::button $fr.$c.edit.add -image $plugin_img_add \
-command "listboxAddDelHelper add $fr.$c.edit.cmd $fr.$c.cmds.list false; $extracmd"
ttk::button $fr.$c.edit.del -image $plugin_img_del \
-command "listboxAddDelHelper del $fr.$c.edit.cmd $fr.$c.cmds.list false; $extracmd"
pack $fr.$c.edit.cmd -side left -fill x -expand true
pack $fr.$c.edit.add $fr.$c.edit.del -side left
ttk::frame $fr.$c.cmds
listbox $fr.$c.cmds.list -height 5 -width 50 \
-yscrollcommand "$fr.$c.cmds.scroll set" -exportselection 0
bind $fr.$c.cmds.list <<ListboxSelect>> "listboxSelect $fr.$c.cmds.list $fr.$c.edit.cmd"
ttk::scrollbar $fr.$c.cmds.scroll -command "$fr.$c.cmds.list yview"
pack $fr.$c.cmds.list -side left -fill both -expand true
pack $fr.$c.cmds.scroll -side left -fill y
pack $fr.$c.edit $fr.$c.cmds -side top -anchor w -fill x
pack $fr.$c -side top -fill x -expand true
# color the customize/edit button adjacent to each service checkbutton
proc setCustomButtonColor { btn node service needcustom } {
set color lightgray ;# default button background color
# color button yellow if enabled and customization is needed
if { $needcustom } {
# button $wi.vals.$gn.item$n.custom / value $wi.vals.$gn.item$n.entval
set i [string last ".custom" $btn]
set entval [string replace $btn $i end ".entval"]
global $entval
if { [set $entval] } {
set color yellow
if { [getCustomService $node $service] != "" } {
set color green
$btn configure -bg $color
proc scaleresolution { res var val } {
set factor [expr {1 / $res}]
set val [expr {int($val * $factor) / $factor}]
global $var
set $var $val
return $val
# return a list of services that have been selected (checkbox is checked)
proc getSelectedServices { } {
global g_service_ctls
set selected {}
foreach c $g_service_ctls {
global $c
set service [$c cget -text]
set var [$c cget -variable]
global $var
if { [set $var] == 1 } { lappend selected $service }
return $selected
# send a config request message with the opaque field set to query for all
# service parameters; the opaque field is "service:s5,s2,s3,s4", where service
# s5 is being configured (parseConfMessage will invoke customizeServiceValues)
proc customizeServiceRefresh { var args } {
set args [lindex $args 0]
set w [lindex $args 0]
set node [lindex $args 1]
set services [lindex $args 2]
# move service to the front of the list of services
set i [lsearch $services $var]
if { $i < 0 } {
puts "error: service $var not found in '$services'"
} elseif { $i > 0 } {
set services [lreplace $services $i $i]
set services [linsert $services 0 $var]
# request service parameters from daemon
set svcstr [join $services ","]
set sock [lindex [getEmulPlugin $node] 2]
sendConfRequestMessage $sock $node services 0x1 -1 "service:$svcstr"
# this returns a list of values for the service s on node if a custom service
# configuration exists
proc getCustomService { node s } {
set values [getCustomConfigByID $node "service:$s"]
return $values
# this helper is invoked upon receiving the reply to the message sent from
# customizeServiceRefresh; it populates the dialog box fields
proc customizeServiceValues { node values services } {
global plugin_img_folder
set service [lindex $services 0]
set w .popupServicesCustomize
if { ![winfo exists $w] } {
# apply config update without dialog box
# this occurs when loading from XML or reconnecting to a session
setCustomConfig $node "service:$service" $service $values 0
global g_customize_service_values_orig
set g_customize_service_values_orig $values
# merge any custom values with defaults from message
set custom_values [getCustomService $node $service]
set i 0
set has_keys [hasKeyValues $custom_values]
foreach val $custom_values {
if { $has_keys } {
set kv [splitKeyValue $val]
set key [lindex $kv 0]; set value [lindex $kv 1]
set values [setServiceValuesItem $values $key $value]
} else {
set values [lreplace $values $i $i $val]
incr i
# populate meta-data
set meta [getServiceValuesItem $values "meta" 6]
$ delete 0 end
$ insert end $meta
# populate Files tab
set files [tupleStringToList [getServiceValuesItem $values "files" 1]]
set chosenfile [lindex $files 0] ;# auto-display first file from list
$ configure -values $files
$ delete 0 end
if { $chosenfile != "" } {
$ insert 0 $chosenfile
global g_service_configs_last
set g_service_configs_last $chosenfile
# file data
foreach f $files {
set filedata [join [getCustomService $node "$service:$f"] "\n"]
if { $filedata != "" } {
# use file contents from existing config
customizeServiceFile $node $f "service:$service" $filedata false
} elseif { $f != "" } {
# request the file contents
set svcstr [join $services ","]
set sock [lindex [getEmulPlugin "*"] 2]
set opaque "service:$svcstr:$f"
# this causes customizeServiceFile to be invoked upon reply
sendConfRequestMessage $sock $node services 0x1 -1 $opaque
# populate Directories tab
set dirs [tupleStringToList [getServiceValuesItem $values "dirs" 0]]
