#!/usr/bin/env node import { promises, readFileSync } from "fs" import yargs from "yargs" import path from "path" import { hideBin } from "yargs/helpers" import esbuild from "esbuild" import chalk from "chalk" import { sassPlugin } from "esbuild-sass-plugin" import fs from "fs" import { intro, isCancel, outro, select, text } from "@clack/prompts" import { rimraf } from "rimraf" import prettyBytes from "pretty-bytes" import { spawnSync } from "child_process" const UPSTREAM_NAME = "upstream" const QUARTZ_SOURCE_BRANCH = "v4-alpha" const cwd = process.cwd() const cacheDir = path.join(cwd, ".quartz-cache") const cacheFile = "./.quartz-cache/transpiled-build.mjs" const fp = "./quartz/build.ts" const { version } = JSON.parse(readFileSync("./package.json").toString()) const contentCacheFolder = path.join(cacheDir, "content-cache") const CommonArgv = { directory: { string: true, alias: ["d"], default: "content", describe: "directory to look for content files", }, verbose: { boolean: true, alias: ["v"], default: false, describe: "print out extra logging information", }, } const SyncArgv = { ...CommonArgv, commit: { boolean: true, default: true, describe: "create a git commit for your unsaved changes", }, push: { boolean: true, default: true, describe: "push updates to your Quartz fork", }, force: { boolean: true, alias: ["f"], default: true, describe: "whether to apply the --force flag to git commands", }, pull: { boolean: true, default: true, describe: "pull updates from your Quartz fork", }, } const BuildArgv = { ...CommonArgv, output: { string: true, alias: ["o"], default: "public", describe: "output folder for files", }, serve: { boolean: true, default: false, describe: "run a local server to live-preview your Quartz", }, port: { number: true, default: 8080, describe: "port to serve Quartz on", }, bundleInfo: { boolean: true, default: false, describe: "show detailed bundle information", }, } function escapePath(fp) { return fp .replace(/\\ /g, " ") // unescape spaces .replace(/^".*"$/, "$1") .replace(/^'.*"$/, "$1") .trim() } function exitIfCancel(val) { if (isCancel(val)) { outro(chalk.red("Exiting")) process.exit(0) } else { return val } } async function stashContentFolder(contentFolder) { await fs.promises.cp(contentFolder, contentCacheFolder, { force: true, recursive: true, verbatimSymlinks: true, preserveTimestamps: true, }) await fs.promises.rm(contentFolder, { force: true, recursive: true }) } async function popContentFolder(contentFolder) { await fs.promises.cp(contentCacheFolder, contentFolder, { force: true, recursive: true, verbatimSymlinks: true, preserveTimestamps: true, }) await fs.promises.rm(contentCacheFolder, { force: true, recursive: true }) } yargs(hideBin(process.argv)) .scriptName("quartz") .version(version) .usage("$0 <cmd> [args]") .command("create", "Initialize Quartz", CommonArgv, async (argv) => { console.log() intro(chalk.bgGreen.black(` Quartz v${version} `)) const contentFolder = path.join(cwd, argv.directory) const setupStrategy = exitIfCancel( await select({ message: `Choose how to initialize the content in \`${contentFolder}\``, options: [ { value: "new", label: "Empty Quartz" }, { value: "copy", label: "Replace with an existing folder", hint: "overwrites `content`" }, { value: "symlink", label: "Symlink an existing folder", hint: "don't select this unless you know what you are doing!", }, { value: "keep", label: "Keep the existing files" }, ], }), ) async function rmContentFolder() { const contentStat = await fs.promises.lstat(contentFolder) if (contentStat) { if (contentStat.isSymbolicLink()) { await fs.promises.unlink(contentFolder) } else { await rimraf(contentFolder) } } } if (setupStrategy === "copy" || setupStrategy === "symlink") { const originalFolder = escapePath( exitIfCancel( await text({ message: "Enter the full path to existing content folder", placeholder: "On most terminal emulators, you can drag and drop a folder into the window and it will paste the full path", validate(fp) { const fullPath = escapePath(fp) if (!fs.existsSync(fullPath)) { return "The given path doesn't exist" } else if (!fs.lstatSync(fullPath).isDirectory()) { return "The given path is not a folder" } }, }), ), ) await rmContentFolder() if (setupStrategy === "copy") { await fs.promises.cp(originalFolder, contentFolder, { recursive: true }) } else if (setupStrategy === "symlink") { await fs.promises.symlink(originalFolder, contentFolder, "dir") } } else if (setupStrategy === "new") { await rmContentFolder() await fs.promises.mkdir(contentFolder) await fs.promises.writeFile( path.join(contentFolder, "index.md"), `--- title: Welcome to Quartz --- This is a blank Quartz installation. See the [documentation](https://quartz.jzhao.xyz) for how to get started. `, ) } // get a prefered link resolution strategy const linkResolutionStrategy = exitIfCancel( await select({ message: `Choose how Quartz should resolve links in your content. You can change this later in \`quartz.config.ts\`.