vault backup: 2023-11-20 12:36:22

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Alice 2023-11-20 12:36:22 +00:00
parent 699331bc9a
commit 36338fff98

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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
Write appropriate definitions and specifications for
functions split and merge, used by the merge sort
algorithm defined below in the module.
Note that the verification of mergesort relies only
on the specifications ("contracts") of the auxiliary
functions, and not on their code. As such, it is crucial
to include in them every aspect required for the
verification conditions of the sorting algorithm
to be successfully discharged.
Note also that although Why3 is capable of automatically
proving the termination of functions with simple recursive
patterns, that does not apply to the mergesort function.
We thus include in the contract the variant "length l",
which is valid since the function is recursively called
on lists that are shorter than l.
module MergeSort
use int.Int
use list.List
use list.Length
use list.Permut
use list.Append
use list.SortedInt
let rec function split (l :list int) : (list int, list int)
ensures { let (l1, l2) = result in permut l (l1++l2) }
ensures {let (l1,l2) = result in length l<2 || (length l>=2 &&
length l1<length l2 && length l2 < length l1)}
= match l with
| Nil -> (Nil, Nil)
| Cons x Nil -> (l, Nil)
| Cons x (Cons y t) -> let (l1, l2) = split t
in (Cons x l1, Cons y l2)
let rec function merge (l1 l2 :list int) : list int
requires { sorted l1 && sorted l2 }
ensures { sorted result}
ensures {permut result (l1++l2)}
= match l1, l2 with
Nil, _ -> l2
| _, Nil -> l1
| (Cons x l1'), (Cons y l2') -> if x<=y
then Cons x (merge l1' l2)
else Cons y (merge l1 l2')
let rec function mergesort (l :list int)
ensures { sorted result }
ensures { permut l result }
variant { length l }
match l with
| Nil -> Nil
| Cons x Nil -> Cons x Nil
| _ -> let (l1,l2) = split l
in merge (mergesort l1) (mergesort l2)
predicate is_a_sorting_algorithm (f: list int -> list int) =
forall al :list int. permut al (f al) /\ sorted (f al)
goal is_a_sorting_algorithm : is_a_sorting_algorithm mergesort