$w.note.dirs.tree delete root
$w.note.dirs.tree insert {} end -id root -text "/" -open true \
-image $plugin_img_folder
foreach dir $dirs {
set dir [string range $dir 1 end] ;# chop off leading slash
treeviewInsert $w.note.dirs.tree root [split $dir "/"]
# populate Startup/shutdown tab
set idx [getServiceValuesItem $values "startidx" 2]
global g_service_startup_index
set g_service_startup_index $idx
set valuesidx 3
foreach c "up down val" {
set fr $
$fr.$c.edit.cmd delete 0 end
$fr.$c.cmds.list delete 0 end
set value [getServiceValuesItem $values "cmd$c" $valuesidx]
foreach cmd [tupleStringToList $value] {
if { $cmd != "" } { $fr.$c.cmds.list insert end $cmd }
incr valuesidx
set starttime [getServiceValuesItem $values "starttime" 6]
global g_service_startup_time
set g_service_startup_time $starttime
# populate any custom service tab
set service [lindex $services 0]
set custom_vals_callback "popupServiceConfig_${service}_vals"
if { [info commands $custom_vals_callback] == $custom_vals_callback } {
$custom_vals_callback $node $values $services $w
$w.btn.apply configure -state disabled
# extract items from a list of values
# old-style values has an ordered list of values; idx determines key
# new-style values is a list of key=value pairs
proc getServiceValuesItem { values key idx } {
# determine how to handle values
set has_keys [hasKeyValues $values]
if { $has_keys } {
return [getKeyValue $key $values ""]
} else {
return [lindex $values $idx]
# replace a "key=value" pair in a list, returning the list
proc setServiceValuesItem { values key value } {
set i 0
foreach v $values {
set k [lindex [splitKeyValue $v] 0]
if { $k == $key } { break }
incr i
if { $i == [llength $values] } {
puts "key not found '$key' in service values"
return $values
return [lreplace $values $i $i "$key=$value"]
# this helper is invoked upon receiving a File Message in reply to the Config
# Message sent from customizeServiceRefresh; it populates the config file entry
proc customizeServiceFile { node name type data generated} {
global g_service_configs_tmp g_service_configs_tmp_orig
global g_service_configs_last
set w .popupServicesCustomize
if { ![winfo exists $w] } {
# apply file config update without dialog box
# this occurs when loading from XML or reconnecting to a session
# type should be e.g. "service:zebra"
set data [split $data "\n"]
setCustomConfig $node "$type:$name" $name $data 0
# store file data in array
array set g_service_configs_tmp [list $name $data]
if { $generated } {
array set g_service_configs_tmp_orig [list $name $data]
} else {
array set g_service_configs_tmp_orig [list $name ""]
# display file if currently selected
if { $g_service_configs_last == $name } {
customizeServiceFileDataSet $w $data
# invoke any custom service callback
set service [string range $type 8 end] ;# assume already checked "service:"
set custom_file_callback "popupServiceConfig_${service}_file"
if { [info commands $custom_file_callback] == $custom_file_callback } {
$custom_file_callback $node $name $data $w
# helper to recursively add a directory path to a treeview
proc treeviewInsert { tree parent items } {
# pop first item
set item [lindex $items 0]
set items [lreplace $items 0 0]
set img [$tree item $parent -image] ;# adopt icon from parent
if { ![$tree exists "$parent/$item"] } {
$tree insert $parent end -id "$parent/$item" -text $item -open true \
-image $img
if { [llength $items] > 0 } {
treeviewInsert $tree "$parent/$item" $items
# return all children that are leaf nodes in a tree
proc treeviewLeaves { tree parent } {
set leaves ""
set children [$tree children $parent]
if { [llength $children] == 0 } {
return $parent
foreach child $children {
set leaves [concat $leaves [treeviewLeaves $tree $child]]
return $leaves
# apply button pressed on customizeService dialog
proc customizeServiceApply { w node service } {
global g_customize_service_diff_only
catch { $w.btn.apply configure -state disabled }
set values ""
# Directories
set dirs ""
set dirstmp [treeviewLeaves $w.note.dirs.tree root]
foreach dir $dirstmp {
set dir [string replace $dir 0 3] ;# chop off "root" prefix
if { $dir == "" } { continue }
lappend dirs $dir
lappend values "dirs=[listToTupleString $dirs]"
# Files
set files [$ cget -values]
lappend values "files=[listToTupleString $files]"
# Startup index
global g_service_startup_index
lappend values "startidx=$g_service_startup_index"
# Startup/shutdown commands
foreach c "up down val" {
set cmds [$$c.cmds.list get 0 end]
lappend values "cmd$c=[listToTupleString $cmds]"
# meta
lappend values "meta=[$ get]"
# start time
global g_service_startup_time
lappend values "starttime=$g_service_startup_time"
# remove any existing config files for this service
# this prevents duplicates when files are renamed/deleted
set cfgs [getCustomConfig $node]
foreach cfg $cfgs {