`, options: [ { value: "absolute", label: "Treat links as absolute path", hint: "for content made for Quartz 3 and Hugo", }, { value: "shortest", label: "Treat links as shortest path", hint: "for most Obsidian vaults", }, { value: "relative", label: "Treat links as relative paths", hint: "for just normal Markdown files", }, ], }), ) // now, do config changes const configFilePath = path.join(cwd, "quartz.config.ts") let configContent = await fs.promises.readFile(configFilePath, { encoding: "utf-8" }) configContent = configContent.replace( /markdownLinkResolution: '(.+)'/, `markdownLinkResolution: '${linkResolutionStrategy}'`, ) await fs.promises.writeFile(configFilePath, configContent) outro(`You're all set! Not sure what to do next? Try: • Customizing Quartz a bit more by editing \`quartz.config.ts\` • Running \`npx quartz build --serve\` to preview your Quartz locally • Hosting your Quartz online (see: https://quartz.jzhao.xyz/setup/hosting) `) }) .command("update", "Get the latest Quartz updates", CommonArgv, async (argv) => { const contentFolder = path.join(cwd, argv.directory) console.log(chalk.bgGreen.black(`\n Quartz v${version} \n`)) console.log("Backing up your content") await stashContentFolder(contentFolder) console.log( "Pulling updates... you may need to resolve some `git` conflicts if you've made changes to components or plugins.", ) spawnSync("git", ["pull", UPSTREAM_NAME, QUARTZ_SOURCE_BRANCH], { stdio: "inherit" }) await popContentFolder(contentFolder) console.log(chalk.green("Done!")) }) .command("sync", "Sync your Quartz to and from GitHub.", SyncArgv, async (argv) => { const contentFolder = path.join(cwd, argv.directory) console.log(chalk.bgGreen.black(`\n Quartz v${version} \n`)) console.log("Backing up your content") if (argv.commit) { const currentTimestamp = new Date().toLocaleString("en-US", { dateStyle: "medium", timeStyle: "short", }) spawnSync("git", ["commit", "-am", `Quartz sync: ${currentTimestamp}`], { stdio: "inherit" }) } await stashContentFolder(contentFolder) if (argv.pull) { console.log( "Pulling updates from your repository. You may need to resolve some `git` conflicts if you've made changes to components or plugins.", ) spawnSync("git", ["pull", "origin", QUARTZ_SOURCE_BRANCH], { stdio: "inherit" }) } await popContentFolder(contentFolder) if (argv.push) { console.log("Pushing your changes") const args = argv.force ? ["push", "-f", "origin", QUARTZ_SOURCE_BRANCH] : ["push", "origin", QUARTZ_SOURCE_BRANCH] spawnSync("git", args, { stdio: "inherit" }) } console.log(chalk.green("Done!")) }) .command("build", "Build Quartz into a bundle of static HTML files", BuildArgv, async (argv) => { const result = await esbuild .build({ entryPoints: [fp], outfile: path.join("quartz", cacheFile), bundle: true, keepNames: true, minify: true, platform: "node", format: "esm", jsx: "automatic", jsxImportSource: "preact", packages: "external", metafile: true, sourcemap: true, plugins: [ sassPlugin({ type: "css-text", }), { name: "inline-script-loader", setup(build) { build.onLoad({ filter: /\.inline\.(ts|js)$/ }, async (args) => { let text = await promises.readFile(args.path, "utf8") // remove default exports that we manually inserted text = text.replace("export default", "") text = text.replace("export", "") const sourcefile = path.relative(path.resolve("."), args.path) const resolveDir = path.dirname(sourcefile) const transpiled = await esbuild.build({ stdin: { contents: text, loader: "ts", resolveDir, sourcefile, }, write: false, minify: true, bundle: true, platform: "browser", format: "esm", }) const rawMod = transpiled.outputFiles[0].text return { contents: rawMod, loader: "text", } }) }, }, ], }) .catch((err) => { console.error(`${chalk.red("Couldn't parse Quartz configuration:")} ${fp}`) console.log(`Reason: ${chalk.grey(err)}`) console.log( "hint: make sure all the required dependencies are installed (run `npm install`)", ) process.exit(1) }) if (argv.bundleInfo) { const outputFileName = "quartz/.quartz-cache/transpiled-build.mjs" const meta = result.metafile.outputs[outputFileName] console.log( `Successfully transpiled ${Object.keys(meta.inputs).length} files (${prettyBytes( meta.bytes, )})`, ) console.log(await esbuild.analyzeMetafile(result.metafile, { color: true })) } const { default: buildQuartz } = await import(cacheFile) buildQuartz(argv, version) }) .showHelpOnFail(false) .help() .strict() .demandCommand().argv