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# Installation
* Table of Contents
2020-03-05 23:04:29 +00:00
## Overview
CORE provides a script to help automate the installation of dependencies,
build and install, and either generate a CORE specific python virtual environment
or build and install a python wheel.
> **WARNING:** if Docker is installed, the default iptable rules will block CORE traffic
### Requirements
Any computer capable of running Linux should be able to run CORE. Since the physical machine will be hosting numerous
containers, as a general rule you should select a machine having as much RAM and CPU resources as possible.
* Linux Kernel v3.3+
* iproute2 4.5+ is a requirement for bridge related commands
* nftables compatible kernel and nft command line tool
### Supported Linux Distributions
Plan is to support recent Ubuntu and CentOS LTS releases.
* Ubuntu - 18.04, 20.04
* CentOS - 7.8, 8.0
> **NOTE:** CentOS 8 does not have the netem kernel mod available by default
CentOS 8 Enabled netem:
sudo yum update
# restart into updated kernel
sudo yum install -y kernel-modules-extra
sudo modprobe sch_netem
### Tools Used
The following tools will be leveraged during installation:
| Tool | Description |
| [pip]( | used to install pipx |
| [pipx]( | used to install standalone python tools (invoke, poetry) |
| [invoke]( | used to run provided tasks (install, uninstall, reinstall, etc) |
| [poetry]( | used to install python virtual environment or building a python wheel |
### Files
The following is a list of files that would be installed after running the automated installation.
> **NOTE:** the default install prefix is /usr/local, but can be changed as noted below
* executable files
* `<prefix>/bin/{core-daemon, core-gui, vcmd, vnoded, etc}`
* tcl/tk gui files
* `<prefix>/lib/core`
* `<prefix>/share/core/icons`
* example imn files
* `<prefix>/share/core/examples`
* python files
* poetry virtual env
* `cd <repo>/daemon && poetry env info`
* `~/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/`
* local python install
* default install path for python3 installation of a wheel
* `python3 -c "import core; print(core.__file__)"`
* configuration files
* `/etc/core/{core.conf, logging.conf}`
* ospf mdr repository files
* `<repo>/../ospf-mdr`
* emane repository files
* `<repo>/../emane`
### Installed Executables
After the installation complete it will have installed the following scripts.
| Name | Description |
| core-cleanup | tool to help removed lingering core created containers, bridges, directories |
| core-cli | tool to query, open xml files, and send commands using gRPC |
| core-daemon | runs the backed core server providing TLV and gRPC APIs |
| core-gui | runs the legacy tcl/tk based GUI |
| core-imn-to-xml | tool to help automate converting a .imn file to .xml format |
| core-manage | tool to add, remove, or check for services, models, and node types |
| core-pygui | runs the new python/tk based GUI |
| core-python | provides a convenience for running the core python virtual environment |
| core-route-monitor | tool to help monitor traffic across nodes and feed that to SDT |
| core-service-update | tool to update automate modifying a legacy service to match current naming |
| coresendmsg | tool to send TLV API commands from command line |
## Upgrading from Older Release
Please make sure to uninstall any previous installations of CORE cleanly
before proceeding to install.
Clearing out a current install from 7.0.0+, making sure to provide options
used for install (`-l` or `-p`).
inv uninstall <options>
Previous install was built from source for CORE release older than 7.0.0:
2020-07-22 00:52:17 +01:00
sudo make uninstall
make clean
./ clean
Installed from previously built packages:
# centos
sudo yum remove core
# ubuntu
sudo apt remove core
## Automated Install
First we will need to clone and navigate to the CORE repo.
# clone CORE repo
git clone
cd core
# install dependencies to run installation task
# run the following or open a new terminal
source ~/.bashrc
# Ubuntu
inv install
# CentOS
inv install -p /usr
First you can use `` as a convenience to install tooling for running invoke tasks:
> **NOTE:** `` will attempt to determine your OS by way of `/etc/os-release`, currently it supports
> attempts to install OSs that are debian/redhat like (yum/apt).
* python3, pip, venv
* pipx 0.16.4 via pip
* invoke 1.4.1 via pipx
* poetry 1.1.12 via pipx
Then you can run `inv install <options>`:
* installs system dependencies for building core
* installs core into poetry managed virtual environment or locally, if flag is passed
* installs scripts pointing to appropriate python location based on install type
* installs systemd service pointing to appropriate python location based on install type
* clone/build/install working version of [OPSF MDR](
> **NOTE:** installing locally comes with its own risks, it can result it potential
> dependency conflicts with system package manager installed python dependencies
> **NOTE:** provide a prefix that will be found on path when running as sudo,
> if the default prefix /usr/local will not be valid
inv -h install
Usage: inv[oke] [--core-opts] install [--options] [other tasks here ...]
install core, poetry, scripts, service, and ospf mdr
-d, --dev install development mode
-i STRING, --install-type=STRING used to force an install type, can be one of the following (redhat, debian)
-l, --local determines if core will install to local system, default is False
-o, --[no-]ospf disable ospf installation
-p STRING, --prefix=STRING prefix where scripts are installed, default is /usr/local
-v, --verbose enable verbose
# install core to virtual environment
./ -p <prefix>
# install core locally
./ -p <prefix> -l
After installation has completed you should be able to run `core-daemon` and `core-gui`.
## Using Invoke Tasks
The invoke tool installed by way of pipx provides conveniences for running
CORE tasks to help ensure usage of the create python virtual environment.
inv --list
Available tasks:
install install core, poetry, scripts, service, and ospf mdr
install-emane install emane python bindings into the core virtual environment
reinstall run the uninstall task, get latest from specified branch, and run install task
test run core tests
test-emane run core emane tests
test-mock run core tests using mock to avoid running as sudo
uninstall uninstall core, scripts, service, virtual environment, and clean build directory
### Enabling Service
After installation, the core service is not enabled by default. If you desire to use the
service, run the following commands.
sudo systemctl enable core-daemon
sudo systemctl start core-daemon
### Unsupported Linux Distribution
For unsupported OSs you could attempt to do the following to translate
an installation to your use case.
* make sure you have python3.6+ with venv support
* make sure you have python3 invoke available to leverage `<repo>/`
# this will print the commands that would be ran for a given installation
# type without actually running them, they may help in being used as
# the basis for translating to your OS
inv install --dry -v -p <prefix> -i <install type>
## Dockerfile Install
You can leverage the provided Dockerfile, to run and launch CORE within a Docker container.
# clone core
git clone
cd core
# build image
sudo docker build -t core .
# start container
sudo docker run -itd --name core -e DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw --privileged core
# enable xhost access to the root user
xhost +local:root
# launch core-gui
sudo docker exec -it core core-gui
## Running User Scripts
If you create your own python scripts to run CORE directly or using the gRPC/TLV
APIs you will need to make sure you are running them within context of the
installed virtual environment. To help support this CORE provides the `core-python`
executable. This executable will allow you to enter CORE's python virtual
environment interpreter or to run a script within it.
For installations installed to a virtual environment:
core-python <script>
For local installations:
python3 <script>
## Installing EMANE
> **NOTE:** installng emane for the virtual environment is known to work for 1.21+
The recommended way to install EMANE is using prebuilt packages, otherwise
you can follow their instructions for installing from source. Installation
information can be found [here](
2020-07-16 17:26:08 +01:00
There is an invoke task to help install the EMANE bindings into the CORE virtual
environment, when needed.
2020-07-22 00:52:17 +01:00
2020-07-16 17:26:08 +01:00
inv install-emane