set cid [lindex [lsearch -inline $cfg "custom-config-id *"] 1]
set len [expr {[string length "service:$service:"] - 1}]
if { [string range $cid 0 $len] == "service:$service:" } {
setCustomConfig $node $cid "" "" 1
# save config files (that have changed)
set trimmed_files {}
global g_service_configs_tmp g_service_configs_tmp_orig
global g_service_configs_last
set cfg [customizeServiceFileDataGet $w]
array set g_service_configs_tmp [list $g_service_configs_last $cfg]
foreach cfgname $files {
if { ![info exists g_service_configs_tmp($cfgname)] } {
puts "missing config for file '$cfgname'"
if { [info exists g_service_configs_tmp_orig($cfgname)] } {
if { $g_service_configs_tmp_orig($cfgname) == \
$g_service_configs_tmp($cfgname) } {
# file has not changed
if { $g_customize_service_diff_only } { continue }
set cfg [split $g_service_configs_tmp($cfgname) "\n"]
setCustomConfig $node "service:$service:$cfgname" $cfgname $cfg 0
lappend trimmed_files $cfgname
# store only values that have changed from the defaults
set trimmed {}
global g_customize_service_values_orig
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $values]} {incr i} {
set value_orig [lindex $g_customize_service_values_orig $i]
set value_orig [tupleStringToList $value_orig]
set value_new [tupleStringToList [lindex $values $i]]
if { $i == 1 } {
# when a file has changed, store all filenames whether or not
# the name(s) have changed
if { [llength $trimmed_files] > 0 } {
lappend trimmed [lindex $values 1]
if {$value_orig != $value_new} {
lappend trimmed [lindex $values $i]
if { $g_customize_service_diff_only } {
set values $trimmed
unset g_customize_service_values_orig
# save values without config file
setCustomConfig $node "service:$service" $service $values 0
array unset g_service_configs_tmp
array unset g_service_configs_tmp_orig
unset g_service_configs_last
# may want to apply here, if some config validation is implemented or
# runtime applying of service customization
# otherwise this is not necessary due to config being sent upon startup
# also more logic would be needed for using the reset button
#set sock [lindex [getEmulPlugin $node] 2]
#set types [string repeat "10 " [llength $values]]
#sendConfReplyMessage $sock $node services $types $values "service:$service"
# reset button is pressed on customizeService dialog
proc customizeServiceReset { w node service services } {
set cfgnames [$ cget -values]
setCustomConfig $node "service:$service" "" "" 1
foreach cfgname $cfgnames {
setCustomConfig $node "service:$service:$cfgname" "" "" 1
customizeServiceRefresh $service [list $w $node $services]
# check for old service configs in all nodes
proc upgradeConfigServices {} {
global node_list
foreach node $node_list {
upgradeNodeConfigService $node
upgradeCustomPostConfigCommands $node
# provide backwards-compatibility with changes to services fields here
proc upgradeNodeConfigService { node } {
set cfgs [getCustomConfig $node]
foreach cfg $cfgs {
set cid [lindex [lsearch -inline $cfg "custom-config-id service:*"] 1]
# skip configs that are not a service definition ("service:name")
if { [llength [split $cid :]] != 2 } { continue }
set values [getConfig $cfg config]
if { [llength $values] != [expr {$OLD_NUM_FIELDS-1}] } { continue }
# update from 6 service fields to 7 when introducing validate commands
set service [lindex [split $cid :] 1]
#puts -nonewline "note: updating service $service on $node with empty "
#puts "validation commands"
set values [linsert $values end-1 {}]
setCustomConfig $node "service:$service" $service $values 0
proc upgradeCustomPostConfigCommands { node } {
set cfg [getCustomPostConfigCommands $node]
setCustomPostConfigCommands $node {}
if { $cfg == "" } { return }
set cfgname ""
set values "{files=('$cfgname', )} startidx=35 {cmdup=('sh $cfgname', )}"
setCustomConfig $node "service:UserDefined" "UserDefined" $values 0
setCustomConfig $node "service:UserDefined:$cfgname" $cfgname $cfg 0
set services [getNodeServices $node true]
lappend services "UserDefined"
setNodeServices $node $services
puts "adding user-defined service for $node"
# populate services menu when right-clicking on a node at runtime
proc addServicesRightClickMenu { m node } {
$m add cascade -label "Services" -menu $
set i 0
set services [getNodeServices $node true]
foreach s $services {
set childmenu $$i
incr i
destroy $childmenu
menu $childmenu -tearoff 0
$ add cascade -label $s -menu $childmenu
foreach cmd "start stop restart validate" {
$childmenu add command -label $cmd \
-command "sendServiceCmd $node $s $cmd"
proc sendServiceCmd { node service cmd } {
global eventtypes
set plugin [lindex [getEmulPlugin "*"] 0]
set sock [pluginConnect $plugin connect true]
if { $cmd == "validate" } { set cmd "pause" }
set type $eventtypes(event_$cmd)
set nodenum [string range $node 1 end]
set name "service:$service"
set data ""
sendEventMessage $sock $type $nodenum $name $data 0